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  • Economic component at introduction of intensive technologies in hothouse combine

    The economic assessment of application of intensive technologies is presented in article (processings by the laser, ultra-violet radiation, infrared radiation). Results of researches confirm the positive influence of application of intensive technologies proved by economic calculations.

    Keywords: intensive technology, application of a growthstimulyator, laser, laser processing, efficiency, productivity, quality of production, economic assessment, experiment

  • Metallographic examination of the structure of coatings made ​​by the method of gas-powder surfacing

    A comprehensive study of metallographic structure and properties of coatings made ​​by the method of gas-powder surfacing. Phase analysis was carried out to determine the structural components of the internal condition of the coating. Conducted an analysis of the diffraction patterns and microstructures.

    Keywords: gaspowder welding, powder steel, microstructure, and protective coatings

  • By definition, the nominal size of a real particle discrete loose body

    In the article the problem of determining the nominal size of real particles of grain materials, which significantly affect the technological parameters of the hoppers and their design parameters. Are specific correction factors for sredenegeometricheskogo razsmera nektoryh ubiquitous forms particles loose body.

    Keywords: Bunker, nominal diameter, bulk body shape factor of particles geometric average particle size

  • Formation of array nanoparticles during electrodeposition platinum on glassy carbon and dispersed carbon support

    In the present study, platinum was electrodeposited onto rotating disc electrode coated with Vulcan XC-72R Nafion suspension and uncoated smooth glassy carbon electrode from acidic solution of 5mМ H2PtCl6. The electrochemically active surface area of platinum particles obtained was determined by cyclic voltammetry and the structural characteristic of the particles was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The impact of current and time on the electrochemically active surface area of platinum particles electrodeposited on the carbon supports was also investigated and described in this paper. The present work is expected to be utilized and contribute to the improvement of electrochemically active surface area of platinum catalysts for low temperature fuel cells.

    Keywords: galvanostatic electrodeposition, chronopotentiometric curves, chloroplatinic acid, vulcan XC-72R, fuel cells

  • Complex projects as a factor of university-production cooperation intensification

    The article shows the effectiveness of university cooperation with industrial plants in the context of joint complex projects implementation, and gives the results of patent-informational search of engineering solutions directed to the effective solid radioactive waste processing

    Keywords: nuclear industry, complex project, patent, radioactive waste, university

  • Shut-off pipeline valve’s operational indexes perfection

    The brief review of patents vectored to the increase of louvre gate in valve’s impermeability is given. The reasons of insufficient impermeability are analyzed and the main technical solutions on its increase are defined

    Keywords: impermeability, shut-off pipeline valve, gate, operational indexes

  • Diagnostics vibration nodes vehicles by wavelet analysis focused optical image borders

    Background. Methods vibrodiagnostics allow to identify the emergence and development of de-fects at an early stage. Of particular relevance is the use of vibrodiagnostic methods for condition monitoring mechanisms under the simultaneous influence many unpredictable factors, varying operating conditions. The vibration causes blurring the boundaries of the focused image, allow-ing you to build a simple compact optical vibration sensor. (Materials and / or methods). Vibro-diagnostics used method for detecting focused optical im-age nodes being monitored. Determination of vibration parameters produced by wavelet analysis of the luminance distribution boundaries of the focused image. (Results). It is shown that the periodic movement of give in the image boundaries bends function (maxima of the second derivative). Character kinks function determined by the change speed of the change of the image boundaries. Continuous wavelet transform of the luminance distribution on the border of the image at a certain level amplitude vibrations cause the appearance of two maxima curves continuous wavelet transform, the amount of which is reduced proportionally. (Conclusion). Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the optical image registra-tion allows you to register with the sensitivity of the vibration amplitude of 0.1 - 0.15 pixel ma-trix photo detector. For a pixel size of about 5 microns, a linear increase in the order of the opti-cal system 20 sensitivity in amplitude of vibration may reach values of 0.02 microns, which cor-responds to the sensitivity is achieved by holographic interferometry.

    Keywords: motor vehicle diagnostics units of vehicles, vibration diagnostics, vibration, continuous wavelet transform (CWT)

  • Waste recycling: topicality is increasing

    the article shows that recycling is being paid more and more attention in Russia and abroad, as the important factor of resource saving and solutions of ecological problem. It’s mentioned that despite the realized research and certain implementation experience, a lot of problems is still not solved. Special attention’s drawn to the acuteness of the problem of production and consumption waste recycling, the search and implementation of new sci-tech, business and also legislative solutions in this field

    Keywords: nuclear energy, production waste, recycling, solid radioactive waste, ecology.

  • Symmetry of single-walled carbon nanotubes

    Symmetry of single-walled carbon nanotubes is analyzed using the parent phase approach. Transfer of the planar hexagonal order of graphene sheet onto surfaces of chiral and achiral nanotubes is divided into two steps. At the first step the rotational symmetry of graphene is reduced. In addition, the reflection symmetry is vanished for chiral nanotubes. At the second step the resulting subgroup symmetry is mapped in homomorphical way onto the symmetry group of the single-walled nanotube.

    Keywords: crystalline symmetry, group theory, parent phase, single-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene

  • The radiation exposure estimation on biological tissue under gamma irradiation

    The paper presents the results of computational statistical experiment to estimate field radiation exposure on the soft tissue of the human body when external pressures are nondivergent narrow beam of gamma photon radiation. As an example, adopted the energy of a photon that enters 102 group energy axis constant laboratory ABBN. Given dose distribution in a cylinder diameter of 20 and a length of 10 centimeters. The method of statistical tests, known as Monte Carlo. Is used modify of the method with calculation the inverse functions. It is shown that the dose outside the beam ionization radiation load decreases by two orders, remains finite, that should be considered in therapeutic procedures, in which the total dose exceeds the lethal dose for a healthy bod

    Keywords: gamma therapy, model analysis, Monte Carlo, radiation dose

  • Judicial construction examination in the Russian Federation

    The structure of judicial construction examination is presented to the Russian Federation, an example of carrying out judicial construction examination is in details reviewed, the subsequent actions after an assessment of the caused damage are shown

    Keywords: Judicial construction examination, assessment of technical condition of the building, damage assessment недвижимости

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Ecological model of vegetation steppes of the Don basin

    The paper provides information on the results of ordination analysis of Don basin steppes

    Keywords: ordination, Don basin, steppes

  • Energy conservation during treatment of sewage from populated area

    At present an important role in solving energy conservation problem is assigned to thermal pumping plants (TPP). Using processes of evaporation and condensation of easily boiling liquid circulating in the system they extract low potential heat from environmental objects and provide heat supply for buildings, constructions, greenhousee and so on. Artificial sources of low potential heat for TPP of different capacity can be, for instance, ventilation air and exhaust gases, circulating and waste water,ground. Energy efficient reasonability of TPP use in the system of water disposal for the town of Novocherkassk in Rostov region is considered. Calculations indicate that there is a technical potential to replace a boiler house operating on expensive gas fuel and emissing into the atmospere more than 850 t of carbon dioxide - greenhouse gas - with ecologically clean TPP, one of which uses heat of waste water and the other - heat of ground.

    Keywords: thermal pumping plant, renewable sources, energy conservation, evaporation, condensation, waste water, ground

  • Finite element analysis of the applicability of the applied theories of calculation of piezoelectric device of energy storage of stack configuration

    This paper considers basic element of device of energy storage which is a piezoelectric generator (PEG) of cylindrical form with the attached inertial mass. A finite element modeling of the device operation is carried out during active load in the external circuit. The main purpose of the operation is to compare the output potential and frequency characteristics of the device known in the literature models of systems with concentrated parameters. On the basis of these models, we can receive the analytical dependence of parameters of PEG with its geometric characteristics and mechanical properties of the used materials. However, the question of the range of applicability of these formulas is still open. In this paper, based on the numerical analysis of finite element models of PEG in package ANSYS, we obtained comparison with the analytical formulas that show the values of some parameters of simplified models and set the boundaries of their applicability.

    Keywords: energy storage, PEG, piezoceramics, effective mass, resonant frequency, FEM