A dynamic model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks is considered. Model include five level: the level of the wall thickness of the pipeline, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from pH, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from temperature, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from the oxygen concentration, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall the pipeline from the carbonate index. The composition of variables includes one level of state, thar characterize the process of thinning the wall of the pipeline due to internal corrosion, and four levels, that characterize the performance of network water. Six rates of changing of the physical indicators, that characterize the growth (dynamics) of the ongoing process, are taken into account. Four dependencies of influence are connect the subsystems of the complex into a single whole. The results of the evaluation of the dynamics of the pipe wall thinning process in the process of internal corrosion for a period of 1 year and 5 years presented. The software implementation in the Mathcad environment is considered.
Keywords: dynamic model, internal corrosion of pipelines, corrosion of the heat network, corrosion factor
Light steel thin-walled structures are considered as elements of modern building erection technology. Domestic and foreign regulatory documents governing the use and design of structures made of thin-walled steel profiles are presented, and obvious advantages and operational disadvantages are indicated.
Keywords: construction, metal structures, light steel thin-walled structures, thin-walled beams, energy efficiency
The questions of mathematical interpretation of results of trajectory measurements are discussed in terms of increasing the accuracy of identification of bearings of unmanned aerial vehicles during their movement in a "swarm" - a group. Variants of identification of horizontal and spatial bearings are offered. For each of the variants, criteria are proposed for identifying the belonging of the measured values to the same object in the group and the conditions for achieving them. The situation of false positives is shown. It is determined that additional identification measures are needed to eliminate false bearing triads and uncovered ambiguities, including the use of combinatorial exhaustive search algorithms. For their study, it is necessary to develop an experimental statistical model with an algorithmic description of cause-effect relationships, which is a further development of this work.
Keywords: " unmanned aerial vehicle, group of objects, bearing identification, horizontal bearing, spatial bearing, identification criteria, false notch"
The questions of decision-making are considered at the development of a complex tourist product, which includes places of leisure and recreation, relocations, places of residence and others. The multicriteria problem of choosing the optimal variant of the tour with the given criteria and user ratings has been set and solved. The proposed model can be used to build a decision support system for the development of tours around Russia.
Keywords: decision theory, expert assessments, the theory of formal languages and grammars, optimization, intellectual systems
The growing interest in travel around Russia and the lack of information support determine the relevance of developing decision support systems in the tourism industry. The work presents the results of information modeling of such a system that allows, based on monitoring of thematic Internet resources, to create a database of tourist sites and events, places of residence, transport routes and based on user estimates, form a completed tourist product that appropriate the requirements. The obtained models are the basis for the development of the software environment.
Keywords: information modeling, universal modeling language UML, decision support system
Two different methods for direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor are analyzed. The first one is conventional DTC strategy. In this method, stator voltage vectors are selected according to the differences between the reference and estimated actual torque and stator flux linkage. Torque and flux errors are compared in hysteresis comparators. Depending on the comparators a voltage vector is selected from the inverter optimal switching table. The other DTC method, proposed in the paper, is based on fuzzy logic concept, where fast torque response with low ripple in the torque of induction motor can be achieved. In this technique, the hysteresis comparators and the switching table used in basic DTC are replaced by a fuzzy logic switcher. Torque error, flux error and stator flux angle are given as input variables to fuzzy controller and output variable obtained from the fuzzy controller is switching state of the inverter. To approximate nonlinear functions Takagi - Sugeno fuzzy algorithm is used. Simulation results show the efficiency of the fuzzy logic switcher.
Keywords: direct torque control, Takagi – Sugeno fuzzy algorithm, fuzzy logic switcher
the article presents an overview of the most common ways of measuring the volume (mass) of bulk materials currently used in various industries. The comparative analysis presented in the article methods of assessment. It is established that current methods of calculating volumes of granular media have a number of disadvantages, which significantly affects the quality of the product and its value. It is revealed that it is most expedient to carry out measurement of the volume of granular media directly in the containers or the vehicle taking into account the main characteristics of the material — moisture content, bulk and true density, temperature and fractional composition.
Keywords: bulk materials, volume, mass, rapid method, density weighing
The paper presents a method for creating model for combinational circuit implementation in FPGA basis, through its original description. This model represents the equivalent circuit of the FPGA logic elements. The scheme can be used for the calculation of various parameters such as speed, area, power consumption etc. The paper proposes to use this model to assess reliability in relation to the single fault in combinational circuit’s parts or the configuration registers. Furthermore, the resulting equivalent circuit can be modified and re-synthesized in the CAD environment to achieve high levels of resistance to a single event upset. Direct estimation of the masking properties of the logic circuit through its original description is impossible because of substantial change in the structure due to the synthesis process. Evaluation of fault tolerance after place and route is not available due to lack of the necessary tools in modern CAD (Altera Quartus II, Xilinx ISE, Synopsys Synplify). To evaluate the reliability of the project one must create custom FPGA netlist analysis tool and tools for modeling combinational circuits.
Keywords: reliability evaluation, re-synthesis, combinational circuits, FPGA, fault injection.
The article considers the models of automated control of the formation of sensorimotor skills of the student (ie, the future operator of the process) by performing exercises with the use of computer training complex. The control circuit corresponding to the model described in detail dismantled. The process of obtaining the integral index of quality of exercise on a computer simulator considered. Developed management model is the basis for the implementation of the relevant software simulators that can be used for operator training processes performed using robotic systems as well as for training of operators of complex industrial and other processes.
Keywords: robotic system, the production process, computer training complex, sensory-motor skills, control system, fuzzy modeling
The article describes the results of simulation of a five-channel inverter with scalar control the motor speed. Briefly describes the principles of a scalar control, the structure of the five-channel inverter, as well as five-channel method of controlling the inverter using the method of double-zero sequence voltage (DZV). The structure of the model and the simulation results, confirming the possibility of using a five-channel inverter with scalar control the motor speed is considered.
Keywords: motor, speed control, scalar control, five-channel inverter, Simulink
The purpose and objectives of this work is to develop methods for planning the trajectory of moving objects. Achieving the goals and objectives achieved by the development of the motion planner mobile autonomous robot based on fuzzy logic . With the software package Matlab simulation results obtained fuzzy scheduler works in an environment with unknown location of obstacles.
Keywords: mobile robot, vehicle, planner, fuzzy logic, behavior, coordination, algorithm
The purpose and objectives of this work is to develop methods for the design of hybrid systems manage badly formalized technical objects related to unmanned aerial vehicles such as helicopters, namely quadrocopters. The result of the article is to provide analytical information on the existing structures of hybrid controllers, the understanding of the characteristics of their design, practical use. The results differ from the more unique orientation with respect to the management of quadrocopters based on a hybrid approach.
Keywords: quadrotor; control; uncertainty; decision making; fuzzy logic; neural networks; hybrid control
The article discusses problems of hope and the relation to life of representatives of technical specialties. Approaches to studying of hope as sociocultural and social-psychological phenomenon are briefly described. It is noted that the hope is the metavalue of human life. Authors emphasize that the fulfillment of vital events of any modality, both positive, and negative, leads to change of expressiveness of hope. In article on the basis of empirical data features of hope and the relation of experts of a technical profile to various stages of the life are analyzed.
Keywords: hope, spheres of hope, life satisfaction, relation to life, life events
The article substantiates the relevance of the types of web portal of national-cultural autonomy. The architecture, functional model, information model, GUI main page of a typical web-portal of the national-cultural autonomy are given in the article. The positive effects of the introduction of a standard web portal of the national-cultural autonomy are listed.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, web portal, national-cultural autonomy
The study on the example of the choice of SAP UI Technology for the development of a subsystem of planning and actual time tracking has shown the proposed method of selecting one of the available technologies for construction of a subsystem based on a particular platform. The developed method includes the analysis of the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of the possible technologies and then a well-formalized decision-making process of choosing one of the technologies based on the analytic hierarchy process.
Keywords: multicriteria problem, the method of analysis of hierarchies, the architecture of software systems, the user interface, SAP ERP, SAP UI Technologies