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  • The methodology of full-scale testing of reinforced concrete beams as part of a ribbed monolithic floor

    In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 384-FZ, the safety and reliability of buildings and structures must be ensured. One of the ways to confirm the safety and reliability of building structures is to conduct field tests. The authors of this article have developed a method for full-scale testing of a reinforced concrete beam with a span of 14.52 m as part of a monolithic reinforced concrete ribbed floor. The procedure for testing the beam was drawn up with the development of measures to ensure safety during work, the adjustment of the beam testing method by loading was performed, the beam was tested by loading method with fixation of its deflections, followed by analysis of the test results. The test results showed that the developed method can be used as a full-scale test to confirm the safety and reliability of building structures, namely horizontal reinforced concrete structures.

    Keywords: building structures, beam, destruction, safety, methodology, technical condition, field tests

  • Statistical analysis of experimental electromagnetic characteristics of submersible electric motor rotor packages

    One of the causes of local overheating of submersible electric motor caused by the presence of a significant variation of electromagnetic parameters of rotor packages (RP) in the assembly of submersible electric motor is investigated in this paper. Due to the presence in the assembly of RPs with an active resistance much lower than the average resistance of the assembly, the electrical losses in RPs with resistance higher than the average increase, respectively, their heat generation increases. With the help of statistical analysis methods, the distribution of electromagnetic parameters as a two-dimensional random variable was investigated, the "convolution" of the two-dimensional distribution law was constructed. The analysis of the "convolution" of the two-dimensional law of distribution of electromagnetic parameters of the RP showed that there is a high probability of a significant scatter of parameters of the RP in the assembly.

    Keywords: submersible electrical motor, rotor package, statistical analysis, local overheating, interrepair period

  • Development of a behavior pattern for a game bot with artificial intelligence elements based on Markov chains

    The subject of this article is the development of a behavior pattern with AI elements for an opponent bot in the single-player game Steal Tower. The essence of which is to collect resources to build a tower faster than opponents. To create the illusion that the same people are playing against the player, an imitation stochastic model based on the Monte Carlo method for Markov chains has been developed. Based on the results of its tests, balanced system parameters were determined, which are embedded in the behavioral pattern of the bot, which is implemented using the Enum AIStates enumeration consisting of five states: Idle (inactivity), GoTo (movement) and GoToWarehouse (return to the warehouse), Win (victory), Loose (scoring). Each of them has developed functions for the optimal behavior of the bot given in the article. So for the GoTo state, functions have been created that analyze the benefits of different types of behavior: steal or collect, or walk to the warehouse or to the tower.

    Keywords: game intelligence, behavioral pattern, live world emulation, bot behavior scenario, state structure, Markov chains, Monte Carlo method, simulation model, Unity environment, C# language

  • Comparison of results of analytical and simulation modelling of the process of selective assembly of two elements taking into account measurement errors during sorting

    The validity of analytical models of the process of one-parameter selective assembly of two elements was evaluated by comparison with the results of simulation modelling. A series of machine experiments including one-factor and two-factor experiments were carried out. At the accepted levels of variation of factors, the confidence interval of the probability of yield of good products from the initial population of elements that did not pass sorting was determined using Student's criterion at the given level of significance and number of degrees of freedom. Comparison of the simulation results revealed the facts of reaching the specified process indicator, determined by the analytical model, for all experiments within the confidence intervals and the presence of relatively small deviations from their centres.

    Keywords: selective assembly, analytical model, simulation model, measurement error, simulation results

  • Application of dispersion analysis method to identify non-obvious dependencies between characteristics of titanium plate processing

    The article is dedicated to analyzing methods for processing experimental data in the field of improving manufacturing technologies, with a focus on the processing of titanium alloys. In the modern context of natural science experiments, characterized by large volumes of information, there is a need to apply mathematical methods and computational systems for effective data analysis. Research conducted at the Department of "High-Performance Processing Technologies" at MSTU "Stankin" aims to identify the optimal type of wear-resistant coating for cutting tools when processing titanium plates. Titanium, with its low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity, presents certain challenges during processing, necessitating a thorough investigation of the relationships between cutting conditions and process parameters. The article discusses existing problems related to the insufficient study of these relationships and proposes a solution for data storage and processing through the creation of a unified database. This will enhance the visualization and analysis of experimental results, thereby improving the efficiency of research and the quality of manufactured products. The results of this work may be beneficial for both scientific research and practical applications in industry.

    Keywords: technological process research, cutting tool, cutting mode characteristics, systems analysis

  • Modelling the performance of overpass gantry piles in a soil mass

    The article is based on the results of a scientific study on modelling the operation of the system ‘foundation - ground mass’ of a special type of deep foundation - gantry piles in conditions of ground mass during the construction of the overpass of the M-12 ‘Vostok’ highway. Gantry inclined piles are designed to transfer more load to the foundation than traditional vertical piles. The purpose of this study is to select the angle of inclination of gantry piles for overpass support on the basis of mathematical modelling. The scientific novelty consists in the selection of the gantry pile foundation design for the support of a motorway overpass by mathematical modelling.

    Keywords: gantry piles, deep foundation, overpass, modelling, finite element method, soil massif, stresses, deformations, stanchion, foundation-soil massif system

  • Changing the elastic characteristics of the base in depth

    Changes in the elastic characteristics of the soil for a base model that is inhomogeneous in depth are considered. The dependences of the modulus of elasticity of the soil and the coefficient of lateral pressure on the relative depth are obtained.

    Keywords: modulus of elasticity, lateral pressure coefficient, pressure, compression curve

  • Determining the possibility of using alluvial soil from Lake Chernoye in the city of Kurgan for the purpose of engineering preparation of the territory

    Engineering preparation of the territory for the construction and development of a residential complex is a difficult task. In the development area, fluctuations in the groundwater level are possible due to natural processes - flooding of the territory or during operation due to man-made processes. The work presents the results of the survey and assesses the impact of future construction on the hydrological situation of the built-up areas. Materials from engineering-geological surveys of the composition of soils in the lake water area and the building area were studied in order to determine the possibility of using alluvial soil from the lake for engineering preparation of the territory.

    Keywords: engineering and geological surveys, urban development, alluvial soil, engineering preparation of the territory

  • Mathematical modeling of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in plate-fin heat exchangers with corrugated fins

    A numerical study of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in plate heat exchangers with corrugated fins was carried out. The effect of corrugation pitch on heat flow and pressure drop was studied. The study was carried out using computational fluid dynamics in the ANSYS software package (v. 19.2). The results of the study showed that increasing the corrugation pitch from n = 5 to n = 9 leads to an increase in heat flow of 10.83% and a pressure drop of 28.30%.

    Keywords: plate-fin heat exchanger, corrugated fins, heat transfer, hydrodynamics, numerical study, calculation, heat flow, pressure drop, energy efficiency, cooling system

  • Numerical study of the influence of profile height on the characteristics of a heat exchanger with corrugated fins

    Using numerical modeling, a study of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in plate heat exchangers with corrugated fins was carried out, while the height of the corrugation profile varied from 2 to 4 mm. The influence of profile height on heat flow and pressure drop was studied. It was revealed that an increase in the profile height leads to an increase in heat flow up to 34.05% and pressure drop up to 54.54%.

    Keywords: corrugated heat exchanger, cooling system, microelectronics, profile height, heat flow, pressure drop, heat transfer, hydrodynamics, calculation, numerical modeling

  • The ESC architectural pattern as a way to implement an object-oriented approach in programming

    A programming method based on the ESC pattern is presented. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the object-oriented approach is one of the most popular and sought-after ways to develop an information product due to a huge regularly updated selection of various methods, templates and ways of its implementation. The most significant of them is Entity System Component (ESC). This method of implementing OOP allows you to make the software product flexible and extensible. The ESC pattern is based on the reactive programming method and divides the entire code architecture into three components: entity, system, component. The tool package that implements the ESC pattern is the ESC DOTS package, designed for the Unity3D environment. The built-in Jobs System package provides the ability to work with multi-threaded programming in Unity. This package distributes threads created at runtime into groups of a certain type, which have a strictly limited execution time. Thus, the task of enumerating an array of several hundred elements goes into a Temp type thread, which runs for one frame in Unity, and the enumeration of a million polygons of the Unity landscape is placed in a Persistent type thread, which has an unlimited time limit.

    Keywords: object-oriented programming, Unity framework, ESC pattern, multi-threaded programming, reactive programming, extensible architecture, package manager

  • Overview of common nodal joints for 3D modular building blocks and individual structural elements

    The overview of the existing horizontal and vertical nodal joints for 3D modular building blocks and plane elements has shown that tongue and groove is the most commonly used connection today. Other types of module attachments are also discussed. Special attention is paid to a modular integrating system encompassing a design description. It is emphasized that the efficiency of modular construction depends, among others, on nodal joints used therein.

    Keywords: modular construction systems, operational reliability, horizontal and vertical attachments, coupling bolts, tongue and groove connection

  • Features of the architecture design of rehabilitation centers for combatants

    The functional and spatial aspects of the formation of the architectural environment of medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation centers for injured athletes are investigated. The theoretical basis on the problems of functioning of similar facilities - rehabilitation centers for the disabled is considered, the characteristic components of the environment are identified, as well as the technological stages of the rehabilitation process. The generalization of the best Russian experience and existing architectural and planning solutions of medical institutions with rehabilitation functions is carried out. A comparative analysis of analog facilities was carried out in three conditional groups: a) large medical centers with rehabilitation functions for the disabled; b) multidisciplinary rehabilitation centers; c) specialized rehabilitation centers for athletes. A number of promising approaches and trends are identified that can be applied to the formation of conceptual models and adaptive architectural and environmental solutions for sports medicine and rehabilitation centers.

    Keywords: rehabilitation center for athletes, functional-spatial, architectural-planning, environmental solutions, models, approaches

  • Calculation of concrete elements in conditions of uneven all-round compression

    The cases of uneven compression of a concrete cylinder in the case of simple loading and comprehensive uneven compression of a spiral-reinforced concrete cylinder under disproportionate loading are considered. The dependences of longitudinal, transverse and volumetric deformations on longitudinal stress are obtained.

    Keywords: longitudinal stress, circumferential stress, longitudinal deformation, circumferential deformation, spiral reinforced concrete strut, shear strain intensity, shear stress intensity

  • Localization of round objects in images using fast radial symmetry transform

    Currently, there is an increase in the number of scientific papers on models, methods and software and hardware for image processing and analysis. This is due to the widespread introduction of computer vision technologies into information processing and control systems. At the same time, approaches that provide fast image processing in real time using limited computing resources are relevant. Such approaches are usually based on low-level image filtering algorithms. One of the tasks to be solved in computer vision-based systems is the localization of round objects. These objects have the property of radial symmetry. Therefore, the approach based on the Fast Radial Symmetry Transform, which is considered in this paper, is effective for solving this problem. The paper describes the basic steps of the basic transformation, provides a procedure for determining the centers of radially symmetric areas for localization of round objects in images, and discusses examples of its application.

    Keywords: computer vision, image processing, image analysis, localization of objects, methods of localization of round objects, fast radial symmetry transf, detecion of the centers of radially symmetric areas