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  • Сalculation of circular cylindrical shell by bending theory taking into account creep

    The general equations of the moment theory of a circular cylindrical shell with creep are considered: static, geometric and physical. We solve the problem of determining the stress-strain state of a shell rigidly clamped in the base when an internal hydrostatic pressure acts on it. The problem has reduced to a linear nonhomogeneous differential equation of the fourth order with respect to deflection. The solution was performed numerically by the finite difference method in the Matlab software package. As a law of connection between creep strains and stresses, the generalized nonlinear Maxwell-Gurevich equation was used. To determine the creep strains, a linear approximation of the first time derivative was used. The shell was made from secondary PVC, and as a result, it was found that in the process of creep in the shell, the circumferential stresses increase by 15%.

    Keywords: cylindrical shell; creep; moment theory; polymers; finite difference method

  • Some aspects of the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete compensated shrinkage on tuff aggregates of Kabardino-Balkaria

    The article is devoted to the results of studies of the initial modulus of elasticity of tuffs on natural porous aggregates of Kabardino-Balkaria, with compensated shrinkage with prepared additives, both in quartz and tuff sands. The article presents the results of experiments on determining the initial modulus of elasticity of tuffs of different preparation formulas. The values ​​of the correction coefficients in the well-known formula for the dependence of the initial modulus of elasticity of lightweight concrete on its cubic strength and the volume weight of dry concrete, depending on the formulation of tuffs are proposed.

    Keywords: Modulus of elasticity, tuffs, light concretes, porous aggregates, tuff, tuff sands, compensated shrinkage

  • Business game as an effective interactive teaching method when studying technical disciplines

    An implementation of the interactive technology for conducting laboratory classes on discipline "Technology of construction materials" in the form of a business game. A scenario is developed in laboratory classes with the elements of a business game. This interactive technology is being successfully implemented at the Department of "mechanical Engineering and applied mechanics" VITI NRNU MEPhI in the representation of the discipline "Technology of construction materials" and its sections.

    Keywords: business game, an interactive form, technology of structural materials, protective coating

  • optimal filtering method based on analyzing the behavior of invariants to characteristic trajectories in the phase space

    Dynamic synthesis filter problem is presented in the form of the optimal control problem. The solution is obtained based on theorem of the maximum function of the generalized forces and the transformation equations of motion based on a characteristic of the Lagrangian analysis of the trajectories in the phase space-stve. It allows you to build Quasideterministic-ing model managed movement which admits repents representation as a quasi-linear. Syn-thesis Unity equation of the optimal filter dy-namic motion estimation parameters differs from the known feedback design. Abstract transient and stable operation is designed filter. Comparisons conducted with the results that are obtained using adaptive algorithm for esti-mating the moving Kaufman and alpha-β filter. On the basis of mathematical modeling showed that the evaluation of the filter have a higher accuracy at a lower cost computing.

    Keywords: kinetic potential, optimal filter, the combined maximum principle.

  • Analysis of the ways for Express-measuring of granular media volumes

    the article presents an overview of the most common ways of measuring the volume (mass) of bulk materials currently used in various industries. The comparative analysis presented in the article methods of assessment. It is established that current methods of calculating volumes of granular media have a number of disadvantages, which significantly affects the quality of the product and its value. It is revealed that it is most expedient to carry out measurement of the volume of granular media directly in the containers or the vehicle taking into account the main characteristics of the material — moisture content, bulk and true density, temperature and fractional composition.

    Keywords: bulk materials, volume, mass, rapid method, density weighing

  • Frequency divider of a centimetric range

    The frequency divider for 8, operating in a range of input frequencies 8-18 GHz is considered. The function diagram is shown. The design and element base is described in short. The model and its experimental research is made. The technique and the block diagram of the experiment is described. Frequency dependence of transmission coefficient is measured. It is shown, that the frequency divider together with the two-cascade limiting amplifier has sensitivity minus 75 dBW, transmission coefficient is about 40 dB and nonuniformity of transmission coefficient is 1.64 dB. Level of the second and third harmonic of output signal is measured.

    Keywords: frequency divider, centimeter waves, microcircuit, experiment, amplitude-frequency characteristic

  • Strength assessment of possibilities of metal pipe design sheet

    The following article deals with the survey techniques of sustainability properties of metal structures by destructive and non-destructive methods.

    Keywords: "examination, strength, diagnosis, mechanical properties, nondestructive testing, pipe sheet pile design "

  • Research embodiments organization wireless communication of measuring devices as part of complex calculation of energy resources

    The paper describes the wireless network organization of accounting units of energy resources and water as a part of automated complex. Shows the architecture of the whole complex of accounting, recording and analysis of energy consumption. Were highlited the key points in terms of complex reliability. Was given the analysis of the various options for multiple access to the wireless media, described the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

    Keywords: automated system of control and accounting of energy resources, wireless technology, multiple access to the radio channel, energy accounting device.

  • Finite element modeling of creep of plates of arbitrary shape

    The article proposes the derivation of resolving equations for the bending of triangular finite element of plate with regard to creep. In deriving of the equations we use Lagrange variational principle. The problem is reduced to a system of linear algebraic equations. Creep contributes only to the right side of the system of equations. These equations allow to calculate the plates of arbitrary shape, taking into account the viscoelastic properties of the material. An example of the calculation for a rectangular plate of a secondary polymeric PVC, hinged along the contour and loaded uniformly distributed over the area load is presented. As a law establishing a link between stress and creep deformation we used nonlinear equation of Maxwell-Gurevich. Calculations were performed in Matlab software package. The graphs of change in time of deflection and stresses are presented. Stress during creep vary slightly, a difference between the stresses at the beginning and end of creep process does not exceed 6%. The result of numerical calculation of the maximum deflection value at the end of creep is different from the theoretical on 0.26%.

    Keywords: creep, finite element method, bending of plates, polymers, Maxwell-Gurevich equation, long cylindrical rigidity

  • Samouplotnyayushchiesya fine-grained fibrobetony with the application of withdrawals of lithotrity

    Are given the results of studies on the creation of samouplotnyayushchikhsya fine-grained fibrobetonov on the withdrawals of lithotrity with the application of a polyfunctional additive D -5. Are developed the compositions of samouplotnyayushchikhsya fine-grained fibrobetonov with the application of a basaltic fibre, which make it possible to considerably decrease the expenditure of cement and to improve the characteristics of fine-grained concrete mixture and concrete. The use of a polyfunctional additive D -5 in the mixtures makes it possible to increase the strength properties of fine-grained fibrobetonov with a simultaneous improvement in the rheological characteristics of concrete mixtures. The replacement of cement to 10 % from the mass by ashes of fraction d0,14 mm in the fine-grained concrete mixtures does not cause noticeable reduction in the strength properties of concrete. Developed samouplotnyayushchiesya fine-grained fibrobetony possess the increased strength properties and have low prime cost due to the use of local raw material and withdrawals of lithotrity

    Keywords: cement, the withdrawals of lithotrity, ashes, polyfunctional additive D -5, basaltic fiber, samouplotnyayushchiysya fine-grained fibrobeton, strength for the bend and the compression, the mobility of mixture, the plan of the experiment

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The main target of sales policy in a competitive environment is customer funnel and customer loyalty. Sales approach involves encouragement of customers, vendors and business partners. Advertising is a means of a sales activity. While determining the most efficient way of distributing expenses for the purpose of advertising, it makes economic sense to use mathematical methods of programming and statistic analysis of target audience. It is able during the analysis to determine the most efficient time and location for ad placement, possible target audience and its income level. A method of calculating should be selected in order to gain more profit and incur less expenses. This is Fore and Malgrange method which allows to do so. Benefit of this method is optimality test in the process of decision making. Keywords: merchandising, advertising, sales, profit-making organization, sales approach, radio advertising, profit maximization.

    Keywords: sales promotion, advertising, sales, social - demographic preferences, effective planning, profit maximization, the method Fore-Malgrange

  • "Strategies of self-control and communicative representatives of different professions "

    The theme of self-presentation is particularly relevant in today's world, where a person has to exist in a large number of roles implemented them in different areas of life: in the family, at work, in the company, the political arena, and others. The development of skills of self-presentation, the adjustment of its strategies is important for staff management structure. Methodical toolkit: Methodology S.-ZH. Lee and B. Quigley measurement tactics self (Self-presentation tactics scale, S.-J. Lee et al.); Scale of self-monitoring M. Snyder (Self-monitoring scale, M.Snyder). The reliability of the results obtained in the study was provided by using the methods of mathematical statistics: the criterion U-Mann-Whitney test H Kruskal-Wallis test [3]. We used the program Statistica computer processing data 6.0.Strategii self differently distributed in groups of professions related to the different types of professions. The level of communicative control is different in severity presented in this study, groups of professions.

    Keywords: Self-presentation, self-presentation strategies, self-selection strategies, communicative control artonomichesky type professions signonomichesky type occupations, professions socionomic type

  • Modeling of distributive processes on the basis of dynamic problems of vector optimization

    The dynamic model of continuous distribution process allowing on the basis of sampling in time to reduce the corresponding generalized dynamic task to a problem of vector conditional optimization is considered. By means of optimization of weight coefficients of the scalar criteria encapsulated in criteria rollup on the basis of the generalized functional ratio expressing understanding of an intercriteria compromise the possibility of establishment of the most acceptable quantitative preferences between alternatives is shown. The offered approach allows to regulyarizirovat algorithms of dynamic planning for single-product distribution systems, having eliminated the developed obvious dependence of optimization process and results of adoption of multicriteria decisions on expert procedures and heuristic factors.

    Keywords: distribution systems, dynamic processes, mathematical modeling, vector optimization, multicriteria decision making, parametrical rollup of criteria, alternatives and compromise

  • Sravnitel'nyy analiz dorozhnykh konstruktsiy po kriteriyu ustalostnogo razrusheniya

    Privedeny rezul'taty sravnitel'nogo analiza dorozhnykh konstruktsiy na uchastkakh avtomagistraley M-4 i M11 po kriteriyu ustalostnogo razrusheniya. Predstavlen sopostavitel'nyy analiz rezul'tatov po predlagaemoy metodike, osnovannoy na summirovanii deformatsiy, nakaplivaemykh v pokrytii za ves' srok ekspluatatsii, i normativnoy metodike ODN 218.046-01.

    Keywords: proektirovanie, nezhestkie dorozhnye odezhdy, asfal'tobetonnoe pokrytie, ustalostnaya dolgovechnost', raschet

  • The mathematical description of grinding particulate materials by impact

    Grinding particulate materials by means of impact is one of the most effective methods , especially when you want to obtain fine and superfine grinding . The most significant drawback - rapid and uneven wear on the blades and pneumatic organs. To solve this problem it was proposed to organize the interaction of shock . However, implementation of this method requires the establishment of methods for calculating the parameters of flow , as the incident on the bump , and ref"lected from it .

    Keywords: crushing blow , collision, the diameter of the mill , the material particle , bump , flow , interaction, wear