We show that for specialists needed professional Russian-Finnish (Finnish-Russian) dictionaries that the promotion of Russian language teaching in Finland and Finnish as a foreign language is highly relevant, and its implementation should be multi-layered, designed for children, pupils, students Comrade, professionals of different specialties.
Keywords: education, promotion of the Russian language, Russian-Finnish dictionaries.
A timber industry complex is a complex of technological processes linked with timber harvesting, wood transport and woodworking. For their optimization are used mathematical and economic methods. The brief overview of the application of mathematical modeling methods for the analysis and optimization of technological processes in the forestry sector is given in the article. Queuing theory is used for analysis of forestry process. For example harvesting technology with the round logs production for wooden construction is considered as G/G/1 queuing system. Well-developed models of queuing theory are recommended for analyzing of forestry process. Simulation models are recommended for deep analysis of forestry process.
Keywords: Forestry process, woodworking, cylindering, queuing theory, timber industry manufacture, wood construction
Information about authors of issue №2 (2014)
Keywords: authors
The paper is devoted with the analysis of sources and volumes of oil components’ input into the Black sea. The topicality of this problem is connected with of transboundary the status of water object that contributes to the complexity of such works. Black Sea has important significance for transport and development in the coastal zone of the oil complex, combined with a great recreational potential. As a result, ecosystems are technogenic impact. The paper describes the main natural and anthropogenic sources of oil components in the Black Sea. On the basis of the results of our expeditionary research and analysis of sources of pollutant concluded chronic character oil pollution of the Black Sea. And the conclusion that the most optimistic estimates, entrance of oil components in the ecosystem in the Black Sea is approximately 270 thousand tons per year, which is higher than the currently accepted values of 2−2.5 times.
Keywords: sources, volumes, oil components, the Black Sea, hydrocarbons
The article suggests technique of optimization of tree cutting and skidding process via felling-skidding machines and felling-skidding-processing machines. The realization of this technique will allow reducing of time costs and raising of machine efficiency taking into account accessibility of stand cutting, relief features and technological working conditions.
Keywords: integrated machine, cutting, tree, timber harvesting, skidding.
Production lines for manufacturing of cylindrical logs for wood construction are considered in the article. Technological factors influencing on efficiency of production lines are identified and classified. Results of research can be basis for improving production lines.
Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors
The results of research of raw materials of the logs production for timber construction are considered in the article. Length of logs (for 6 meters assortment), diameter of logs (model logs) and shape of butt (an average shape factor of butt) were studied. The model log is a volume of cylinder which is equal to a calculated volume of logs. The theoretical laws of the random variable for these values are found. The Research was conducted at LLC "Biogran" in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.
Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors, length of a log, diameter of a log, butt
An analysis of the problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the logging trucks for hauling timber to the lower timber depots and consumers. Proposed technical solutions for of raising cross-trains in complex natural and industrial environments.
Keywords: Active semi-trailer used forestry, passableness, prosary operation.
This article describes the model of the pseudorandom sequences (PRS) generator developed in OrCAD program suite.The described model is applicable for radio systems modules circuits simulation that are using in the operation a PRS. The PRS generator implementation in OrCAD make possible to change PRS parametres immediately in the program, without using other software. A model specificity is that it is parametrised. Parametrization facilitates model control and that is reduce to a minimum necessary manipulations for changing of PRS type. The model is constructed on the basis of circuitry implementation of the linear feedback shift register (LFSR). For adjustment of model it is enough to instal code words setting starting state a LFSR, parametres of a signal of a clock source and to specify register tap output. As an example, used a 16-bit LFSR to create maximum length PRS, tap sequence {0, 5, 9, 13}. Emulation results are presented.
Keywords: pseudorandom sequence, PRS generator, LFSR, OrCAD, circuit simulation
his paper presents mathematic model of logging timber freights by combine transport network. This model optimize of cargo-carrying and technological roading of forest bases in timber procurement enterprise and lumber factories. Authors developed procedures and functions, which allowed solving optimization of cargo-carrying and technological roading of forest bases in timber procurement enterprise and lumber factories. Authors also analyze technological process on cut-over land, loading bay and railheads. This reporting allows to reduce transport costs and makes optimal schedule of logging timber freights.
Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex
Results of comparing the beamwidth and the concentration factor of receiving antenna wich were calculated using the metods of Bartlett and Prony when working on the background noise of the sea are considered. It was shown that efficiency parameter estimation signal sources using Prony methods is higher than when using the method of Bartlett.
Keywords: Prony algorithm, vector-scalar array,dynamc sea noise, the covariance, the flow of power
The results of the modeling of joint work of the control system with the aircraft inertial navigation system are represented in this article .For improving the accuracy of the control the results of calibration of inertial sensors with are used. It is shown that the developed method of calibration of inertial sensors with middle accuracy allow to improve the quality of inertial measuring unit and use it in automatically control system of aircraft.
Keywords: aircraft, strapdown inercial navigation system, automatic control system by flight, terminal'nya exactness, algorithmic indemnification
The article is devoted to identify the causes of specific behavior argillit-like clay clays Sochi suites at bid opening and interaction with water. The article outlines the history of rock formation, from the deposition of the primary clay material on the bottom of the sedimentation basin to convert it into a highly lithified argillaceous rocks, generating mechanism contacts between the clay particles and the type of contacts formed.
Keywords: Argillit-like clay, engineering geology, catagenesis, construction, swelling, the density of the soil, cutting the road
The article analyses the processes of social life technologization, their role in the development of contemporary society and mankind as a whole. The main trends in the development of social technologies are described in the article. Special attention is given to the scientific approach, the use of scientific methods in the technologization of social actions, the modeling of social processes and technification of social work. The article is of a research nature because it identifies the main problems of a research subject associated with various aspects of social technologies and their potential application in social life. It explores the use of both universal and specific social technologies; explores their phasing and sequencing. The article proves the impact of knowledge of theoretical aspects of social technologies on research in sociology and social philosophy, as well as the practical application of social technologies, allowing one to use their research capacity in social practice.
Keywords: social technologies, technologization of social life, modeling of social processes, sequencing, phases of social technologies, universal social technologies, specific social technologies
The article suggests improvement of increment borer construction by means of installing a ratchet into its handle. The suggested technical solution will allow increasing the efficiency of work with a borer while taking core of wood.
Keywords: Increment borer, preparatory works of forest logging, tree age, ratchet, core.