In the paper we consider the energy efficiency of electric trains in overcoming the curved portion of the profile path. In this paper, were synthesized motion control algorithms that will help conserve energy resources by means of changes in traffic patterns electric depending on the profile path. The simulation electrorolling stock motion by offer the model showed a reduction in energy consumption compared to the nominal operation.
Keywords: energy efficiency, electric train, traffic management, motion control algorithms, reducing the consumption of energy resources
Article represents the analysis of activity of management companies in the market of housing-and-municipal services of Rostov-on-Don for definition of structure of the market and development of offers on its improvement on the basis of mechanisms of management, such as standards of housing and communal services, the public-private partnership, coordination of interests of business, administration and owners of housing stock.
Keywords: Management company, housing-and-municipal services, housing and communal services, public-private partnership.
We prove the prospect of using the territory of the Republic of Karelia for the production of the pilot project "Karelian bioenergy cluster", to reduce dependence on imported thousands of miles away-facing expensive fossil fuels and to improve their socio-economic situation due to the involvement in the processing of native species in -renewable resources.
Keywords: bioenergy, wood, potential, Republic of Karelia, the peat
Chlorination is the most common, and in fact no alternative method of disinfection using in Baghdad water supply system. Thus there is an urgent need to control the trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water. One of the objectives of this study is to investigate the content of THMs in Baghdad water supply network. Studies showed that the substantial amount of THMs formed in water distribution system, THMs content tends to increase with the distance from the starting point coupled with a decrease of residual chlorine concentration. It is observed that in summer total THMs concentration growth rate in water supply network was 1.3-1.4 times higher than in winter as well as total amount of THMs increase by 30 percent in summer. It was found that the concentration of total THMs never exceeded 80 μg/l – the level specified in National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts (Stage 1) established by USEPA. However, in summer total THMs concentration in the water always exceeded 40 μg/l – the level set in accordance with Stage 2 of this Rule. The most of total THMs (73-80%) were bromine compounds (CHCl2Br, CHClBr2 and CHBr3). It is shown that the most efficient way to reduce THMs in Baghdad water supply network is to use the chlorine dioxide for chlorination.
Keywords: chlorine dioxide, chlorination, drinking water, trihalomethanes (THM), water supply network, water supply system
The process of constructing a mathematical model of basin water bodies. Using the raw data, a mathematical model of the basin of Lake Onega. This model can be used for modeling thermal and hydrodynamic processes.
Keywords: parallelization of computations, thermohydrodynamics modeling of water objects, multi-core processors
his paper presents mathematic model of logging timber freights by combine transport network. This model optimize of cargo-carrying and technological roading of forest bases in timber procurement enterprise and lumber factories. Authors developed procedures and functions, which allowed solving optimization of cargo-carrying and technological roading of forest bases in timber procurement enterprise and lumber factories. Authors also analyze technological process on cut-over land, loading bay and railheads. This reporting allows to reduce transport costs and makes optimal schedule of logging timber freights.
Keywords: log truck, rail transportation in timber processing complex
The consideration of basic control homeostatic system is carried out. With a glance on Stepanov’s research result in the area of medical homeostatics the conception of oscillatory homeostatic neural network on the basis of the meridional homeostatic model of human body is generated.
Keywords: homeostat, knowledge, neural network, meridional homeostatic model
This article is devoted to reviewing of crusted composition, based on natural minerals: magnesium chloride (bischofite) and glauconite, as a method of providing an ecological and technical security at traffic areas. In one of the main parametres of road safety - the coefficient of coupling revealed the advantages of using of eco composition over other commonly used anti-icing agents.
Keywords: crusted eco composition, icemelter, coefficient of adhesion, accident rate, ecological security, technical security
Following ways to increase the competitiveness of energy biomass are defined. The research of biomass as a raw material for logging and utilization, state encouragement of its industrial utilization, analysis and biomass supplier and customer market grouping, making of effective equipment for its logging, transportation and utilization, feasibility study of equipment parameters and modes of operations, energy biomass performance improvement.
Keywords: alternative fuel,energy biomass, biofuel, logging, competition
Results of comparing the beamwidth and the concentration factor of receiving antenna wich were calculated using the metods of Bartlett and Prony when working on the background noise of the sea are considered. It was shown that efficiency parameter estimation signal sources using Prony methods is higher than when using the method of Bartlett.
Keywords: Prony algorithm, vector-scalar array,dynamc sea noise, the covariance, the flow of power
The article has received the further development of application technologies autonomous scripts for management of information resources of computer systems. Formalized behaviour of deterministic and stochastic autonomous scripts with the use of finite automata that enables you to develop models and technology for solving a wide class of problems of information resources management.
Keywords: autonomous scripts, theory of finite automata, the concept of frames slot, management of distributed information resources
In article it is briefly considered stages of formation of definition of strategic marketing in scientific literature of Russia. The importance of a services sector in economy and the importance of modernization of the given sphere for the general development of economy as a whole locates. The analysis of dynamics of paid services to the population that will allow to reveal the sphere of servants with the greatest volume of consumption among the population is carried out. Are considered the sphere of transport services of the Rostov region, as a result of research SWOT analysis of marketing strategy is carried out to projections to the sphere of transport services of the Rostov region and recommendations to transport companies of the Rostov region for a choice of suitable marketing strategy are made.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The article considers the regulatory and estimated characteristics, as well as proposals for the estimate of the strength and deformability characteristics for possible practical inculcation of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of fibers produced by the shuttle and conveyor technology, and reinforced concrete structures of them.
Keywords: regulatory, estimated characteristics, stress-strain diagram, compression, tension.
One of the most important technological aims is to obtain a fiber concrete with uniform (aggregate) distribution of the fibers by volume of concrete, from which depend essentially on the constructive and performance attributes of fiber concrete. Authors proposed pipeline technology of preparation of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of the fibers, also they studied changes in its structural characteristics, and developed estimated recommendations for the evaluation of its strength and deformability characteristics and strain diagrams in compression and tension
Keywords: fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of fibers, strength and deformability characteristics, deformation diagrams
An analysis of new methods and means for a mesurement of parameters of piezoelectric ceramic elements and materials is carried out. These methods and means are based on a digital principle of the construction of devices. An impuls with a linear frequncy modulation therein is used as an signal for exciting. Results of experimental studies on this subject are represented for discussion.
Keywords: piezo ceramic element, piezo, methods and means of measurement, digital signal processing