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  • The method of constructing a hierarchy of criteria on the basis of ontological analysis system

    The paper describes a method to build Jerah krietriev for solving decision making in the management of complex multivariable systems based on functional decomposition . The result of functional decomposition takes the form of an ontology -based posnroennoy deskriptinvyh logic to build a hierarchy of concepts. The advantage of this method is the ability to use it for semi-structured systems. The result of the ontological analysis of the functional structure of the system is the taxonomy, including a description of the processes , organizational structures, and indicators of quality of running processes . When referring to this ontology by using the proposed request is generated hierarchy of indicators , based on the processing of values ​​is carried out and decisions .

    Keywords: ontological analysis, systems analysis, ontology, descriptive logic

  • Prospects of introduction of hexagonal distributive electrical grids

    At the present time in most countries of the world are being actively developed and introduced intelligent technologies necessary for creation of reliable and effective intellectual energy systems. Intellectualization of distributive electrical grids will move energy system to a new level of automation. Evenly distributed electrical grid of hexagonal type was offered. The principle of creation a grids was described, a typical scheme of universal electrical load unit was proposed. The key advantages of the hexagonal network was reviewed. The estimation of the reduction of the level of losses during electricity transportation was made. The increase of the level of reliability, the factors affecting the probability of faultless work were determined. Evenly distributed grids of hexagonal type will build energy system based on Smart Grid and solve existing problems: lower quality of electricity, the shortcomings of the power reserves, high density of electrical loads and high energy losses. Project implementation should be carried out in stages: from pilot project to implementation in big cities.
    Work is executed with financial support of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation (state contract №14.516.11.0104 from 14.10.2013).  

    Keywords: electricity, hexagonal grids, smart grids, distribution grids 10-20 kV, reliability of power supply

  • Computer simulation of visual grouping mechanisms selective to spatial modulations of contrast

    This paper outlines the implementation of computer model of second-order visual mechanisms that are specific to spatial contrast modulations, and represents the results of testing the model. Computer simulation is based on "Filter-Rectify-Filter" model with some important additions. The inhibitory parts of receptive field of simulated mechanism are non-selective to orientation and spatial frequency of texture elements. Texture modulated by orientation or spatial frequency does not reduce flank inhibition and does not activate the mechanism. Unmodulated texture  also does not cause activation of the filter because the flanking inhibition will be equal to or exceed the excitation. However, increasing the contrast in the center and reduction it on the flanks leads to the activation of the second order mechanism.

    Keywords: Second order visual mechanisms, image filtering, texture, spatial modulation, computer simulation

  • About research of the onboard integrated control system by aircraft with correction of coordinates

    The work is devoted to the study of algorithms of control subsystem as part of the integrated onboard control system of the aircraft and used in the final part of the trajectory. Algorithms of control subsystems are synthesized on the basis of the theory of optimized delta-transformations of the second order using the principle of the inverted pendulum on a cart. The studies based on the simulation using the developed software model, allowed to estimate as the impact dispersion, and the contribution to it of various subsystems.

    Keywords: terminal control, aircraft, on-board integrated control system, optimized delta transformation of the second order, autonomous short range radionavigation system, simulation, software model

  • The research of raw materials for technological process of cylindrical logs manufacturing for wood construction

    The results of research of raw materials of the logs production for timber construction are considered in the article. Length of logs (for 6 meters assortment), diameter of logs (model logs) and shape of butt (an average shape factor of butt) were studied. The model log is a volume of cylinder which is equal to a calculated volume of logs. The theoretical laws of the random variable for these values are found. The Research was conducted at LLC "Biogran" in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.

    Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors, length of a log, diameter of a log, butt

  • Term of self-bearing fiber-optical cable electrical conductance. Experimental information

    In the article authors examine specificities of internal components behavior changing in fiber-optical cable under influence of strong variable uniform electromagnetic field. There are some process variations proposed for describing of obtained results.

    Keywords: fiber-optical cable, electrothermal degradation, kevlar, conductivity, open fiber-optical cable, partial discharges, water treeing

  • Comparative analysis of the syntactic parsers organization

    The article describes peculiarities of modern syntax parser systems and problems originating in text analysis. As a result of comparative analysis the authors propose a unified approach to processing of unstructured texts in Russian and English which combines morphology and syntax processing. The developed syntax analysis system, using verbs’ valency dictionary, samples of minimal structural schemes of sentences and samples of conjunctions, allows choosing predicative structures of sentences in the text, realizing initial semantic analysis due to semantic content of predicate’s actants and building trees of syntactical subordination of sentences. The derived trees hold elements of tree of constitutives and tree of dependences. The proposed samples and rules organization allows resolving some of the problems of modern parsers. And the use of verbs’ valency dictionary allows reducing the number of sentences syntax analysis variants.

    Keywords: automatic text processing; syntax parser; morphological analysis; structural text elements

  • Certification of qualifications as a tool for continuous improvement of qualifications of labor

    The article describes a tool for continuous improvement of qualifications of labor by measuring compliance with the existing standards of the employee's qualifications. There was done Investigation has been done of the influence of the system of certification of professional qualifications at the level of productivity and economic efficiency of an economic entity.

    Keywords: certification of qualifications, workforce, competence, knowledge, certificate, professional standard

  • Method of managing master data in autonomous systems

    Described a variety of available master data integration methods and techniques. Proposed a method for data enrichment in connected autonomous systems based on applying custom written master data access functions available via global meta catalog.

    Keywords: data integration, master data, business processes, enterprise service bus, enterprise application integration

  • Experemental researches of the receiving modes of a rough metal surfaces in vacuum arc discharge

    In this work experimentally investigated the possibilities of the new method of obtaining adjustable roughness on metal surfaces electrothermal influence of mobile cathode spots in vacuum arc discharge. Presents the results of processing of various surfaces using this method. Proposed working modes of processing of metal surfaces with the aim to receive as minimum and maximum roughness.

    Keywords: roughness of metal surfaces, vacuum arc discharge, cathodic spots

  • System of designing multifunctional reconfigurable intelligent sensors in educational process

    The article is devoted to the system of designing multifunctional reconfigurable intelligent sensors (MRIS), examines results of application of MRIS in development of educational laboratory test benches for monitoring of parameters of environment

    Keywords: intelligent sensors, system developing, MRIS, educational laboratory test benches

  • A description of the potential function for the more accurate equation of lines motion

    In the present work proposes a specified description of potential functions when the free spreading  in the two-dimensional turbulent flow of planning. In contrast to previous decisions, new parameter satisfies the continuity of flow when the flow flowing  from rectangular tubes on the discharging  track  

    Keywords: final line of motion, lines of equal potential, horizontal rectangular tube, diverting from the mainstream flow

  • Mechatronic measuring module parameters of the executive movements machine system

    In this paper is offered hydraulic sensor to measure the kinematic, power and energy parameters. Developed scheme and the principles of the hydraulic sensor.  Identification  on the special flow lab with real modes of the device is determined by its performance in different conditions. Approximation of the results received dependences flow and pressure drop characteristics on the speed and entrance pressure, allowed more correctly assess and describe the operation of the hydraulic sensor over the entire range of speed and entrance pressure.

    Keywords: hydraulic sensor, spilling method, flow and pressure drop characteristics, multifunction control unit.

  • Transformational training and holistichesky approach in the information and educational environment of technical University

    Questions of modernization of higher education on the basis of development of structure of the hi-tech information and educational environment of technical college are considered. Transition to new structure of the educational IT infrastructure aimed at formation of open educational system, meeting modern requirements to engineering preparation is carried out. 

    Keywords: transformativny training, holistichesky approach, the information and educational space, the integrated system

  • Rationale for ways to increase efficiency operation of logging truck

    An analysis of the problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the logging trucks for hauling timber to the lower timber depots and consumers. Proposed technical solutions for of raising cross-trains in complex natural and industrial environments.

    Keywords: Active semi-trailer used forestry, passableness, prosary operation.