The results of the development of a polymer coating with high heat-insulating and fire-resistant characteristics containing waste from galvanic production are presented. This coating is designed for thermal insulation and fire protection of concrete and metal surfaces of various building structures and industrial equipment. The coating is developed on the basis of siloxane rubber, K-18 catalyst, hollow carbon microspheres and industrial waste - galvanic sludge used as a flame retardant. The use of hollow carbon microspheres provides an increase in the strength and thermal insulation properties of the coating. The use of galvanic slurry in the amount of 5-15 parts by weight it allows to obtain the effect of self-extinguishing of the heat-insulating coating, reducing the burning time without compromising the operational properties - strength, adhesion, while solving another important problem - the safe disposal of galvanic sludge. Studies have shown that the use of this composition allows you to get a relatively inexpensive, but quite effective polymer coating with good thermal insulation, flame retardant and physico-mechanical properties.
Keywords: polymer coating, siloxane rubber, hollow carbon microspheres, galvanic sludge, thermal conductivity, strength, self-extinguishing effect, safe disposal
In the framework of ensuring a high level of products and in order to increase its competitiveness, the development and implementation of quality management systems at the enterprise can be considered an urgent task. Among the main processes of the QMS, a special place is taken by corrective and preventive actions. Management of this process, in turn, requires regular evaluation of the effectiveness of these activities. The article provides a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions in the production of solid medicines.
Keywords: corrective actions, preventive actions, unplanned non-conformities, non-conforming products, efficiency analysis
The largest cities of Russia have problems with the development of rapid transit passenger transport. A good solution to the problem is to replace the tram lines with rapid transit tram lines or light rail (LRT). One of the conditions of a light rail transit is to increase the distance between stopping points. A review of the literature shows that the question of the effect of the distance between stopping points on the tram speed is insufficiently studied. The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the tram speed and the distance between the stopping points of the light rail system. The research method is simulation at the micro level in Aimsun. The study considered the speed limit, stopping time at stopping points, delays due to signalized intersections. Based on the simulation results, a relationship between the tram speed and the distance between stopping points was determined. The obtained relationship is of practical value and can be used for LRT planning and management in cities.
Keywords: high-speed tram, light rail, organization of the movement of trams, speed of communication, stop point, simulation
A large number of power receivers with non-linear current-voltage characteristics with a pulsed mode of operation appeared in residential buildings, which leads to the generation of 0.38 kV higher harmonic current components into the electric network, large values of these harmonics lead to a deterioration in the shape of the network voltage curve. The purpose of the work is to study the harmonics of current generated by electrical receivers of residential buildings, and their influence on the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the network voltage of 0.38 kV. It has been established that the greatest negative impact on the electric network is exerted by electronic devices with switching power supplies, such as PCs, laptops and netbooks, as well as dishwashers and LED lamps with a socle E14 and E27, whose total harmonic current component coefficient is 85% ≤ THDI ≤ 205%. In the Matlab Simulink program, a simulation model of a 0.38 kV network of a residential building is simulated, which allows the study of the total distortion coefficient of the current KI and voltage KU in the ASU. With the installed non-linear load power more than double the linear load, the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage in the network of 0.38 kV may exceed the values established by GOST 32144-2013.
Keywords: power supply system, electric network, quality of electric energy, voltage harmonics, current harmonics, electromagnetic compatibility, power receiver
This article focuses on solving the urgent task of forecasting hazardous mining zones by determining the position of local centers of tension in a processed coal seam. The relevance of this task is confirmed by the fact that the intensification of mining processes inevitably leads to an increase in the risk of hazardous production situations, such as rock blows, sudden coal and rock emissions, etc. The most dangerous for the manifestation of rock strikes are the protrusions of the edge sections of the coal seam, intersection and pairing workings. Shockproof activities regulated by the normative documents, are not always sufficiently effective. To solve this problem, authors propose an approach that allows you to quickly determine the position of local centers of tension, taking into account the influence of the worked out space. The authors developed an integration grid, in the construction of which the division of the entire area into elementary sections is performed in such a way that the influence of the weight of the roof rocks over each section is the same. To implement this approach, the influence function of the worked out space is introduced in the form of the equation of the reference rock pressure diagram. Based on the results of numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of the geomassiv, an exponential dependence is obtained, which allows one to determine the concentration coefficient of vertical stresses for points on the plot of reference rock pressure. According to the values of vertical stresses calculated for each point of the integration grid, it is possible to predict the stress-strain state of the geomassiv and justify the need for shockproof measures. The application of the proposed approach will allow the rapid forecasting of hazardous areas and significantly reduce the cost of shockproof measures.
Keywords: modeling, geomassive, coal seam, integration grid, forecasting, vertical stresses
The article describes an approximate analytical method for calculating the humidity regime of multi-layer building enclosing structures. The novelty of the proposed method consists in using an analytical dependence to determine the position of the possible condensation plane obtained as a result of the study of the function representing the difference between the partial pressure of water vapor in the considered section of the enclosure structure and the partial pressure of saturated water vapor at the extremum. The results of calculating the humidity regime of the external wall of a residential building under construction in the city of Samara, using a monolithic bespeschany expanded clay concrete with a density equal to 600 kg/m3, are presented. The assessment of moisture accumulation in the considered external wall both for the annual period of operation of the building, and for the period of months with negative temperatures, showed compliance with the regulatory requirements for heated rooms
Keywords: enclosing structure, humidity mode, moisture transfer, vapor penetration resistance, water vapor, condensation plane
The article is devoted to the issue of improving the environmental safety of highly urbanized territories. The article presents the results of field measurements of pollutants into the atmosphere from gas stations within the urbanized territories of cities of the Russian Federation. The largest part of the allocation of oil product vapors entering the local aspiration systems is associated with the operations of filling and emptying fuel storage tanks at gas stations. The results of field measurements of the values of hydrocarbon concentrations obtained on the basis of the values of maximum permissible concentrations of ingredients are presented. The conclusion is drawn on the feasibility of environmental protection measures to reduce emissions when finding housing in the border area of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of gas stations. To reduce emissions from gas station sources, it was proposed to equip the gas aspiration system of the gas feeling tank with an improved design of the absorption device. In order to reduce waste generation as a working agent in such devices, it was proposed to use wastewater with a certain amount of oil products from a local gas station treatment device. This approach also allows to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact of gas stations in terms of the formation of additional amounts of waste generated during their operation. Successful tests have shown reliable and efficient operation of the pilot plant with the proposed apparatus.
Keywords: gas station, gasoline, emission, atmosphere, concentration, hydrocarbons, aspiration, reservoir, pollution, oil product, pollution, water
The article presents a program of comprehensive construction and technical expertise of the structures of an industrial building. The features of the construction and technical expertise of the structures of the agricultural warehouse of mineral fertilizers are described. An algorithm of the sequence of actions for the technical expertise of the structures of the object is developed. Measures have been developed to repair and restore the working condition of damaged structures
Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, bearing capacity, structural repair, property management
The emergence of digital X-ray machines and the development of cloud storage technology has led to the accumulation of a huge number of medical X-rays, in particular, chest x-rays - fluorography. The accumulated image bases after high-quality preprocessing can be used to train the deep convolutional neural networks that have received the most development in recent years, the trained network performs preliminary binary classification of the incoming flow of images and can be used as a radiologist assistant. For this purpose, it is necessary to adequately train the neural net-work to minimize errors of the first and second kind. A possible approach to improving the efficiency of neural networks, reducing the computational complexity and quality of image classification by the criteria is the use of auxiliary approaches of image preprocessing and preliminary entropy calculation. The article presents an algorithm for the X-ray image preprocessing, its division into fragments and the calculation of the entropy of individual fragments. During the preprocessing, the region of interest with lungs and the spine is selected from the entire image, constituting about 30-40% of the entire image, then the image is divided into a fragment matrix and the entropy of individual fragments is calculated using the Shannon formula, by analyzing individual pixels. By determining the frequency of each of the 255 colors, the total entropy is calculated. The use of entropy for detecting pathologies is based on the assumption of dif-ferences in its values for individual fragments and the overall picture of its distribution between images with the norm and pathologies. Statistical indicators are analyzed: standard deviation of error, variance.
Keywords: image entropy, fragments, deep convolutional neural network, machine learning, x-rays images, computational experiment, matrix of elements, image preprocessing, statistical analysis, binary classification
The reliability of the solar heating system with solar collectors was studied using the logical-probabilistic method by building a fault tree. The fault tree was obtained by sequentially detailing the events associated with failures of the solar heating system, as well as its elements. Events were taken into account: conducting test diagnostics of elements of the power supply system, repairing failed elements, failure of elements, reducing the power of solar collectors due to a decrease in the intensity of the solar radiation. The events were divided into two groups: events in which there is sufficient intensity of solar radiation for the hot water supply from the solar collectors, as well as events when the heating supply cannot be provided only due to the solar collectors. The last group of events was divided into two subgroups, within events caused short-term downtimes (at the time of switching) and long-term downtimes (at the time of replacing or repairing a failed system element). Long shutdowns are associated with the coincidence of failures, repair or diagnosis of one or more elements of the solar heating system. Expressions are compiled to calculate the probability of long downtimes, the probability of short downtimes, the probability of failure due to a decrease in the intensity of the solar radiation, and the total probability of failures. As a result of substituting the values of the reliability indicators of the elements of the solar heating system, the value of the total probability of failure during the year is 4.03∙10-5.
Keywords: solar hot water supply, reliability, solar collector, failure cause, reliability modeling
Various methods are used to scatter warm fogs: direct combustion of fuel in the fog; electric heating of the fog; introduction of streams or jets of warm and dry air into the fog; use of radiant energy for direct evaporation of hydrometeors; using explosions of highly heat-forming substances, etc. [4]. In this paper, artificially sprayed water droplets are used to scatter warm fogs. Refined calculations were made to investigate the possibility of fog scattering by artificial droplets. The model describes the fall of drops of radius r2 through the fog, consisting of drops of radius r1, the concentration of which is equal to n1. Detailed equations of gravitational coagulation are used taking into account the hydrodynamic interaction of droplets. The temporal characteristics of fog scattering (increase in visibility range) depending on the size of artificial droplets and their concentration are investigated. The size of artificial drops and their concentration, at which the maximum effect on fog scattering is achieved, are determined.
Keywords: scattering of warm fogs, meteorological visibility range, concentration of fog drops, fog water content, artificial influence on fog
The article is considered the wall stability of a steel cylindrical pre-stressed granary, compressed by the friction forces of grain and shell, taking into consideration the influence of the grain internal pressure, its elastic resistance from the inside and the elastic resistance of the pre-stressed shell outside. In this case, the initial and subcritical deflection of the shell is assumed to be axisymmetric, and the loss of the shell stability occurs with the formation of asymmetric deflection. The given solution of the problem allows to determine the magnitude of the critical efforts taking into consideration the influence of the grain internal pressure, its elastic repulsion, the magnitude of the initial deflections and the ratio of shell dimensions.
Keywords: stability calculation, wall stability, prestressing, internal lateral pressure, elastic rebound
metamaterials, microwave, antennas, diffraction, Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves, the dielectric constant
Keywords: metamaterials, microwave, antennas, diffraction, Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves, the dielectric constant
The authors propose to consider an interesting solution for finding real estate using GIS - technologies. This method can significantly reduce the time it takes to select a property. This article shows how the data processing capabilities of scientific computing tools for Python and the visualization and analysis capabilities of ArcGIS geospatial data can be used to build a model that generates a short list of houses that meet the needs and desires of potential buyers. And although the choice of a house is purely individual, there are a lot of common factors. Such as the total area, the number of floors and rooms, the presence of a garage and much more. Also, when buying a house, you are looking for proximity to services such as food, pharmacies, emergency rooms, child care facilities, parks, etc. You can use the ArcGIS API geocoding module for Python to search for such objects at a given distance around the house. This method suggests combining all the necessary conditions into one system, which will significantly reduce the list of real estate objects on the market and choose the most optimal options.
Keywords: GIS, ArcGIS, real estate, Python, maps, histograms, filter, DataFrame, spatial distribution, geocoding
The article is devoted to the possibility of applying the methods of successive approximations in the analysis of the instantaneous scheme of the traction network. The described approach allows to improve the accuracy of modeling dynamic modes of traction power supply sections, and also allows to significantly improve the process of modeling diagnostic systems and control of electric rolling stock at the design stage based on a more accurate model of dynamically changing input parameters of the traction network depending on their required level.
Keywords: traction network, instantaneous circuit, diagnostics, simulation, iteration