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  • By definition, the nominal size of a real particle discrete loose body

    In the article the problem of determining the nominal size of real particles of grain materials, which significantly affect the technological parameters of the hoppers and their design parameters. Are specific correction factors for sredenegeometricheskogo razsmera nektoryh ubiquitous forms particles loose body.

    Keywords: Bunker, nominal diameter, bulk body shape factor of particles geometric average particle size

  • Analytical determination of the shape of the gap forming hopper with vertical end walls greatest capacity grain bulk materials /RETRACTED 25.07.2019/

    This article provides an analytical solution to determine the forming wall slot hopper highest possible throughput with vertical end stenkmi among all bins have the same inlet and outlet openings. These bins are designed for hydraulic type expiration of the bulk material. They are evenly distributed granular body as it exits from the outlet and reduce the degree of influence on the flow characteristics of the vaults of the hopper.

    Keywords: bunker, loose body, bunker form, friction, outlets, bunker expense.

  • Calibration of the linear element of piezoceramic pressure transducers in the blasting chamber by a drop weight method

    The article focuses on the brief analysis of existing measuring devices of parameters of shock-wave processes include, in particular, electrical discharge in condensed medium. Conversion coefficients for calculation of amplitude of pressure of a shock-acoustic wave were found by means of mathematical modeling of the physical process happening in the piezoceramic pressure transducer when pulse mechanical loading influences on it on the assumption of absolute sharp border. The results of the calibration of the linear module of piezoceramic pressure transducers in the transmission condensed medium in the blasting chamber using a drop weight method are described.

    Keywords: pulsed electric discharge, electric explosion of conductor, calibration of piezoceramic pressure transducer, a drop weight method

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • The experimental research the passage of the ultrasonic beam through charging the layered structure

    This paper shows the results of the experimental research the passage of the ultrasonic beam through modifiable layered structure in order to obtain data on changes in levels of pressure in the front slice of the acoustic field. This paper presents the spatial distribution characteristics of the acoustic field after passing the various layers in the liquid. Celebrated not only offset the propagation path, but also change the chart pressure in the front slice on the amplitude level , the width of the chart, the position of the lateral lobe and its amplitude.

    Keywords: Ultrasound, layered medium, experimental assembly, refraction.

  • Improving the efficiency of thermal power plants by controlling the combustion of fuel in the ion current signal

    The methods of improving the efficiency of thermal power plants. Improve the efficiency improvement offers reach the combustion process. Outlines the benefits of controlling the combustion of fuel in the ion current signal.

    Keywords: power system, power plants, combustion control, the ion current, the detonation

  • Local Atomic and Electronic Structure of the Fe dopants in AlN:Fe Nanorods

    Fe-doped AlN nanorods were studied by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy above the Fe K- and L2,3- edges. Theoretical simulations of the x-ray absorption spectra show that Fe atoms mainly substitute Al. A minor fraction of Fe interstitials or Fe-Al-N ternary alloy can be identified as well. Bader’s AIM analysis predicts that neutral substitutional FeAl defect is in 2+ charge state, though Al in pure AlN is in 3+ charge state.  Fe L2,3 absorption spectra and photoluminescence data indicate the coexistence of Fe2+/Fe3+ in AlN:Fe nanorods so different charge states of substitutional FeAl should co-exist.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Long-term monitoring of human respiratory activity

    This article reviews systems of respiratory activity registration in relation to sports medicine. Attention is devoted to the use of miniature accelerometers that record the movement of the chest, as the optimal method for the diagnosis of the respiratory parameters. Other methods are based on piezo-resistive sensors, pressure and airflow sensors, and airways resistance sensors. The authors' developed device based on three-axis accelerometer is proposed. It recognizes episodes of apnea with sufficient accuracy for long-term monitoring. The algorithm of the accelerometer data processing is described. In order to minimize noise impact on the useful signal it is necessary to transform the three-dimensional cloud of accelerometer data into a flat sector. Then the relation of gravity vector deviation angle and the nominal position in time is determined. This presented device due to its ability to transmit data via Bluetooth technology, after appropriate software development for mobile phone and the receiving terminal of medical professional, will be able to organize a simple ergonomic long-term remote monitoring of respiratory activity.

    Keywords: systems of respiratory activity registration, long-term remote monitoring, three-axis accelerometer

  • Local atomic and electronic structure of nanostructured condensed materials for rechargeable current sources on the basis of V2O5/Fe/LiF nanocomposite within charge-discharge cycle

    In this paper we study of the local atomic and electronic structure of nanostructured condensed material for rechargeable current sources on the basis of 15mas.%V2O5/Fe/LiF nanocomposite within charge-discharge cycle. Principle component analysis (PCA) of the series of Fe K-edge spectra collected during 1 st charge showing the concentrations of the components Fe, FeF2 and V[FeV]O4. We found the changes in the V oxidation state from the analysis of the experimental Fe K- and V K- XANES spectra. Total and partial density of states of components are presented.

    Keywords: nanostructured materials for rechargeable current sources, dynamics of local atomic and electronic structures, XANES, DFT

  • The estimated strength and deformability characteristics and strain diagrams of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of the fibers

    The article considers the regulatory and estimated characteristics, as well as proposals for the estimate of the strength and deformability characteristics for possible practical inculcation of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of fibers produced by the shuttle and conveyor technology, and reinforced concrete structures of them.

    Keywords: regulatory, estimated characteristics, stress-strain diagram, compression, tension.

  • Conveyor technology of fibersfoam concrete with agregating fibers and reseach its properties

    One of the most important technological aims is to obtain a fiber concrete with uniform (aggregate) distribution of the fibers by volume of concrete, from which depend essentially on the constructive and performance attributes of fiber concrete. Authors proposed pipeline technology of preparation of fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of the fibers, also they studied changes in its structural characteristics, and developed estimated recommendations for the evaluation of its strength and deformability characteristics and strain diagrams in compression and tension  

    Keywords: fiber concrete with aggregate distribution of fibers, strength and deformability characteristics, deformation diagrams

  • The propositions about the use of inertia conveyors while making concrete (cement-sand) cushions in the buildings with prepared and built-up roofings

    The authors ground the expediency, prove the effectiveness and give an account of the basic points of rational technical decision about the use of a new resource-saving technology of inertial conveyor feeding of concrete mix and cement-sand grout to the point of placement while making concrete (cement-sand) cushions in the buildings with prepared or built-up roofings.

    Keywords: roofing, concrete (cement-sand) cushions, concrete mix, concrete mix feeding, inertia conveyor, cost per unit of labor

  • Local Atomic Structure and Computer Modeling of the Copper Ion in Amyloid Beta Peptide: XAS Study

    Alzheimer's disease is an incurable illness. It affects about half a million people in Russia, and due to the general trend towards aging of the population the number of Alzheimer's disease cases will steadily increase. Insoluble deposits of amyloid beta in the brain tissue (amyloid plaques) are the major morphological characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. It has been found that the increased concentration of copper in amyloid plaques results in copper ions bound to the protein. It is the presence of copper in the binding site triggers of the formation of amyloid plaques. Therefore, the study of the binding site in amyloid beta is of great scientific interest. The local atomic structure of the Cu(I) copper ion binding site in the amyloid beta peptide has been studied by means of XANES spectroscopy. Several model structures obtained by molecular mechanics and density functional theory (ADF code) have been tested. Theoretical analysis of X-ray absorption spectra based on the finite difference method implemented in FDMNES code was performed. An appropriate model structure of the Cu(I) copper ion binding site in amyloid beta peptide has been found.

    Keywords: amyloid beta, binding site, Alzheimer's disease, the method of finite differences, Cu(I)

  • Development of logistic model based on integration conceptual modeling, object oriented approach, multi agent systems, simulation and intelligent systems

    The multi agent model of resources conversion process have rising in 2 direction – simulation of processes and integration with artificial intelligent approaches (expert systems, situation and multi agent simulation) at now. In this work the main attention gave second  direction that consist of knowledge representation research and integration with conceptual modeling for application in domain ontologies in decision support systems. The semantic network of multi agent resources conversion process was designed. The intelligent systems design method based on conceptual modeling, multi agent systems, simulation, expert and situation systems, object oriented approach was described.  Model and method was implemented in software product BPsim. The software product was implemented in practice tasks.

    Keywords: resource conversion process, multi-agent system, intelligent agent, logistic

  • A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems of equations describing the circuits

    The article describes the main problems of circuit simulation. The problem of solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) of large dimension. The modified algorithm is a linear algebraic solutions. Described a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems based on the proposed modified method. The results of the pilot study and comparison of the algorithm with the algorithms based on the traditional methods for solving linear algebraic equation, which confirm the advantages of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm.

    Keywords: Genetic operators, evolutionary algorithm, the system of linear algebraic equations, computer-aided design.