To the East Donbass agglomeration has developed thematic maps of subsiding soils, indicating their capacity, groundwater levels, surface subsidence above mining, landslide and erosion hazards. Sources of information were the materials of the geological surveys, maps and literature data, and numerical modeling. For the purposes of industrial and civil construction built the final map of the cumulative effects of geological hazards.
Keywords: geological hazard, modeling, geofiltration,subsidence, landslides, erosion, underflooding, agglomeration.
In the implementation of dynamic re-routing of traffic it is important to notice that the threshold depends on the network layout and type of the roads. Full paper includes appropriate relationships, figures and analysis of simulation results to define the re-routing rate of dynamic traffic reroutig
Keywords: re-routing, rate, dynamic traffic assignment, traffic conditions
The article is devoted to the problem of shortage of parking spaces in Rostov-on-Don, as well as domestic and foreign experience in the construction of above-ground parking spaces in crowded conditions prevailing urban environment. As a solution considered construction of automatic car parks in the walls of the old damaged buildings, as one of the components of the program of the Administration of Rostov to improve the traffic situation in the city. The article shows few examples of functioning of such parking lots in Moscow, Budapest, Detroit (Ohio, USA). Also the article concludes about the opportunities and challenges of the work on the adaptation of buildings for parking in Rostov-on-Don.
Keywords: automatic parking, restoration, preservation, historic building facade
This paper presents the results obtained at simulation of various algorithms dynamic route guidance. A simulation experiments has been executed for the CBD network of Rostov-on-Don with using AIMSUN package. The main objectives of research are estimate routing strategy and relation between shape of the macroscopic fundamental diagram and traffic assignment on the network.
Keywords: re-routing, rate, dynamic traffic assignment, traffic conditions
In article negative impact of objects of municipal economy on an urban environment, on the example of a site of charging of accumulators of the motor transportation enterprise is considered. The physical model of process of pollution of the air environment is developed for a site of charging of accumulators on ATP. The description is given to basic elements of model (technological raw materials, processing equipment, etc.), participating in air pollution process.
Keywords: the municipal economy polluting substance, process of pollution of the air environment, technological raw materials, processing equipment
Personnel motivation strategy is a part of a strategy of the whole company. It is long-term plan of particular actions, which has an aim to develop personnel’s potential to the full extent. As an impact, this allows the company to have a competitive advantage in strategy.
There are a few main approaches to strategy development and, as a consequence, a few options of personnel motivation strategy.
When it comes to development of personnel motivation strategy, there are several stages that shall be competed, as follows: diagnostics of current personnel motivation strategy; development of main strategies, aims and principles of company’s motivation policy, as well as its content and structure; development of employees’ material monetary and noncash remuneration, and non-financial reward; development of internal white papers in order to establish personnel motivation strategy; implementation and effect monitoring of established personnel motivation strategy.
Keywords: personnel motivation, motivation strategy, material remuneration, non-financial remuneration, effectiveness of personnel motivation.
The characteristic of ammonium electrolytes for electrodeposition of an alloy zinc-nickel is given. Corrosion properties, microhardness and phase structure of coverings by an alloy zinc-nickel are studied.
Keywords: electrodeposition, properties of coverings an alloy zinc-nickel, the electrolytes containing chloride of ammonium
This article is devoted to the analytical determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web. The reduced shear modulus which must be considered when determining the components deflection from of the shear strain in the beam with corrugated web is defined. Applying the energy method in the form of the Ritz, the problem of determining deflections with considering of bending strain and shear strain is solved. This article, as an example, is considered simply supported beam on both sides of constant and variable cross-section and are given to the final formulas according with three kinds of loading. The results of the calculation of the numerical examples for the three main shapes of corrugated web are submitted. Numerical results with great accuracy are consistent with calculations based on the finite element method.
Keywords: beams, corrugated web, energy, work, deflection, shear strain
The article provides an overview of foreign standards : LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, and their comparative analysis . In analyzing the selection criteria of a standard for certification of buildings in Russia , as well as examples of the first objects that are certified according to international standards . American LEED, BREEAM British and German DGNB standards formed the basis for the formation of Russian Green Building standards . In addition, take into account the requirements of Russian standards GOST standards , building codes and other regulations in force in Russia .
Keywords: ecological construction, architecture SCP, certification, standards for green building, green building
The presented work extends the state-of-art of visualization construction simulations in three dimensions (3D). Classical computer graphics methods can be used to instrument construction models to automatically generate dynamic visualizations of any construction models. The visualization problem of FEM analysis is considered. A description is presented of programs of convertation and visualization of results of finite element method analysis of geodesic domes.
Keywords: simulation, computer graphics, geodesic domes, finite element method, convertation, visualization
Discusses the main changes in kolorostike residential interiors in the period from 2003 to 2013 on the basis of analysis of works by Russian disigners. Whole Russian interior designers have lost some identity. Changing the color palette for the interior, executed in the style of "Art Deco", "modern", "fusion". Novation - "Ecostyle" and interiors in a light-color installations. Basically, the color palette has become more complex and sophisticated, perhaps less distinctive.
Keywords: palette, styles, art deco, fusion, ideally Ecostyle, color, private interiors, contrast
The article describes the experience of designing buildings of kindergartens abroad. Recommendations for inclusion in the structure kindergartens new functional groups of rooms : classrooms ( or workshop ) for painting or sculpture , rooms for classes choreography, sensory rooms , apartments or head teachers. When designing recommended organically fit into the existing landscape building ( in kindergarten should be an " openness" to nature ) , to consider the relationship of individual children's gaming halls inside the building with playgrounds on the street. Open and semi patios appropriately addressed as the gaming space . Particular attention should be given to the color scheme of exteriors and interiors , use of natural materials.
Keywords: kindergarten, architecture of kindergarten, kindergarten abroad, foreign experience in designing, designing kindergartens
The article provides an example evaluation of the technical condition of building and handling machines in terms of corrosion resistance. Using functional method of determining the weights estimated sufficiency compositions anticorrosion treatment building and handling machines.
Keywords: The sufficiency condition, the generalized criterion, a metric multiplicative convolution operator on the set of individual criteria
Is considered a tool of marketing communications - personal selling. Describes the basic theoretical aspects of the system of integrated marketing communications, differences of classical and integrated complex of the promotion, analysis of a modern condition of integrated marketing communications. Allocated significance, main features, the uniqueness, the advantages and disadvantages of personal sales. Defined are the main differences between personal sales from the other instruments of the complex progress, as well as the identification of the characteristics of personal sales in the integration with other promotion tools of the marketing complex. Describes the use of personal sales, the system of integrated marketing communications. Allocation of the basic purposes and tasks of the personal sale in a complex of promotion and in integrated marketing communications.
Keywords: Complex promotion, marketing communication, integrated marketing communications, personal selling, personal contact
Solution for high-speed video transmission in hydroacoustic channel by amplitude modulation with orthogonal subcarriers is specified. Results of method experimental check are presented. Discussed method is doppler-tolerant and can be realized in many common DSPs.
Keywords: hydroacousitcs, video transmission, amplitude modulation