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  • Features of development and construction of social infrastructure facilities

    The construction of social infrastructure is an integral part of improving the quality of life. The study systematized the main problems faced by the developer and the state in the construction of social infrastructure, provides an approximate list of measures that can improve the situation.

    Keywords: social infrastructure, state, developer, economy, residential complex, public-private sector, housing construction, state, operation

  • Complementary filter for estimating the angle using the microelectromechnical system of the gyroscope and accelerometer

    Microelectromechnical system MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers are using to measure the angular velocity of rotation and linear acceleration of an object, respectively. In many applications, the measurement of the angle is required, but gyroscopes have a mixing error that occurs when integrating the angular output velocity and the accelerometers have an error due to the translation force. This article presents a method for designing a complementary filter for estimating an angle using accelerometer and gyroscope and discusses the behavior of complementary filter in Matlab. As a results, the development of complementary filter system used to estimate the angle, can be used to consistenty and accurately improve the determination of the angle.

    Keywords: accelerometer, gyroscope, complementary filter, MEMS microelectromechanical system

  • Influence of highways on the urban environment and ways to reduce it

    The influence of road transport on the formation of noise along highways is considered. The proposed options for protecting against noise from the roads.

    Keywords: linear city, noise, vehicles, main roads, road categories, noise control

  • GIS technology is a modern assistant in the selection of real estate

    The authors propose to consider an interesting solution for finding real estate using GIS - technologies. This method can significantly reduce the time it takes to select a property. This article shows how the data processing capabilities of scientific computing tools for Python and the visualization and analysis capabilities of ArcGIS geospatial data can be used to build a model that generates a short list of houses that meet the needs and desires of potential buyers. And although the choice of a house is purely individual, there are a lot of common factors. Such as the total area, the number of floors and rooms, the presence of a garage and much more. Also, when buying a house, you are looking for proximity to services such as food, pharmacies, emergency rooms, child care facilities, parks, etc. You can use the ArcGIS API geocoding module for Python to search for such objects at a given distance around the house. This method suggests combining all the necessary conditions into one system, which will significantly reduce the list of real estate objects on the market and choose the most optimal options.

    Keywords: GIS, ArcGIS, real estate, Python, maps, histograms, filter, DataFrame, spatial distribution, geocoding

  • Pipeline construction from ductile iron

    The article proposes to consider the possibility of using pipes from ductile iron with spherical graphite in the construction of oil pipelines to solve the problem of corrosion formation. In addition to corrosion resistance, such pipes also have other positive properties. A comparison is made with steel pipes, and the basic physical and mechanical properties of ductile iron with spherical graphite are also considered.

    Keywords: oil and gas pipeline, corrosion, testing, installation, connection, deposit, steel, ductile iron (ductile iron), strength, resistance, oil

  • Modeling of software implementation of labor distribution management

    The paper considers a game-theoretic model for supporting the distribution of labor resources, i.e. To simulate the problem considered in the work, the mathematical apparatus of game theory was used. In this paper, two algorithms for constructing a solution are described and examined in detail for two models of transport tasks used to study the distribution of labor resources: static and dynamic. The authors describe the developed models, and then consider the structure of the solution to the problem. The paper considers a compromise solution in the models of the distribution of labor resources for the transportation problem. An algorithm for finding a compromise set and a description of the structure of the software implementation of models is given. The description of the models is formalized in the field of application to game theory, i.e., a game version of the problem is considered. Interpreting the problem, we consider a system consisting of players. Players in the constructed model strive, in addition to maximizing profits, to achieve a compromise between the participants. The role of compromise will be played by a plan of movement of labor resources, satisfying all participants. As a result, we obtain the transportation problem in a slightly modified formulation. These differences specify a new task and set a goal to solve it.

    Keywords: modeling, analysis, management, software implementation, game-theoretic models, distribution of labor resources

  • Logistics of construction production: problems and solutions

    This article discusses logistics systems, problems existing in logistics, presents ways to solve these problems. The field of logistics includes almost all areas of production of each enterprise, such as commercial activities, transport management, information support and others. Construction enterprises should be most interested in the efficiency and rationality of the work of logistics, since it is one of the largest subjects of final consumption of material resources. However, there are logistics problems in the construction industry, but to avoid them it is necessary to understand the ways to solve them, which are described in this article.

    Keywords: logistics, logistics system, construction industry, construction company, resource, integrated management, logistics problem

  • About possibility of application of contactless transmission of the electric power for power supply of low-power consumers from conductors of a contact network of electric Railways of alternating current

    This article is devoted to the study of the problem of power supply of low-power consumers distributed along the path of electric Railways AC, which can act as a system of sensors diagnostics of automated control systems of various objects located along the contact network. The main part of the article is devoted to the description of the primary model necessary for further consideration of such a method of electric power supply and experimental modeling.

    Keywords: contactless power transmission, capacitive communication, power supply, contact network, electric Railways

  • Improving the reliability of automatic data transmission control systems by optimizing fiber-optic communication lines

    Fiber-optic data transmission lines (FOCL) are one of the main parts of automated data transmission control system, which controls technological processes of railway transportation. The lines are subject to powerful electromagnetic effects from traction power supply system. Improving the reliability of the entire system by reducing the electromagnetic influence and the optimal choice of the VOC location is a complex and urgent task, the solution of which will significantly improve the reliability and efficiency of the entire automated complex.

    Keywords: Fiber optic communication line (FOCL), automated system, electromagnetic influence, system of equations

  • Features of using BIM technology in the calculation of reinforced concrete structures

    The article discusses the results of the calculation of monolithic non-slab floors. The authors used software that supports BIM design technology. Models were created in Rewit Sapphire and Lyra-SAPR. The article describes the method of creating computer models. The computational experiment plan and the main parameters of the calculated prototypes are given. A total of four series of samples was calculated. The series differ in the way they create a computer model. In each series, all methods of triangulation that are available for this software package are implemented. To ensure the comparability of results, the step of triangulation in each of the series was taken to be the same: 0.17, 024, 0.4, 0.46, 0.55, 0.67 and 0.86 m. The authors made a comparative analysis of the quality of computer models after they were imported into the PC Lira-SAPR. It has been established that errors are observed when importing schemes from different software systems. Characteristics of the material, the stiffness of the elements and the load are not always transmitted correctly. This circumstance forces to do additional work. Namely, a detailed check of the circuit and its adjustment manually. BIM technology, reinforced concrete, girder-free overlap, reinforcement, triangulation, finite element, reinforcement selection, computational experiment, Rewit, Sapphire, Lira-CAD.

    Keywords: BIM technology, reinforced concrete, girder-free overlap, reinforcement, triangulation, finite element, reinforcement selection, computational experiment, Rewit, Sapphire, Lira-CAD

  • Automated system for developing test plans for software testing

    The problem of increasing the efficiency of compiling test plans when testing complex software systems is considered. Automation tools for the development of test plans allow us to describe this document in a rather generalized way, without taking into account many of the attributes required for the success of the further stages of testing the software systems. The use of the developed automated system (AS), described in the article, allows to reduce the complexity of creating test plans due to the presence of a clear sequence of steps in the preparation of the document, providing the specialist with background information and advising effects. In the future, this AS can be used both directly in the development of test plans in the course of real software projects, and in training novice specialists in the skills of filling out these documents.

    Keywords: software testing, test plan, automated system

  • Automation of control of hoisting-and-transport mechanisms in emergency response

    This article presents the results of studies on the possible use of hoisting-and-transport rope complexes in the aftermath of emergency and environmental situations. The advantages of using self-propelled transport and freight carriages based on soft pneumatic bearings for rescue operations are considered. An algorithm is described for a software package designed to automate the process control of a freight-carriage used to lift and move cargo at predetermined coordinates. To implement the functioning of the software package, a processing technique was used for incoming and outgoing data, input and output streams, data collection centers using Java TCP / IP technology. An example of a graphical interface of the software.

    Keywords: software package, control automation, hoisting and transport mechanism, protocol, JAVA, algorithm, environmental consequences, cable system, local coordinates

  • Dependence of frost resistance of fine-grained concrete modified by polymers on the ratio of conditionally closed and open capillary porosity

    GOST 10060-2012 as the main criterion of frost resistance for all concretes, including fine-grained, established the ratio of the compressive strength of the main and control samples is not less than 0.9, taking into account the coefficient of variation of strength in the series. There are numerous studies in which the dependence of the frost resistance of concrete on the nature of its porosity is revealed, and the criteria of frost resistance in the form of, for example, the ratio of open and conditionally closed porosity are proposed. The article examines the impact of indicators of porosity on frost resistance of mortar (fine aggregate concrete), the basic criterion GOST 10060-2012, and also for frost resistance of the contact zone according to GOST 31357 - one of the normalized indicators of quality of solutions and fine-grained concrete obtained from dry mixes. The purpose of this study is to identify the dependence of changes in the compression and bending strengths, as well as changes in adhesion to the base of polymer-modified fine-grained concrete on the nature of porosity. The frost resistance of 36 compositions obtained using three different Portland cements and three redispersible polymer powders with a dosage from 0 to 3% by weight of the dry mixture was studied. In addition to polymers, low-modulus inclusions in the form of ash microsphere or entrained air are introduced into a number of compositions. The main samples were tested after 75 freeze-thaw cycles according to GOST 31357.

    Keywords: dry mixes, frost resistance of the contact zone, open porosity, adhesion to the base

  • Modeling of the low-pass filter

    Results of modeling and a pilot study of a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 4 GHz are given. Modeling of the filter was carried out in MicrowaveOffice application program package. The experiment was made on the vector analyzer of RXA chains. Results of modeling and an experiment conform to the imposed requirements, namely: - cut-off frequency is 4 GHz; - losses in bandwidth no more than 3 dB; - an obstacle on the second harmonic of cut-off frequency not less than 60 dB; - wave resistance of an input and exit of 50 Ohms.

    Keywords: low-pass filter; cut-off frequency; losses in bandwidth; losses in an obstacle band; modeling; experiment

  • On determination of aerodynamic parameters of drying dispersed waste materials in a filter-fluidized bed apparatus

    he article is devoted to the question of selection of aerodynamic parameters of drying in the apparatus of the filtered-fluidized bed of dispersed particles – carbon-black containing wastes materials and granules of sodium salts in solution of modeling problems. The design of the studied gas pressure distribution grid fluidized bed of dispersed materials of the tray kind provides the possibility to efficiently fulfill the drying process at relatively low speeds of the drying agent. It is allowed to reduce the removal of particles of material from the bed and its exhaust into the atmosphere. The average flow rate of gas motion and the number of fluidization for the main stages of the filtered-fluidized bed of the studied materials and aerodynamic parameters (drop pressure losses) are determined. It was found the fluidization number in the range 1.25-1.5 and the bed height was about 0.25 m. The total aerodynamic drop pressure losses of the dispersed materials’ bed and had acceptable meanings within range from 90 to 130 kg / m2. For the recommended range the coefficient was equal 30-45. Data were obtained on the phases of fluidization, the values of the aerodynamic parameters of drying, and the areas of operating conditions that provide a fairly uniform circulation of the material in the layer and reliable operation of the apparatus.

    Keywords: modeling, drying, waste, dispersed material, fluidization, bed, velocity, aerodynamics, pollution, atmosphere