Article is devoted to questions of features of providing effective communication policy of the construction enterprises. Questions of the organization of marketing communications in the construction sphere through the specifics of branch are considered.
Keywords: marketing communications, efficiency of marketing communications, features of marketing communications in the construction sphere
The article is devoted to highlighting the problems of fish protection identified in the inspection process intake of Rostov-on-Don in pos.Aleksandrovka. Based on studies graphs of velocities in different alignments ladle water intake.
Keywords: water intake, hydro-morphological study of fish protection, water intake scoop, slush, freezing, water inlet filter is applied, siltation of the reservoir
The article is devoted to the results of morphological studies in the area of the Don river water intake facilities of Rostov-on-Don. Investigations of ice phenomena, water-level regime, built hydrographers.
Keywords: water intake, hydro-morphological study of fish protection, water intake scoop, slush, freezing, water inlet filter is applied, siltation of the reservoir
Stat'ja posvjashhena issledovaniju temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny v processe ochistki serougleroda. Issledovanie provoditsja na osnovanii rasschitannyh linii regressii dlja kazhdoj iz 3 temperaturnyh zon absorbcionnoj kolonny. Ishodja iz poluchennyh dannyh, delaetsja vyvod o stepeni vlijanija kazhdoj iz issledovannyh temperaturnyh zon na kachestvo regulirovanija dannogo processa v celom.
Keywords: Serouglerod, absorbcija, regressija, absorbent, shkala Cheddoka, temperaturnaja zona, avtomatizacija, temperatura, matematicheskoe ozhidanie, dispersija
Article is devoted to the optimization of laboratory workshop on electrical engineering with MatLab Simulink system. Questions of introduction of batch Simulink simulation in electrical engineering. The characteristic of educational-methodic manuals on how to use this package for the simulation of processes.
Keywords: the introduction of information technology in learning, simulation, Simulink.
Coding of information using of pseudo-random sequences in quantum communication systems providing an operation with a low probability of single-photons detection is proposed. The results of statistical modeling of information extraction from the bit stream, received at different specified probability of detection based on the correlation properties of the M-sequences are demonstrated. It's demonstrated that the peak value of cross-correlation function for the M-sequence of 255 bits is on the average more than 2 times higher than the level of side lobes at the probability of single-photons detection 20%.
Keywords: quantum communications, single-photon detector, maximum length sequence
The research devoted to the kinematic mechanism for turning rope of ladle excavator, in the article considered the part of the trajectory of the work process: this process make the turning of the grip relatively to the arrow with the same time turning ladle relatively to the grip. The ladle turning is made because of additional kinematic connection between the ladle and grip and / jr the arrow and implementing internal forces due to the mutual position of the corresponding arrow and grip.
Keywords: the rope excavator, the ladle turning, kinematics, the analitical investigation
In the article a number of approaches to a flapping wing pilotless vehicle control system synthesis are analyzed. Referred type of pilotless vehicles is possessed of a number of advantages compared to the traditional schemes, but requires a special approach to control system creation because of strong nonlinearity and multicoupling of a controlling object mathematical model. As a result of a control system synthesis approaches analysis a synergetic approach was marked out as the most adequate for the mentioned above type of controlling objects. An idea of prognostics application for the goal of reaching of adaptive control is also set forth. In this case parameters of an object of control and parameters of ambient both are to be forecasted whereby an adaptive behavior of an object of control is expected to be achieved.
Keywords: control system, pilotless vehicle, control theory, “barrier of dimensionality”, synergetic approach, adaptation, prognostic.
In the article the features of the visualization for the impact on consumer’s behavior are discussed. There is described an experiment conducted by the authors to assess the impact of neuromarketing methods on customers.
Keywords: neuromarketing, visualization, experiment, the impact on the consumer
In the article the features of the use of neuromarketing to influence the purchasing behavior in retail are discussed. There is described an experiment conducted with the combination of neuromarketing techniques to influence the minds of consumers.
Keywords: neuromarketing,experiment, the impact on the consumer, retail branding
The problem of synthesis of management by spatial orientation of GSP realized in real scale, its spatial situation providing high-precision definition in conditions of action of hindrances is considered.
Keywords: the inertial navigation system, the gyrostabilized platform, optimum control
In the article was shown the essence of the concept of "service" from the standpoint of marketing and logistic activities, the service dualism, the assessment of service of marketing and logistic positions. In the article was made an attempt to differentiate service operations to marketing or logistics activities in the aim of improving the management process of customer service and competitiveness of the company
Keywords: service, service management, logistics service, marketing service, service assessment
In the article was discusses the problem of assessing the effectiveness of marketing research with the help of different methods; was done an attempt to identify the approaches to determining the effectiveness of marketing research based on their goals. Also was developed the formulas for quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing research.
Keywords: the efficiency of marketing research, assessment of marketing researches, economic efficiency of marketing research
The purpose of this work is identification of optimum methods of an as-sessment of a resistance to stress in work of the modern organizations of a services sector. This article considers the major factors influencing effective work of the personnel in a services sector under the influence of various stressful situations. Categories of the workers who are most subject to psychological instability on workers are defined.
Keywords: resistance to stress, testing methods, service economy
Carbothermal synthesis method on substrates of a-Al2O3 thin film with sublayers ZnO: Ga, using copper as a catalyst for the arrays obtained by varying the zinc oxide rod morphology. It was established that growth of the rods occurs direction perpendicular to the substrate using a thin (~ 1 nm) layers of the catalyst. With increasing thickness of the catalyst layer to 3 nm rods growth occurs at an angle to the surface of the rod with a mutual orientation in the plane of the substrate surface at angles that are multiples of 60 °. Also, the selectivity demonstrated growth ZnO rods arrays on portions of the substrate coated with the catalyst.
Keywords: zinc oxide, micro - and nanorods carbothermic synthesis method, film sublayer growth catalyst.