The atomic structure of bimetallic nanoparticles of Pt-Ag composition, which are the part of metal-carbon electro-catalysts PtAg/C, is studied by means of EXAFS spectroscopy using the suggested technique. These materials have been prepared by methods of consistent and simultaneous deposition of Ag and Pt atoms from aqueous ethylene glycol solutions of their salts with subsequent acid treatment. The values of the structural parameters of the near environment of platinum atoms are determined. The nature of the distribution of components in nanoparticles is established. Cluster models of nanoparticles are constructed. The fraction of Pt atoms in the working shell and its dependance on preparation methods in each case are determined.
Keywords: Metal-carbon electrocatalysts, bimetallic nanoparticles, Catalysis, Platinum, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, atomic structure
As a rule, the information they have guides for fatigue testing geometrical designs, gives only the evaluation of the characteristics and design lay stock in several, and sometimes in tens times exceeds the tensile strength of the material. And saving of material, from the point of view of obsolescence, product should be developed on a certain resource. For details, which operate in the field of elastic deformations and calculated in operation for a given mode of operation should lay in the design of the guaranteed resource. To do this, for example, compensating coupling method is suggested, which is based on the calculation methods of CAD/CAM/CAE/CSE NX 7.5 and field tests considering the impact of technology of surface hardening. The character of strain in «elastic element» in NX 7.5. The calculations of the elastic element module «flexible body» NX 7.5, but due to the fact that the calculation is impossible to consider technological parameters of manufac-turing is conducted equivalent full-scale tests. Accordingly, designed and built a stand for equiva-lent tests. Finally, for comparison, is a computer simulation to calculate large displacements and complicated movements of the coupling. For this we used the application NX 7.5 «Simulation of kinematic mechanisms» with the attraction tools «Flexible body».
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
In the article were considered are questions that reveal the nature and current state of food security of the country, are presented the main criteria in the areas of consumption, production and management. The basic contradiction of food security are related to the operation and management of agricultural production.
Keywords: Food security, agriculture, conflict, management, analysis, criterion, consumption.
To date, questions the reliability and continuity of electrical energy production facilities are among the most urgent , due to the transition generation companies into private hands and aggravate financial, economic and industrial- technological challenges : depreciation and obsolescence of equipment, lack of investment and other factors, influencing the power producers .
The article discusses the various valuation techniques of industrial enterprises and industrial complexes electricity . On the basis of their proposed universal method of estimating production complexes electricity , which is divided into 6 groups and includes weights . The article noted that the proposed method of estimating the weight of electric power systems operation has several advantages compared with the methods of other authors.
Keywords: electricity, electricity production complexes, investment, reliability, development
The quantum and chemical simulation (HF/MP2, cc-pVDZ basis) of diphenyl-2,2',4,4'-tetraamine (DPTA) molecule properties allows to determine the its thin film pyroelectric properties since hydrogen bonds between molecules in the film are weaker than intramolecular bonds. The study of a DPTA photosensitive pyroelectric film microstructure enables one to assume that the dipole moment of the needle-shaped crystallines densely stacked and extended along a film surface is aligned perpendicularly to the surface. The possibility of the reproduced control for DPTA properties may be used when producing the most effective pyroelectric film for photodetectors in infrared wavelength range.
Keywords: Diphenyl-2,2',4,4'-tetraamine, quantum chemical simulation, pyroelectric material, thin-film structure
This article is devoted to description of structure of methodology of modelling of hierarchical problem-directed systems on the example of social and economic systems. In the basis of methodology the principle of a combination of the formalized methods of modelling and expert procedures is put. Modelling of hierarchical system is offered to be spent by means of multilayered fuzzy cognitive maps. Filling of the block of logical-mathematical models in structure of process of decision-making is described in detail. The offered methodology provides the development and choice of well-founded administrative decisions.
Keywords: Problem-directed system, decision making, fuzzy cognitive model, methodology
The article is devoted to modelling of process of decision-making in difficult systems in the conditions of total uncertainty. The problem is formulated on the basis of synthesis of concepts of the control theory and decision-making, the theory of fuzzy sets and the fuzzy logic, the theory of hierarchical multilevel systems, the utility theory and the theory of games. The given concept expands possibilities of the account uncertainty the various nature, typical to mathematical description of the surrounding validity. Problems of search of decisions in an fuzzy hierarchical control system are designated. The way of the description and finding of alternative decisions in multilevel difficult systems is offered in given article. The algorithm is based on information processing in the form of fuzzy intervals taking into account two kinds the politician conservative and aggressive on the basis of criteria «maxmin» and «minmax». The method of projection on individual interval is used for comparison of the fuzzy intervals presented on various dimension scales. The example showing work of algorithm of a choice of two groups of alternatives is resulted: optimistic and pessimistic on a level of hierarchies of the purposes in the conditions of total uncertainty.
Keywords: Difficult system; decision making, fuzzy interval, the control decision; total uncertainty
History rural fire insurance on the Don, analysis of insurance institutions Don Army (1870-1876),
regional rural council (1876-1882), the Regional Management Committee for Zemstvo Affairs (1882-1919).
The specificity of the insurance for the сossack population: collecting insurance payments stanichno and county boards,
the choice of the сossacks rated insurance, etc.
There was a preponderance of mutual insurance, analyzed the accumulation of insurance capital
Keywords: insurance, organization of insurance, business, Zemstvo insurance, mutual insurance, insured event, insurance valuation, insurance discounts
The importance of Tuapse Oil Refinery for Krasnodar territory and the town of Tuapse, the history of it's development and modernization is cousidered. A part of reconstrustion was performed in 1960s. wich made it possible to increase production of A-92 and AI-80 petrol brands. In 2008-2013 the Russian Petroleum Company "NC-Rosneft" invested 117 mld riubles in the modernization of the plant. to increase it capacity from 32,2 mln barrels to 88 mln barrels a year. Modernized Refinery will produce automobile fuel of "Euro-4" and "Euro-5" class. For this purpouse KY-1, LOY-ABT-12 installatious, hydrocracking, catalic reforming equipment was perfomed. The increase of the capacity demands ноу штскуфыу ща oil tanks quantify. Recoustruction of Oil Refinery demanded the development of transport infrastructure: building of 4 railway tracks with freight facilities, a new bridge over the Tuapse river, a moorage for filling in large-tonn tankers and a deadweight up to 100 thousand tonns.
Keywords: refinery, reconstruction, modernization, eguipment, transport, railway, moorage
In the article the questions of technical and economical justification of the physical and mechanical compressed aitr drying are looked over. The detailed calculation for price index and economic profit for wagon exploitation depot are given.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
This article discusses current issues of modern use of the benchmarking system on the example of the clothing companies. Benchmarking is able to dramatically affect the economic and marketing activities of enterprises, as well as foster a constructive dialogue between business structures. Research results revealed the garment industry in the Rostov region, related to the type Brand Non-Recognition and Brand Recognition.
Keywords: benchmarking, comparative analysis, marketing environment, competitiveness, market conditions, the image.
This article describes a method for producing two-component nonisocyanate insulating foams and technology of its spraying on the insulated surface. It describes the device, which, along with standard equipment, includes principally new design of components pre-mixing chamber. Constructive solutions described in the article will allow using the compositions which have different time and temperature of curing than conventional PU foams.
Keywords: Keywords: spray foams, insulating foams, nonisocyanate urethanes, pre-mixing chamber.
The basic virtue of the sowing apparatus of an overpressure is possibility of conducting of sowing on the big speeds and with high uniformity of dispensing of seeds. But the processes occurring in the sowing apparatus of an overpressure at dispensing of seeds, are insufficiently studied. In the article one of stages of process of dispensing by the overpressure sowing apparatus - transportation of a unit seed by dosing elements of a seed disc is observed. The forces acting on a seed in the course of transportation with a dosing element of a seed disc are defined. The gravity, centrifugal force, force of air drag and pressure force of air refers to to them. The scheme of forces is presented. As a consequence of theoretical research dependence of magnitude of an overpressure in the seed vessel from key parameters of work of the sowing apparatus of an overpressure has been defined. Graphs of theoretical dependence of pressure in the seed vessel from diameter of holes and a seed disc angle of rotation are built. The analysis of the gained results allows to draw following conclusions. The increase in diameter of holes of dosing elements of a seed disc leads to considerable decrease of the pressure necessary for transportation of a seed. At increase in an angular velocity of a seed disc pressure necessary for the secured transportation of a seed is augmented. The increase in an angle of rotation of a seed disc puts insignificant agency on pressure in the apparatus seed vessel.
Keywords: seeds, transportation, dispensing, forces, an overpressure, a dosing element, a nominal diameter, dependence.
In article the main questions on management of the production program of the large industrial enterprise are taken up at innovative development and technological modernization. In the manuscript materials of activity of JSC Shakhty Hydraulic Actuator Plant of the Rostov region which production represents difficult process of transformation of objects of the labor in the finished goods satisfying needs of many subjects of managing of the Russian Federation and a number of the foreign states are used.
Keywords: environment, air pollution, toxic components, transport, ecology problems
Relative orientation of the aerial views is the fundamental task of the photogrammetry. The final results depends on the accuracy and reliability of its solving, characterizing the spatial position of the photographed object (area).
Two groups of the elements of the relative orientation found their industrial application in our country (then ERO). However they don’t use up all the possible combinations of the corner pieces res ipsa loquitur and also between the photogrammes. Moreover it is known that in both systems of the relative orientation of the aerial views (base and linear-angular) visible correlation of the mistakes of the ERO are found, which leads to the additional of the route trough model within the coordinate space XY and XZ.
One of the possible alternative variants of the application within the group ERO of another corner piece is examined in this article. Five elements of the relative orientation of the aerial views are presented on the left view of the stereo mate as two angles: transverse inclination angle ω1 and longitudinal slope α1, and two angles (α1 and χ2) on the right and the azimuth of the direction of the basis of the design τ. Such a diviosn of the ERO has reduced much the correlation between the mistakes of the angle elements. However other variants are possible (e.g., τ, υ, χ1, α2 and ω2).
To calculate the photogrammetry co-ordinates of the general formula of the straight photogrammetry mark is proposed, which can be used both for the aerial shots in any direction and for the shooting from the points of the earth surface.
Relative orientation of the aerial views is the fundamental task of the photogrammetry. The final results depends on the accuracy and reliability of its solving, characterizing the spatial position of the photographed object (area).
Two groups of the elements of the relative orientation found their industrial application in our country (then ERO). However they don’t use up all the possible combinations of the corner pieces res ipsa loquitur and also between the photogrammes. Moreover it is known that in both systems of the relative orientation of the aerial views (base and linear-angular) visible correlation of the mistakes of the ERO are found, which leads to the additional of the route trough model within the coordinate space XY and XZ.
One of the possible alternative variants of the application within the group ERO of another corner piece is examined in this article. Five elements of the relative orientation of the aerial views are presented on the left view of the stereo mate as two angles: transverse inclination angle ω1 and longitudinal slope α1, and two angles (α1 and χ2) on the right and the azimuth of the direction of the basis of the design τ. Such a diviosn of the ERO has reduced much the correlation between the mistakes of the angle elements. However other variants are possible (e.g., τ, ν, χ1, α2 and ω2).
To calculate the photogrammetry co-ordinates of the general formula of the straight photogrammetry mark is proposed, which can be used both for the aerial shots in any direction and for the shooting from the points of the earth surface.
Keywords: Key words: photogrammetry, elements of the relative orientation, complanarity, alternative group of the elements, straight photogrammetry march, photogrammetry co-ordinates.