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  • Features of technical risk assessment under non-deterministic stochastic parameters

    The quantitative methods of risk assessment of technological processes of manufacture and the analysis of level of deficiency of products in the conditions of nondeterministic stochastic parameters are considered. The properties defining reliability of process are its controllability, stability and reproducibility. The main methodical device by assessment and the analysis of these properties are provisions of standards on statistical methods of quality control. In the analysis and assessment of risk it is necessary to consider that borders of a tolerance zone of parameters of products and control limits of reliability of technological processes of its production are always considered as acceptable (admissible) risk levels. Overcoming these levels is considered a negative consequence in the form of increase in level of deficiency of products and decrease in accuracy of technological processes of its production. Technical solutions are always bound to risk as it is never impossible to be sure of the end estimated result in advance. To check whether this risk was justified, it is possible always only after realization of technical solution and approach of an undesirable event. Therefore technical activity in principle can't be completely free from any risk, and it is always necessary to go on necessary and justified risk consciously.

    Keywords: technical system, technological process, risk, indeterminacy, management of reliability, negative event, damage, nondeterministic stochastic parameter

  • Modeling and optimisation heat pump in cooling system of supercomputer

    In This study posed the problem of simulating the cooling system of supercomputers with a heat pump on the reverse Stirling cycle by numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the object under study. The article presents the results of numerical simulation of heat transfer processes in the cooling system of processors of supercomputers with a heat pump on the reverse Stirling cycle. A numerical model of the heat transfer process was investigated. Using the method of numerical simulation of the heat transfer process, the dependences of the temperature delta, thermal resistance and the fraction of losses of the heat pump of the cooling system are obtained. The dependence of the ratio of the stroke of the piston to the diameter of the piston H / D of the heat pump has been revealed, taking into account the loss of the thermal resistance of the liquid cooling circuits and the elements of the design of the heat pump.

    Keywords: processor, heat flow, thermal resistance, Laplace equation, heat pump, heat exchange, Stirling backflow, cooling system

  • Quality control of agricultural machinery parts by dynamic non-destructive methods

    The problem of control of strength characteristics of agricultural machine parts by dynamic non-destructive methods of impact indentation of conical shape is considered. The quality of the most important parts is considered in terms of the set of mechanical characteristics that determine the strength, hardness, wear resistance and deformability. These characteristics should be known and be able to quickly and accurately control all parts both during production and during operation. The mechanical properties of metals are stochastic. For this purpose, a device for impact indentation was developed and a method based on the probabilistic laws of dispersion of mechanical characteristics was developed.

    Keywords: agricultural machines, reliability, quality control, mechanical characteristics, Weibull law, non-destructive testing, impact indentation

  • Derbent defensive system. Historical and architectural review

    The article gives a systematic review of the architectural composition of the oldest capital urban complex of the North Caucasus – the fortress of Derbent. On the material of historical sources stages of urban planning are reconstructed, the role of economic and foreign policy factors in the development of the urban environment in historical retrospect is shown.

    Keywords: industry history, architecture, urban planning

  • The use of dispersed reinforcement in low-rise construction of cellular concrete

    Currently, materials made of cellular concrete are increasingly used in construction. The strength of the cellular blocks depend on their densities. According to the test results, the dependence of the strength of aerated concrete samples on their density was obtained. However, if we reinforce the aerated concrete blocks with fiber, we will get very different values. When reinforcing cellular concrete with fibrillated fiber, the dependence of strength on density varies – the strength of the samples increases 1.8 – 2.4 times, compared with the strength of non-reinforced samples at a constant density. This means that when fiber is included in cellular concrete, blocks of such low grades as D300 - D400 can be used for the construction of load-bearing walls in low-rise construction

    Keywords: cellular concrete, aerated concrete, density, strength, reinforcement, fiber, thermal insulation, bearing wall, enclosing structure

  • Social services web 2.0 as a component of informatization of educational organizations

    The main goal of modernization in the field of education in the world is to achieve a new quality of the educational process corresponding to the new socio-economic conditions. This requires effective organization of the educational process, which will facilitate the search and development of abilities in each student. The result of the teacher’s work should be an active, creative, and cognitive organization of students' joint activities. Also important is the development of students' skills of the 21st century, which would be useful in their future professional activity, where the latter requires the ability to work not only with information, but also with people. These can be communication skills and teamwork skills, flexibility and adaptability, the use of the aggregate intelligence of a group that is a joint activity to achieve the goals.

    Keywords: Internet, Web 2.0 tools, social network, cognitive activity, network services

  • Detection of defects in the surface layer of bearings using the fractal dimension method

    The problem of recognition of defects in the surface layer of polished raceways of bearing rings according to the fractal dimension of the signals of the eddy current sensor is considered

    Keywords: fractal dimension, defect recognition, recognition algorithm

  • Use of digital resources and services in the web education system

    This article deals with such concepts as system of a continuing education and the electronic educational resources. A theoretical analysis of the informatization purposes of the educational process is presented. Analyzed the practical using of an electronic educational resources in the system of a continuing education. Distance education, information sources of complex structure, innovative educational and methodical complexes as a result of the using of digital technologies in the system of continuous education are presented.

    Keywords: continuing education, electronic educational resources, digital educational resources, informatization of the educational process, information sources of a complex structure, innovative educational and methodical complexes, distance education, digital res

  • Underground pedestrian tunnels on the loaded highways

    The article deals with the problem of pedestrian crossings and congestion of highways of the city of Volgograd. It described the situation on the highways and solutions to eliminate congestion on the road. Car traffic was conditionally divided into 3 categories: transit, the transit from the center and the car flow moving into the center. Studied the question of the safety of pedestrians on the road, because, except for pedestrians with the intersection increases their safety. The study and analysis of all previously implemented measures was proposed construction of underground pedestrian tunnels. Several embodiments of tunnel junctions have been considered. Analysis of the current transport situation revealed the busiest places in the city center.It was noted that the construction of underpasses solve the problem of vehicular traffic in the city center and pedestrian safety, and the city will have new underground space.

    Keywords: Сar flow,highway, tunnel transition, transit transport, carriageway, longitudinal,security,road traffic

  • Acceptance (tecnical) documentation requirement for construction facilities in oil production field

    Over the last years there is much concern about the quality of execution and selection of the actual documentation in the registration proceeding of the facilities construction turn-over package. There is no exact consolidated catalog of as-built documentation in the new normative and technical literature. Each executive document represents as an application to various sources of regulatory and technical literature. Therefore, the article presents a divided into chapters detailed catalog of as-built documentation for the oil and gas facility construction. An explanation is given for each chapter for which purpose it is formed and what function it has in the general package of as-built documentation. The main aspects of the as-built documentation execution are considered, a list of the documentation and some recommendations on the facility commissioning to the Client are given. Additionally, there is a suggested recommendation on the execution and filling of the package (folders) of the construction as-built documentation. This article recommends a common procedure for filling out and arrangement of the document flow of PTW package and as-built documentation of construction and installation works and the commissioning of the capital construction facilities. The article clearly describes the goals: - Improvement of the quality of as-built documentation execution; - Organization of the process of preparation, making up and verification of the package contents and quality of turnover documentation for construction and installation works; - Conducing the as-built documentation to a uniform style, which provides a high degree of the documents identification and control over the execution of the quality of preparation and completeness of the turnover documentation for works and construction projects; - Making-up of the objects reporting documentation; - Making-up of a document collection of the objects and work performed; - Establishing of universal explanation of the normative requirements by the all participants in the construction process. The focal point of this article is to provide recommendations on the execution of the turnover documentation for the facility construction, as well as improving the quality of as-built documentation execution. This article is action-oriented and is aimed to help young professional of the production and technical department of contracting companies, specialists of the Capital Projects Department, construction control and customer companies.

    Keywords: acceptance documentation, construction and installation works, client, document control department, construction quality control, technical production department

  • Models of formation of integration projects on the basis of growth points of subjects of the southern Federal district

    Research of models of formation of integration projects on the basis of points of growth reveals a number of important aspects related to the stages and management of their implementation. The focus on the formation and support of growth points essentially excludes the use of unary models in the planning and implementation of projects within the framework of national programs. In order to overcome the limitations imposed by this type of project, various integrative mechanisms are proposed. The peculiarity of the considered binary models describing the integration mechanisms is the preservation of the basic cycle of the project points of growth within the national program. However, the introduction of additional contours in the model with growth accelerators, with related or integrated projects, as well as attracted resources can reduce the risks caused by high rates of development and innovation issues. The integration potential of the binary model with the project of the growth point in the basic circuit generates a dynamic competitive advantage, i.e. a sustainable, increasing advantage over time that is not related to the amount of initial funding. This advantage generates a powerful growth cycle that can provide a significant increase in profitability over a long period of time. The integrative nature of growth point projects should be envisaged already at the planning stage of national programmes with appropriate monitoring and funding instruments.

    Keywords: Decree of the President of Russia, southern Federal district, points of growth, model, project, program, integration, mechanism

  • Application of the coding method for the probe pulse in the model of a distributed fiber-optic temperature sensor based on Raman scattering

    Modern distributed temperature control systems are used today everywhere, in particular, in the telemetry of oil and gas wells. Thus, when creating a distributed fiber-optic temperature sensor based on Raman scattering (DTS) for these purposes, the problem of improving its metrological characteristics always remains urgent. They are in turn determined by the known SNR (signal-to-noise ratio, SNR from English Signal-to-Noise Ratio). To achieve this goal, it is proposed to use a promising method of increasing the SNR in the DTS based on encoding the probing sensor signal by the Hadamard code sequences (simplex coding). For this purpose, a numerical experiment is carried out to implement this coding method using the DTS model and taking into account the noise of the photodetector device. The article presents the simulation results, confirms the effectiveness of the coding method, and summarizes the results of the simulation.

    Keywords: distributed fiber optic temperature sensor, Raman scattering, photodetector device, noise, signal-to-noise ratio, optical pulse encoding, Hadamard code, simplex coding

  • Analysis of noise in a model of a distributed fiber-optic temperature sensor based on Raman scattering

    In this paper, it is shown that the noise of the photodetector device (PD) is the dominant factor limiting the metrological characteristics in real distributed fiber-optic temperature sensors based on Raman scattering (RDTS), which contribute significantly to the process of signal noise using the example of the RDTS taking into account the noise of the PD, which was chosen as the avalanche photodiode (APD). The analysis of the main types of noise in the model of an APD in the model, including both basic PD noise, and characteristic for APDs, for example, their influence on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The graphs of the dependence of the influence of noise on the RDTS, derived from the SNR ratio, are given and conclusions are drawn about the predominance of some noise over others under different conditions, based on their.

    Keywords: distributed fiber optic temperature sensor, avalanche photodiode, shot noise, dark noise, thermal noise, amplitude noise, signal-noise ratio, random number distribution law

  • Solar collector with independent heating circuit as an innovative direction of solar installations development

    the article presents a possible concept of improving the flat solar collector in order to intensify the heat exchange process, which increases the quality and efficiency of the equipment under consideration. A brief description of the proposed configuration of the device is given. The positive aspects of such technology are described

    Keywords: energy saving, heat exchange process intensification, independent heating circuit, irrational energy consumption

  • Methodology for calculation the electro-hydraulic dispersant of liquids

    a method for calculation of electro-hydraulic raspylivatelja liquids. Theoretical dependences of the median diameter of aerosol drops on the fluid flow rate at different number of generator nozzle holes, on its main design parameters are presented.

    Keywords: aerosol, dispersion, drop, generator, electrohydraulic atomizer