The device for restoration of internal cylindrical surfaces of details of mobile equipment galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings
The device for restoration of internal cylindrical surfaces of details of mobile equipment galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings
Incoming article date: 19.01.2015Carry to the main advantages of galvanic ways of restoration: possibility of formation of a layer from several micrometers thick to 1-2 mm. metal or a combination of metals with the set properties, restoration "in the size", that is without the subsequent machining, simultaneous restoration of several surfaces and use of a small amount of electrolyte. A number of the devices allowing to provide the demanded conditions is developed for implementation of galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings. As the activating elements in these devices generally apply abrasive materials which working surface, in the course of work, "is salted", that is it is hammered with cutting products. It considerably reduces efficiency of activation of the cathode and uniformity of the received deposit in view of introduction in the formed layer the activating elements of products of activation. The offered device developed by Zakharov Yu.A. and Spitsyn I.A. it is deprived of such shortcoming in view of application of the activating elements in the form of leaders and the conducted abrasive rollers connected by a belt drive. For elimination of this lack of the existing devices by Zakharov Yu.A. and Spitsyn I.A. (patent No. 2503753) the device was developed for galvanomekhanichesky sedimentation of coverings on internal cylindrical surfaces of details. Difference of the offered device is that at sedimentation of an electrodeposit, the conducting and conducted rollers, being rolled on the activated cathode surface, rotate with various district speed because of their various diameter. As pulleys of leaders and the conducted rollers are connected by a belt drive, to the transfer relation no more than 0,8-0,9, on shaft of rollers there is various district force forcing the conducted rollers to slip rather cathodic surface. It provides better removal of the passivating film and continuous change of the surface of the activating roller contacting to the activated cathodic surface. Thus, the free surface of the activating roller is washed by a channel of electrolyte, being cleared of activation products that interferes with formation of so-called "zasalivaniye" of a wor1king surface of the activating elements (rollers).
Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production