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  • Develop solutions in times of crisis and uncertainty

    In our hard time the main methods of decision-making are axiomatic, heuristic and verbal. Heuristic approach corresponds to the repeating difficult situations which aren't giving in to the direct mathematical analysis. The selection process is modeled as solutions to reproduce the course of human reasoning.
    The emergency situation on separate object is comparable to crisis in economy of the whole state. On the detailed analysis and checks simply there is no time. The most perspective directions here – application of heuristic models and the quantum theory on the basis of system approach to the solution of arising problems. Conscious intervention of managers in development of system is carried out by control of signs of the organization of processes. To reduce novelty and complexity of a problem, it is necessary to receive additional information. Based on this information, the experience and intuition, the head gives to results estimated probability. When costs of collecting additional information are great, it is possible to assume probability of events on the basis of last experience and judgments.
    Achievement of the planned purpose with orientation to the future can be provided at concentration of the main influence on the future analysis (including on the analysis of hypothetical crisis situations), instead of the past.  

    Keywords: сrisis, methods, axiomatic, verbal, heuristic, uncertainty, information, risk, system, chaos

  • The effect of solar radiation on temperature of soil

    To describe the dynamics of the temperature field in the surface layers of the earth taken up the heat balance of the earth's surface. Taken into account are three components of the heat flow: convective heat transfer with air, solar radiation, heat flow from the surface layers of the soil. The boundary conditions on the surface of the soil is considered the temperature of the ground surface, which is determined from the heat balance of the surface layer of the sun radiation. The temperature distribution in the soil is determined using the method of finite differences. A layer of soil has a certain thermal inertia, which leads to delaying the achievement of minimum temperatures in the soil column relative to the time of achievement of the minimum surface temperature. In the surface layer of soil to a depth of approximately 300 mm, is almost complete attenuation of the diurnal temperature fluctuations in the month of June with account of solar radiation in conditions of the South of Russia.

    Keywords: heat pump, возобнавляемые sources of energy, solar radiation, transient mode, soil

  • In-situ XANES technique to study of the catalysts

    This paper describes an in-situ experimental technique to study of ceria nanocatalysts by using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy XANES. This technique allows us to determine Ce3+ concentration inside ceria nanoparticles in the course of catalytic reaction based on the comparison and divergence minimization of the Ce L3 XANES spectrum of the ceria nanoparticles under catalysts (atmosphere, temperature) with a linear combination of two independent components corresponding to spectra of Ce4+ ion of the CeO2 structure and Ce3+ ion of the theoretical Ce2O3 structure. The calculated weight ratio determines the Ce3 + concentration in the sample during the catalytic reactions.

    Keywords: in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, ceria nanoparticles, Ce-based catalysts, Ce3+ concentration

  • Optimization of the thick-walled spherical shell using strength theory of Mor

    The problem of optimization of thick-walled sphere loaded by internal and external pressures was solved. The essence of the method consists in the variation of the modulus of elasticity. The problem of finding the distribution of the characteristics of material in which the stress state is given, is called the inverse problem. The idea of the inverse method was proposed by academician of RAACS prof.  V.I. Andreev. The analytical dependence of modulus of elasticity from the radius at which the calculated stress on the strength theory of Mor is constant throughout the thickness of the shell was found. This shell will be equally stressed. If the strength characteristics of the material do not depend on the modulus of elasticity it will also be equiresistant. By creation of indirect heterogeneity we reduced the maximum tensions in 1.6 times. It was also shown that in the case of a centrally symmetric problem the second theory of strength is a particular case of the strength theory of Mor.

    Keywords: thick-walled spherical shell, optimization, strength theory of Mor, uniform strength, equal stress

  • Change of the mechanism of sintering powders piezomaterials as a way of reducing the temperature of formation of dense ceramic frameworks

    The problem of manufacturing technology heterostructures pezofaza - metal considered in the article. Complexity consists in the fact that during the removal of the polymer in the system at low temperatures are formed porous layers, formed powders separated metal layers, having island macrostructure. One way to solve the problem - reducing the firing temperature heterostructures. Proposed to decrease the sintering temperature by using of functionally active glass-phases. Reducing the sintering temperature of products also allows to replace platinum electrodes inexpensive silver-based alloys. Obtained by solid state reaction method of piezoceramic material has a low sintering temperature (980 ° C) and high electrical parameters. Found that not only the proportion of the vitreous mass, but also their qualitative influence on the properties of piezomaterials    

    Keywords: heterostructure glass phase, the sintering temperature, porosity, ferroelectric phase

  • Quality checklist - a tool for collecting and analyzing data in the production of ceramic bricks

    The article provides a classification of defects in ceramic bricks, and use a checklist for quality data collection and analysis for quality control

    Keywords: Ceramic brick, defects, statistics, checklist, quality, technology, management

  • Creative method of Taoist art

    In this paper the method works by Chinese artists - Taoists. Identifies the main principles of the above product: contemplation, insight into the phenomenon of identification with the object, inspiration, spontaneity, etc. Represented criteria for evaluating works of art and decryption are the leading graphic symbols.

    Keywords: art education, didactics, Taoism, creative method, Taoist beliefs art, theory of art, painting, art

  • A simulation of small scale helicopter using position-trajectory regulator

    In this paper, the synthesis of a trajectory regulator for a mini-helicopter are described. We propose a method to hardware-in-the-loop simulation using simulator AerosimRC. The simulation results are showed. The tasks for the application of the method are pointed.

    Keywords: position-trajectory regulator, helicopter, mathematical modeling, simulation, algorithms.

  • Actual directions of improvement of mathematical knowledge of students in the system of permanent professional education

    The analysis of causes of insufficient quality mathematical knowledge of students of technical colleges. There are formulated some problems which must be solved for the improvement of the quality of fundamental mathematical education in a technical university. It is introduced a notion of the system of adaptation of the first year students for studying high mathematical course.  Elements of the  realization of the adaptation system are described and main goals of this system are formulated.  It is defined a technology of professional directionality of education in the fundamental  mathematical preparation in colleges. It is described a content of the technology of the professional directionality of  teaching mathematics which consists of regular demonstration of tasks, examples and models connected with the future professional work of students. It is given some results of the experiment of using in some colleges the technology of the professional directionality in mathematical education. It is analized the results of surveys on different steps of using the system of the professional directionality of education which are devoted to the level of students motivation to study high mathematics. It is supposed to involve undergraduate student into research projects in mathematics as one of the directions to improve fundamental mathematical education.

    Keywords: fundamental mathematical education, system of student adaptation, technology of professional directionality of education

  • The design's technique of combined drills with replaceable multiface plates

    The technique of the geometrical analysis and the analysis of force loading of combined drills with the replaceable multiface plates is offered in this work. This technique is allowing to determine geometrical parameters and specific force loadings in each point of a plate’s cutting edge taking into account its orientation in the drill case. Application of this technique allowed to establish the reasons of the drill’s low durability. The offered technique allows to design drills from the minimum unbalanced radial component of cutting force which increases its working capacity and the processed holes quality. New designs of combined drills both with two, and with three replaceable multiface plates are offered in this work. The durability of this new drills is increased by the plates mutual turn for the minimization of an unbalanced radial component of cutting force  

    Keywords: combined drill, replaceable multiface plate, drilling, design, equilibration, geometrical analysis, the analysis of power loading

  • Evaluation of fair price of an option for a generalized model of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein in the case of m-states

    Discusses the assessment of the fair price of an option for a generalized model of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein in the case of m-States. Formulated approval. Based on the findings obtained in the work built a software application that allows you to make calculations.

    Keywords: model Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, the fair price of an option risky asset, interest rate

  • Approaches and realization of personnel motivation strategy.

    Personnel motivation strategy is a part of a strategy of the whole company. It is long-term plan of particular actions, which has an aim to develop personnel’s potential to the full extent. As an impact, this allows the company to have a competitive advantage in strategy.
    There are a few main approaches to strategy development and, as a consequence, a few options of personnel motivation strategy.
    When it comes to development of personnel motivation strategy, there are several stages that shall be competed, as follows: diagnostics of current personnel motivation strategy; development of main strategies, aims and principles of company’s motivation policy, as well as its content and structure;  development of employees’ material monetary and noncash remuneration, and non-financial reward; development of internal white papers in order to establish personnel motivation strategy; implementation and effect monitoring of established personnel motivation strategy.

    Keywords: personnel motivation, motivation strategy, material remuneration, non-financial remuneration, effectiveness of personnel motivation.

  • About some method for constructing of solutions in the dynamic problems for multilayered poroelastic half plane

    The representation of solutions for problem of steady state vibrations of multilayered poroelastic half plane is considered using the superposition of corresponding solutions for homogeneous poroelastic environments. This allows to analyze the influence of individual structural layers on the forming of displacement and stress fields and also give the analysis of energy streams with the refraction boundaries and wave types separation

    Keywords: multilayered half space, steady state vibrations, Biot environment, superposition principle

  • Economic interests of big business in the conditions of a single Eurasian space

    In the context of updating the formation of a common Eurasian space is particularly important to study the problem of realization of economic interests of economic entities operating within the system of relationships. Same interests of big business, in this case, play a special role , as it is large business structures , acting as actors of economic activity, are able to set new trends in the development of the economic environment , having sufficient capacity to be able to influence decision- government authorities of administrative decisions. Formation and development of a common Eurasian economic space requires the definition of " growth points" further relations between the states to set foot on the path of integration, and that the organizational form of big business can become a support for building a new system of economic relations. Integration processes in Eurasia based not only on increasing trade between the member countries of integration, but also on their complementarities , formed naturally as a result of centuries of economic cooperation and based on the economic interests of the largest multinational corporations or associations like them , specifying the vector of development of a single economic space. In turn, this single economic space opens up new possibilities for the realization of the economic interests of economic entities , especially for major actors in national economies. This article discusses the main directions of the interests of big business, represented by transnational corporations in the new economic conditions .

    Keywords: integration, a single Eurasian space, economic interests, foreign direct investment, multinational corporations.

  • Gas-sensitive of graphene films on semi-insulating SiC to NO2 and vapour of C2H5OH.

    Finding of small concentrations of various gases as an important task for the environment and for the industry. In this paper, investigated gas-sensitive properties of the films of graphene on silicon carbide to NO2 and vapour C2H5OH. The principle of operation of graphene sensor based on the change of electrical conductivity by reason of adsorption of gas molecules. Temperature dependence of the gas desorption from the surface of graphene is obtained. Mode of getting graphene films with the best gas sensing characteristics is defined. The obtained  results suggest that graphene is a promising material for gas-sensitive sensors  

    Keywords: graphene, graphene films on silicon carbide, gas sensor, gas-sensitive of graphene