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  • Inertial module as an important component of the mobile complex of ergometery

    This article discusses aspects of the registrar accelerations and angular velocities to determine the power that develops a person while driving. Knowledge of this power with the simultaneous recording of electrocardiogram and possibly electromyogram lower limb muscles allows a comprehensive evaluation of the cardiovascular system. The use of inertial modules in modern cardiomonitors will significantly expand the diagnostic capabilities hidden ischemia in the early stages of the disease.

    Keywords: inertial unit, walking, sensors, angular rate sensor, accelerometer, developed capacity, orientation of a rigid body, the quaternions

  • The dependence of the local environment of copper and cobalt ions in aqueous solutions, depending on the acidity of the solution

    A study of X-ray absorption spectra depending solution of copper (II) and cobalt from the time of preparation of these solutions (immediately prior to the measurement and aged for six months), as well as the dependence of the spectra on the acidity of the solution (different levels of pH 5.7 and 1, which is achieved by addition of hydrochloric acid). Processing of the experimental spectra were in the software package Athena. The study established according to the experimental X-ray absorption spectra of the solution of copper (II) and cobalt chloride on the test conditions.

    Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, soft X-rays, copper chloride, copper (II), cobalt chloride aqueous solution, X-ray absorption spectrometer Rigaku R-XAS, a cell with kapton window

  • Development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Simulator

    Testing and debugging of real equipment is a time consuming task. In particular, in the case of marine robots, it is necessary each time to carry out the transportation and deployment of a robot on the water. Experiments with not yet fully functional prototype of marine robot equipped with expensive hardware is in the meantime very risky. Therefore, the use of simulators is affordable way to accelerate the development of robotic systems from the viewpoint of labor effort and cost of experiments. This paper presents a simulator specifically designed for autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles.

    Keywords: modeling, underwater vehicle, autonomous vehiclem simulator, robots

  • Software complex of detection and diagnosis of hardware failures in robotic marine mobile vehicles

    The paper considers the use of ground station operator’s software that provides the diagnosis of automatic control system of marine vehicles, based on the monitoring of the functional state of the system elements with depth to the type of failure. Also considers the use of neural networks for solving the problems of monitoring, control and state diagnostics of the actuators and sensors. Describes the principles applying of active fault tolerance and flexible functionality recovery of marine mobile vehicle’s control system

    Keywords: Modeling, control systems, diagnostics, fault tolerance, neural networks, AUV

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the authors of the main indicators in the calculation of asbestos dust emissions in the atmosphere air, in accordance with standard procedures and their impact on quality of life.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Development of electrooptical device for analysis of motor oil contamination of the internal combustion engine with disperse particles

    A new device is offered for the analysis of motor oil contamination of the internal combustion engine with dispersed particles. Optical and ultrasonic methods for analyzing contamination of motor oils are used to obtain more informative data to estimate the concentration of pollutants in the device.  

    Keywords: tribomonitoring, electrooptical device, the internal combustion engine, motor oils, methods for analyzing contamination

  • Developing a model for calculation of the stress-strain states in semiconductor structures due to laser processing

    A model is presented for the calculation of thermoelastic stress and displacement  in semiconductor structures
    due to laser processing. Developed software based on the model allows to determine the optimal parameters of laser processing with taking into account the physical and topological parameters of the structure. The model is divided into two tasks: the non-stationary heat  conduction equation is solved, and the equilibrium equations and Hooke's law. For equations solution was used the finite difference method.

    Keywords: Laser processing, thermal stress, finite difference method

  • Local Atomic and Electronic Structure of the Fe dopants in AlN:Fe Nanorods

    Fe-doped AlN nanorods were studied by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy above the Fe K- and L2,3- edges. Theoretical simulations of the x-ray absorption spectra show that Fe atoms mainly substitute Al. A minor fraction of Fe interstitials or Fe-Al-N ternary alloy can be identified as well. Bader’s AIM analysis predicts that neutral substitutional FeAl defect is in 2+ charge state, though Al in pure AlN is in 3+ charge state.  Fe L2,3 absorption spectra and photoluminescence data indicate the coexistence of Fe2+/Fe3+ in AlN:Fe nanorods so different charge states of substitutional FeAl should co-exist.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • The computational model of radial plain bearing with increased load capacity, working on micropolar lubricantgiven its viscosity characteristics of the pressure

    As is known, currently in a model gidrodinaimcheskoy sliding bearing lubricant widely used micropolar lubrication. A major shortcoming of existing working models of bearings running on micropolar lubricant is that this does not take into account the dependence of viscosity characteristics of the micropolar lubricant on the pressure. Naturally, there is a need not only into account the dependence of viscosity characteristics of the pressure in the development of an analytical method for predicting the optimal carrying capacity characteristics inherent MICROPOLAR grease, but also predict the optimal profile of the reference surface of the radial bearing. [1-3 ]Solving this problem is devoted to this work.

    Keywords: porous bearing, friction regime, the permeability of the porous layer, the viscoelastic lubricant.

  • The computational model thrust bearing with high load-bearing capacity, working on non-Newtonian lubricants with tailored support surface

    The ability to choose the right anti-wear additives [1-6 ] allows you to create lubricants , which are thin layers have different properties than in large volumes. It is commonly assumed that the additives are functioning only in the zone boundary lubrication and are outside the scope of the hydrodynamic theory of lubrication . However, the beneficial effect of additives as indicated in many studies [1-5 ] we have in the " thin layer" of hydrodynamic lubrication .As is well known , lubrication bearings operate on different types of lubricants which are composed of base oil and additive compositions that provide the required functional properties of the oil . Additives polymers with high molecular weight oils impart viscoelastic properties . Analysis of existing studies [ 7-9] on the calculation of bearings running on a viscoelastic lubricant , shows that they do not take into account the dependence of the viscosity and shear modulus of the pressure and temperature, and mode of friction is assumed laminar. It is known [ 10 ] , high-speed bearings operating in turbulent friction , higher pressure and higher temperature, and so the development of methods for calculating the bearings running on a viscoelastic lubricant requires consideration of the above factors.In connection with the above written shall first develop the computational model of thrust bearings running on micropolar lubricant with the viscosity characteristics of the lubricant on the pressure in contrast to the existing theoretical models do not take into account these dependencies (task 1).And then consider the calculation model of extra load -bearing capacity , working on a viscoelastic lubricant for the dependence of its characteristics on the pressure (objective 2).

    Keywords: thrust bearing with the abutment surface adapted, non-Newtonian lubricants

  • Theoretical aspects of the situation-forecast orientation of marketing communications in the complex marketing competence in case of the promotion of administrative services

    The author reviews the basic content of  marketing competence in theoretical terms.  The marketing competence includes  situational forecasting orientation for  effective marketing communications building at promoting business services.

    Keywords: marketing competence, situationally-future orientation, marketing communications, business, management service

  • Computer simulation of visual grouping mechanisms selective to spatial modulations of contrast

    This paper outlines the implementation of computer model of second-order visual mechanisms that are specific to spatial contrast modulations, and represents the results of testing the model. Computer simulation is based on "Filter-Rectify-Filter" model with some important additions. The inhibitory parts of receptive field of simulated mechanism are non-selective to orientation and spatial frequency of texture elements. Texture modulated by orientation or spatial frequency does not reduce flank inhibition and does not activate the mechanism. Unmodulated texture  also does not cause activation of the filter because the flanking inhibition will be equal to or exceed the excitation. However, increasing the contrast in the center and reduction it on the flanks leads to the activation of the second order mechanism.

    Keywords: Second order visual mechanisms, image filtering, texture, spatial modulation, computer simulation

  • The research of raw materials for technological process of cylindrical logs manufacturing for wood construction

    The results of research of raw materials of the logs production for timber construction are considered in the article. Length of logs (for 6 meters assortment), diameter of logs (model logs) and shape of butt (an average shape factor of butt) were studied. The model log is a volume of cylinder which is equal to a calculated volume of logs. The theoretical laws of the random variable for these values are found. The Research was conducted at LLC "Biogran" in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.

    Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors, length of a log, diameter of a log, butt

  • Investigation of the possibility of using hydrocyclones for centrifugal flotation of potassium-containing ores

    The possibility of using hydrocyclones combined action principle for the classification of potassium-containing minerals. The results of studies on the structure of the bubble layer in the aeration chamber. Describes the new design of hydrocyclones-flotation.

    Keywords: hydrocyclone, skimmer, air core, aeration chamber, flotation, sylvinite