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  • Mechanism of hydration and structurization of wood concrete

    In this article the relevance of development of the wood concrete meeting the modern requirements for an ecological component and energy efficiency is considered. Features of the mechanism of structurization at hydration of the cement knitting and organic filler with use of the X-ray diffraction analysis are shown. Indicators of concentration of basic elements in the cement test without organic filler are defined and at his existence. The comparative analysis of structure of steam solution of wood concrete and structure of solution from quick-hardening cement with use of data of a rastroelektronny microscope is carried out.

    Keywords: Ivashchenko Y.G., Laushkina V. A., Timokhin D.K.

  • Interpolation of scattered data of countour lines for production of digital terrain model

    Optimal usage of territories appears as applicable problem at the present time. Its description is hold in geographic information systems (GIS) and may be used for solving ecological, administrative, transport and logistical tasks. We consider to use topographic maps for production GIS. By now algorithms for reconstruction of plan of contour lines are developed. This plan of contour lines appears as matrix of spatial scattered data, which are needed to interpolate for production a digital terrain model. There are some common algorithms for interpolation (linear, cubic spline, natural), but they aren’t fit for good shape reproduction. We consider an algorithm based on 3-class classifier of points. Points of 1st class are between two contour lines and are interpolated by n nearest points of the nearest contour line and the nearest point of another line. Points of 2nd class are inside of one contour line, accord with peaks or depths and are interpolated with similar algorithm and value of extremum which is taken by mark of height is used. Points of 3rd class are between a contour line and boundaries of topographic map; their interpolation may be taken by union of several maps and they become points of 1st class. Processing speed, maximal error and mean-root square error are used as measure of quality. Considered algorithm has shown improvement by comparison with other methods with decrease of errors and nonthreatening increasing of processing time.

    Keywords: interpolation, geographic information system, topographic map, digital terrain model, scattered data

  • Design of a protection of a ditch of a house in the conditions of dense city building in Rostov-on-don

    The article describes the design solution for the device of enclosing rows of bored piles and pile-anchors, ensuring the stability of the walls of the pit in the construction of structures under construction and excluding their influence on the adjacent structures. The results of calculations of the enclosing series are presented..The article describes the design solution for the device of enclosing rows of bored piles and pile-anchors, ensuring the stability of the walls of the pit in the construction of structures under construction and excluding their influence on the adjacent structures. The results of calculations of the enclosing series are presented.

    Keywords: pile a row, the CFA piles-anchors, the fence of the pit

  • Improvement of road coverings

    The issue of improving the coverage of highways of federal significance is under consideration. Measures are proposed to ensure the reliability and durability of coatings, taking into account the experience of road construction in the USSR. Measures to improve the efficiency of construction

    Keywords: construction organization, construction economics, building structures, road surfaces

  • Estimation of consequences in case of deviation from regulatory requirements and costs in construction

    Abstract: the necessity of planning and cost adjustment during construction works is substantiated. The article deals with the consequences of non-compliance with rules and building regulations, which lead to additional financial costs for repair and restoration due to the destruction of both individual structures and the object as a whole. System errors in construction technology during Foundation reinforcement and installation are revealed. Made normative calculations for the implementation of the construction project. The article consists of introduction, two parts and conclusion. In the introduction the necessity of monitoring compliance with industry regulatory legislation. In the first part of the article "cost Planning in construction" substantiates the need for business planning based on economic approaches. Options for the implementation of ecological and safe construction materials in the construction of buildings. In the second part of the article "analysis of deviations from standards in construction" a detailed study of the individual stages of design and construction of buildings, which revealed the harmful effects of both gross errors and minor deviations from the established building standards. Clearly confirmed violation of the rigidity and strength of the Foundation of the building due to non-compliance with construction technology during reinforcement and installation. The algorithm of engineering calculations for the construction of the foundations of the building: schemes of works on pouring foundations and the location of formwork elements, costing and schedule of construction works, ensuring the reliability and safety of the building during prolonged use. The conclusion contains the main conclusions of the article and recommendations on cost planning in construction. In work not only consequences of use of fire-dangerous materials at erection of walls of buildings are revealed, but also constructive recommendations based on knowledge of physical properties of the construction materials providing ecological safety are given.

    Keywords: technical justification, planning, regulations, construction, Foundation, costing, heat saving, waterproofing, thermal protection, fire hazard, environmental hazard, vapor permeability

  • Comparative analysis of the average performance characteristics of the timber stands of the regions of the Northern economic region of the Russian Federation

    The studies are devoted to a comparative assessment of the average performance characteristics of the timber stands of the regions of the Northern economic area (NEA). The work presents the distributions for the NEA regions: the total timber resources, the timber resources of ripe and over-mature plantations in operational forests, the volume of logging, and the volume of the cut-off area and the species composition of stand. Based on the evaluation of the performance characteristics of timber stands and individual trees, the weighted average characteristics of the model stand for NEA were calculated. The obtained results of a comparative assessment of forest resources can be used in forecasting the productivity and operating costs of forest harvesting machines operating in the conditions of NEA forests.

    Keywords: timber resources, timber stock, estimated cutting area, volume of logging, average timber stand, volume of stem, species composition of stand, model stand

  • Control of electroacoustic piezoelectric converters of acoustic antenna arrays by electrical measurements.

    The method of control parameters of electro-acoustic transducers of the piezoelectric type, composed of an acoustic antenna arrays by electrical measurements is described. A convenient practical implementation of this method by determining the integral of active component of conductivity (area under curve) is proposed .

    Keywords: acoustic antenna array, electro-acoustic transducer, piezoelectric element, control of parameters

  • Parametric architecture

    The article considers the aspects of parametric modeling, his key features, and the question of the relevance of this direction in the design of unique buildings and structures. Are presented surfaces that have not yet acquired the mass character of design and erection, or have not been built anywhere else, but have a high potential to become in the future a great adornment of urban development. In construction, a very limited number of thin-walled structures are used: cylindrical, spherical, shallow transfer shells, conical, shells of rotation. This is only a small fraction of the existing variety of geometric shapes developed by geometers, so the parametric architecture has a great potential for application. The finite element method allows modeling objects of a parametric architecture, approximating buildings and structures with rod, plate and shell elements. The parametric architecture expands the scope of the finite element method and allows the creation of unique high-altitude and long-span buildings and structures. However, the finite element library of the software complex requires modernization and expansion to design unique surfaces of the parametric architecture.

    Keywords: parametric architecture, parametric modeling and design, surface, shell, shape, curvature

  • The analysis of the interaction between slab Foundation and the Foundation soil in the form of the coefficient of bed

    Discusses the current problems of calculations of reinforced concrete slabs. A full calculation of the reinforced concrete Foundation slab of a 17-storey residential building based on the finite element method using the estimated complex with the collection of loads in accordance with SP 20.13330.2011 "Loads and impacts". We study the dependence of the distribution of the zones of maximum precipitation of the plate from the shape of the building and the location of the loads. By results of calculations the analysis of obtained results and conclusions.

    Keywords: the finite element method, the coefficients of the elastic Foundation, the maximum settlement of the building, SCAD 11.3, the coefficient of bed

  • On some characteristics of the development suhodolnyh quarries of sand in the permafrost zone for oilfield

    АнглийскийПеревести вGoogleBingThis article is devoted to the development of suhodolnyh pits in the permafrost zone. For the development of fields in the Arctic requires a large amount of sand for engineering training close to roads, well pads, sites for the installation of complex gas treatment, high pressure pump stations, the Central points of separation and other site projects. Development suhodolnyh quarries of sand in the Arctic requires further activities for the preparation of the sand to a condition suitable for construction. Range transport of sand from the quarry to the designed object will be considered acceptable when the object is within 20 km of the planned quarry, the transportation distance is more than 20 km puts an end to the possibility of further implementation of the project and directly affects the net present value of the project. Improvement of technology of development of dry sand in quarries can positively influence the Economics of the projectThis article is devoted to the development of suhodolnyh pits in the permafrost zone. For the development of fields in the Arctic requires a large amount of sand for engineering training close to roads, well pads, sites for the installation of complex gas treatment, high pressure pump stations, the Central points of separation and other site projects. Development suhodolnyh quarries of sand in the Arctic requires further activities for the preparation of the sand to a condition suitable for construction. Range transport of sand from the quarry to the designed object will be considered acceptable when the object is within 20 km of the planned quarry, the transportation distance is more than 20 km puts an end to the possibility of further implementation of the project and directly affects the net present value of the project. Improvement of technology of development of dry sand in quarries can positively influence the Economics of the project

    Keywords: permafrost, perennial cryolithozone, quarries, sand, sand, career preparation to sand mining, development of oil and gas fields.production

  • Resources hydrothermal waters of the North-Western part of the Azov-Kuban artesian basin and prospects for their use in the economy of the Rostov region

    The article contains material reflecting the prospects of development of hydrothermal resources formation waters of the Azov-Kuban artesian basin.

    Keywords: hydrothermal energy, groundwater, methane gas saturation

  • Repair of the bridge superstructures using alkilalkoksisilanovoy mixture and polymer fibers

    Repair of the bridge superstructures made to restore the performance of the facilities from damage incurred during operation. The main technical measures to improve the durability of structures buildings are reconstruction work on the prevention of water penetration from the roadway construction on the underlying design of superstructures and supports. Repair badly damaged sections of shelves extreme beams of the superstructure shall be mopping up indicators of acidity of not less than pH> 12 (concrete), followed by reduction of the dimensions of the concrete B30; F300 (in Spanish hlor.solyah.); W8 with pre-staging of additional rebar epoxy glue. Repair surface defects superstructures beams includes: To prepare and clean the defective concrete surfaces slabs beams superstructures sandblasting method, a chemical cleaning of the valve; Repair of surface defects of slabs beams non-shrink fast-hardening dry mix containing polymer fiber EMACO®90 and EMACO ®S88C; To restore the protective layer thickness of 20 to 40 mm is provided the use of a repair composition EMACO®S88S. For hydrophobic facades superstructures, attachments, etc. used water repellent water-based to protect concrete surfaces, which is designed for use on old and new concrete surfaces of bridges MASTERSEAL®303V.

    Keywords: repair; concrete bridge; superstructures; fittings; waterproofing; anti-corrosion coating; MASTERSEAL; EMACO

  • Algorithm for matching the array of points and the surface area

    In the article the algorithm of construction of an array of points, put in correspondence to points of a compartment of a surface is resulted. Calculation formulas for the coordinates of points are shown. The possible cases of the location of the corner points of the array are considered. And the conclusion is made that this algorithm will help in modeling acoustic, optical and other processes.

    Keywords: array of points, surface area, algorithm for matching array points, geometric modeling, radix-vector

  • Management of industrial enterprises (characteristics and key figures)

    In the article the analysis of KPI of industrial enterprises, considers the various factors limiting the production growth and the development of guidelines for improving production efficiency. Most economists believe that increasing production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services can be achieved on the basis of systematic analysis of economic activities of the enterprise. The analysis of activities provides an opportunity to develop the necessary strategy and tactics of development of the enterprise, which form the basis for the production programme, revealed reserves of increase of production efficiency.

    Keywords: economy, industry, improvement, efficiency, factors, Finance, sustainability, management

  • The study of the quality dependence of the decoded image in the JPEG 2000 format on the JPWL parameters and the packet error rate in the noisy channel

    This article discusses image transfer in JPEG2000 format using JPWL antinoise coding via noisy channel with occurrence of packet errors. The main problem is recovery of received image with minimum deviations from input original. The aim of this work is to study experimentally the capability of JPWL protection to maintain quality of received and decoded image depending on the level of packet loss in data transmission channel. The experimental procedure consists of simulation of multiple transfer of JPWL protected image with the size of 1024×768 pixels and packet loss with the coded image data. Variable parameters of the study are: JPEG2000 coding procedure (irreversible conversion), Reed–Solomon codes used for JPWL protection, per cent of packet loss. Regular variant of JPWL protection is considered as well as combination of regular variant with algorithm of in-frame interleaving. The final experimental results are PSNR similarity extent of received and decoded image and input image, average per cent of completely recovered tiles with respect to tile number in code stream. The article describes the software complex developed for these studies, which includes JPEG2000 coder and decoder, JPWL coder and decoder, means of code stream dividing into RTP packets, simulating means of packet loss, assembling of frames from RTP packets. Operation flowcharts of JPEG2000 coder and decoder are described. It is mentioned that under conditions of packet errors JPEG2000 decoder should be able to process partially damaged or absent tiles. In-frame interleaving of code stream is described aimed at improvement of its stability with regard to packet errors. Three hypotheses are formulated. Hypothesis 1: in the case of packet loss the regular JPWL extension is unable to maintain quality of received and decoded image. Hypothesis 2: in the case of packet loss the regular JPWL extension in combination with algorithm of in-frame interleaving maintains the quality of received and decoded image. Hypothesis 3: in the case of packet loss and with application of algorithm of in-frame interleaving the PSNR value of received and decoded image depends statistically on the number of tiles completely recovered by JPWL decoder. As a result of the experimental study, all the hypotheses were fully confirmed.

    Keywords: JPEG 2000, JPWL, packet errors, noise-immune encoding, decoded image quality