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  • Increase of overall performance of a hydraulic actuator of mobile cars

    In article service conditions of one of the most important systems of mobile cars – a hydraulic actuator, especially under the influence of the negative temperature of air are considered. Ways of prestarting heating and maintenance of temperature of working liquid in use of transport and technological mobile cars are described. The main advantages and the applied systems and devices come to light. The original system of regulation of temperature of working liquid in a hydraulic actuator which will allow to increase efficiency, reliability and accuracy of regulation of temperature is offered.

    Keywords: hydraulic actuator, working capacity, negative temperatures, viscosity, friction, power, torque

  • Caliper with a built-in marker

    The article describes the construction of a modern forest instrument for forest inventory operations. The equipment consists of a caliper and a built-in marking device. The developed construction allows conducting two operations simultaneously: determination of a trunk diameter and marking a measured tree trunk. The suggested construction leaves visual marks on measured tree trunks automatically, that allows avoiding doubling of measuring results.

    Keywords: marker, caliper, trunk, taxation

  • Recycling of wood wastes of timber industry, as a factor of sustainable resource management

    An important direction for sustainable development of domestic production is a complex use of wood resources. In Russia there is a large amount of wood resources. Waste is generated at all stages of logging and woodworking processes. Researchers estimate in the Russian Federation annually produces about 35.5 million m3 of wood waste. Wastes produced by various physico-chemical, size, quality and other characteristics. Range of directions of development of waste from the activities of the forest industry is also great. Depending on the type of wood waste can be used in different directions of the domestic industry. The increasing use of waste wood resources is the most important link in the development of policy, resource conservation, environmental management, environmental safety. The study is supported by RFFI (grant No. 15-46-04294) and KGAU "KKFPNiNTD" (project: "Development of expert system on environmental protection and recycling of various wastes of production and consumption")

    Keywords: the use of wood waste, sustainable development, environmental protection, technology for logging operations, wood processing, forest residues, comprehensive utilization of wood, environmental management, forest residues

  • Study of the distribution of the microwave field intensity in the grain layer

    The study combined methods of influence on agricultural inputs in the process of post-harvest handling is largely associated with the development of instrumentation that allows to control the factors that affect the material. The article describes the results of theoretical and experimental studies to determine the electromagnetic field in a layer of grain material undergoing microwave treatment. In the field of theoretical research will come an exponential decay law of an electromagnetic wave in the material and the model built in the software package CST Studio. It is also a view of equipment designed for the experimental evaluation of the field intensity and its distribution pattern in the layer of the processed product. The dependences describing the measurement principle is implemented in this device. It provides an assessment of compliance with the theoretical and experimental methods of measurement. Increasing the accuracy of the experimental measurements can be achieved through the use of optical contact temperature sensors, as well as the use for the manufacture of the receiving materials with known data reliably dielectric properties in a given temperature range. The data obtained can be used for determining structural parameters of the microwave exposure zone, and for the development of control systems equipment. Finally, the conclusions based on the results of the work presented.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, the microwave field, thermal processing of grain, field modeling, direct heating, dielectric

  • The problem of ensuring safety requirements in the construction industry

    The article presents a statistical analysis of non-compliance with safety at work over the past few years, the reasons for violation of safety rules and consequences such as industrial injuries, occupational disease and mortality in the enterprises of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis, the most dangerous in terms of the safety industry are the companies of the construction industry.

    Keywords: labor protection, safety requirements, the company building industry, industrial injuries, occupational disease, labor protection measures, ability to work, harmful and dangerous production factors

  • cultural capital as a factor in the modeling process of quality education of modern Russian youth

    is considered the study of the issues of higher education come from families with middle and higher education as part of the impact level educate parents on the quality of education students. Topicality of this article is caused not only an analysis of the availability of research in higher education, but also the possibility of receiving it. The concepts of "cultural capital" discussed in the article allows modern Russian youth to understand and realize the importance of quality education, in view of the indicators and aspects that are inherent in a given social environment. Regardless of the level of education of the family in modern society, to establish certain criteria when choosing a higher educational institution allowing to find themselves in the current economic realiyah.

    Keywords: ducation, parental education, cultural capital, income, socially privileged layers

  • Innovative forms of interaction between universities and manufacturing plants

    In article it is shown that a perspective way of reduction of an acute shortage of the qualified engineering shots in the country is use of innovative forms of interaction of universities and manufacturing installations. Experience of creation on the basis of the enterprises of a machine-building division of Rosatom State corporation of JSC "Machine-building plant "ZiO-Podolsk" and JSC "Petrozavodskmash" of chair "Power Engineering" of NRNU MEPhI is described.

    Keywords: interaction, innovative forms, manufacturing installations, universities

  • Technical and economic efficiency in the modernization drive with a flexible coupling engagement

    One of the criteria for the effective operation of modern machines, machinery, tools and devices is a quiet drive. Research noise generation in mechanical gears is important. A modernization drive with a flexible link, as a method of solving the problem of noise reduction.

    Keywords: noise, vibration, drive, machine, mechanism, chain drive, toothed belt drive, a study, a flexible connection

  • Technical and economic efficiency in the modernization drive with a flexible coupling engagement.

    One of the criteria for the effective operation of modern machines, machinery, tools and devices is a quiet drive. Research noise generation in mechanical gears is important. A modernization drive with a flexible link, as a method of solving the problem of noise reduction.

    Keywords: noise, vibration, drive, machine, mechanism, chain drive, toothed belt drive, a study, a flexible connection

  • A special device for winding coils of current transformers

    Industrial machines provide a current transformer coil winding round the circuit. The need arose at the plant in the winding coils of square contour and to enhance the technological capabilities of your machine will offer a special tool. It is installed on the machine by plates on which the whole device is fixed. Coil is based on the internal circuits. Winding spool carried hook-owned machine, while the coil is moved relative to the hook-spool path corresponding to the four crank curve λ-shaped hinge mechanism Chebyshev.

    Keywords: coil, transformer winding, machine, device, plate, hinge mechanism, the shuttle-spool, crank

  • Analytical dependences for the determination of a rational mode of reducing the speed forestry lorry when road restrictions

    The dependence of allowing to determine the optimal mode of reducing speed when approaching trains to areas with restrictions to ensure maximum road conditions on the average speed. The presented method will accelerate and refine the calculations in modeling the movement of logging trucks.

    Keywords: timber transport, traction calculations, traffic simulation, indicators movement, restrictions, braking

  • Software of reliability technology process of centrifugal rotary finishing-hardening treatment

    In article reviewed advanced theoretical probability models of process quality formation quality of the surface layer in a centrifugal rotary process (CSO) details. Process CSO reviewed from the point of view reliability. Based on the results of theoretical studies were proposed the dependence of the influence of the main technological parameters centrifugal rotary finishing and strengthening treatment on the roughness of the processed surface, the depth of the hardened layer and the degree of hardening. Analysis of the technology processes CSO let to identify the factors exerting a dominant influence on the productivity and quality of processing. Conducted calculations of the influence the tolerances of the main quality parameters of the surface layer and technology modes centrifugal rotary processing of centrifugal rotary treatment on the magnitude of the coefficients offset instantaneous dispersion and stock accuracy which characterize the reliability of technological processes centrifugal rotary process. By results of calculations were constructed charts. Taking the presented methodology you can choose such a combination in choosing technological processes centrifugal rotary processing what will ensure the required quality of the workpiece.

    Keywords: Reliability technology process, centrifugal rotary process, coefficients offset instantaneous dispersion, the roughness surface, the degree of hardening.

  • Analysis of variance of dust emissions from aspiration systems cement manufacture with using improved experimental setup

    There presented paper presents the survey of industrial systems of aspiration and the results of analysis of variance of cement dust released from the equipment in this article. It was described the main technological processes, devices and related major sources of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere in the cement factories in this paper. It was proposed a common generalized approach to determine the actual effective or hydraulic sized dust particles using by new experimental set up equipment to get high accuracy. It could be done using the results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for sand’s dust and etc. bulk building construction materials. The development of new experimental set up equipment was ensured to decrease some negative influence of the old one. It was made a comparison changing cumulative distribution of the equivalent size of dust particles within aspiration schemes. I was fulfilled the comparison changing cumulative distribution of the equivalent size of dust particles after wet cleaners and inertial separation’s device (VZP) decreasing dust systems of aspiration schemes emissions exhausted in the atmosphere in the production of cement. The paper presents the ways to define cumulative distribution function depending of the equivalent size of dust particles of statistical processing the results of the analysis of variance by polynomial regression.

    Keywords: Dust, cement, sand, cleaning apparatus, wet cleaning, building materials, wet cleaning, leakage, emissions, environment, scheme, an atmosphere, dust decreasing

  • Develop a methodology for assessing the internal environment of an industrial enterprise as a tool to improve competitiveness

    In the an authors offer methodology to the evaluation of the internal environment of an industrial enterprise of the use of competenc - based approach for an effective management by an enterprise (professional appraisal of personnel, exposure and professionalcompetenses assisting favourable development in the conditions of uneven development of business-environment, exposure of strengths and weaknesses, possibilities and threats. It offers to apply five optimal evaluatian blocks for the proffessional appraisal of top-managers, criteria that will allow to estimate employees and degree of their contribution to activity of enterprise, because a key role in forming climate belongs to the personnel.

    Keywords: competence - based, rating assessment, competitiveness, management decision, innovation potential, industrial economy

  • Scientific organization of labor as a factor of increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises

    This article provides the background necessary to use the basic principles of scientific organization of labor as one of the main factors of internal efficiency improvement of production activities of the enterprises. Set forth in article a brief history of the emergence of the scientific direction and the peculiarities of agricultural production left no doubt as to the necessity of implementation in the process of organizing the production of scientific organization of labor.

    Keywords: scientific organization of labor, scientific management, standardization of labor, stimulation of labor, delegation of authority, communications