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  • Using of pseudo-random sequences in quantum communication systems

    Coding of information using of pseudo-random sequences  in quantum communication systems providing an operation with a low probability of single-photons detection is proposed. The results of statistical modeling of information extraction from the bit stream, received at different specified probability of detection based on the correlation properties of the M-sequences are demonstrated. It's demonstrated that the peak value of cross-correlation function for the M-sequence of 255 bits is on the average more than 2 times higher  than the level of side lobes at the probability of single-photons detection 20%.

    Keywords: quantum communications, single-photon detector, maximum length sequence

  • Modeling of the market of cultivated mushrooms methods discriminant and factor analysis

    On the basis of the conducted questionnaire survey of the inhabitants of the Kirov region identified determinants of consumption individuals of cultivated mushrooms. Built a factor model of the market of cultivated mushrooms Kirov region

    Keywords: Market of cultivated mushrooms, discriminant analysis, factor analysis

  • Ab initio modeling of reactions of acrylamide with aliphatic di-, tri-, tetra- and pentaamines

    The paper studies the possibility of interaction of acrylamide with aliphatic di-, tri-, tetra- and pentaamines using quantum chemical ab initio modeling. The interest to the preparation of these compounds can only increase since they may serve as feedstock for the production of other useful materials which may find adequate application. The choice of reaction conditions depends on the thermodynamic principles of the process, and for that reason, the paper determines thermodynamic parameters and the logarithms of the equilibrium constants of acrylamide reaction with aliphatic amines in ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 in the gas phase by quantum-chemical method based on density functional theory using a hybrid exchange-correlation of B3LYP functions in the basis of 3 -21G* within 273 ÷ 450 K temperature range and pressure of 0.1 MPa. These calculations served as a base for defining the conditions that must be followed when developing the technology for these compounds, and it was shown that the reaction of their synthesis with high probability of acrylamide - amine reactants ratio of 2:1 should be conducted under relatively mild conditions. Theoretical calculations comply with the experiment, because the interaction of acrylamide with amines at various ratios of reagents and temperatures within 325 ÷ 330 K leads predominantly to the transformation at acrylamide-amine 2:1 reagent ratio, as evidenced by the number of reactive reagents, and frequency analysis of FT-IR, NMR 1H and 13C spectra.  Thus, the possibilities of mathematical modeling allow determining the highest probability of spontaneity for a particular reaction, using the method of computer simulation by changing the process temperature (within the model) without performing any technological experiments.

    Keywords: Acrylamide, aliphatic amines, ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, tetraethylenepenta-amine, thermodynamic parameters, Gibbs free energy, isobaric-isothermal potential, equilibrium constant.

  • Systematic approach to the problem of spatial information usage for decision-making support of regional executive agencies

    The article examines the use of spatial information to support decision-making of the regional executive agencies. The results of system analysis of the problem of using spatial information in the activities of regional executive agencies are provided. On the basis of the provided system analysis with applying of systems engineering principles the functional and informational models of process of the decision-making support  were developed for the executive agency of large industrial region (on the example of Bashkortostan Republic).

    Keywords: spatial information systems analysis, decision support, regional executive authorities, functional and information models, systems engineering principles

  • Modeling of changes of physicochemical characteristics of potash fertilizers at storage and transportation

    A model system was designed and test  trials of physical and mechanical characteristics of small – crystalline and granular flotation potassium chloride are studied. This model system allows to design storage and transportation  of fertilizers in bulk in railway wagons and it has the same static and vibrational load as real system. The effect of temperature and relative humidity of the air on hygroscopy of small – crystalline and granular КСl were studied. Furthermore the influence of static load, and time length  of compression process of fertilizing layer and parameters of static and vibrational load on composition of КСl granules were investigated. It was experimentally proved that the humidity increase (0,5 %) of granular КСl and the  increase of static load and time length  of compression process of product during transportation in bulk lead to increase of compaction degree and caking ability of product. Research of the influence of high static load (10-30 kg/sm2) and time length of compression process of fertilizing layer on caking ability and degree of compaction show that small – grained KCl has smaller degree of compaction and considerably higher value of caking ability in comparison with granular KCl.

    Keywords: Potash fertilizers, storage and transportation, hygroscopy, caking ability, degree of compaction, commodity characteristics of fertilizers

  • The informational structure post of diagnosting of the cars

    In article the main approaches to creation of information structure of a post of diagnosing of the car, providing an optimum combination of the logical conditions solved automatically and non-automatic, raktsionalny distribution of information on types and form representations when developing a method and means of diagnosing are stated

    Keywords: diagnosing, post, information structure, model

  • Universal method of synthesis of optimal control of nonlinear Lagrang dynamic systems

    Universal method of optimal control synthesis offers a versatile method for the synthesis of optimal controls provides a solution to the synthesis problem for the class of piecewise constant functions for Lagrangian dynamical systems, the shape of the control law depends only on the structure of the cost functional and does not depend on the structure of the existing system of generalized forces. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by a minimum of computational costs, as well as the maximum rate of convergence and accuracy to achieve the desired trajectory in comparison with the known solution for example has become a test for testing various control methods for the synthesis problem of a simple pendulum.

    Keywords: combined maximum principle, optimal control, mathematical pendulum

  • Environmentally responsible economic management saves water and energy resources

    The article highlights the issue of conservation of water and energy resources, the dependence of its decision on the environmental responsibility of business entities and tactical goals towards environmental management.  Also the essence of the work carried out in the production of ammophos is described (Hydrometallurgical plant, Lermontov town), which is a good example of solving one of the many tactical tasks in the direction of environmental management. Specific purpose of the work was to identify the savings reserves of energy and natural resources. The application object of the study is the energy-intensive production of ammophos (fertilizer complex of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds), in particular the boiling-down of ammoniated pulp. The load decrease by evaporated water by 75% is achieved the implementation of technical solutions in terms of sealing pumps work (replacing inefficient crevice seal on a metal face seal) installed on the circulation line of ammoniated pulp. This reduces the coolant flow for boiling-down of high pressure steam and drinking water saving, which is the raw material for the production of fluid. Ecological and economic efficiency of the proposed solutions is confirmed by the calculation of the expected technical and economic parameters, performed on the basis of data generated in monitoring: coolant saving - 3039 Gcal / y; 2430 rubles / g; drinking water saving - 11,477 rubles.

    Keywords: ammophos, boiling-down, coolant, drinking water, saving, environmental management, crevice seal, face seal.


    Considered feature design of pump and presents the results of a study of Assembly parts: pump shaft, cotters, impellers. Research of include: measurement of runout of the shaft and the shaft with working wheels, on the basis of measurements was concluded. 

    Keywords: Assembly, shaft, wheel, analysis, heartbeat, gap.

  • Development of electrooptical device for analysis of motor oil contamination of the internal combustion engine with disperse particles

    A new device is offered for the analysis of motor oil contamination of the internal combustion engine with dispersed particles. Optical and ultrasonic methods for analyzing contamination of motor oils are used to obtain more informative data to estimate the concentration of pollutants in the device.  

    Keywords: tribomonitoring, electrooptical device, the internal combustion engine, motor oils, methods for analyzing contamination

  • The analysis of work of building elements hermetic shell nuclear power plant during preliminary tension and testing

    Design of the protective hermetic shell of the reactor compartment of the nuclear power plant discusses in the article. The possible deformation of elements of the hermetic shell during preliminary tension  and testing is considered

    Keywords: protective hermetic shell; change of form; deformation; strength tests

  • Microwave method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways

    The paper describes the method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways using microwaves. The method is based on the triangulation system of two georadars and allows to determine a contact wire zigzag and height from the rail head. The proposed method is all-weather with the possibility of continuous monitoring of the overhead contact wire in plan and profile with the opportunity to automate the processing and signaling abnormalities.

    Keywords: railroad contact line, contact wire location, GPR, automatic control systems

  • Electrobiographs of Rostov in the early twentieth century: technology and people

    This article is devoted to emergence and development of cinema on Don Region. Attention paid on the first picture theatres in Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and Novocherkassk and their technical equipment (bioscope, biofonograf, teatrograf cosmography, vivantograf, fonohromoskopograf). In this research submitted the first main films and reaction of society and governance on them. As special aspects of cinema industry development viewed problems of professional cinema community and main tendencies of that sphere of cultural life 

    Keywords: cinematograph,еlektrobiograf, technology, cinema, picture palace,full-length film, a silent movie, spirituality, development trends

  • Terms of structural and functional stability of transport and logistics cluster

    The authors implemented methodological apparatus homeostatics used to determine the effect of the internal contradictions of the processes of functioning and development of socio-economic systems and management to the survival of the system and its transition to a new stable state.

    Keywords: structural and functional stability of the transport and logistics cluster, the cybernetic approach Homeostatics

  • Special features of mechanochemical activation Al-Si mixture and the formation of hot-deformed powder material based on the mixture

    This paper presented the study of the mechanochemical activation powder mix in dry and liquid grinding media, accompanied by agglomeration of the particles. It Is shown that when agglomerate particles having a bimodal size distribution is forming during the treatment in a dry grinding media and partially (2 wt % ) decaying at grinding by pestle in mortar. The transition to liquid grinding media is leading to a unimodal size distribution and increasing dispersion of the agglomerated particles, characterized by secondary agglomerating when using the alcohol and destruction when using activation in saturated aqueous solution of boric acid. Inherited effect mechanical activation parameters on the compaction process during cold compaction and hot stamping has been determined. Application treated in a high energy mill in an grinding media saturated aqueous H3BO3 Al-Si powder mix results in the formation of moldings with low cold-pressing relative density (0.735) and the activation of the hot stamping compaction (|εh| = 0,592) providing production of hot-deformed powder material with increased mechanical properties.

    Keywords: mechanochemical activation, hot-deformed powder material, aluminum, silicon, dispersion, agglomeration