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  • Analysis of the reconstruction of residential buildings, taking into account their life cycle

    Over time, residential buildings under the influence of physical deterioration, as well as moral degradation need to be transformed. Experience in the redevelopment of residential buildings of the 1960s – 1990s. built in the Republic of Belarus, as well as in other countries of the former USSR, testifies to the significant resource intensity of this process, which is due to a certain “rigidity” of the structural and technical characteristics of the reconstructed buildings. Given that during the life cycle global housing redevelopment measures may be needed every 30–35 years, questions of reducing resource intensity during this type of work are an important factor in optimizing the process of operating the housing complex as a whole.

    Keywords: operation and reconstruction, design, life cycle, architecture, urban planning, construction

  • Principles of saving metal in reinforced concrete structures

    The question of economy of metal at production of building designs is considered. Measures for the organization of effective production in the current projects of high-rise and long-span buildings are proposed. Measures of increase of efficiency of construction are considered

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, production of building materials

  • The effect of modifying additives on the properties of the supported cobalt catalyst

    The physical and chemical properties of cobalt catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis have been studied. The effect of copper and iron oxides on the specific surface, pore volume and dimensions, and the degree of reduction of metallic cobalt on the surface of the Co-Al2O3 / SiO2 catalyst have been studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, synthetic hydrocarbons, catalyst, cobalt, promoter, carrier, specific surface, porous structure, catalytic activity, reduction degree

  • Modification of the generalized algorithm for processing weakly formalized information

    A modification of the generalized algorithm for processing weakly formalized information is considered. It is assumed that in the processing of weakly formalized information it is important to consider external and internal factors. External factors are determined by the characteristics of the incoming information. Internal factors are determined by goals, objectives, methods, etc. The importance of taking into account the latter is that if goals are clear, tasks are set, methods for solving problems and achieving goals are known, then the volume of information being processed is significantly less and the speed of achieving goals is significantly greater. The increase in the speed of processing incoming information is achieved due to the fact that the information processing system adapts to the purpose of information processing. The dominant state of the information processing system is formed taking into account the goals of information processing and the characteristics of the incoming information (the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky). Thus, the processing of weakly formalized information from various technical systems allows, taking into account the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky, to take into account in the dynamics not only the external impact of the incoming information on the system processing information, but also the state of the information processing system. This system adjusts to the goals of information processing and taking into account the purpose of information processing and the characteristics of the incoming information, the dominant state of the information processing system (dominant) is formed. This allows you to reduce the processing time of incoming information due to the fact that the dominant formed means that the information processing system knows how to process information that has not yet arrived, but it is expected that it will soon go to the sensors of technical systems. In the process of processing the system of processing of weakly formalized information, the dominant may change over time. These changes may be due to changes in both the purpose of collecting the information and the characteristics of the incoming information. Such an approach, which takes into account the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky, allows processing large volumes of information in real time and can be used in the development of control systems.

    Keywords: information processing, weakly formalized information, algorithm, dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky, lack of information, control

  • Human activities as the principle of formation of social and functional of carcases in the spatially-geometrical properties of the urban environment

    The article deals with the human activity that is carried out in the spatial-geometrical conditions of the city. The main interest presents the distribution of forms an activity on the territory of the urban area. The allocation identified the social and functional frames or carcases, which characterized by the consolidation of properties, density, sparsity, and scattering. The skeletons set the degree of mixed use and diversity activities, and track the social and functional processes of their dynamics and changes in the spatial and geometrical properties of the urban environment.

    Keywords: Human activities, spatial and geometric conditions, distribution activities, social and functional carcases, consolidation and diversity of activities

  • Investigation of the influence of the parameters of the Gunn diode and the inhomogeneity of doping on its operating modes with the help of a physico-topological model

    When modeling the transport of hot carriers in strong electric fields and using various mathematical relationships describing these processes, usually do not take into account inhomogeneities of impurity doping, which affect the field distribution and the density of the output current. In this paper, we calculated the field distribution along the length of the diode chip. In this case, a one-dimensional model and a phenomenological approach to the description of carrier behavior were used. The results obtained allow one to estimate the influence of the inhomogeneity on the operating modes of the Gunn diode and can be used to create models of higher orders.

    Keywords: Gunn diode, numerical modeling, heterogeneity doping physical topological model

  • Cobalt-nickel catalysts for the synthesis of hydrocarbons on alumina carriers

    The dispersion parameters of the active component of cobalt catalysts promoted by nickel for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by the temperature-programmed hydrogen desorption method (TPD H2) were studied. The influence of the polymorph (γ, θ, α) of the support on the physicochemical properties of the Co-Ni / Al2O3 catalyst was studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, biomass, catalyst, support, Ni promoter, polymorphic Al2O3 modifications, TPD H2 method, active surface, dispersity, cobalt crystallites

  • Creation of an information system to optimize the operation of the Parking lot

    The article presents materials on the creation of Parking management AIS. The results of simulation modeling, which allowed to identify the "bottlenecks" of the project. Design diagrams have been corrected, processes have been included to optimize the operation of the Parking lot. The user interface is shown, the prospects of the system development are outlined.

    Keywords: modeling, implementation,information system, IP design, Queuing system, diagram, Parking

  • Trends in the development of information technologies in the housing and utilities sector

    The paper discusses the main trends in the development of information technologies in the housing and utilities sector. The main direction of development of energy and water accounting systems is energy efficiency, which is achieved either through the materials used or through constructive solutions. Automated systems for commercial accounting of energy resources (AMR) allow you to combine disparate data from metering devices and transfer them to information processing centers. The use of AMR allows you to keep records of consumed resources, monitor leaks and losses, accumulate data for further processing and forecasting, as well as generate data arrays for the application of BigData technology and neural networks. In Russia, the data collector is the GIS utilities system. In the future, ASCME will become part of the organizational and technical concept of Industry 4.0.

    Keywords: measuring circuits, metering devices, Internet of Things, AMR, BigData, neural network

  • Modeling the operation of the power supply system of the greenhouse

    The results of a numerical experiment that obtained with using of the developed mathematical model of the operation of the power supply system of the greenhouse are presented. The list of input factors of the model included external factors: ambient temperature, length of daylight hours, wind speed, insolation, and factors that characterize the internal working conditions of the greenhouse.The values of external factors varied within the average daily values for the location of the greenhouse, the process parameters were determined taking into account the possible modes of operation of the greenhouse. The dependences between the amount of thermal energy consumed by the greenhouse, the energy consumption of the energy supply system, the gross energy consumption of the energy supply system, the utilization rate of gross energy and the levels of factors are shown. The results of the analysis of the obtained dependencies are presented.

    Keywords: modeling, power supply system, greenhouse

  • Determination of a rational set of machines in the production of excavation of the pit

    The article presents the results of calculations and selection of a set of construction machines for the development of soil in the pit. In the course of the work, a comparative analysis and selection of the most cost-effective option was made. The results showed that the parameters of the selected technology may not coincide with the recommended.

    Keywords: set of machines, technical and economic indicators, organizational and technological solution, efficiency, earthworks, soil groups, intensity of work, technological cycle, duration of earthworks, the cost of production of earthworks

  • Design of information system of Parking lot operation optimization

    The article analyzes and simulates the business processes of Parking within the framework of the structural approach. The charts of IDEF0, DFD and ERD models created using AllFusion Process Modeler and ERWin Data Modeler software products are presented

    Keywords: Parking lot, process, modeling, analysis, business processes, CASE tools, IDEF0, DFD, ERD, software product, business process, chart

  • Bioarchitecture-a modern view of underground construction

    The transformation of the natural environment will force humanity to look for a new look at the problems of architecture and urban design. Nowadays, the construction of passive houses is a standard, and green roofs are included in the design of modern cities. Therefore, the urban cluster will gradually transform into sustainable bionic systems that will protect nature and stop further degradation and exploitation of public green spaces.

    Keywords: bioarchitecture, external environment, architecture, landscape

  • Construction and design of buildings and structures in permafrost

    " The article presents research on the problems of construction and design of buildings and structures in the permafrost of Russia. Based on the research work, the principles of construction on permafrost soils are formed. It is shown that the design and construction of buildings and structures can be carried out, provided that the foundations of the soil remain frozen during construction and during operation, and in cases where the soil necessarily becomes thawed during construction or during operation buildings and structures."

    Keywords: construction, design, permafrost, soil, foundation, structures, the Far North, climate, soil, building, structure

  • The potential for the effectiveness of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of construction from the design stage to commissioning

    This article discusses the quality of final construction products and methods of its evaluation. Identified, proposed and justified the need for the introduction of a comprehensive quality indicator. On the basis of the analysis of the existing methods of quality control, it is proposed to create a Department in the service of the technical customer, which will deal with quality issues at all stages of the life cycle of the construction project.

    Keywords: construction; quality; quality control; quality indicator; complex quality indicator; organization of construction production; project management; quality assessment; control over the maintenance of as-built documentation, obtaining permission to put the