The article describes the research of thermodurability of glass-carbon - one of the most promising carbon materials used in the production of luminophors and semiconductor materials, optical single crystals, etc. The aim of this work was to study the behavior glass-carbon in the course of thermo-cyclic testing. As a method of diagnostics of the birth and development of micro-cracks was used by the reception of signals of acoustic emission. It is shown that at heating in the samples glass-carbon there was a strong movement of dislocations in thermocyclic effects ,recognized in the signals of acoustic emission. As the number of pulses when heated above, than during the cooling of the sample, it is evidence of the accumulation of damages in the structure of the cyclic thermal processing glass-carbon samples. It is established, that the curves of the accumulation of defects at the pulses of acoustic emission, differ on the stage of heating and cooling. Proposed to use the curve of the aggregate accounts of acoustic emission pulses as a possible harbinger of destruction when heated glass-carbon of the product.
Keywords: acoustic emission, electrodeposition, the activity of the AE, the remote control.
The characteristics of the migration processes in Russia and the Republic of Karelia. Shown that research in the field of promotion of the Russian language and Russian as a foreign language as a native language in Russia and abroad have seen in close conjunction with the analysis of migration processes associated with the need for teaching Russian adapting foreign citizens in the country. The analysis showed that the transition to a "quiet" conditions of a market economy after the 2000 cross-country movement of labor with Russia intensified: the capacity of the Russian labor market and the increased mobility of Russians led the growth of migration flows, Russia as a whole remains a "host" side - the number of labor migrants in Russia considerably exceeds the number of Russians traveling to work abroad. Such a situation is typical for the Republic of Karelia. A comparison of labor migration on vocational qualification groups
Keywords: migration, Republic of Karelia, Russia, Russian language.
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling of high frequency electrothermic of thermoplastics in relation to a technological system in the form of the component plate, including electrodes, insulators, the processed material, and the study of the influence of termoisolation on heating of the thermoplastic. In the article the mathematical model in the form of a system of nonstationary heat transfer in considering the internal heat sources with different boundary conditions and delivers its software.
The software provided in article enables to study the influence of geometrical and electrophysical parameters of technological systems of high-frequency heating of the thermoplastic. In this article the results of research of influence of termoisolation on the nature of the heating of the thermoplastic. Based on the calculations presented in numerical and graphic kind, identified the following areas of heating polymer: uniform heating, regional zones of thermal influence of insulators. Heat-affected zone is characterized by depth and temperature of the contacting surfaces. The thickness increase of insulators over a certain value does not change the zone of thermal influence of insulators, which allows to speak about effective from the energy point of view of the thickness of the insulator, the excess of which increase energy consumption, time of heating of the polymer.
Conclusion is made according to result of the study about the necessity of the presence and settings termoisolations when building technological processes electrothermic of polymers. The developed software allows a new approach to the study of the RF heating, ensuring minimal energy consumption while ensuring uniform heating details.
Keywords: electrothermics, thermoplastic, mathematical model, polymer, thermoinsulator, welding, drying, polyamide, high-frequency treatment
Universal method of optimal control synthesis offers a versatile method for the synthesis of optimal controls provides a solution to the synthesis problem for the class of piecewise constant functions for Lagrangian dynamical systems, the shape of the control law depends only on the structure of the cost functional and does not depend on the structure of the existing system of generalized forces. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by a minimum of computational costs, as well as the maximum rate of convergence and accuracy to achieve the desired trajectory in comparison with the known solution for example has become a test for testing various control methods for the synthesis problem of a simple pendulum.
Keywords: combined maximum principle, optimal control, mathematical pendulum
This paper presents mathematic model of optimization of expenses of stock-piling of timber and logging timber from felling areas to timber consumers by transport networks. This model optimize technological processes which appears during the process of stock-piling of timber and logging timber.
Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex.
This article outlines the rationale and relevance of the theme of its relevance in a real production. A brief description of the object of research , as well as the causes of the defects of the object. Later in the article describes the methods used to conduct the study , describes the applicable non-destructive and destructive methods . Describes the results obtained in the course of work , methods of mathematical processing , obtained correlations . The graphs dependencies. Next, a method developed that allows for quality control.
Keywords: granite, nondestructive testing, destructive testing, careers, ultrasound, natural frequency, correlations
The methods of construction and repair of temporary winter roads, proposed technical solution for creating devices that provide a significant increase in strength, bearing capacity and durability of the repaired snegoledovogo cover winter road at full mechanization of the process of recovery.
Keywords: Winter road, a temporary winter road, moisturizing, repairing, mechanized complex snow mass, milling machine, load capacity
We show that for specialists needed professional Russian-Finnish (Finnish-Russian) dictionaries that the promotion of Russian language teaching in Finland and Finnish as a foreign language is highly relevant, and its implementation should be multi-layered, designed for children, pupils, students Comrade, professionals of different specialties.
Keywords: education, promotion of the Russian language, Russian-Finnish dictionaries.
A timber industry complex is a complex of technological processes linked with timber harvesting, wood transport and woodworking. For their optimization are used mathematical and economic methods. The brief overview of the application of mathematical modeling methods for the analysis and optimization of technological processes in the forestry sector is given in the article. Queuing theory is used for analysis of forestry process. For example harvesting technology with the round logs production for wooden construction is considered as G/G/1 queuing system. Well-developed models of queuing theory are recommended for analyzing of forestry process. Simulation models are recommended for deep analysis of forestry process.
Keywords: Forestry process, woodworking, cylindering, queuing theory, timber industry manufacture, wood construction
Information about authors of issue №2 (2014)
Keywords: authors
The paper is devoted with the analysis of sources and volumes of oil components’ input into the Black sea. The topicality of this problem is connected with of transboundary the status of water object that contributes to the complexity of such works. Black Sea has important significance for transport and development in the coastal zone of the oil complex, combined with a great recreational potential. As a result, ecosystems are technogenic impact. The paper describes the main natural and anthropogenic sources of oil components in the Black Sea. On the basis of the results of our expeditionary research and analysis of sources of pollutant concluded chronic character oil pollution of the Black Sea. And the conclusion that the most optimistic estimates, entrance of oil components in the ecosystem in the Black Sea is approximately 270 thousand tons per year, which is higher than the currently accepted values of 2−2.5 times.
Keywords: sources, volumes, oil components, the Black Sea, hydrocarbons
The article suggests technique of optimization of tree cutting and skidding process via felling-skidding machines and felling-skidding-processing machines. The realization of this technique will allow reducing of time costs and raising of machine efficiency taking into account accessibility of stand cutting, relief features and technological working conditions.
Keywords: integrated machine, cutting, tree, timber harvesting, skidding.
Production lines for manufacturing of cylindrical logs for wood construction are considered in the article. Technological factors influencing on efficiency of production lines are identified and classified. Results of research can be basis for improving production lines.
Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors
The results of research of raw materials of the logs production for timber construction are considered in the article. Length of logs (for 6 meters assortment), diameter of logs (model logs) and shape of butt (an average shape factor of butt) were studied. The model log is a volume of cylinder which is equal to a calculated volume of logs. The theoretical laws of the random variable for these values are found. The Research was conducted at LLC "Biogran" in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.
Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors, length of a log, diameter of a log, butt
An analysis of the problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the logging trucks for hauling timber to the lower timber depots and consumers. Proposed technical solutions for of raising cross-trains in complex natural and industrial environments.
Keywords: Active semi-trailer used forestry, passableness, prosary operation.