The algorithm of determination durability parameters, loading and resource by means of analytical transition from selective data to population data is considered. The analysis of the executed calculations for this algorithm showed that receiving parameters of likelihood distribution for set on one casual sample is the confidant.
Keywords: Strength, loading, resource, analytical method, sample, populations.
The method of definition distribution Fisher-Tippeta parametres of final volume population (Ас, Вс, Сс) under the selective data of the average stress is offered in the given work. Average values of parametres (Ас, Вс, Сс) thus is recommended to use at repeated modelling. Thus the Ас, Вс, Сс received is recommended to use average values of parametres at repeated modelling.
Keywords: the selective data, stress, Fisher-Tippet distribution, population, modeling.
The methods of evaluation of reconfigurable computing system is able to effectively function, which takes into account the structure of the problem-oriented calculators. The main mathematical tool used in the theory of discrete Markov processes and methods of game-theoretic optimization.
Keywords: reconfigurable computing system, Markov processes, methods of game-theoretic optimization, structure of task-oriented calculators
Combined method which allows analyzing parameters of the nanoscale atomic and electronic structure of materials relying on three different methods (x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAFS), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy) was developed. The method was applied for the study of nickel oxide nanoparticles, which serve as an efficient catalyst for the artificial photosynthesis process.
Keywords: solar energy, artificial photosynthesis, NiO, Raman, x-ray diffraction, XAFS
We have carried out the analysis on the scientific and technological literature on methods of calculation and analysis of the x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and Raman spectra used to analyse the structure of the materials for hydrogen storage under realistic operating conditions. The simulations were carried out for the series of small palladium nanoclusters with embedded hydrogen. Multiscale computer modelling was used to simulate the dynamics of structure of the materials during charge/discharge phases.
Keywords: hydrogen storage, XANES, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, fuel cell
Project financing provides an efficient allocation of risks between key counterparties of project initiatives, which are best suited and have the most appropriate instruments to cover this risks. The study of structural and operational principles of project financing risk management instruments: contractual arrangements and associated guarantees (turnkey (engineering, procurement, and construction) agreement, contractual structures of the operating period: offtake / procurement agreements, operation and maintenance agreement), contingency funds, cash trap, risk compensation devices, derivative contracts and insurance – allowed to reveal specifics of their application and assess their implication for mitigation the project financing risks and for success of the project financing initiatives.
Keywords: project finance, risk management, project financing risks, turnkey (engineering, procurement, and construction) agreement, put-or-pay contract, take-or-pay contract, operations and maintenance agreement, debt service coverage ratio, cash trap
The influence magnetic field on treatment of electroplating wastewater and sludge has been investigated. The increase in efficiency of processing electroplating wastewater and sludge by using magnetic field has been noted.
Keywords: water treatment, electroplating wastewater, magnetic field, electrocoagulator
The mathematical model of storage reservoir has been deduced. The deposition rate of particles in reservoir has been calculated. It is concluded that storage reservoir is a preliminary sedimentation tank.
Keywords: storage reservoir, preliminary sedimentation tank, mathematical model, deposition rate
The algorithm of construction of reflections from the screens of complex shape. Geometric modeling based on the proposed algorithm makes it possible to conduct a rapid assessment of the distances between the fire building complex geometry, and between the process equipment, which is characterized by heat. Analytical dependences describing the process of building reflections, software algorithms and examples of calculations.
Keywords: geometric modeling, geometrical optics, geometrical acoustics, the laws of reflection
The article deals with the calculation and justification of fire distances (gaps) between the buildings in built up areas on the basis of the model. The automated system can be run in automated preparation of design documentation AutoCAD programming language Visual C + +, the technology ObjectARX.
Keywords: fire breaks, modeling, system AutoCAD, ObjectARX technology
The problem of a radial compressive stress in the sample to assess their impact on the parameters of these stresses pressing indentors
Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive
We consider the problem of pressing a conical indenter in pre-compressed radial force elastoplastic medium. The influence of the initial stresses on the parameters of the indentation.
Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive
Contract organization of project finance allow to reduce the asymmetric information, limiting the possibility of opportunistic actions of each participant. The back-to-back principle, that is underlying for contractual arrangements, increases total project return and provides transfer and split of highest possible number of risks directly to the contractual counterparty, which is best suited and have the most appropriate instruments to cover this risks. Tripartite deeds of project financing can be considered as a cooperative non-zero sum game, which provides compensation in proportion to covered risk and member's contribution (extent of assumed obligations or provided funds). Multiple contracts of project finance initiatives allow to allocate risks pro rata the ability of participants, without reducing the amount of final win of all parties.
Keywords: project finance, project financing risks, asymmetric information, agency theory, contractual arrangements, back-to-back principle, concession agreement, purchaser contract, tripartite deed, game theory
It was investigated the influence several additives and process parameters on the properties of piezoelectric ceramics based on PZT phase systems. It was shown that the use of the substitution of Pb2+ ions on the Bi3+, and Ti4+ ions, and Zr4+ to Fe3+ and Mn4+, as well as the method of "chemical assembly «allows to obtain increase the Curie temperature of ceramic samples of 50 - 170°C. The theoretical aspects of this area of research have been discussed in this article.
Keywords: ferroelectric phase, Curie temperature, ceramics, precursors, perovskite, a solid-state method, a method of «chemical assemblage
The analytical method determination parameters of the three-parametrical Waybill distribution for final volume population on the basis received parameters on a sample is stated in this work The algorithm of calculation on which computing experiment is made is presented. On the basis of these calculations the conclusion that it is necessary to determine by this analytical method parameters of the three-parametrical law of Waybill for set of final volume on the basis of the received parameters on a sample is drawn.
Keywords: population of final volume, sample, dispersion, an average quadratic deviation, distribution parameters, durability became