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  • Development of fine concrete composition on off-grade components with a complex modifying additive applied

    In the article there was considered a possibility of off-grade materials utilization for making fine concrete with a multicomponent complex additive applied. Use of fine sands as raw material for fine concretes is actual for many regions in Russia because of deficiency of sands of necessary fineness modulus. There was considered the issue of utilization of fine sand and stale cement for reducing cost (loss), widening materials’ assortment for low-rise building, and energy- and resource-saving. To achieve the assigned purpose a multicomponent complex additive was applied. The research was carried out in full correspondence with the adopted design of the fractional factorial experiment. The acquired results were subject to a preliminary analysis and processing, and consequently dependences of strength properties upon varying factors were obtained. The obtained dependences made it possible to select optimal ingredients’ proportion of the complex modifying additive in order to increase strength properties of fine concrete based on off-grade materials. It was established that the use of optimal consumption of the complex additive components allows increase strength properties by 25-30% in comparison with the reference composition.

    Keywords: fine concrete, fine sand, stale cement, complex additive, fractional factorial experiment, strength

  • Design of the SPI slave based on gate arrays

    Results of the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Slave node design based on gate arrays 5503 series are presented in this paper. SPI is used for high-speed synchronous data transmission between control and peripheral devices. Developed chip could be applied in connection with SPI Master node for matching microcontrollers and microprocessors with different sensors, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, memory and communication units. Upon the results of the development, design approach of digital integrated circuits is proposed. The approach supposes using Russian freeware CAD "Kovcheg" ("Ark") designated for gate arrays design (IC based on prefabricated crystals, components on which are supposed to be interconnected during design to form logic devices). According to the proposed approach, behavioural descriptions of the devices, written on hardware description languages (e.g. Verilog), are used, since it is often easier to describe circuit operational principal algorithmically than construct structure from components library. The problem is that "Kovcheg" can't execute structural synthesis of the circuit from behavioural description. So it is proposed in the approach to use outside CAD environments, intended even for design of custom full-integrated circuits (like Cadence) or FPGA (like Vivado), to synthesize structural description of desired device from known behavioural ones and available process design kits (PDK) or library, appropriate for the chosen CAD. The entire design cycle using "Kovcheg" is outlined in the paper.

    Keywords: gate arrays, serial peripheral interface, hardware description language, computer-aided design

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of inorganic coagulants in the processes of purification of surface natural waters

    The effectiveness of various inorganic coagulants based on aluminum and iron was evaluated. Based on a review of the literature data, as well as experimental studies, the advantages and disadvantages of a number of coagulants based on aluminum and iron have been identified. Aluminum sulfate, iron sulfate, as well as polyoxychloride and aluminum oxychloride were studied. Based on the results of evaluating the effectiveness of inorganic coagulants in terms of turbidity, chromaticity, residual aluminum, permanganate oxidability, recommendations for their separate and joint use are given.

    Keywords: coagulant, aluminum, iron, turbidity, chromaticity, permanganate oxidability, residual aluminum

  • Application of the mixed reality system in a modern Russian construction company

    This article is devoted to the analysis of the application of the software and hardware complex of mixed reality and augmented reality ""BRIO MRS"" to explore the possibility of digitalization of the construction control process within the framework of JSC CITY - XXI Century. The article also discusses the specific application of mixed reality, which consists in checking the progress of work on the construction of a real building and its compliance with the designed digital information model using a hardware and software complex for augmented and mixed reality. The complex described in this article was actually used and is being used at the construction site. The paper describes the procedure for using a hardware and software complex to verify the compliance of the progress of construction work and the digital information model. The principle of operation of the complex, as well as the prospects that were discovered during the implementation of the experience of using a mixed and augmented reality system, are the subject of further research. In conclusion, based on the conducted research, it turns out what tasks the complex described in the article allows to solve, what advantages it has over analogues and what advantages its introduction into the activities of a modern development company will bring.

    Keywords: mixed reality, augmented reality, digitalization, digital information model, modern standards, hardware and software complex, construction control

  • About the possibility of changes in internal and external space in adaptive architecture

    This article discusses the practical development of an adaptive scheme for converting an internal environment into an external one using the example of an architectural unit (model) of glamping. A special classification of the types of adaptability applied to the model is formulated. The target direction of the consideration is based on the definition of an adaptive architecture object, the transformation of which will be able to provide flexibility and mobility of the environment depending on human needs, as well as on the identification of architectural, planning and constructive solutions of the object to ensure a strong relationship between the optimally functional filling scheme and the configuration of the adjacent territory. In order to achieve maximum results in this direction, the principles of efficiency and simplicity of the architectural structure are highlighted. redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: transformation, adaptive architecture, function, architectural volume, structural element, plastic facades, operation of an architectural structure

  • On the question of form formation in architecture

    This article discusses the fundamental possibility of constructing an architectural form using a single parameter. The principle of such shaping of a structural element of a building’s structural scheme is formulated and analyzed. Particular attention is paid to assessing the rationality and feasibility of using the form as public or residential architecture. Emphasis is placed on the presence of sufficient areas for human habitation in the internal space, despite the initially ambiguous visual effect of the external appearance of the building. The main idea of the argument is based on the mathematical justification of harmony in nature and architecture.

    Keywords: harmony, architectural volume, architectural design, parameter, parametricism, monoparametricism, structural rigidity, straight line, point, geometric body

  • Managing the construction process with a digital construction organization project

    This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the existing organizational and technological documentation, namely the construction organization project and the project of work production. It is concluded that the main task of organizational-technological documentation is to minimize construction risks at the earliest stage, to increase knowledge about the project and to transfer the process of development and decision-making to an earlier stage of construction. As a solution to these problems, it is proposed to consider the use of building information modeling technologies (BIM) in construction, and move to the development of digital construction organization project (4D model of the construction process), which is a digital information model of the capital construction object (3D model), the elements of which are interconnected with the work on construction production. Two projects where the building information modeling technology was applied and a digital construction organization project was developed are considered: construction of an underground tunnel and reconstruction of a power unit of a combined heat and power plant. The advantages of using a digital construction organization project are proved, which makes it possible to forecast the planned duration of works, as well as the duration of works, taking into account the occurrence of risk events, necessary resources and equipment.

    Keywords: digital project of construction organization, 4D model, building information modeling, project of construction organization, capital construction object

  • Issues of sufficiency of engineering and geological surveys on the part-time territory for the installation of the foundations of power floors and foundations of the logistics center

    The loads on the power floors and column foundations of modern logistics centers can reach 6-9 t/m2 and 1000 t, respectively. At the same time, the step of the grid of exploration wells in the mined areas does not allow reflecting on the geological sections the exact geometry of the occurrence of weak, untreated soils of backfilling pits. The use of a method for strengthening man-made soils by pressing in prefabricated prismatic piles made it possible to compensate for the missing information from engineering and geological surveys by controlling the forces of indentation and thus determining the occurrence marks of more durable foundation soils.

    Keywords: engineering and geological surveys, the territory being worked on, man-made soils, soil reinforcement with piles, geological section

  • Development of an algorithm for optimizing business processes of an IT company and a model of a decision support information system

    The development and implementation of decision support systems (DSS) based on modern methods of data processing, storage and analysis is an urgent task. As part of this work, an algorithm for optimizing the business processes of an IT company and a model for the functioning of a DSS were developed. The implementation of the proposed methods will improve the efficiency of IT companies.

    Keywords: decision support system, business process, optimization, algorithm, IT company, data analysis, software, program code

  • Model of configuration of structural and functional characteristics of departmental information systems

    This paper considers the conditions and factors affecting the security of information systems functioning under network reconnaissance conditions. The developed model is based on the techniques that realize the dynamic change of domain names, network addresses and ports to the network devices of the information system and false network information objects functioning as part of them. The formalization of the research problem was carried out. The theoretical basis of the developed model is the theories of probability and random processes. The modeled target system is represented as a semi-Markov process identified by an oriented graph. The results of calculation of probabilistic-temporal characteristics of the target system depending on the actions of network reconnaissance are presented, which allow to determine the mode of adjustment of the developed protection measures and to evaluate the security of the target system under different conditions of its functioning.

    Keywords: departmental information system, network intelligence, structural and functional characterization, false network information object

  • Information modeling technologies in the formation of technological processes for the implementation of monolithic structures of a capital construction object

    Capital construction projects include buildings and structures whose construction has not been completed. Currently, in the construction market, software developers offer more than 160 variants of construction information models (hereinafter BIM-model) for a complex cycle of building construction systems. BIM in design is not only a tool that supports modern technologies for investment and implementation of construction projects. Using BIM technology that analyzes the schedule of disbursement of funds and deadlines for the current dates, it is more convenient to control investment projects. It becomes possible to carry out electronic document management at all stages of the project cycle, launch digital construction control, add and adjust model attributes.

    Keywords: information model, terms of reference, capital construction object, organizational and technological solution, BIM model, model element, monolithic structure, construction project implementation

  • Modeling and program development for an intelligent system to support personnel management decisions in the electric power industry

    In the conditions of modern economy, where optimal personnel decisions are very important for any organizations, especially in the dynamically divisive electric power industry, the issue of developing an intelligent system for making personnel decisions in the electric power industry becomes relevant. This paper analyzes the existing tools for selection of candidates for vacant positions including managerial positions and vacancies from the electric power industry. Based on the analysis and earlier research, a competency profile of managers of the electric power industry is formed. The development of the program product was conducted using various programming languages in the Visual Studio development environment. The program represents a dynamic and interactive process of managerial decision-making, where users face different scenarios to assess the formed competencies, with the output of a detailed report on their skills, which provides employers with an objective assessment of the candidate's potential for a vacant managerial position.

    Keywords: electric power industry, competences, personnel, personnel, optimal personnel management decisions, intellectual system, personnel management, competence assessment, software product

  • Introduction of green roofs into the urban environment

    Green roofs are of increasing interest as one of the solutions to counteract a number of environmental and socio-economic problems associated with the growth of urban areas. It is necessary to transform the built-up environment by including it in civil engineering, using the existing roof areas of buildings. Eexploitable green roofs need to be integrated into an urbanized urban landscape.

    Keywords: sustainable urban development, transformation of urban spaces, green roofs, criteria for the intensity of use of green roofs

  • Architectural and landscape potential of the environment as a factor of a stable development of the village of Vyritsa

    In the research the characteristic features of the historical appearance of the Vyritsa village on the base of its architectural and urban structure, features of the location of cultural heritage sites and precious landscape objects, on the base of which the stratеgy defining these main priorities, criteria and directions of protection of historical appearance are worked out . The concept of complex preserving of architectural and landscape environment of Vyritsa with creating of possibilities of effective using of these territories with the most display of its historical and cultural, memorial and museum potential.

    Keywords: culture landscape, architectural and landscape revitalization, identity of settlement, sustainable development of the territory

  • Simulation of an autonomous control system for a slitting machine of a paper machine

    The work is aimed at modeling the control system of a slitting machine of a paper machine in order to improve the quality of products and eliminate defects in winding density. The developed automated system implements the functions of controlling the operating modes of the machine, distributing the loads of the bearing shafts, braking the roll and tensioning the paper web.

    Keywords: slitting machine, paper machine, automated control system, rewinder, pressure roller, decoiler, reeler, accelerating shaft, deflecting shaft, cutting section