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  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    the article presents a comparison of methods for modeling the Foundation of the span structure of the technological transition on permafrost soils in the LIRA-CAD 2015 software package.Numerical simulations using methods such as pinching (linking) and modeling of pile Foundation and soil Foundation showed a significant difference in the calculated values. The conducted research confirms the need to calculate this type of building structures taking into account the influence of the soil base.

    Keywords: span structure, technological transition, pile, base, foundation, frozen ground, LIRA-CAD 2015, strength, stiffness, stability, soil model

  • Solving optimal design problems using the example of calculating the coverage of a demonstration center in the form of a rod structure made of round pipes.

    The article deals with the issues of regulating the stress-strain state of the design scheme of the coating of the demonstration center by combining the geometry of the interface of the crossbar and the cross frame post. The dependence of the distribution of forces on the solutions of the eaves of the roof truss is established.

    Keywords: Arched constructions, finite element method, stress-strain state regulation, optimal design

  • Application of information technologies in solving the optimization problem of strength calculation of rod elements

    The calculation algorithm is given and various options for solving the problem are considered when changing the parameters of the design scheme of the rod system on the example of a beam in the MS Excel software environment together with the MathCAD package. The proposed approach allows you to combine formulas, graphics, and calculation results on a single sheet, which is especially useful in the educational process. It contributes to a more conscious perception of the calculation process by students, allows them to implement various forms of distance learning in information technologies.

    Keywords: the core of the system, algorithm, modelling, integration, information technology

  • Cognitive analysis of the reproductive behavior of a young family in a multicultural region

    The authors of the article consider external socio-economic and internal motivational factors in the formation of reproductive behavior of young families living in the Rostov region. Based on empirical data, the authors of the work conclude that young spouses occupy quite active economic positions in the region we are studying. These professional strategies have a dual effect on reproductive behavior, determining the choice of one-child family model in the region

    Keywords: model, cognitive analysis, family, young family, life strategies, value orientations reproductive behavior

  • Windows Management Instrumentation as a way to monitor and audit enterprise IT infrastructure

    This paper describes the tools for managing the Windows operating system - Windows Management Instrumentation, and also analyzes its applicability for monitoring and auditing the enterprise IT infrastructure. The main WMI classes and their purpose are given. Two methods for using WMI are described: local and network. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are given.

    Keywords: operating system, Windows, Windows Management Instrumentation, WMI, audit, monitoring, IT infrastructure, wbemtest

  • Overview of approaches to adaptive error correction when transmitting images over a noisy channel

    The directions of modern research in the field of adaptive error correction, which can be applied when transmitting images in JPEG 2000 format over a noisy channel, are examined. Adaptive correction at the network level allows you to maintain a given percentage of packet delivery. Uneven protection at the application level is intended for use in broadcast broadcasts and allows the consumer to receive an image of various quality depending on the state of the network. Adaptive uniform protection at the application level is focused on point-to-point transmission and is aimed at receiving the maximum image quality by the receiver. The network layer tools discussed can be combined with the application layer tools.

    Keywords: adaptation, noise-proof coding, forward error correction, noisy channel, JPEG 2000

  • " Calculation of the air pollution index of the city of Krasnoyarsk using the “summary calculations” tool"

    To assess the impact of various groups of sources of emissions in urban pollution, there is a method that can be called the main one - the assessment of the contribution to total gross emissions. But this method does not take into account the significant features of dispersion of pollutant emissions in the atmosphere, as well as the specifics of the mechanisms of formation of concentrations of pollutants at a specific point in the city and the calculation of complex indicators of the level of air pollution in urban areas. The authors proposed a procedure for calculating the atmospheric pollution index for source groups using the “summary calculations” tool. The calculations were carried out on the licensed software product "Ecologist-city". Based on the calculations, conclusions were drawn on the reliability of determining the influence of various groups of emission sources on air pollution in the city of Krasnoyarsk, based on the assessment of contributions to the total gross emission in the city.

    Keywords: atmosphere, air, ecology, ecology of urban areas, environmental safety, summary calculations, IZA

  • Implementation of VR-solutions at the stage of development of project documentation, as a solution to problems arising during construction in cramped conditions

    The article discusses the main problems in carrying out construction work in cramped conditions. A survey was conducted among the construction participants, recommendations were given on the selection of organizational and construction solutions.

    Keywords: cramped conditions, noise, environmental safety, organizational and technological solutions, point building, environment, technological environment, construction organization, construction technologies, BIM, VR, integrated solutions

  • Investigation of the physico-mechanical properties of a low-density polymer insulation coating

    The results of a study of the development of a polymer heat-insulating coating for the insulation of heated metal surfaces of industrial and engineering equipment, industrial plants, building structures, working surfaces of pipelines operated at low (up to 1000C) temperatures are presented. The coating was developed on the basis of a polymer binder, which is a mixture of styrene-butadiene rubber and acrylic polymer, hollow carbon microspheres, pigment and water. The use of hollow carbon microspheres in this coating as a filler in an amount of 20.0 to 30.0 parts by weight reduces the thermal conductivity of the coating, compared with the known containing hollow glass or ceramic microspheres.

    Keywords: thermal insulation coating, polymer binder, hollow carbon microspheres, thermal conductivity, tensile strength

  • Development of a polymer heat-insulating fire-resistant coating filled with industrial waste

    The results of the development of a polymer coating with high heat-insulating and fire-resistant characteristics containing waste from galvanic production are presented. This coating is designed for thermal insulation and fire protection of concrete and metal surfaces of various building structures and industrial equipment. The coating is developed on the basis of siloxane rubber, K-18 catalyst, hollow carbon microspheres and industrial waste - galvanic sludge used as a flame retardant. The use of hollow carbon microspheres provides an increase in the strength and thermal insulation properties of the coating. The use of galvanic slurry in the amount of 5-15 parts by weight it allows to obtain the effect of self-extinguishing of the heat-insulating coating, reducing the burning time without compromising the operational properties - strength, adhesion, while solving another important problem - the safe disposal of galvanic sludge. Studies have shown that the use of this composition allows you to get a relatively inexpensive, but quite effective polymer coating with good thermal insulation, flame retardant and physico-mechanical properties.

    Keywords: polymer coating, siloxane rubber, hollow carbon microspheres, galvanic sludge, thermal conductivity, strength, self-extinguishing effect, safe disposal

  • Assessment of the bearing capacity of a metal truss: analysis of the results of field tests

    The article presents the results of an on-site test spatial metal farm of an aircraft hangar with a span of 72 m. A comparative analysis of the data obtained by the simulation of the farm from the predicted loads (taking into account the actual geometry) and the on-site tests is performed. During the assessment of the technical condition and testing, significant errors were identified in the design and manufacture of gate frames structures,which could lead to loss of bearing capacity or unsuitability for normal operation. Based on the test results, measures were developed and implemented to strengthen the elements of the farm, repeated full-scale tests were conducted. Based on the foregoing, the span structure is recognized as suitable for safe operation.

    Keywords: test, metal truss, bolted connections, compliance, bearing capacity, deformability, gate frame, reliability, static calculation

  • Selection of the optimal set of leading machines for excavation depending on a number of influencing production and geotechnical factors

    The aim of the study was to identify the optimal choice of the set of leading machines according to the ratio of such parameters as "Time" and "Cost." Within the framework of the study, the scheme of selection of the set of machines in accordance with geotechnical and production conditions of the construction area and economic conditions of the potential customer was determined, as well as a table of selection of machines depending on the initial parameters was drawn up.

    Keywords: excavations, a set of leading machines, soil category, distance of soil transportation, the volume of the pit, the volume of the excavator bucket, continuity of work, cost, work duration, cars dump trucks

  • Experimental study of the influence of electric receivers of a private housing stock in rural areas on the level of distortion of the sinusoidal voltage and current in the network of 0.38 kV

    A large number of power receivers with non-linear current-voltage characteristics with a pulsed mode of operation appeared in residential buildings, which leads to the generation of 0.38 kV higher harmonic current components into the electric network, large values ​​of these harmonics lead to a deterioration in the shape of the network voltage curve. The purpose of the work is to study the harmonics of current generated by electrical receivers of residential buildings, and their influence on the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the network voltage of 0.38 kV. It has been established that the greatest negative impact on the electric network is exerted by electronic devices with switching power supplies, such as PCs, laptops and netbooks, as well as dishwashers and LED lamps with a socle E14 and E27, whose total harmonic current component coefficient is 85% ≤ THDI ≤ 205%. In the Matlab Simulink program, a simulation model of a 0.38 kV network of a residential building is simulated, which allows the study of the total distortion coefficient of the current KI and voltage KU in the ASU. With the installed non-linear load power more than double the linear load, the coefficient of non-sinusoidality of the voltage in the network of 0.38 kV may exceed the values ​​established by GOST 32144-2013.

    Keywords: power supply system, electric network, quality of electric energy, voltage harmonics, current harmonics, electromagnetic compatibility, power receiver

  • Modeling of the geomassive stress-strain state to determine the position of local centers of tension in a processed coal seam

    This article focuses on solving the urgent task of forecasting hazardous mining zones by determining the position of local centers of tension in a processed coal seam. The relevance of this task is confirmed by the fact that the intensification of mining processes inevitably leads to an increase in the risk of hazardous production situations, such as rock blows, sudden coal and rock emissions, etc. The most dangerous for the manifestation of rock strikes are the protrusions of the edge sections of the coal seam, intersection and pairing workings. Shockproof activities regulated by the normative documents, are not always sufficiently effective. To solve this problem, authors propose an approach that allows you to quickly determine the position of local centers of tension, taking into account the influence of the worked out space. The authors developed an integration grid, in the construction of which the division of the entire area into elementary sections is performed in such a way that the influence of the weight of the roof rocks over each section is the same. To implement this approach, the influence function of the worked out space is introduced in the form of the equation of the reference rock pressure diagram. Based on the results of numerical simulation of the stress-strain state of the geomassiv, an exponential dependence is obtained, which allows one to determine the concentration coefficient of vertical stresses for points on the plot of reference rock pressure. According to the values of vertical stresses calculated for each point of the integration grid, it is possible to predict the stress-strain state of the geomassiv and justify the need for shockproof measures. The application of the proposed approach will allow the rapid forecasting of hazardous areas and significantly reduce the cost of shockproof measures.

    Keywords: modeling, geomassive, coal seam, integration grid, forecasting, vertical stresses

  • Simulation of a number of modifications by the prospect of a vortex-type wind power installation using structures of various topologies directing the air flow

    A method for remote determination of the angular velocity of rotation of the blades of a wind generator based on digital processing of the video stream of this wind generator is considered. The main problems that are encountered with this method of measuring angular velocity are analyzed. The considered method for determining the rotation speed of the blades of a wind generator is possible provided that the frame rate is several times greater than the determined rotation frequency. The minimum possible error of this measurement method was found; the real error of measuring the angular velocity was calculated on a specific example.

    Keywords: digital processing of the video stream, image stabilization of the wind generator, finding the contours of the rotor blades, estimation of the angular speed of rotation of the rotor