Ethics of the journal “Engineering journal of Don”
Editorial ethics of the journal "Engineering journal of Don" (hereinafter - the journal) has been developed with the following documents:
Code of conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – Committee on Publication Ethics.
Publishing Ethics, Publicshing Ethics Resource Kit – Elsevier.
Code of ethics of scientific publications Non-Profit Partnership "Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications" –
- Standards of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Editorial Board ensures compliance with:
- ethics of scientific publications;
- ethics of authorship of scientific publications;
- ethical review of scientific publications;
- ethics editing scientific publications.
Editorial ethics of science publications
Editor in Chief shall take the following responsibilities:
1. responsible for deciding on the publication of submitted papers to the journal. This decision should always be based on the verification of its relevance, scientific validity and reliability for researchers and readers. Editor in chief of the journal takes into account methodological recommendations and legal bases such as the absence of libel, copyright infringement, plagiarism. When deciding on the publication of the editor in chief may consult with members of the Editorial Board.
2. to assess of the work of the intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or political views of the author.
3. not to disclose submitted manuscript to anyone else, except for authors, reviewers and publisher.
4. to ensure that the information contained in the submitted article will not be used in any own practice the Chairman and members of the Editorial Board, without the written permission of the author. Confidential information or ideas obtained by reviewing, should be kept confidentially and not used for personal gain.
5. to reject his participation in the reviewing if there is a conflict of interest arising out of competition, cooperation, or other relationship with any of the authors, companies or institutions relevant to the article. Chief editor should require all authors of the journal to provide information about the relevant competing interests and publish corrections if a conflict of interest was exposed after publication.
6. if necessary, can perform other suitable action, such as the publication of a refutation or expression of concern.
7. to take reasonable measures in response to complaints regarding the ethics of submitted manuscript or published article, having contact with the editors, the publisher (or science-teaching staff).
Editorial Board (hereinafter - Editorial):
- ensures consideration of all the materials for publication, compliance with editorial independence and non-discrimination in making objective decisions, without prejudice to the authors on the basis of ethnic or religious affiliation, social status; regardless of commercial interests and relations with the founder of the magazine; basing its policy on respect for personal rights of the author and intellectual property rights;
- carries out the policy of the journal to ensure and improve the quality of published materials, make a significant contribution to the development of domestic and foreign science (knowledge); takes measures to strengthen efforts to improve the quality of published material; is aimed at meeting the needs of readers and authors;
- as guidelines of the editorial activity it establishes relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of published research material;
- have a policy of inclusion of the editorial board and the editorial board of highly qualified members, actively contributing to the development of the journal;
- implements policies on the systematic development of institutions reviewing, editing, peer review publications, which guarantees the accuracy, completeness, clarity, fairness and timeliness of peer review and research reports;
- guarantees the adoption of measures to relevant published materials is carried out using appropriate software checks publications for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication.
- decides on the acceptance or non-acceptance of an article for publication on the basis of all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adoption is reported to authors.
Ethics of the authorship of science publications
Authors of publications:
- ensure that they have written the original work, and if they used the work and / or words of other authors, it should be noted in reference or referred to in the text in accordance with the technical requirements. Plagiarism takes many forms: the issuance of someone else's work for his/her own, copying, paraphrasing substantial parts of someone else's work without reference to the source, claim rights to the results obtained by others, etc. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical behavior in the publication and is not valid. Providing by the author of the article that has already been published in another journal is unacceptable and is a sign of unethical behavior. It is necessary to recognize the work of other researchers. Authors should provide links to publications that had an impact on the content of the described work.
- must ensure that the list of authors included only those that meet the criteria of authorship (i.e. people who have made significant contributions to the work), and that authorship researchers are not excluded from the list of authors;
- must agree to make their list of authors and should be directed to approve the publication version of the work; any changes in the list of authors must be approved by all authors, including those deleted from the list;
- should be familiar with the work presented for publication and ensure that the work meets the above requirements;
- work together with editors and publishers for the prompt correction of the works in case of detection of the errors or omissions after the publication;
- shall immediately notify the editorial office in case of any errors in the submitted publication, accepted for publication or already published work;
- not copy references from other publications to the work that they do not read; citations and references to other works must be accurate and formulated in accordance with the requirements;
- should refer as correctly and accurately as possible to the publication of the previous work by other researchers as well as the authors, referring primarily to the source; accurate repetition of own works and their paraphrasing unacceptable, they can only be used as a basis for new findings;
- should denote the authorship of data, text, images and ideas that the author received from other sources - they should not be presented as belonging to the author of the publication; direct quotations from the works of other researchers should be allocated in quotes and relevant references;
- must comply with applicable laws on copyright protection; material protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotations) can be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.
Ethics of science publications reviewing
- Editorial’s guarantees an independent way of reviewing to ensure the integrity and objectivity of statements on the scientific value of the publication of the proposed article.
- In accordance with the policy of the journal, editorial board it establishes the procedure for the reviewing of submitted materials for publication.
- Editorial’s guarantees ensuring fair and due process of independent reviewing.
- The editors reserve the right to reject material without conducting an independent review if it is found to be of poor quality or unsuitable for the readers. This decision is made fairly and impartially with the editorial policy of the journal.
- Editorial’s uses the services of independent reviewers with respect to the materials considered for publication by selecting people who have sufficient experience and have no conflict of interest.
- Independent reviewers are reported, what is required, and also information on any changes in editorial policy is provided.
- The independent reviewer shall inform the editors of his/her lack of competence for the objective evaluation of the manuscript and the circumstances that prevent its evaluation.
- In case if reviewers raise questions about the veracity of the data or the advisability of publication of scientific work, Editorial’s gives the author an opportunity to respond to questions.
- When sending the article to the reviewer, editors ensure the confidentiality of the material and informs about the need to maintain such confidentiality.
- Editorial’s maintains the confidentiality of personal data reviewers.
Ethics of scientific publications editing
- Editorial’s decide on acceptance or rejection of the publications that has specific requirements for integrity and objectivity of the process and its relevant scientific vision of the journal.
- All editorial processes are set in the information materials for authors; specified requirements for the authors, the types of published materials as well as materials processing the journal.
- In order to ensure the reliability of data published by the amendment when it detects errors and provides an opportunity as soon as possible to amend or correct errors. The online version of the material is corrected with the date of correction and a reference to a printed list of typos. If an error makes the work or a substantial part of it invalid, the article responds to state the reason (for example, a bona fide error).
- After considering Editorial’s implements appropriate measures to comment explaining the results of the consideration received by the data.
- Editorial’s undertakes to respond to all allegations or suspicions of misconduct in respect of the study or publication emanating from readers, reviewers, or other editors.
- Editors undertake to submit a list of authors requirements. Manual is subjected to regular updating. Editors carry out work in accordance with the system of identity assurance.
- Editorial’s receives information on the problems identified and shall decide on the acceptance for publication, or to refuse to publish. Recalled materials are in online access to the presence of a visible mark on their recall of online versions.