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  • To the problem of use of economic-mathematical modeling in management and scheduling of the vertically integrated structures

      The peculiarities of models, methods and algorithms for planning and materials management in multi-tier, geographically distributed transportation and manufacturing systems. Show the direction of the development of theory in this area.

    Keywords: algorithms, vertically-integrated structure, models, planning, management

  • Hydropneumatic impact device

    The analysis of drum machines, percussion device compares various designs, describes the design and operation of the original drummer hydropneumatic equipment designed for use in hydraulic single-bucket excavator.

    Keywords: hydropneumatic shock device gidropnevmoudarnik, working organ excavator pulse systems, hydraulic

  • The influence of fluorinated surface-active substances physical and mechanical properties of nickel phosphate coating

    Influence of the fluorinated surface-active substances entered info a solution of chemical nickel plating, on operational properties nickel-phosphoric of the coverings besieged from investigated structures (solutions) is considered.

    Keywords: nickel-phosphoric of the covering; surface-active substances; operational properties

  • Economic efficiency of phased development of dry ports

    After accession of Russia into the WTO the tasks related to the development of infrastructure have been sharpen. With the growing volume of cargo traffic and the lack of opportunity for the extensive development of the port infrastructure, the alternative of building the dry port can be only feasible, although explicitly the most expensive. Due to this reason the method of gradual development of the dry port which provides significant economic efficiency was addressed in the article.

    Keywords: dry ports, net present value, the efficiency of the investments

  • Mathematical modelling of processes in the channel of the MHD-device with the conical axisymmetric channel

    Work is devoted mathematical modelling of processes in the channel of the MHD-device with the conical axisymmetric form of a channel. The assumptions accepted at modelling are formulated. The mathematical description of a prototype system with usage of known laws of electrodynamics is conducted. The equations of components of density of current, a magnetic field and electromagnetic forces in the conical part of the channel of the observed device are defined. Adequacy of the developed model is confirm by results of computer simulation of processes in the channel of the device. Deductions about applicability of results of the given work are presented.

    Keywords: MHD-device, conical axisymmetric channel, density of current in the channel, mathematical model, electromagnetic forces

  • Numerical solution for a plane area containing the unknown interface

    The numerical algorithm consists of in determination of a minimum of some functional, defined in the area containing in advance unknown interface. The unknown interface is obtained from a minimization condition of the functional together with unknown functions. The problem for plane area dares a method of grids.

    Keywords: algorithm, functional, minimum, genetic algorithm, grid, function, area, interface

  • System of the sociolabor relations in market economy

      Structural changes in cumulative labor displace the purposes of social development and generate understanding of that the economy exists for the person, and people – the main value of modern society. The evolution of the term tracked in article the sociolabor relations, consideration of elements, levels and the purposes of the sociolabor relations, the characteristic of types of regulation of the sociolabor relations and an assessment of system of the sociolabor relations of Russia allowed to add definitions of the sociolabor relations by concept «the human capital» and to define system of the sociolabor relations of market economy as a complex of relationship concerning development and effective use of the human capital. 

    Keywords: Sociolabor relations, hired worker, employer, work, human capital

  • Multicriteria decision making under risk based on the integration of multi-agent, evolutionary modeling and numerical methods

    Decision making in the organizational and technical systems is complicated by the risk of various events emergence in the systems with a given probability. The article describes a method for supporting decision making under risk on the basis of integration of evolutionary, multi-agent, simulation models and numerical methods. In the course of the method's work the following steps are performing: a set of alternatives solutions is formed;  transition to a one-criterion alternatives evaluation is fulfilled by using linear convolution; transition to the system behavior certainty is fulfilled with the use of numerical optimization Bayes-Laplace criterion. The developed method is applied to solving the projects scheduling problem; the results agree with the problem solution that has been performed by using genetic algorithm method under certainty.

    Keywords: decision making risks, multi-agent modeling, numerical methods of decisions optimization, scheduling problem, evolutionary modeling

  • Active antenna spatial structure influence on intermodulation interferences angular power spectra and wiener spatial filter performance in consideration of antenna element mutual coupling

    This paper presents method of calculation of angular power spectra and signal to noise plus interferences ratio in presence of active antenna element mutual coupling.

    Keywords: Active antenna array, Rx-Tx antenna module, spatial structure, mutual coupling, nonlinear distortion

  • Problems of functioning of sotsialno-ekologo-ekonomicheskih of systems within municipalities

    The analysis of the existing concepts ""territory"", ""system"" is presented in article, the attention to properties of system is paid. Municipality consideration as social эколого - economic systems is proved and is offered. Components of this system are revealed and the main objectives are defined, and also the problems interfering effective process of formation of complex system of ekologo-sotsio-economic municipality are established.

    Keywords: the territory, system, municipality as social эколого - economic systems, components social эколого - economic system of municipality, the main objectives social эколого - economic system of municipality.

  • Prospects of realization of principles of budgeting of distribution costs

    In article the author considered topicality of statement of budgeting. Theoretical aspects of this process were presented. Defined the stages which are a part of process of budgeting. Also items of expenditure on which it is necessary to pay special attention by drawing up of the budget of the organization were considered. Besides, ways of reduction of expenses on production are offered. In work it was shown how to make the organization budget for a year on «Product Company «Flight of New Technologies» example

    Keywords: budget, budgeting, item of expenditure, distribution costs, control of expenses

  • Ecological entrepreneurship: essence, features, development ways

      The paper attempts to analyze existing in the economic literature to define the essence of environmental and ekologo-orientation business. Outlines the main ways of developing a new direction for our country's business.

    Keywords: environmental business, the market for environmental goods and services

  • The study of dynamics and determination of the directions of development of the industry of the region

    The article deals with research problems, tendencies and laws of development of the industry of North Ossetia-Alania. The analysis of industrial production of the region, including the volume of shipped goods of own production, executed works and services by own forces by types of activity: production of minerals, manufacturing industries, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. The analysis in the dynamics of the трехлетиям the period revealed the presence and size of the negative or positive deviation, as well as levels of stability.

    Keywords: industry, sector, region, the economy, the gross regional product, industrial production.

  • The modelling of tne geopolitical processes in the world regions under glocalization and its structural levels

      The article analyses the problem of applying the scientific method of modeling to the investigation of geopolitical processes taking place at the world regional/sub regional “sites”. Preceding from three possible approaches to studying geopolitical dynamics under glocalisation, that is description, formalization and quantification, the author analyses three structural levels of geopolitical modeling. With this purpose in view he analyses the peculiarities and such constituents of its modification as ordinary, conceptual-graphical (cognitive) and mathematical modeling. Special attention is given to conceptual-graphical modeling and its specific language. Admitting the possibilities of using precise mathematical methods and procedures in geopolitics, the author takes into consideration their scantiness. In this respect the validity of mathematical methods and procedures must be provided with quality expert evaluation. The author's message is that the use of heuristic options of modeling in regional geopolitics may serve as the pledge to growing science capacity of this field of knowledge.

    Keywords: geopolitics, world region/sub region, glocalization, situation analysis, mapping, map, modeling, modeling of the geopolitical processes, usual (simple) geopolitical modeling, conceptual-graphical (cognitive) mapping, graph

  • Statement of the problem of optimization of hydraulic modes of water supply of high-rise buildings and buildings with unusual design and space-planning decisions. Energy savings in engineering systems.

    The basic problem in systems engineering (water), high-rise buildings, and buildings with unusual design and space-planning decisions. The task of research work in this field - the development of the algorithm optimization of water supply systems of buildings.

    Keywords: water system, optimization, hydraulic reliability, energy efficiency, automation, the algorithm