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  • Comprehensive assessment of structures and elements of buildings and structures as an important stage in the work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects

    This article discusses the importance of timely monitoring of the technical condition of structures and buildings in general in the process of preserving cultural heritage objects. And also, using the example of the Rostov region, the article raises one of the existing organizational and technical problems of preserving cultural heritage objects – the lack of the ability to conduct timely monitoring of the technical condition of historically significant objects in the region, and the urgent need to create local organizations to monitor the technical condition of objects and prevent violations of their operation.

    Keywords: cultural heritage object, monitoring, inspection, technical condition, complex technical studies, violations, operation, historical value, restoration, repair, preservation

  • A mathematical model and software architecture for searching encrypted data in recruiting

    The problem of searching over encrypted data using homomorphic encryption in distributed software systems is addressed. The paper considers the application of the approach developed by the authors for the implementation of a distributed system prototypes for issuing digital diplomas and certificates for obtaining competencies with recording in IPFS and an Ethereum smart contract and a search engine for recruiting personnel. The prototype of the system presented in the article demonstrates the use of homomorphic encryption, which allows the search engine and users to interact with the directly transformed data in public blockchain networks without performing the reverse transformation, ensuring their security.

    Keywords: blockchain, distributed software systems, cloud computing, homomorphic encryption, mathematical model, transactions, smart contracts, digital diploma, recruiting

  • Pulsed regeneration of cationite in a sodium-cationite filter

    In this work, an experimental model of pulsed regeneration of a sodium-cationite filter was developed. This model can work both with a stationary water flow and with a pulsed one. It is established that at a high pulse frequency, the water flow tends to a stationary one. It is found that at any frequency in a pulsed water flow, hydraulic losses will always be less than at a stationary one. At the same time, the smallest hydraulic losses are observed at a low pulse frequency of 1 Hz, and there is also a decrease in hydraulic losses in the range from 4 to 6 Hz.. It is established that at the same concentration of salt solution, the hardness of the treated water is lower in the pulsed mode than in the stationary mode. At the same time, the lowest stiffness is achieved at a low pulse frequency of 1 Hz. It is established that the time spent on regeneration at an equal inlet pressure will be longer with a pulsed water flow than with a stationary one at any frequency of pulsed regeneration.

    Keywords: cationite, water treatment, sodium-cationite filter, stationary water flow, pulse water flow, frequency, salt solution, parallel-flow regeneration, hydraulic losses, pressure

  • Software application for building the simplest emotional education of a robot that responds to sound incentives

    Currently, there are general mathematical models that allow calculating the simplest emotional education of a robot. Using these models, computer programs are implemented, for example, VibraImage by Elsys, which сalculates the simplest emotional upbringing based on the microvibrations of a person's head placed in front of a computer's webcam. However, it is not always possible to use the VibraImage program in specific situations. The purpose of this article is to describe an algorithm and software application for calculating the parameters of the simplest emotional upbringing of a robot according to the amplitude of a sound incentives acting on the robot. A formula is obtained for the simplest emotional education of a robot using the amplitude of the sound signal affecting the robot, as well as the ratio for evaluating the parameters of the simplest education of work. A computer program is described that allows one to calculate elementary education, memory coefficient and ultimate education of a robot using an audio file, which is a sound signal affecting the robot. The nature of the relationship between the parameters of the simplest upbringing and the length of the sampling step is determined. Identified the most suitable value for the sampling step length.

    Keywords: robot, education, memory coefficients, amplitude of a sound signal, mathematical model, psychology of robots, limiting education, elementary education, computer program, sampling frequency

  • Modeling and visualization of pipe bending trajectories using a MEMS sensor

    In this paper, we propose modeling and visualization of the pipe movement trajectories in a pipe bending machine. Mathematical equations for converting quaternion data to Euler angular data are presented. The paper uses the method of double integration on the acceleration data from the IMU-9250 MEMS sensor to obtain realistic speed and location. The program is implemented in the MATLAB environment for visualization of pipe trajectories in 3D representation.

    Keywords: the trajectory of the object, the device of inertial measurement, MEMS

  • Results of a numerical experiment to create an algorithm for making design decisions in construction practice

    The article discusses the opportunities that arise when using data mining methods in construction. A numerical experiment is carried out to create an algorithm for making design decisions in the production of zero-cycle works, namely, when installing the enclosing structures of the pit edge. Comparison of the data obtained in the Deductor Studio software product with those actually used in the construction of a residential building is performed.

    Keywords: construction, earthworks, information technology, decision tree, design decision making, data analysis, machine learning, Data Mining, Deductor.

  • Recognition of defects on metal alloys using OpenCV computer vision algorithms

    The purpose of this work is to develop an algorithm for recognizing shrinkage defects on metal alloys. The steps for image processing are described. When analyzing the algorithm, a description is presented for each step, followed by a software implementation. The final step, after using the methods of the algorithm, is to count the contours of the defects. To demonstrate the functionality of the software, random photos of the metal body in the section were taken, where defects in the form of gas pores can be directly observed. The software, with the correct selection of input data, processes the image with high accuracy, minimizing errors in calculating defects. Using the proposed algorithms reduces the diagnostic time. The article presents a comparative description of the manual and automated methods, showing the effectiveness of the second method in comparison with the first. To write the software, the Python 3.7 programming language was used, as well as the OpenCV computer vision algorithms library.

    Keywords: defect detection, computer vision algorithms, OpenCV, metal defects, shrinkage defects

  • Interaction with design institutes for the implementation of design and survey work in the Far North

    The implementation of any construction project in the Far North conditions becomes successful with its rational design. The main factors in the design both in Russia and in foreign mills in the Far North are given. The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the contracting process and interaction with design institutes in the design of oil and gas production facilities. The main aspects of the framework agreement and effective use in commercial practice of such countries as the USA, Great Britain, France are shown. The main problems, as well as tools for effective work with counterparties, are given, as well as examples of analysis of the market of contractors, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn on interaction with a potential counterparty.

    Keywords: oil and gas industry, construction, design and survey work, contractor, counterparty, tender, selection, oil and gas production facilities, SWOT analysis

  • Optimization of the distribution of reactive power of substations of power systems

    The choice of the installation location of compensating devices is determined by various factors that must be taken into account when performing calculations. The location of reactive power compensation devices is determined based on the results of mathematical modeling and the optimal operating mode of individual sections of electrical networks. The paper presents the results of modeling, considers the uncertainties encountered in solving the problem of placement of compensating devices.

    Keywords: compensating devices, electric power industry, active power losses, minimum reduced costs, uncertainty, power gain, optimization criteria, electrical node, damage vector, optimization

  • Time simulation of procedures at the stage of preparing an object for construction. Building a basic organizational and management model

    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the duration of the implementation and linkage between procedures and the development of a basic organizational and management model for their passage by the technical customer (developer) at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of the facility for construction. Carrying out this study is relevant, since today there is a single regulation for a technical customer (developer), describing the sequence and the possibility of paralleling and the duration of functions during the passage of procedures at the stages under consideration. Methods: The conducted research is based on the analysis of scientific and technical literature, regulatory and technical, regulatory and legal documents, the method of expert assessments is also applied. Results: The processing of the arrays of data from the questionnaire survey of experts made it possible to determine the intervals of the duration of the procedure by the technical customer (developer) and to link them with each other in time at the stages under study. As a result, a basic organizational and managerial model was developed for the passage of procedures by a technical customer (developer) at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction. Conclusions: The use of the basic organizational and management model by organizations performing the functions of a technical customer (developer) will simplify the planning and management of processes when going through the procedures at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction.

    Keywords: technical customer, developer, pre-project and project preparation, organizational and management model

  • Communication system model as a source of distinctive features

    The presented article describes the modeling of a communication system (hereinafter SS) organized by a plurality of communication nodes of a public communication network (hereinafter SS SSN) and its elements. The task of modeling is to obtain interrelated initial data on the set of features for each investigated SS of the SSNS at each moment of the model time, taking into account the implemented activation processes and the logic of SS functioning. The process of functioning with the SS as a source of features is studied using a complex analytical and simulation model, since deterministic and random factors are taken into account for its development. The manifestation of signs is a complex process, since the SS is constantly in dynamics. However, the increasing intensity of the increase in the use of communication means and the load in communication channels leads to an increase in the number of manifested set of signs. The reasons for the manifestation of many signs are such factors as: dynamics of movement of the USS of the SSOP; modes of operation of SSOP elements, etc. All of these factors are used in the model as activating the manifestation of many features.

    Keywords: communication system, public communication network, communication node, sign of a system element, information direction, activating factor

  • Methods for processing monitoring results with a dynamically changing level of database resolution

    At present, the number of means for collecting information about the characteristics of elements of a public communication system is increasing. Databases.

    Keywords: database, monitoring systems, information, resolution, processing of information arrays, similarity rate, process automation, public communication system, communication system elements

  • Application of Markov Chains for Modeling and Forecasting the Development of a Fire

    The transition of a fire from one phase to another is represented by a change in the states of the Markov chain. The phases of free combustion, extinguishing and elimination of consequences are considered. The initial data for constructing a Markov model is a sample of observations of response time indicators. Recursive expressions are constructed for estimating the transition probability matrix of the Markov chain. The predictive capabilities of the constructed Markov model of the fire development process are illustrated.

    Keywords: fire phase, Markov chain, transition probability matrix, termination probability, recurrent estimation, vector of initial probabilities, prediction

  • Thermal Fatigue of the Material of a Steam Pipeline of a Thermal Power Plant

    This paper reports on the results obtained on the diagnostics of a steam pipeline of a thermal power plant; it analyzes the effect of thermal fatigue on the structure and properties of the 12Kh1MF steel and possible reasons for the emergency destruction of steam pipeline elements before the exhaustion of economic life. Ultrasonic testing and additional heat treatment are proposed to be used for the detection and elimination of structural inhomogeneity in the metal. The applicability of statistical technique to analyzing data on the loading history of a steam pipeline is studied, which enables us to evaluate the damaging effects of loading cycles and to develop a plan of preventive measures, as well as to increase the accuracy of predicting the residual life of steam pipeline elements.

    Keywords: metallic structure, diagnostics, degradation, steam pipeline, thermal fatigue, microstructure, mechanical properties, residual life

  • Тechnical and economic justification method for energy-saving investment project

    Reducing energy consumption in the design, installation and operation of engineering networks is implemented in the process of implementing investment construction projects. An energy service contract, like any economic agreement, requires a feasibility study. When strengthening the thermal protection of a building, it is necessary to determine both the design of the fences and translucent structures, and the payback period of the investment. The objective of the research is to develop and analyze a mathematical model of heat losses depending on the characteristics of the resistance to heat transfer of walls, windows and balcony doors. Classical dependencies do not allow applying standard mathematical analysis procedures. It is proposed to use a power function that assumes the availability of differentiation. The paper substantiates the form of such a function and provides an extended analysis of the effect of changes in the resistance to heat transfer of building structures on the transmission heat losses of a building, which allows arguing for the adoption of optimal technical and economic decisions.

    Keywords: energy-saving construction project, thermal protection of buildings, indifference curves, mathematical model of heat loss