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  • Investigation of the heat transfer in the refrigeration system with a heat pump supercomputers

    In this study, the task of optimizing the supercomputer CPU cooling system with a heat pump in the reverse Stirling cycle through numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the test object The article presents numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the cooling system of the supercomputer processors with a heat pump on the return cycle. We investigated the numerical model of heat transfer process in the system of CPU "cold" cylinder and heat pump system "hot cylinder" - coolant. As a result, obtained according to the thermal resistance of the system of CPU "cold" cylinder and heat pump system "hot cylinder" - coolant depending on the coefficient of heat transfer and on the value of COP of the heat pump

    Keywords: processor, heat flow, the thermal resistance of the Laplace equation, heat pump, heat exchange, reverse Stirling cycle cooling system

  • Effects of mechanical activation on the structure of ferroelectric materials after mechanoactivation

    The structure of synthesized ferroelectric samples of PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 after mechanoactivation were studied by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy(XANES), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Based on the combination of effective experimental methods and computer modeling of theoretical X-ray absorption spectra near the L3 - edge of tantalum and lead was studied character of structural distortions for investigated samples after mechanoactivation.

    Keywords: Ferroelectrics materials, mechanoactivation, XANES, defects

  • To the question of power supply of removed agricultural consumers

    The analysis of the state of transmission electrik lines, on the example, one of the districts of the Rostov region. The prospects of the use of symmetrization devices unbalance, what allows to increase the reliability of power supply to agricultural consumers.

    Keywords: stream of the failure, electricity, the balancing device, emergency operation, recovery time, failure, reliability, multilevel inverter, analysis, power line, user.

  • Traffic dynamic prediction algorithm using statistical data

    The article presents an approach to predicting changes in the dynamics of events, on the example of traffic analysis, using statistical data. Perfomed analisys of traffic sniffer systems as queueing system. Presented the relevance of the forecasting traffic changes. The pattern matching algorithm allows you to build a forecast, both for regular dynamics, and for unexpected bursts. The prediction algorithm allows to improve the work of traffic analysis systems for periods of high load.

    Keywords: Network monitoring, traffic analysis, forecasting, queuing system, random events, service requests

  • Novye metody proektirovanija zhelezobetonnyh proljotnyh stroenij

    V stat'e rassmatrivajutsja problemy zhelezobetonnyh proletnyh stroenij dlinoj menee 35m. provoditsja analiz otechestvennyh i zarubezhnyh balok proletnyh stroenij, pri analize uchityvajutsja takie harakteristiki balok kak, ves konstrukcii, mezhremontnyj srok sluzhby proljotnyh stroenij, rastjagivajushhie naprjazhenija, vosprinimaemaja nagruzka, dolgovechnost', sul'fatostojkost' balki.

    Keywords: tipovoe proektirovanie, balki, zhelezobetonnye konstrukcii, proljotnye stroenija mostov, tipovoj proekt, ramno-nerazreznoj, mosty, nagruzka, mezhremontnyj srok, prochnost', dolgovechnost

  • Some aspects of the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete compensated shrinkage on tuff aggregates of Kabardino-Balkaria

    The article is devoted to the results of studies of the initial modulus of elasticity of tuffs on natural porous aggregates of Kabardino-Balkaria, with compensated shrinkage with prepared additives, both in quartz and tuff sands. The article presents the results of experiments on determining the initial modulus of elasticity of tuffs of different preparation formulas. The values ​​of the correction coefficients in the well-known formula for the dependence of the initial modulus of elasticity of lightweight concrete on its cubic strength and the volume weight of dry concrete, depending on the formulation of tuffs are proposed.

    Keywords: Modulus of elasticity, tuffs, light concretes, porous aggregates, tuff, tuff sands, compensated shrinkage

  • Control device for surface transportation of marine robotic system in fog and rain conditions

    The article substantiates the necessity to address the effects of fog and rain when designing mobile robotic platforms and to define the fog numerical indicators and conditions of its occurrence. The common braking system structure and the working principle of brake disk drying through periodic rubbing of brake pads and disks are brought. The electrical diagram of brake control system with microcontroller and the fog and rain sensors and reliability analysis of this device are given. In a proposed control device operation algorithm the conditions of fog occurrence and the sensor parameters are considered. The algorithm is required to create a software system for mobile robotic platform.

    Keywords: mobile robotic platform, fog, braking system, microcontroller, sensors, control system, software system

  • The improved utilization of wastes of woodworking industry in the manufacture of slab products

    the paper presents the analysis of volumes of waste wood processing industries in the form of sawdust and considers modern directions of their use. It justifies the rationality of production of fibreboard by using a semifinished product obtained from sawdust. The mathematical description of the process of production of wood-fiber plates with the addition of a semifinished product obtained from sawdust as the total weight, thus establishing the quantitative relationship of studied process parameters physico-mechanical parameters of the finished plate.

    Keywords: Zyryanov M.A., Aksenov N.V.

  • Optimizing the number and range of the PWG in view stable operation of the gas pressure regulator

    In modern conditions developed and used hydraulic calculation of gas networks program. With them, you can get the pressure value at the nodes of the distribution system of gas supply, costs, and gas velocity in the settlement areas. But do not count in these economic aspects, ie, It is not determined the most economical option, which can be obtained by optimizing the individual characteristics of the gas network. These characteristics in the development of the concept of gas supply is a rational distribution points gas reduction and determination of optimal kolichestva.Priveden calculation of the optimal number of the PWG and the optimal diameter of individual sections of the network of medium pressure gas pipelines to ensure the best economic performance timing system. Defined pressure regulator bandwidth capacity for its stable operation. To determine the effect an increase in the inlet pressure on the diameter of the pipeline.

    Keywords: optimum range, the optimum load, optimization of pressure, the diameter of the gas-supply circuit, the hydraulic calculation capacity pressure regulator.

  • Comparison of the ecological compatibility of steel and plastic waste fittings

    The article describes a partial solution to the problem of disposing of waste plastic as their use in the manufacture of fiberglass reinforcement. The comparison of the calculation of the foundation slab reinforcement using the class A-500S and fiberglass reinforcement with a thickness of 300 mm plate. From calculations that by recycling the plastic in the manufacture of fiberglass reinforcement observed economic benefits for the producer (cost of fiberglass reinforcement with the same thickness of the foundation plate 3 times less than steel), as well as environmental benefit for the planet, as this will help reduce the amount of plastic waste without recycling.

    Keywords: plastic, recycling, waste fiberglass rebar, reinforced concrete structure, the foundation

  • Hot powder material, dope the ferrotitanium, based MXA chip D16, its structure and properties

    Considered hot-powder materials obtained by the joint mechano-chemical activation of chips D16 ferrotitanium powder in a medium saturated aqueous solution of boric acid with the addition of aluminum powder. The technology includes: mechanochemical activation composition; cold pressing; heating in air, and hot stamping. Investigated the mechanical properties and structure of the obtained hot-materials. Advanced technology allows to obtain a material with high values of strength and hardness.

    Keywords: mechanochemical activation, milling, chips D16, ferrotitanium, hot-powder materials, agglomeration

  • Development of a parametrical model of the ion current signal for driving engines of moving objects

    The article presents the results of approximating of ion current signal of the most appropriate parametrical models in Matlab software. It is shown that in spite of the high accuracy of approximation, parametrical model Gaussian, which chosen early in Matlab, have significant drawbacks. In order to eliminate the identified deficiencies authors was developed parametric model in which the discrete Fourier transform was used to approximate of the ion current signal.

    Keywords: ion current, the internal combustion engine, a parametric model, a discrete Fourier transform, the Gaussian model, the approximation of a signal

  • On the results of the analysis of the causes of defects that affect the carrying capacity of the bridge superstructures located on km 1009 + 279 (right) of the road M-4 ""Don""

    The article presents an analysis of the causes of the defects affecting the bearing capacity of the bridge superstructures. Produced rough calculation of weight load time, which led to the defect data.

    Keywords: " defect analysis, span, load, weight, diagram, method of elastic supports, checking flight, the estimated vehicle.d economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production"

  • Cities in the defense infrastructure of the Northwest Federal District

    It describes the importance of urban development in national security, which is caused by the development of the defense infrastructure districts.

    Keywords: city garrison, armed forces, defense, defense infrastructure

  • Experimental and theoretical study of physical and chemical transformations of woody biomass in the production technology of fibreboard

    In accordance with the theory of mathematical and statistical modeling, evaluation studies, selected the main characteristics of the models describing the studied production process of fiberboard using different types of binders. In accordance with the developed plan of the selected controlled studies, uncontrolled and controlled factors of the process under study. The levels, steps, and intervals of variation of the studied factors. As a method of obtaining the mathematical dependencies of the quality indicators of fibreboard from the kind of used binder was enacted active single-factor experiment. The results of the studies conducted statistical analysis of the dependence of physical-mechanical characteristics of the performance of the finished plate thickness fibreboard manufactured by wet and dry methods, interpretation of research results, quantitative and qualitative relationships between the studied parameters.

    Keywords: strength, water absorption resin, fiberboard, thickness, experiment planning, mathematical model