The introduction of a new method of traffic light control on the road network of modern cities
The introduction of a new method of traffic light control on the road network of modern cities
Incoming article date: 18.11.2013Traffic light control for urban road network has for several decades been one of the most important areas of study and application in order to ensure maximum efficiency . During this time he developed a variety of techniques and tools , a lot of research . But with the ever increasing number of cars and , as a consequence , poor road conditions and increases in the amount of traffic congestion , require more and more new and advanced techniques that would have allowed not only to solve the existing problems , but also to predict the possible developments in the future. Traffic congestion on the road network of the city continues to be a growing problem of modern cities . Possible reduction of traffic congestion can be achieved either by the constant increase in the volume of road surface, or by reducing the demand for personal vehicles . If we assume that the improvement will be achieved by increasing the number of roads , it is possible to face the fact that it is not always feasible , given the current road infrastructure . Accordingly , it follows that it is necessary to focus on the use of traffic management to reduce congestion and subsequent increase in urban transport mobility .
Keywords: traffic light control, traffic property facilities, traffic flow, traffic lights, traffic mobility