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  • Effect of intense mechanical action on the type and concentration of defects in a relaxor ferroelectric PbIn0.5Nb0.5O3

    The powder samples of indoniobat lead relaxor ferroelectric prepared by intense mechanical action method in combination with shear have been studied. The dependences of the microstrains and mean square displacements оf the PbIn0.5Nb0.5O3 samples from the values of applied pressure have been investigated. The Integral intensities and half-width of some diffraction reflections have been determined by using X-ray diffraction method. The correlations between mechanical action and concentration and type of defects in the studied samples have been established.

    Keywords: relaxor ferroelectric, point defects, dislocation, region of coherent scattering, crystallite, microstrain, mechanoactivation, indoniobat lead, shear, power affecting, X-ray diffraction

  • The results of researching mechanical properties of quick hardening modified concrete materials

    The results of researching the speed of increasing strength of modified concrete materials in early period of hardening used for mounting underground structures are given. As a result of researching the most effective supplements like D5 and RELAMIX T-2 are determined. The composition of supplement D5 with fillers of ordinary quality and a con drafting 15 sm, it will gain high strength of 6.5 MРa in 18 hours while with RELAMIX T-2 fillers it will be 2.8 MРa. The given results were used for modeling stress strained state of ground mass and concrete fastenings of non- circular shape.

    Keywords: Рassage, fastening, composition of concrete, modifier, concrete strength, young modulus, stresses

  • The method of reducing the thermal resistance of immersion cooling system of supercomputer

    Low heat transfer coefficient per unit area is main disadvantage of immersion cooling system. In the theoretical part of the study the main issue was to evaluate the influence of various factors on the convective heat transfer between the solid-liquid interface. The result of this part of study was conclusion that the type of fluid flow in the area of heat transfer is key factor of increase heat convective heat transfer of thermal contact. The Reynolds number is main characteristic of turbulence of fluid flow. Therefore in the experimental part describes study of the effect of the degree of turbulence of the fluid flow at the place of the thermal contact on thermal resistance of immersion cooling system. The design of experimental setup and its main parts is describe further. The result of the experiment is graphic of experimental curve of the thermal resistance of immersion cooling system from the Reynolds number of fluid flow of thermal contact between the solid-liquid interface. The study showed the possibility of local reduction of the thermal resistance of immersion cooling systems to maintain the quality of the thermal management of computing elements that emit significant heat. The results of the study is define the ranges of values of the Reynolds number of cooling system that allows the technical realization at the current dimensions of packages and sizes of microchips sockets.

    Keywords: microchip, heat flow, cooling system, Laplace's equation, turbulent flow, Reynolds number, heat transfer, thermal resistance, electrothermal analogy, thermal protection

  • Development And Research of Path Planning Subsystem for Underwater Vehicle Control System

    This paper provides solution for the task of plane movement of the underwater vehicle using hierarchical control system. Searching A*-algorithm is used for creation of the path plan. Vehicle moves along the stated path under control of position-path regulator on the base of square form. Vehicle, used in this paper features torpedo-like form, two cruise engines and maneuvering device.

    Keywords: mathematical model, underwater vehicle, planning, position-path control, A*-algorithm

  • Methods of processing and analysis of ion current signal

    The article presents the results of an analytical review of the major conventional approaches to processing and analysis of the ion current signal of contemporary domestic and foreign authors. Analysis of works made in terms of assessing the possibility of calculating the parameters of the combustion of the fuel-air mixture. It is shown that strong susceptibility of ion current to influence of intercyclic variations limits application of methods in practice, despite considerable theoretical opportunities of such methods.

    Keywords: ion current, internal combustion engine, burning, combustion chamber, fuel and air mixture

  • The spatial localization of functions in the cerebral cortex

    The paper introduce modern information about localization of function of human cerebral cortex from the viewpoint of brain’s structure.

    Keywords: brain, cerebral cortex, contex cerebi, neocortex, cytoarchitectonics, functional map of cere-bral cortex, localization of function of cerebral cortex, sensomotor centers

  • Study of the influence of pH of the reaction medium on the acid-base properties of the surface of the TiO2 nanoparticles , synthesized by sol-gel method

    Synthesis of the TiO2 nanoparticles was carried out by sol-gel method. The optimal conditions for stable TiO2 gel obtaining was determined. The resulting samples were studied by IR spectroscopy. Studies have shown the presence of chemically and physically bounded water in TiO2 powders, dried at 125 ° C. Studying of the influence of the pH on the acid-base properties of the surface of the resulting TiO2 powders was performed by indicator method.

    Keywords: TiO2 nanoparticles, sol-gel method, acid-base properties, indicator method, infrared spectroscopy, pH of the medium

  • Local atomic and electronic structure features of copper ion Cu2 + in aqueous solutions

    The study of copper ion (Cu2+) environment in aqueous solution was performed by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy. X-ray absorption spectra for various concentrations of aqueous solutions of CuCl2 were measured. The testing of near-edge fine structure approach for calculating X-ray absorption Cu K-edge spectra of copper ion (Cu2 +) coordinated complex by finite difference method for solution of Schrödinger equation were held . A model of local environment of copper ion (Cu2 +) in aqueous solutions is proposed.

    Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, 3d-metals ions, aqueous solutions, local environment, finite difference method, coordination complexes

  • Methodological bases of an estimation of residual bearing ability of support of a contact network.

    In this article authors examine integrated method of ring cross-section concrete constructions diagnostics after the example of overhead contact system pylons. Complex physical-mechanical process of carcass and concrete working needs to take into consideration the state of these components. Authors suggest modern device of magnetic-particle method making for carcass state rating and its location in a pylon body. Concrete jacket defectoscopy may be done with modified device population of ultrasonic diagnostics. Examination zones of constructions are found depending on pylons workload scheme. The authors give correlations which let determine parameters of destructions (cracks) that lead to degradation of load-carrying capability. In the article there are graphic materials got as a result of ultrasonic inspection and mathematical expressions for estimating of residual load-carrying capability with a glance of carcass and concrete destructions.

    Keywords: overhead contact system pylons, residual load-carrying capability, ultrasonic diagnostics, hodograph, cracks, carcass corrosion, technical state

  • On the essence of the "man - military equipment" (town planning)

    It reveals the triad approach in the "man - military equipment" to ensure the harmony and integrity of the system. Application of the "golden mean" in the distribution of resources and benefits for high quality development and operation of three-dimensional system "service living environment - the military staff - military equipment."

    Keywords: urban planning, military, armed forces, service living environment, harmony

  • Experimental evaluation effectiveness of wet dust separator in the cutting dusting aspiration system of kiln expanded clay oven

    This article describes a way of reducing dust emissions of pollutions exhausted in the atmosphere in the manufacture of building construction materials (expanded clay aggregates, asbestos cement, etc.) applying by approach of desire and the development of precipitators. This promising method based on the results of analysis of variance expanded clay dust, and other building materials proposed generalized approach to the definition of the hydraulic size (effective size' diameter) of dust particles. Proposed method was tested and applied in practice to determining the functional dependence of the integral (cumulative) distribution of dust particles on the equivalent size (effective size). It was mentioned to need to make rationing (norm of containing) dust РМ2.5 и РМ10 fractions in exhausting emissions of pollutions of building construction materials in atmosphere based on the results of analysis of variance volume' data fractions of dust РМ2.5 и РМ10. It is reasonable to use the results of analysis of variance for determination and evaluate equivalent size of dust particles for modeling dispersion and stratification in atmosphere. There described a practical way to determine the critical (minimum) is equivalent to the size of dust particles, maximal potential degree of dust separation in trapped dust cleaners (cyclones, inertial collectors and etc.) from powder and gases flows in decreasing dust aspiration and ventilation schemes in this paper. It were presented some principles of the development of new designs and highly efficient dust different kinds of precipitators (cyclones, inertial collectors) with significant meaning' of separation' degree using the results of analysis of variance of captured dust.

    Keywords: Dust, dust collector, the degree's separation, analysis of variance, expanded clay, building material, hydraulic size, equivalent diameter, system, aspiration, dust removal, emissions, atmosphere.

  • Determination of the actual size of the particles of dust emission building industry and construction

    This article describes a way of reducing dust emissions of pollutions exhausted in the atmosphere in the manufacture of expanded clay aggregates and building construction industry, production of building materials using high effective dust cleaners. There described a promising approach to determining the actual size of the particles of dust emission building industry and construction in this article. It was proposed a common generalized approach to determine the actual effective or hydraulic sized dust particles. It could be done based on the on the results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for expanded clay dust and bulk building construction materials. The development of new dust collectors with a high degree of separation, as a method to reduce dust emissions decreasing dust separation systems of aspiration scheme in the production of construction materials exhausted in the atmosphere. It was shown so that the hydraulic size of dust particles should be taken into consideration for design and account of dust separation devices. It was disclosed a practical method of estimating the effective value of horizontal cross-sectional area of projection of the dust particles. There presented one of the ways for numerical determination of hydraulic equivalent of particle size particle’s size in this paper. The results of this research should be considered when developing new designs of highly effective precipitators using ANOVA results of captured dust.

    Keywords: dust, dust collector, degree, separation, dispersive analysis, expanded clay, construction material, hydraulic size, equivalent diameter, system, aspiration, dust removal, emissions, atmosphere

  • Strength and cracking resistance of module type "cap" with no floor slab

    Paper presents results of full-scale test to failure of reinforced concrete room-sized module type "cap" by static loading. Loading process, used testing facilities, loading and measuring equipment are described. Obtained data considering module's strength, stiffness and cracking resistance are given.

    Keywords: room unit, static loading test, data acquisition system, strain transducer

  • A study of changing type of investment strategy of the enterprises of machine-building complex

    The article is devoted to the study of internal conditions under which there is a transition on a higher level investment strategy. The author conducted a financial analysis of 30 machine-building enterprises of the southern Federal district and the features of the financial status of enterprises with different types of investment strategy. According to the results of the research are formulated the conditions for changing type of investment strategy and assesses the probability of transition. The obtained results can be used in the framework of the organizational-economic mechanism of perfection of planning of the state support of investment development of enterprises of machine-building industry in the region.

    Keywords: investment strategy development, base development strategy, engineering company, changing the type of investment strategy, financial condition

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The article is devoted to the rationing measures creep of fine grained aerated concrete with regard to carbonation of the Proposed revised formula for determining the maximum creep of fine-grained measures of cellular concrete depending on the grade of concrete strength, given its carbonation by atmospheric carbon dioxide.

    Keywords: cellular concrete, carbonation, creep deformation, a measure of creep, measurement of creep, durability, seismic loads, building envelope, load bearing skeleton of a building