Problems of reconstructionof residential buildingsfrom different periodsof construction
Problems of reconstructionof residential buildingsfrom different periodsof construction
Reconstruction of buildingsis a difficultengineeringand socio-economic problem that requiresuse of the achievementsof variousfields of knowledgein materials science,structural mechanics,heat engineering, technology, and organization, economyof construction. The problem ofreconstruction of residentialbuildings includestwo aspects:- the principle ofintegrality,offers a comprehensivereview ofinternal and externalfactors affecting thebuildingduring its operation, and a systematic approach, which means the decision onthe choice of rationalprinciples,methods and techniquesof reconstructionof residential buildings.In this case,the buildingis seenas a complexsystem consisting ofstructures, engineering equipment and other items thatare under the influenceof temporary factorsexternal environment andinternal influenceson theoperation.
Keywords: Reconstruction,Town planningaspects, characteristicsof housing,planning features