The work is devoted to the structural characterization of carbon nanotubes by means of electronic combination scattering of light. Samples of double-walled carbon nanotubes with various electronic configurations of the layers have been synthesized, their study has been performed by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, Rayleigh spectroscopy, as well as spectroscopy of combination scattering of light. The structural characterization of the synthesized nanotubes has been carried out using electronic combination scattering of light, which can play the role of an additional criteria for nanotubes indexing, helping to clarify and verify the obtained results.
Keywords: carbon nanotubes, catalytic chemical vapor deposition, spectroscopy of combination scattering of light
The mining industry, as well as the socio-economic development of this sector, makes a significant contribution to the development of the economy of some low-and middle-income countries rich in non-fuel minerals, as evidenced by the modified mining contribution Index (IVGP-BP). 10 of the 20 countries in which the mining industry contributes the most (the highest GPI-BP) rose one or two positions higher, according to the world Bank's country classification, between 1999 and 2019. Based on detailed data from the mining sector, such as mining, exports, prices, rents for mineral resources, mineral exploration expenditures, and state budget revenues, the current situation for 2019 is analyzed, as well as trends regarding the contribution to the development of the socio-economic level of the mining industry for 1999-2019.
Keywords: mining, minerals, industry, economy, export, mineral rent, gold, coal
The modern world is impossible to imagine without means of technical movement, broad mechanization and automation of production processes. Mechanisms exude harmful noises and vibrations that adversely affect the human body. Many materials have been created that absorb harmful noises and vibrations. Vibrating materials are widely used in everyday life. They are applied to the parts of cars, hulltrains of trains and aircraft from the inside. Anti-corrosion coating helps to protect the bottom of the car and train. It can serve as another level of protection against noise and vibration. At the heart of the vibrating material, as in the anti-corrosion coating, is a viscous layer, which, in turn, is modified by the introduction of fillers and plasticizers. The difference between vibrating material and anti-corrosion material is that for a greater increase in its vibrating properties, the material is sometimes reinforced. The article presents the results of studies of the mastmaterial material with such fillings as mica ground flogopit SMF-123, calcium formiat, melflux 1641F, melflux 4930F, melflux 6681F. A steel plate with a mast material applied to it has been selected as the object of the study. The matrix material was based on polyninilacetate, which injected epoxy resin and dibutylphthalate. The loss factor of the material was determined by a resonant method, the essence of which is to excite the sample of cross-range oscillations. Developed vibrating mastics, selected effective fillers and plasticizer for it. The dependence of vibrating properties on the amount of epoxy resin injected, plasticizer and the influence of thickness of layers is represented.
Keywords: polyvinyl acetate, epoxy resin, vibration-absorbing mastic material, damping, loss coefficient
Within approaching the plane-stress state the problem of a high-speed rotating disk being under side pressure is considered. Within the model of a perfect rigid-plastic body and the Mises yield criterion the values of external parameters for which the plastic zones appear have been defined. The stresses in plastic zones are obtained from the solution of the Cauchy problem, which includes two differential equations to define the stress tensor nonzero component. In order to estimate the stress state in the elastic zone the equivalent stress is introduced. The maximum allowable values of external parameters are obtained from the solution of the problem when the disk is in the limit state. The numerical results are represented as the stress vector hodograph.
Keywords: the plane-stress state, Mises yield criterion, the equivalent stress, an elasto-plastic solid, a rotating disk, a stress vector hodograph
Finite state machines, being a mathematical abstraction, allow you to perceive information from the control object, process it and give signals to control the object. The disadvantages of the representation of complex production systems by a set of finite state machines include the complexity of carrying out logical and set-theoretic operations on them and the complexity of describing the parallelism that occurs in the operation of complex production systems. When specifying a finite state machine in the matrix–predicate form, due to the information redundancy, it is possible to avoid these difficulties. Matrix–predicate method allows you to uniquely set the finite state machine square matrix, which makes it possible to use the methods of the theory of matrices during the set–theoretic operations on them and it is possible to avoid isomorphism. The paper presents the developed methods of representation of a finite state machine using a multi-place predicate, which greatly simplifies its task.
Keywords: finite state machine, graph, matrix, predicate, algorithm, matrix–predicate method, graph incident, tuple, Cartesian product, complex production systems
Mathematic modeling of the state of a thin round disk being heat and force affected is performed. In the central part of the disk the homogeneous field of temperatures is formed. Within the deformation theory of a perfect elasto-plastic solid the quadratic plasticity condition is chosen. The relationships between the radius of the disk, the temperature of the central part of the disk and the external pressure which defines the appearance of plastic zones have been established. For different values of external parameters of the model the stress vector hodograph and the plots of stresses and equivalent stresses have been introduced.
Keywords: mathematic modeling, an elastic-plastic solid, the plane-stress state, the deformation theory, thermo-elasto-plasticity, a high-speed rotating disk
The article deals with the processes of separation of thin films of oil liquids on the basis of rotary-belt type devices. The analysis of interaction of liquids and working body is made. The model of formation of oil films and their separation is described. the Studies create prerequisites for the development of engineering methods for calculating the design and operating parameters of the rotor-belt device for the formation of emulsion films and cleaning water surfaces from oil films, which is of great environmental importance.
Keywords: emulsion, film, apparatus, oil stain, viscosity, water surface cleaning
Despite numerous advantages, green construction has not yet acquired significant proportions, since modern environmental technologies in construction lead to increased costs, and legislation is also not being adapted to new certification systems. This article outlined the main objectives of "green" construction. Considered the most important principles on which it is based. Analyzed the modern "green" standards for environmental performance of buildings, discussed in detail the methods for determining the rating of a building on specific scales. The advantages and disadvantages of environmental standards were also noted, groups of organizations in the field of “green” construction in Russia were considered.
Keywords: environmental technology, green building, green standards, energy saving, energy efficiency, energy consumption, green building, renewable energy sources
In article the design of an integrated micromechanical accelerometer of capacitive type is considered. The method with use of operation of self-assembly, constructed on the basis of the operated self-organization of mechanically intense semiconductor layers of GaAs/InAs is considered. This design was designed also a promodelirovana in ANSYS CAD. Results of model operation meet requirements, shown to present microaccelerometers, and give the chance to use them for further perfecting of structures of the given type. It is possible to use the obtained data in particular for calculation of the recommended parameters when developing techniques of projection of accelerometers and gyroscopes and also for development of more precise models of microelectromechanical structures.
Keywords: MEMS, capacitive type, micromechanical accelerometer, design, sensor, sensor, mathematical model, GaAs/InAs
The article shows the possibility of describing complex objects with parallel functioning components in the form of structures built on the basis of neural networks. The neural network is represented by an operator matrix, that is, a formal description that gives a universal way to solve many non-standard control problems. Matrix apparatus is shown to significantly improve the efficiency of the method compared to previously known. It is concluded that the representation of the neural network by the operator matrix provides a universal way to solve the problems of transport and information flows management; neuron-like systems based on such representation of the neuron are able to catch complex nonlinear relationships, self-improvement, learning in the process of use. Their use provides ample opportunities for finding and implementing effective solutions to the problems of management and control of flows
Keywords: graph, parallelism, transport and information flow, neural network, synaptic weight, predicate, activation function, operator matrix, neuron, complex systems
The article deals with the work of mechanical absorbers, where the working body is presented in the form of a rotating cylinder. The analysis of interaction of liquids and a working body in similar devices is made. The mutual influence of liquid layers and the action of the working body are considered. The estimation of the force factors of the dynamic layer entrained by the rotating cylinder is obtained. The study presented in the article will help in the preparation of engineering methods for calculating the operating and design parameters of devices.
Keywords: absorber, emulsion layer, capillary forces, emulsion, static meniscus region, capillary pressure, immiscible liquids, rotating cylinder, liquid, Navier-Stokes equation
The development of modern technology makes increasingly stringent requirements for materials, and improving the reliability and durability is an urgent task for many industries. One of the most important elements of the automatic coupling device of the car is the absorbing device. The parts included in it must meet high standards, be reliable and provide the necessary hardness and mechanical properties of the materials throughout the life cycle of the car. One of these parts included in the friction unit of the absorbing device is a movable plate. In the present work, an example of modernization of the absorbing apparatus through the use of modern methods of modeling and manufacturing of a fixed plate is given. The technical result is to reduce consumption of materials of the movable plate, and to simplify the manufacturing process of the plate by making it from rolled steel.
Keywords: Absorbing apparatus, modeling, mobile plate, energy consumption, friction unit, friction, wear resistance, reliability, durability
The article deals with the process of spraying immiscible liquid media with a disk spray. A mathematical model for determining the dispersion characteristics of spraying is proposed.
Keywords: liquid, atomization, flow, speed, dosing
Research of models of formation of integration projects on the basis of points of growth reveals a number of important aspects related to the stages and management of their implementation. The focus on the formation and support of growth points essentially excludes the use of unary models in the planning and implementation of projects within the framework of national programs. In order to overcome the limitations imposed by this type of project, various integrative mechanisms are proposed. The peculiarity of the considered binary models describing the integration mechanisms is the preservation of the basic cycle of the project points of growth within the national program. However, the introduction of additional contours in the model with growth accelerators, with related or integrated projects, as well as attracted resources can reduce the risks caused by high rates of development and innovation issues. The integration potential of the binary model with the project of the growth point in the basic circuit generates a dynamic competitive advantage, i.e. a sustainable, increasing advantage over time that is not related to the amount of initial funding. This advantage generates a powerful growth cycle that can provide a significant increase in profitability over a long period of time. The integrative nature of growth point projects should be envisaged already at the planning stage of national programmes with appropriate monitoring and funding instruments.
Keywords: Decree of the President of Russia, southern Federal district, points of growth, model, project, program, integration, mechanism
The problem of transmitting an image in a transmitter-receiver system over a noisy data transmission channel in JPEG 2000 and JPWL format under conditions of a previously unknown and varying intensity of noise is considered. This task is considered for the conditions of the IP network. The article aims to build methods for estimating the intensity of noise by the JPWL decoding results in the receiver and dynamically adapting the parameters of the JPWL transmitter to the current assessment of the noise intensity, ensuring the highest quality of the decoded image with the shortest length of the transmitted encoded stream. An experimental study of the relationship between the parameters of JPWL, the intensity of noise and the quality of the decoded image was carried out. It is shown that for any JPWL parameter there is a region of one-to-one correspondence between the percentage of fully recovered tiles and the probability of losing a network packet. A technique for estimating the intensity of noise by the decoding results of a single image is described. This technique can be expanded to use the results of decoding a series of images.
Keywords: noisy channel, antinoise coding, noise intensity, decoding result, JPEG 2000, JPWL, experimental model