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  • Economic interests of big business in the conditions of a single Eurasian space

    In the context of updating the formation of a common Eurasian space is particularly important to study the problem of realization of economic interests of economic entities operating within the system of relationships. Same interests of big business, in this case, play a special role , as it is large business structures , acting as actors of economic activity, are able to set new trends in the development of the economic environment , having sufficient capacity to be able to influence decision- government authorities of administrative decisions. Formation and development of a common Eurasian economic space requires the definition of " growth points" further relations between the states to set foot on the path of integration, and that the organizational form of big business can become a support for building a new system of economic relations. Integration processes in Eurasia based not only on increasing trade between the member countries of integration, but also on their complementarities , formed naturally as a result of centuries of economic cooperation and based on the economic interests of the largest multinational corporations or associations like them , specifying the vector of development of a single economic space. In turn, this single economic space opens up new possibilities for the realization of the economic interests of economic entities , especially for major actors in national economies. This article discusses the main directions of the interests of big business, represented by transnational corporations in the new economic conditions .

    Keywords: integration, a single Eurasian space, economic interests, foreign direct investment, multinational corporations.

  • The experience of building piled foundations of the piles on nonuniform basis during the construction of a 17-storey residential building in Rostov-on-don

    The article describes the experience of the device of pile foundations under the multi-storey building in difficult engineering-geological conditions in Rostov-on-don

    Keywords: Drilling piles, test, conductor pipe, sandconcrete, foundation

  • Thermostability of oxide alkali tungsten and molybdenum bronzes

    Oxide bronzes MxEO3 (M–Na,K; E – W,Mo) are the inorganic materials for technics and chemical technology. Its properties, for example stability in wide interval of temperatures, are of great practical interest (electrodes for fuel elements, electronic apparatuses  and others).                                                                             In this article the results of studies of thermostability of sodium and potassium tungsten and molybdenum bronzes in atmosphere and vacuum condition at the temperatures range 20-1110°C were found. The samples are prepared by electrolysis of melts of sodium and potassium isopolytungstates and molybdates. Dates for bronzes Na0.92WO3 , Na0.68WO3 , Na0.53WO3 , Na0.15MoO3, K0.3MoO3 were characterized by the termogravimetric-differential- thermal analysis (TG-DTA). Regions of stability of Na0.92WO3 : 20-700°C , of MxMoO3 : 300-500°C were founded. Conclusion about correlation of  nonstoichiometry of chemical composition of EOx bronzes and oxides, which making important role in formation of less - common metal bronzes structure.

    Keywords: oxide alkali bronzes, tungsten, molybdenum, thermostability, nonstoichiometry, thermal analysis

  • Selection of the transformation method of loess soils of Rostov region with account of different factors.

     A significant part of Rostov region and North Caucasus regions of the built-over territories according to its settlement consists of I and II type loess soil.
         The author develops a method for optimal parameters determination of the stabilized loess bases under the influence of different factors (loads, emergency steeping, ground waters level alteration etc.). Selection of optimality criteria depends on the applicable method of technical melioration. Determinative limitation is the calculation upon the II group of limit states. Application of non-linear mechanical and mathematical models for calculation of structural and unstable soils upon deformations is recommended.
         Silicification stabilizing of loess soils is almost impossible at the filtration coefficient of K<0.1 m/day.
         Characteristics of the fixed massive depend on soil moisture level, injection mode, density of sodium silicate solution, time of injection and volume of solution.
         Determinative conditions for the possibility of soils injection stabilizing with cement or other solutions are the following: geometric criterion (cement particles size and soil pores size, determined by the active openness), solution viscosity in relation to density, injection pressure, water-cement ratio, filtration coefficient. The most common pores in loess soils are active pores of 20 micron diameter, quantity of which comprises 20-50% of total soil openness. Solution-conductive (active openness) are the pores of more than 0.01 mm at size.
         Selection of stabilizing method depends on the form of the stabilized area.
         The author, basing on variation principles of mechanics of constructive and non-linear systems and theory of adaptive evolution of mechanical systems, developed determination method of rational form of the stabilized basal complex. Specific feature of the developed model is increasing of bearing capacity, stability and location of stabilizing area with more specific accuracy level within soil. To detect stress-deformed state in bases of buildings and constructions there are elaborated programs in APDL languages in the ANSYS software environment.  

    Keywords: loess soil; method for optimal parameters determimation; form of the stabilized area;theory of adaptive evolution of mechanical systems; ANSYS software environment

  • Information about authors (№4, 2013)

    Information about authors of issue №4 (2013)

    Keywords: authors

  • Influences of laser processing to seeds of summer wheat Iren

    In article are presented: installation and results of two years of field experiment, experimental data about influence of preseeding processing of seeds of spring wheat of Iren by the laser on productivity and its structure. Results of researches confirm positive influence of preseeding processing of seeds by the laser on increase of productivity of spring wheat and can be recommended for use in technology of cultivation of culture. The material has both scientific, and production interest.

    Keywords: wheat, laser processing, productivity, multiple-factor experiment, field experiment

  • The method of optimization of development transport and technological of forest resources

    Present the method for determining the optimal plan wood harvesting and hauling on logging enterprise. The method is recommended for use in enterprises applying cut-to-length logging. Optimization criterion is the minimum cost of harvesting and hauling wood. The method use will reduce costs and increase profitability for enterprise.

    Keywords: logging area, base of forest resources, natural factors of production, primary wood transport, network transportation, costs

  • Adjusting characteristics of the planetary generator of the moment

    In article dependences of resistance are investigated on drove the planetary mechanism from the operating moment on the central wheel. The hypothesis about active and jet components of mechanical resistance is offered in compliance with a method of electromechanical analogies. Results of pilot studies of the adjusting characteristic of the generator of the moment confirming theoretical provisions are presented.

    Keywords: moment generator, adjusting characteristic, electromechanical analogies, jet resistance

  • Research the relationship between technological possibility forest machines with the parameters of forest environment

      To estimate the effectiveness of forest machines developed technological possibility coefficient. Coefficients reflect the ability to provide a given performance of transport vehicles in the logging, the decline in the quality of the skid road surface. Method allows determining the amount of logging residues, necessary for the skid road construction. At calculating the available volume accounted for logging residues. Resources of logging residues are calculated depending on the type of timber and the length of skid road. The method allows selecting the optimum system of machines to work in these natural production conditions or schedule performance loss due to reduced carrying capacity of skid road.

    Keywords: Cross country, technological passableness, forest machines, bearing capacity of soils, skid road, wood types, logging residues

  • To the problem of use of economic-mathematical modeling in management and scheduling of the vertically integrated structures

      The peculiarities of models, methods and algorithms for planning and materials management in multi-tier, geographically distributed transportation and manufacturing systems. Show the direction of the development of theory in this area.

    Keywords: algorithms, vertically-integrated structure, models, planning, management

  • Economic efficiency of phased development of dry ports

    After accession of Russia into the WTO the tasks related to the development of infrastructure have been sharpen. With the growing volume of cargo traffic and the lack of opportunity for the extensive development of the port infrastructure, the alternative of building the dry port can be only feasible, although explicitly the most expensive. Due to this reason the method of gradual development of the dry port which provides significant economic efficiency was addressed in the article.

    Keywords: dry ports, net present value, the efficiency of the investments

  • Ecological entrepreneurship: essence, features, development ways

      The paper attempts to analyze existing in the economic literature to define the essence of environmental and ekologo-orientation business. Outlines the main ways of developing a new direction for our country's business.

    Keywords: environmental business, the market for environmental goods and services

      The review of the researches which are carried out in Petrozavodsk the state university in the field of improvement of a wood cargo transportation.

    Keywords: motor transport, road trains, modeling, optimization

      The importance of domestic competitive machinery market entry is shown in the paper. It is shown that the domestic competitive machinery, which provides complex harvesting of round and fuel wood, market entry is the important direction in solving the problem of wood consumers market development in the capacity of biological fuel. 

    Keywords: wood fuel, preparation, consumers, market

  • Problems of engineering preparation of construction of production and development of organizational and technological documentation with the use of information-computing systems

    Modern engineering preparation of construction production (IPSP) is a complex integrated system, including the specialized information-analytical complexes, designed solution of a wide circle of problems of simulation and control, storage and processing of normative-technical documentation (NTD) in a variety of formats, formation and management decisions. The necessity to solve the problem of intellectualization of (IPSP) is connected with the fact that mankind has entered into the phase of building the information society, where the most valuable acquire knowledge. Collection of data and knowledge generates information resources, volume and quality of which will determine the competitiveness of not only the enterprises, but also the physical persons.

    Keywords: engineering preparation, documentation, information-computing systems, organizational and technological documentation