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  • Analysis of the state of traditional financial accounting in Russia

    The article analyzes the traditional accounting systems in construction. The analysis was conducted from a survey of 135 construction companies on 10 indicators. The analysis allowed to identify four models and recommend them for the following methods of organization and the participants of the construction process: - an integrated system with a single accounting management accounting (construction activity);-uniform accounting analytically the (investment and construction activities);-uniform accounting general orientation (participants in the implementation of investment projects);-boiler method is not recommended.

    Keywords: Financial accounting, construction, accounting systems, financial accounting model, the formula cost, accounting algorithm.

      The analysis of the effectiveness of duration of electric vibration treatment of foam concrete mixture is carried out. The optimum fraction of filler for preparation of foam concrete mixture processed by variable electric field is defined. The influence of a type of cementitious matter by means of a comparison of domestic cement and Turkish (CEM I-42,5R) cement is analysed. It is established that at a short-term electric vibration treatment of foam concrete mixture there is a consolidation of the material of interporous partitions that leads to some increase in strength of foam concrete.

    Keywords: Grain-size distribution, interpore partition, electric vibration treatment, ductility of slurry, clear portland cement, sinthetic frother, treatment efficiency

  • Мobile training complex network infrastructure

      The problem of organizing network infrastructure of the training complex is considered in this paper. Described training complex designed for loading/unloading machine operators training.  The variant of the solution that satisfies the requirements is proposed.  The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"  

    Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane

  • Comparison of the results of a calculation of the astronomical refraction near the horizon in different ways

    Performed calculations of angles of the astronomical refraction in different ways and made a comparative analysis of the results of a calculation. Provides recommendations for the use of any means in different contexts.

    Keywords: Astronomical refraction, the Hour angle, Anti-aircraft distance, atmosphere, Pulkovo table.

      The simulating applications are considered when mobile bloodflow monitor designing. Doppler techniques simulating, circuitry simulating and insonation object modeling are presented. The results of simulation are approved during experiments, and results of modeling are applied when receiving and transmitting path of mobile bloodflow monitor testing and piezotransducer parameters experimental estimating.

    Keywords: Simulating, mobile bloodflow monitor, Doppler techniques simulating, circuitry simulating, insonation object model

    We demonstrate the effectiveness of use for analysis and synthesis techniques of patentable subject-functional process analysis, the recommended sequence of rational analysis to the formation of the final stage of patentable technical solutions. 

    Keywords: analysis, invention, synthesis, object techniques, patents

  • Features of the development and implementation of wireless terminals for crane operator training complex

    The article is devoted steps for the development technical support for crane operator training complex. An important component of technical support is a wireless terminals. Formulated a list of requirements for a wireless terminals: correct operation of the program crane simulator, reliability, compactness, wired and wireless communications to PC, flexible configuration, self-diagnostics, low price. Mobile Remote includes  terminals and host. The host is connected to PC via USB interface, as USB HID device. Terminals transmits the information to a host by Bluetooth. Selected hardware base for the terminals and host (microcontrollers, wireless modules, batteries) and designed printed circuit boards. Investigations of the different batteries and the battery life time of terminals. The description of the design decisions, especially this development.

    Keywords: Computer simulator, wireless terminals, microcontroller, battery, USB HID device

  • To a question of a choice of protection of building designs at the enterprises with excited environments

    The question on the scientifically-grounded choice of protection of building designs at the enterprises with excited environments which mechanism on materials of designs is insufficiently investigated is considered. (aggressive technological environments of the medical enterprises)

    Keywords: Corrosion destructions, building designs, excited environments, protection against corrosion

  • To the research of possibilities and the field of application of the improved technology of the concrete mix transportation to the point of placement

    The article displays the results of research of possibilities of improved by the author technology of inertial conveyor transportation of concrete mix to the point of placement. The author defines and justifies the field of this technology rational application, suggests the construction of a portable inertia conveyor which lets carry out the whole set of advantages of the technology examined while concreting of building structures

    Keywords: concrete works, mechanization of concrete works, concrete mix, concrete mix transportation, portable inertia conveyor, technical and economic performance of transportation process

      The study provides an overview of transformations in the forest sector in Russia, performed by scientists at Petrozavodsk State University, discussed their proposed classification of the historical stages of forest transformation and directions for further research. 

    Keywords: research, history, classification, forest sector transformation

  • Operando dynamics of the nanoscale atomic and electronic structure of materials for hydrogen storage

    We have carried out the analysis on the scientific and technological literature on methods of calculation and analysis of the x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and Raman spectra used to analyse the structure of the materials for hydrogen storage under realistic operating conditions. The simulations were carried out for the series of small palladium nanoclusters with embedded hydrogen. Multiscale computer modelling was used to simulate the dynamics of structure of the materials during charge/discharge phases.

    Keywords: hydrogen storage, XANES, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, fuel cell

  • System synthesis in real time of intellectual and adaptive management mekhatronnym object changeable structure

    In article for stability conditions in "small" the synthesis algorithm in real time of optimum discrete anticipatory control is received by mekhatronny object which together with algorithm of an assessment of a condition of the discrete filter of Kalman realize an electronic adaptive control system. In "big" it is offered to apply management of mekhatronny object to the maximum speed with neyrose-tevy realization and intellectual realization on "golden rule" of the person, making the decision. System synthesis of offered algorithms in real time realizes intellectual and adaptive system of anticipatory management of mekhatronny object of changeable structure.

    Keywords: mekhatronny object of changeable structure, criterion of the generalized work, an assessment of signals of the management, predicting model, criterion of a maximum of speed, neuronetwork realization to the maximum speed; realization on "golden rule".

      The importance of domestic competitive machinery market entry is shown in the paper. It is shown that the domestic competitive machinery, which provides complex harvesting of round and fuel wood, market entry is the important direction in solving the problem of wood consumers market development in the capacity of biological fuel. 

    Keywords: wood fuel, preparation, consumers, market

  • Assessment of criterion of the generalized work at management optimization mekhatronnym object changeable structure

    The mathematical model of functioning of mekhatronny object of the changeable structure is given in article, described predicate and differential and predicate raznostny by the equations. Expression for an assessment or a changeable part of discrete analog of criterion of the generalized work is deduced by optimization of management by mekhatron-ny object of changeable structure.

    Keywords: mekhatronny object of changeable structure, an assessment of criterion of the generalized work, predicting model, optimum algorithm of management with predicting model, the predicate and differential equations, predicate raznostny the equations.

      A method of constructing two-level game-theoretic model of the tender. The problem is solved from the viewpoint of the organizers. A comprehensive criterion, including rating and probability of execution of the proposal.

    Keywords: game-theoretical optimization, matrix games, game-theoretic tender’s model