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К оценке параметров дисперсного состава частиц твердых ингредиентов в выделениях электросталеплавильного цеха


Кошкарев К.С. , Кошкарев С.А. , Курасов А.Н. , Лясин Р.А.

Дата поступления статьи: 11.05.2024

Ferrous metallurgy enterprises annually emit into the atmosphere a significant amount of highly dispersed dust with a particle size of 10 microns or less. The article presents the results of a study performed to determine the dispersed composition of aerosols of solid ingredients in the secretions of an electric steelmaking workshop. Based on the results of a comprehensive optical analysis, the fractional composition, average median values of equivalent dust particle sizes were determined and integral dependences of the distribution density over equivalent sizes (diameters) D for the ingredients accepted for the study were obtained. Mathematical processing of the research results made it possible to obtain regression dependences of the distribution density D as a function of equivalent dust particle sizes. Based on the conducted research, a conclusion was made about the possibility of using inertial type dust collectors in dedusting systems in order to increase the environmental safety of the steelmaking shop.

Ключевые слова: металлургия, аэрозоль, пыль, ингредиент, частица, пылеуловитель, электросталеплавильный цех, дисперсный анализ, плотность распределения ,среднемедианный диаметр, dч50metallurgy, aerosol, electric steelmaking shop, dust-gas-air mixture, dispersion analysis

2.10.2 - Экологическая безопасность

2.1.10 - Экологическая безопасность строительства и городского хозяйства
