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  • Laboratory and industrial tests of the unit for methods of non-destructive testing of concrete elements

    Scientific-research Laboratory and industrial tests of equipment for NDT methods ZBK".The Department ELA RSSU conducted a series of laboratory and industrial tests of the device developed at the Department of ELAH for concrete structure NDT methods. A schematic and a description of the pathogen fluctuations and semiconductor receiver, as well as diagrams of dependence of the passage of the amplitude of oscillations of the pathogen in the concrete structure of the axial load.The most important results are obtained dependence of the amplitude of oscillations in ZBK from the amount of axial load from the composition of fillers experimental sample.

    Keywords: Nondestructive testing, reinforced concrete constructions, the causative agent of oscillations, the receiver oscillation, the amplitude of oscillations, axial load.

  • From gypsum-alumina expansive cement to expansive cement Type M. Changes in the expansion kinetics

    The composition, basic properties and application scope of the two main types of expanding binders historically most widespread in Russia such as gypsum-alumina expansive cement and expansive cement Type M are given. The expansion kinetics of the binders ranging from gypsum-alumina expansive cement to expansive cement Type M is observed. The role of lime as a supplement and as a hydration product of the Portland cement in the expansion process is shown: as a supplement in small values (2-4%) to gypsum-alumina expansive cement with higher gypsum concentration stabilizes the hardening and expansion process, in higher values boosts the expansion process to self-destruction. Optimization criteria of the expansion kinetics aimed at obtaining project expansion in 10 days of hardening without any additional chemical additives are proposed.

    Keywords: gypsum-alumina expansive cement, expansive cement type M, expansion kinetics, lime

  • The theory and practice of developing energy effective household refrigeration equipment operating at extreme high ambient temperatures

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: Герметичный компрессор объемного действия, система охлаждения, холодопроизводительность, перегрев, холодильный коэффициент COP, энергоэффективность.

  • Implementation and comparison of different versions of the Uzawa algorithm in elasticity problems for incompressible materials

    2-D and 3-D problems of the elasticity problems for incompressible materials are considered. Solving these problems using the finite-element method results in solving the linear algebraic equations system with sparse matrix. For incompressible materials this system is the system with a saddle point (i.e. the matrix eigen values have different signs). Thus, applying such solving methods as the conjugate gradient method and the generalized minimal residual method is impossible. Uzawa method is suggested to be used for such problems. It is an iterative process, and at each iteration it is necessary to solve the linear algebraic equations system, but this system is without a saddle point. The different variants of Uzawa algorithm are realized within CAE Fidesys software package, and their efficiency is compared in the article.

    Keywords: theory of elasticity, incompressible materials, finite-element method, Uzawa algorithm, iteration methods for systems of linear algebraic equations

  • Механизмы идентификации точек контакта с клиентом как инструмент повышения степени удовлетворенности качеством предоставляемой услуги

    В данной статье приводятся примеры стандартных и не стандартных точек контакта с потенциальными клиентами, описаны механизмы их выявления, а также приведены примеры из практического опыта работы авторов по данной теме. Дано определение понятию «клиентоориентированнсть» с точки зрения клиента, и предложены варианты, где применима данная стратегия. Поднят вопрос о качестве обслуживания и что стоит за этим пониманием для клиента, чего он ждет от сферы услуг и на что рассчитывает. В статье рассмотрены этапы анализа точек контакта, приведены примеры влияния этих точек на формирование лояльного отношения клиента к качеству услуг. 

    Keywords: услуга, точки контакт, идентификация, стратегия, анализ, клиент, потребитель, контакт, точки взаимодействия, ориентация на клиента

  • About temperature stresses in concrete revetments

    The problem of temperature stresses in revetments of concrete plates taking in the account various conditions of temperature impact is considered. Contact conditions for various friction coefficient are considered. The simulation is made using finite element method in Ansys © software. The examples of exact simulations for stress fields are given for different parameters of problem

    Keywords: temperature stresses, concrete plate, finite element method

  • Study of the catalytic ability of the nanosized catalysts based on CeO2 during catalytic reaction

    The nano-catalyst ceria (CeO2), activated by Pt nanoparticles, is known for being prospective and efficient material widely used in catalysis, fuel elements, and sensors. One of the most up-to-date methods of catalysts' reasearch is X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) that is sensitive to the chemical state of catalyst's active centers [1,2]. Using XAS in the fluorescense detection mode at CeL1 line with high precision we studied electronic structure of Pt-activated nanoparticles of ceria at various redox conditions. In order to detect partial X-ray fluorescence yield the emission line CeLγ3 was used, which allowed us to increase spectral resolution. We researched local atomic and electronic structure of the materials under study. Oxygen vacansies were found to appear on the nanoparticles surface of ceria at 5% CO He atmosphere. Theoretical modeling of the obtained spectra at CeL1-edge demonstrated good agreement with experiment.

    Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, Ce-based catalysts, oxygen vacansies

  • Property of a lag effect in studying of a problem of management by social and economic processes of a labor market

    In article mathematical formalization of concept of a lag effect of system as a whole, and in particular a lag effect of the social and economic system arising at studying of processes and the phenomena of a labor market is considered.This property allows to consider a problem of a temporary gap between operating impact and result of change of system of a labor market on this influence.

    Keywords: Labor market, lap effect, optimizing tasks, economic-mathematical modeling,operating influence, social and economic system

  • Information systems of planning in construction

    The construction organizations for successful implementation of the project need to carry out the whole complex of actions which structure includes planning, the organization and management of construction processes. It is especially important to be able to plan in modern conditions when degree of uncertainty of the future is very high. In this regard, in construction branch there was a need for program complexes on planning and management of projects. They are required for a choice of an optimum way of implementation of the project with the most effective use of resources.
    For development of such program complex authors took house reconstruction in Rostov-on-Don. Introduction of information system of planning can cardinally increase efficiency of implementation of the project. It is offered to reduce planning terms due to saving of time for search of demanded information and on computing operations.

    Keywords: information technologies, project, planning, reconstruction, algorithm, economy

  • Method of an assessment of durability of metal in the nondestructive way with use of aprioristic information.

    Considered the questions connected with estimation of mechanical properties of steel elements of metal construction. The measurements are performed in a non-destructive method on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the implementation of the conical indenter in surface materials. This method allows you to get the values of all mechanical characteristics of metal. The measurement of mechanical characteristics can be made to anywhere in the design. At the same time, when large amounts of construction and large volumes of measuring works, you need to evaluate a sufficient number of measurements in a particular place. Proposed and implemented the Bayesian method of consideration of a priori information to reduce the number of dimensions and complexity of the process of receiving mechanical characteristics.

    Keywords: nondestructive control, mechanical characteristics, durability, diagnostics, aprioristic information, metal tests.

  • Calculation of strength of structures under breakaway

    Discusses the calculation of stress-strain State of glued structural sheathing to the test to determine the calibration of the test stand

    Keywords: Finite elements method, Stress concentration, Skin, Test, Prediction.

  • Method of determining the technical state of the local compression of domestic refrigerating unit.

    In article the way of definition of a technical condition of the household refrigerating device providing its simplification, raising reliability and autonomy of process of an estimation of its technical condition is presented .

    Keywords: The household refrigerating device, a technical condition, an estimation

  • Algorithm and results of the numerical estimation of the effective mechanical properties of double-layer rubber-cord composite

    "The mechanical properties of the rubber-cord composite in strengh analysis are described. There is an algorithm of the numerical estimation of the effective (average) properties of the rubber-cord. The effective properties are defined by the successive application of different deformations to the representative volume of the rubber-cord composite (tensions along each coordinate axis and shifts in each cooridinate planes). The effective properties are defined in form of the generalized Hooke's law (for anisotropic materials). A serias of computations in estimatition of the effective properties of double-layer rubber-cord composite was carried out based on the proposed algorithm. The dependence of the effective elastic modules of rubber-cord on the angle of cord was explored. The according graphs are represented in the article."

    Keywords: theory of elasticity, effective properties, strength analysis, rubber-cord, numerical modeling, finite element method, CAE FIDESYS

  • In-situ XANES technique to study of the catalysts

    This paper describes an in-situ experimental technique to study of ceria nanocatalysts by using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy XANES. This technique allows us to determine Ce3+ concentration inside ceria nanoparticles in the course of catalytic reaction based on the comparison and divergence minimization of the Ce L3 XANES spectrum of the ceria nanoparticles under catalysts (atmosphere, temperature) with a linear combination of two independent components corresponding to spectra of Ce4+ ion of the CeO2 structure and Ce3+ ion of the theoretical Ce2O3 structure. The calculated weight ratio determines the Ce3 + concentration in the sample during the catalytic reactions.

    Keywords: in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, ceria nanoparticles, Ce-based catalysts, Ce3+ concentration

  • Gasdynamic approach to an assessment of losses on a thermolysis in the simple gas pipeline

    In article gasdynamic approach for the solution of a task on heat distribution in simple gas pipelines on the basis of consideration of a current of gas in a laminar mode is considered. The objective is solved by means of research of system of the equations of work of extending gas taking into account an assessment of difference of temperatures at explosive decomposition of a working product. Classical approaches to research of distribution of heat in a simple cylindrical pipe are thus taken as a basis the main dependences characterizing both full, and the current work of a working product by means of correction coefficients and a ratio of temperatures of heating of walls Are presented. Connection between pressure is established at different weight ratios of gas. The specified approach can be used as a technique of model research of gasdynamic processes taking into account a thermolysis in gas pipelines.  

    Keywords: thermolysis, gas pipeline, gas work, temperature, pressure