The article describes the method of substantiation of the parameters of strengthening the soil base of a house by cementation through directional hydraulic fracturing. Also describes the work in the laboratory, which allowed to choose the necessary compositions of the cement mixture.
Keywords: reinforcement, soil, comentaron, cementation, directional hydraulic fracturing
The article deals with the problems and features of Informatization of higher education. The problems of information technologies in the educational process are presented. The main advantage of it is that they contribute to the creation of an effective multi-sensory interactive learning environment with great potential for use by teachers and students. The factors influencing the process of Informatization of educational institutions are analyzed. In order to achieve positive results of the use of information technologies in training, it is proposed to introduce new subject programs in the educational process, which will allow to determine the methods of teaching and the conditions of the educational process. The use of subject programs will provide the user with the opportunity to build their learning algorithm.
Keywords: information technologies, education, communication technologies, problems of training, features of training, programs, factors influencing process of Informatization of educational institution, conditions, advantages of information technologies
The article presents an analysis of promising research on the formation of vibrational mechanochemical coatings from the point of view of practical use in the real sector of the economy
Keywords: combined methods of treatment, vibration treatment, the vibration mechano-chemical (chemical-mechanical) coverage webrevolve technological system, mechanical coating, fragmentary nature, plastic deformation, uniform coating, vibrowave impact, microstructu
Article is devoted to acquaintance with methods which are used in the work by experts-builders when conducting construction technical expertizes of building constructions, buildings and a construction. The list of the main methods used in researches by the expert is provided and also each method is considered in more detail.
Keywords: Method, examination, expert, technique, fundamental principle, special case, graphic model, construction designs, construction technical expertize
The article highlights the issues of creating the information and educational environment of the university in modern education. Components for effective pedagogical process are presented. It describes the essence of the integration of ILE and education, as well as the direction of the integration of educational tools. The connection of the global trends in the development of an innovative economy and the requirements of the main directions for the development of IOS of the university is shown. The intra-university component is analyzed, which reflects several levels of interaction between various educational tools.The information presented in the article shows that the availability of pedagogically useful didactic support and the economic consideration of all factors and conditions ensures efficient functioning.
Keywords: information and educational environment (ILE), development trends, ILE structure, pedagogical process, distance learning, integration, economic component of ILE, didactic support
In article the design of an integrated micromechanical accelerometer of capacitive type is considered. The method with use of operation of self-assembly, constructed on the basis of the operated self-organization of mechanically intense semiconductor layers of GaAs/InAs is considered. This design was designed also a promodelirovana in ANSYS CAD. Results of model operation meet requirements, shown to present microaccelerometers, and give the chance to use them for further perfecting of structures of the given type. It is possible to use the obtained data in particular for calculation of the recommended parameters when developing techniques of projection of accelerometers and gyroscopes and also for development of more precise models of microelectromechanical structures.
Keywords: MEMS, capacitive type, micromechanical accelerometer, design, sensor, sensor, mathematical model, GaAs/InAs
This article describes the combined method of plasma-electrolyte processing and subsequent ultrasound imaging of medical needles created from steel grade 12H18N9T. A functional diagram of an installation for medical needles plasma-electrolyte treatment is presented. A device for ultrasound diagnostics of microrelief in the obtained material is described. The actual task of ultrasound medical research is the quality of the processed tip. One of the ways to obtain deformation at the end of the needle is the electrolyte-plasma discharge method at the anode of a given material. In the course of the study, previously obtained results were confirmed, indicating that the plasma electrolyte process was caused by a fivefold or more excess of the cathode area relative to the anode area Sк≥5Sа. A study was conducted of plasma-electrolytic processing of steel grade 12H18N9T using anodic electrolyte. It is shown that in the plasma formation area occurrence around the anode, the current-voltage characteristic is practically independent of the electrolyte concentration. The patterns of formation of the depth of the hole at the end of the needle, determined by the process of melting the surface layer of the anode, which requires a uniform input of heat over a unit of time. The depth of the well and the wavelength of ultrasound are shown. It is necessary to apply roughness (holes) with a size of 10-1000 microns at different angles relative to the axis of the tube with a tip. On the research basis, a unique device «KLYON-1» was created, which performs the material processing and its control by means of ultrasonic radiation.
Keywords: ultrasound, plasma, electrolyte, visualization, microrelief, needle, well
The article shows the possibility of describing complex objects with parallel functioning components in the form of structures built on the basis of neural networks. The neural network is represented by an operator matrix, that is, a formal description that gives a universal way to solve many non-standard control problems. Matrix apparatus is shown to significantly improve the efficiency of the method compared to previously known. It is concluded that the representation of the neural network by the operator matrix provides a universal way to solve the problems of transport and information flows management; neuron-like systems based on such representation of the neuron are able to catch complex nonlinear relationships, self-improvement, learning in the process of use. Their use provides ample opportunities for finding and implementing effective solutions to the problems of management and control of flows
Keywords: graph, parallelism, transport and information flow, neural network, synaptic weight, predicate, activation function, operator matrix, neuron, complex systems
The article deals with the work of mechanical absorbers, where the working body is presented in the form of a rotating cylinder. The analysis of interaction of liquids and a working body in similar devices is made. The mutual influence of liquid layers and the action of the working body are considered. The estimation of the force factors of the dynamic layer entrained by the rotating cylinder is obtained. The study presented in the article will help in the preparation of engineering methods for calculating the operating and design parameters of devices.
Keywords: absorber, emulsion layer, capillary forces, emulsion, static meniscus region, capillary pressure, immiscible liquids, rotating cylinder, liquid, Navier-Stokes equation
The development of modern technology makes increasingly stringent requirements for materials, and improving the reliability and durability is an urgent task for many industries. One of the most important elements of the automatic coupling device of the car is the absorbing device. The parts included in it must meet high standards, be reliable and provide the necessary hardness and mechanical properties of the materials throughout the life cycle of the car. One of these parts included in the friction unit of the absorbing device is a movable plate. In the present work, an example of modernization of the absorbing apparatus through the use of modern methods of modeling and manufacturing of a fixed plate is given. The technical result is to reduce consumption of materials of the movable plate, and to simplify the manufacturing process of the plate by making it from rolled steel.
Keywords: Absorbing apparatus, modeling, mobile plate, energy consumption, friction unit, friction, wear resistance, reliability, durability
This article discusses the main problems faced by experts in the construction and technical expertise of real estate. The measures that can improve the quality in the performance of judicial construction and technical expertise are considered.
Keywords: optimization, judicial construction and technical expertise, litigation, major problems, construction contract, construction and installation work, completed
The article focuses on radiowave propagation in complex conditions combining rough terrain with woodland or urban areas. The estimation of influence of all these factors on signal attenuation may be challenging. Consequently there are no propagation models for such environment for distances up to several kilometers. However by approximating the experimental data on radio wave attenuation it is possible to develop empirical propagation models for specific cases. The authors carried out a series of experiments to measure the level of radio signal at a given distance from the source. Based on the experimental results a hybrid model for rough terrain, wooded and urban areas for ground communications systems was developed.
Keywords: radiowave propagation, UHF, experimental study, rough terrain, urban area, wooded area, empirical model, radiowave attenuation, path loss, ground mobile communication
The article contains information about the formats, types, advantages of banner advertising, made analysis of errors that allow developers and customers, developed a General principle of successful visualization of banner advertising for the tourism sector.
Keywords: banner advertising, banner, tourism, offer, Internet, advertising, efficiency, layout, layout, rule of thirds
The article presents the author's theoretical and methodological construct of the study of socio-political behavior of the social actor. The developed construct is based on the concept of habitus introduced into the scientific discourse by Pierre Bourdieu. The socio-political habitus in this article is understood as interiorized patterns of perception, interpretation, evaluation and action in the socio-political space, which are constantly being refined and completed under the influence of everyday social practices. Denoted epistemological problem of combining the contradictory nature of the conduct and integrity of the habitus. As a solution to the problem, such a property of habitus as hierarchy is considered. It is assumed that in the deep structures of habitus there are integral models of social dynamics, which are reproduced in socio-political relations by spontaneous coordination of social practices of many social actors. However, each social actor represents a single element of the complex model. Such social dynamic models in this article are denoted by the term "myth". On the basis of the presented theoretical model, the solution of applied problems in the management of socio-political behavior is proposed. At the same time, the authors proceed from the fact that mythological complexes in the structure of the habitus can not be eradicated or replaced, but can be overbuilt.
Keywords: political relations, model, myth, habitus, management, regulation mechanism, calibration
The article deals with the process of spraying immiscible liquid media with a disk spray. A mathematical model for determining the dispersion characteristics of spraying is proposed.
Keywords: liquid, atomization, flow, speed, dosing