Piezoelectric ceramics on the basis of the phase of (1-x) PbTiO3-xPbZrO3 is the basis of most high-performance piezoelectric materials. Electrophysical and mechanical properties of these materials can vary widely in different ways. Traditional methods include changes in composition within the morphotropic region and doping. Now is the study of the influence of topical makrolegirovaniya the material properties of the PZT system. As a model system was selected phase of the PZT system, the compositions of which MO belong, one of which contains a dopant in the sublattice (A) and another - in the sublattice dopants (B). The studies established that one of the effective ways of varying the parameters piezomaterials may be the formation of solid solutions on the basis of two or more piezoelectric phases having different combinations of electrical parameters
Keywords: Piezoelectric ceramics, doping, kombinorovanie, pezofaza, piezo
The analysis of causes of insufficient quality mathematical knowledge of students of technical colleges. There are formulated some problems which must be solved for the improvement of the quality of fundamental mathematical education in a technical university. It is introduced a notion of the system of adaptation of the first year students for studying high mathematical course. Elements of the realization of the adaptation system are described and main goals of this system are formulated. It is defined a technology of professional directionality of education in the fundamental mathematical preparation in colleges. It is described a content of the technology of the professional directionality of teaching mathematics which consists of regular demonstration of tasks, examples and models connected with the future professional work of students. It is given some results of the experiment of using in some colleges the technology of the professional directionality in mathematical education. It is analized the results of surveys on different steps of using the system of the professional directionality of education which are devoted to the level of students motivation to study high mathematics. It is supposed to involve undergraduate student into research projects in mathematics as one of the directions to improve fundamental mathematical education.
Keywords: fundamental mathematical education, system of student adaptation, technology of professional directionality of education
Describes the characteristics of the formation of zones zaschischayuschihlinii power, railways, roads, communication lines and other linear structures, passing through forests of trees and shrubs.
Keywords: Key words and phrases: trees and shrubs, protection, linear construction.
Currently actively developing direction of seismic protection, the identified using absorbing screens made in the form of sandwich structures. The present paper presents a design руктивная scheme of energy absorbing panel, which allows you to raise, if used, seismic stability of constructions.
Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption
Discusses the assessment of the fair price of an option for a generalized model of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein in the case of m-States. Formulated approval. Based on the findings obtained in the work built a software application that allows you to make calculations.
Keywords: model Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, the fair price of an option risky asset, interest rate
Personnel motivation strategy is a part of a strategy of the whole company. It is long-term plan of particular actions, which has an aim to develop personnel’s potential to the full extent. As an impact, this allows the company to have a competitive advantage in strategy.
There are a few main approaches to strategy development and, as a consequence, a few options of personnel motivation strategy.
When it comes to development of personnel motivation strategy, there are several stages that shall be competed, as follows: diagnostics of current personnel motivation strategy; development of main strategies, aims and principles of company’s motivation policy, as well as its content and structure; development of employees’ material monetary and noncash remuneration, and non-financial reward; development of internal white papers in order to establish personnel motivation strategy; implementation and effect monitoring of established personnel motivation strategy.
Keywords: personnel motivation, motivation strategy, material remuneration, non-financial remuneration, effectiveness of personnel motivation.
The representation of solutions for problem of steady state vibrations of multilayered poroelastic half plane is considered using the superposition of corresponding solutions for homogeneous poroelastic environments. This allows to analyze the influence of individual structural layers on the forming of displacement and stress fields and also give the analysis of energy streams with the refraction boundaries and wave types separation
Keywords: multilayered half space, steady state vibrations, Biot environment, superposition principle
A differential game theoretic model of the social partnership relations in the system of higher professional education is proposed. The state vector describes a level of students' professional level. Some approaches to the model identification and investigation based on simulation modeling and differential cooperative game theory are considered.
Keywords: social partnership, higher professional education, differential cooperative games, simulation modeling, identification
Finding of small concentrations of various gases as an important task for the environment and for the industry. In this paper, investigated gas-sensitive properties of the films of graphene on silicon carbide to NO2 and vapour C2H5OH. The principle of operation of graphene sensor based on the change of electrical conductivity by reason of adsorption of gas molecules. Temperature dependence of the gas desorption from the surface of graphene is obtained. Mode of getting graphene films with the best gas sensing characteristics is defined. The obtained results suggest that graphene is a promising material for gas-sensitive sensors
Keywords: graphene, graphene films on silicon carbide, gas sensor, gas-sensitive of graphene
In article gasdynamic approach for the solution of a task on heat distribution in simple gas pipelines on the basis of consideration of a current of gas in a laminar mode is considered. The objective is solved by means of research of system of the equations of work of extending gas taking into account an assessment of difference of temperatures at explosive decomposition of a working product. Classical approaches to research of distribution of heat in a simple cylindrical pipe are thus taken as a basis the main dependences characterizing both full, and the current work of a working product by means of correction coefficients and a ratio of temperatures of heating of walls Are presented. Connection between pressure is established at different weight ratios of gas. The specified approach can be used as a technique of model research of gasdynamic processes taking into account a thermolysis in gas pipelines.
Keywords: thermolysis, gas pipeline, gas work, temperature, pressure
This article focuses on the analysis of guality class and evaluation of strategies of organizational development. It was determined that the relation of the competitiveness at enterprise depends on product quality and services. It was offered the strategy of quality which permits to achieve a market leader in modern conditions
Keywords: quality, competitiveness, strategy of quality
It is noted that the services sector in the Rostov region isn't always accompanied by due quality and availability. Major factors which will affect dynamics of development of a services sector are defined. Dynamics of volume of paid services in subjects of the Southern federal district is analysed. The conclusion is drawn that the greatest possible ensuring requirements of the population of the region of the Rostov region in services of high level demands the unconditional solution of actual tasks which are also presented in work.
Keywords: services sector, tendency, development, quality, dynamics.
The paper considers arbitrarily supported arbitrarily loaded reinforced, beam with an aggregate of bimodulus of elasticity material. Formulas for determination of the tangential stresses arising in the aggregate, subject to the reinforced elements. Formulas are obtained for principal stresses occurring at an arbitrary point in the aggregate, as well as the equation for determining the point where major stresses reach extreme values. Are terms of strength as the classical theories of strength, and strength criteria applied for calculation of constructions made of bimodulus of elasticity material.
Keywords: reinforced beam, bielastic modulus, stress, normal concrete, strength criteria.
Considered part of the software and hardware designed and manufactured the device for the automatic analysis of nonlinear parameters of high-temperature superconducting ceramics YBa2Cu3O7-x in variable magnetic fields. Shows the calibration and specifications. The new is a synchronous (the error in determining the phase of no more than 0.5%) of digital signal samples of the nonlinear response of the sample and the samples generated by an external magnetic field (the error is less than 1%), with the number of data samples per channel to 90 ∙ 106 12-bit samples and sampling 600 ∙ 103 samples per second. The reference range of variable magnetic fields 1 - 50 Oe, a frequency range of 1 - 50 kHz in steps of 1 Hz and the accuracy of 0.0291 Hz. The device has an interface to the computer via two USB-interface and original software to work with it. With the use of the device, a series of experiments designed to produce some non-linear parameters of cylindrical sample made of high-Tc ceramic YBa2Cu3O7-x. The analysis of the results and their comparison with the presented in the literature
Keywords: Nonlinear medium, high-temperature superconducting ceramics, synchronous samples, harmonics, ARM-9 CPU, a differential sensor.
The article describes the experience of the device of pile foundations under the multi-storey building in difficult engineering-geological conditions in Rostov-on-don
Keywords: Drilling piles, test, conductor pipe, sandconcrete, foundation