Cylindering logs are increasingly being applied for construction of houses. Log production are expensive to and is costly application equipment. The article describes the technical and technological solutions allowing to get round the log on the cutting area and at lower cost.
Keywords: cylindering, through technologies, forestry, functional technological analysis
The article discusses issues related to the study of the influence on the deformability of concrete beams of heavy concrete reinforcing steel to replace the carbon fiber arranged in two rows. Found that delamination of the composite beams with reinforcement throughout the range of loads up to 46-54% compared with the reference.
Keywords: concrete, steel, carbon-fiber reinforcement, test samples, strength, steps of loading, deformability, cracking, load level
We consider the relevance, peculiarities and the main stages of composite developments in the technology of production of finishing materials based on glass and ceramics. The description of technology of production of universal fragments, making the block-transformer. As basic materials for the development of applied chamotte ceramics and glass sheet.
Keywords: composite development, design, manufacturing technology, unit transformer, fireclay, glass
The article discusses issues related to the strength of the normal sections of reinforced concrete beams in which the steel reinforcement is completely or partially replaced by a carbon fiber rod arranged in two rows. Found that the strength of these beams is only 13% higher than that of the reference.
Keywords: concrete, steel, composite reinforcing, test samples, strength, failure modes, load level
The article consider the problem of managing the operational reliability of thermal energy complex enterprises. To improve the efficiency of the organization of repair and reconstruction work will form the organizational and technical building systems. Simulation of complex organizational and technical building systems allows to find effective organizational and technical solutions, as well as to predict their possible development in a variety of situations, the probabilistic nature.
Keywords: operational reliability, organizational and technical building systems, modeling.
In conditions of reduction of the costs of wastewater actual value of the minimum speed and current case does not provide the required conditions of self-purification of networks. The studies conducted on the silt areas of current collectors of various diameters made of various materials with the purpose of determining the resistance of precipitation in the trays pipes.
Describes the methodology and instruments of research. The data obtained allowed with sufficient certainty have established roughness coefficient bottom sediments of sewers.
Keywords: drainage network, the rate of self-purification, sewer, roughness, bottom sediments.
In article the way of definition of a technical condition of the household refrigerating device providing its simplification, raising reliability and autonomy of process of an estimation of its technical condition is presented .
Keywords: The household refrigerating device, a technical condition, an estimation
"The mechanical properties of the rubber-cord composite in strengh analysis are described. There is an algorithm of the numerical estimation of the effective (average) properties of the rubber-cord. The effective properties are defined by the successive application of different deformations to the representative volume of the rubber-cord composite (tensions along each coordinate axis and shifts in each cooridinate planes). The effective properties are defined in form of the generalized Hooke's law (for anisotropic materials). A serias of computations in estimatition of the effective properties of double-layer rubber-cord composite was carried out based on the proposed algorithm. The dependence of the effective elastic modules of rubber-cord on the angle of cord was explored. The according graphs are represented in the article."
Keywords: theory of elasticity, effective properties, strength analysis, rubber-cord, numerical modeling, finite element method, CAE FIDESYS
The article represents the description of the construction of increment borer, its present modifications and additional devices. On the basis of the conducted survey the authors of the article defined the ways for improvement of the borer. Suggested technical solutions are at the stage of patenting
Keywords: Increment borer, preparatory works of forest logging, tree age, forest inventory, core.
Alzheimer's disease is an incurable illness. It affects about half a million people in Russia, and due to the general trend towards aging of the population the number of Alzheimer's disease cases will steadily increase. Insoluble deposits of amyloid beta in the brain tissue (amyloid plaques) are the major morphological characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. It has been found that the increased concentration of copper in amyloid plaques results in copper ions bound to the protein. It is the presence of copper in the binding site triggers of the formation of amyloid plaques. Therefore, the study of the binding site in amyloid beta is of great scientific interest. The local atomic structure of the Cu(I) copper ion binding site in the amyloid beta peptide has been studied by means of XANES spectroscopy. Several model structures obtained by molecular mechanics and density functional theory (ADF code) have been tested. Theoretical analysis of X-ray absorption spectra based on the finite difference method implemented in FDMNES code was performed. An appropriate model structure of the Cu(I) copper ion binding site in amyloid beta peptide has been found.
Keywords: amyloid beta, binding site, Alzheimer's disease, the method of finite differences, Cu(I)
We study the problems in the propagation of acoustic waves of a sound range near the boundaries of media. The features of the wave processes occurring at the water-air interface, due to the influence of inhomogeneous waves. Considered in detail the properties and parameters of an inhomogeneous plane wave. The mathematical calculations of the transmission coefficients L.M. Brekhovskikh for spherical and cylindrical waves through this boundary, allowing to take into account the contribution of inhomogeneous components. It is shown that than the frequency of radiation of a source is lower and the closer it is located to water-air interface, the acoustic transparency of this border is higher. Study of the dependence of the transmission coefficient of the water-air interface at low frequencies can have important consequences in a number of fundamental and applied problems. Increase the transparency of the interface requires a reassessment of the feasibility of acoustic communication from water in the air, the detection of underwater sources without dipping into the water and acoustic monitoring of the physical processes occurring in the water.
Keywords: Inhomogeneous plane wave, water-air interface, transmission coefficient, wavelength, spherical wave, acoustic impedance.
The article is devoted to study proposals for determination of transportation of dangerous goods. Methodology of selection of the most optimal route for transportation dangerous goods is presented and consists of 11 steps, and also includes factors influencing movement goods throughout the roads. The methods allow to decrease subjectivity factors of assessments of transportation risk and, thereby, to reduce probability of choosing a wrong way to move dangerous goods.
Keywords: transportation of dangerouse goods, methodology of movement goods throughout roads, safety, factors of safety moving by roads.
Article is devoted to problems of crisis management, financial diagnostics Russian construction companies. We study the possible ways to improve methods of financial crisis diagnostics organization on the basis of application of accounting tools engineering.
Keywords: crisis management, financial analysis, financial crisis diagnostics company, accounting engineering tools
This paper describes an in-situ experimental technique to study of ceria nanocatalysts by using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy XANES. This technique allows us to determine Ce3+ concentration inside ceria nanoparticles in the course of catalytic reaction based on the comparison and divergence minimization of the Ce L3 XANES spectrum of the ceria nanoparticles under catalysts (atmosphere, temperature) with a linear combination of two independent components corresponding to spectra of Ce4+ ion of the CeO2 structure and Ce3+ ion of the theoretical Ce2O3 structure. The calculated weight ratio determines the Ce3 + concentration in the sample during the catalytic reactions.
Keywords: in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, ceria nanoparticles, Ce-based catalysts, Ce3+ concentration
The problem of manufacturing technology heterostructures pezofaza - metal considered in the article. Complexity consists in the fact that during the removal of the polymer in the system at low temperatures are formed porous layers, formed powders separated metal layers, having island macrostructure. One way to solve the problem - reducing the firing temperature heterostructures. Proposed to decrease the sintering temperature by using of functionally active glass-phases. Reducing the sintering temperature of products also allows to replace platinum electrodes inexpensive silver-based alloys. Obtained by solid state reaction method of piezoceramic material has a low sintering temperature (980 ° C) and high electrical parameters. Found that not only the proportion of the vitreous mass, but also their qualitative influence on the properties of piezomaterials
Keywords: heterostructure glass phase, the sintering temperature, porosity, ferroelectric phase