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  • Architectural ecology. Energy-efficient construction.

    "Current economic problems in the sphere of human environmental organization led to the birth of synthetic science - architectural ecology. Task of energy efficiency and alternative energy sources use in the condition of ecological balance of environment created demand for energy-efficient building design. The search of new approaches and energy-efficient technologies proceeds in two mutually compatible directions: energy-efficient and energy-active homes. Complex approach to the ecological and energy problems solution considering all direction differences. architecture, energy-efficient buildings, energy efficiency, energy-efficient technologies, energy-efficient homes, energy-active homes. "

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Fomation of management system for construction, reconstruction or modernizations of engineering networks of the Rostov region

    Engineering networks in the Rostov region are strongly worn-out. The main objective of a solution is construction, reconstruction or modernization of engineering networks of the Rostov region. Association of efforts of spheres of housing and communal services and telecommunication systems, will allow to solve a number of the main objectives of a considered problem. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare a complex of the organizational and technological actions which have been directly connected with works on joint laying of engineering networks and telecommunication systems.

    Keywords: Organization, Decision, Joint laying, Construction, Reconstruction

  • Solids control dust and gas flow

    "The paper presents the solids control dust. Powered device for solids control dust and gas flow. The advantage of this device is that the air flow is not introduced sensor, distorts the parameters of the air flow. The necessary circuit device, and the necessary formulas for the calculation. "

    Keywords: Air flow, dust-gas flow, solids, piezoelectric transducer, vibration, tailing.

  • Building activity and ecology.

    Building activity is one of the main anthropogenic factors of environmental impact. Obligatory project appraisal is conducted concerning all presented sections, including “Environment protection checklist” that is meant for the initial stage of object exploitation. The obtained values meet all environment protection requirements, and they change both for better or worse in the period of exploitation. In order to provide stable values of environmental protection, environmental monitoring should be performed. It should contribute to the development and organization of surveillance system, environmental assessment and state-of-the-environment-forecast that should provide support of environment in the satisfactory condition. In the process of organization of territorial-manufacturing, residential, and civil complexes, development of industry and building, urban redevelopment, etc., maximum permissible loads (MPL), acceptable from the environmental point of view, should be determined. At the same time nature resource management should correspond to the ecological “tolerance” (capacity) of the territory. 

    Keywords: Ecology, building activity, insolation, ventilation, project management, urban environment, general plan, design documentation, air environment, water basin, soil, measures, environment, pollution, monitoring, residential and civil complexes

  • Energy-efficient technologies in building activity

    This article covers the specialties of energy- efficient houses development. The article describes experience of energy efficiency raising stimulation used in the house building in the number of European countries. Applicability of energy-efficient technologies in Russian economy is shown, ways of their expansion are also analyzed.

    Keywords: House building, reconstruction, energy-efficient technologies, energy efficiency

  • Interaction of conical punch with nonhomogeneous base

    Consider the problem the interaction of conical punch with soil base. A scheme of partition the study area into finite elements, The formulation problem, boundary conditions, allowing the equation. Presents some results the calculations.

    Keywords: conical punch, foundation, base, axisymmetric problem, stress, displacement.

  • Dynamic cancelation of additive error of precision analog-to-digital converter

    Analog-to-digital converter, with modulation, amplification and demodulation of the input signal is carried out. To compensate the additional error of voltage conversion, concerned with temperature instability, used dynamic cancellation technique, based on the correlation between offset voltage and modulator temperature fluctuation. ADC with response time 0.85 s performs the threshold of sensitivity 1 nV; 8,5 s - 0,31 nV, 85 s - 0.13 nV, 850 s - 0.1 nV, respectively, in the full-scale range 400 mV. Estimation of offset voltage temperature drift is 40 pV / ºC, time drift - 100 pV / h.

    Keywords: analog-to-digital converter, ADC, error cancellation.

  • The analysis of constructive and technological restrictions in design of the avalanche photo diodes, working in a photon-counting mode

    Theoretical analysis of constructive and technological restrictions in the avalanche photodiode structure for photon-counting mode is made in this work. It is shown that critical parameters are load resistance and a time constant of a photodiode internal capacity recharge. For decreasing this time constant one needs size restriction of separate section of the photodiode and association of several such sections on a crystal together with registration schemes.

    Keywords: Avalanche photodiode, Mode of the account of photons, Constructive-technological restrictions, Model of avalanche breakdown

  • Abstracts



  • About margin of safety and an assessment of reliability of knots of a metalwork

    The stochastic model of an assessment of mechanical characteristics of strength on the basis of the analysis of function of reliability is offered. Communication of function of reliability with normative factor of safety factor is correlated. Recommendations to destination mechanical characteristics of strength on Gauss to a level and factors of a variation are given. Analytical and graphic dependence for optimum purpose of parameters of reliability of units of hardware on the lead strength researches is offered.

    Keywords: Strength, reliability, factor of a stock, mechanical characteristics, the likelihood analysis

  • Research of tension near flat horizontal cut

    An accurate solution of problem for a plane horizontal cutout is proposed where stress concentration subject to geometrics of the cutout is considered. This solution makes possible to solve problems relating to optimum designing of structures and machinery with similar technological elements.

    Keywords: cutout, conjugation, problem, equation, solution, stress.

  • Preliminary evaluation of the heat transfer tubes of complex configuration

    Offered graphic-analytical method of estimating loss on heat transfer in tubes on the basis of experiments Myuraura. 
    Keywords: pipe, heat transfer product, pressure, speed, complex configuration.


  • Modeling the optimum bandwidth telecommunication links provided guaranteed and non-guaranteed packet delivery

    In this paper, the task of achieving the optimal bandwidth telecommunication channels. Focuses on technical aspects of managing bandwidth channels using virtual organization switched channels. Formally defined parameters affecting the guaranteed delivery service. A model and management solution parameters guaranteed delivery of information in the communication channels, based on the methods of the theory of stochastic processes theory and risk analysis.
    Keywords: reliability of telecommunication systems, telecommunication systems modeling, stochastic processes, optimal risk management.


  • The technological equipment modernization for the harvester on purpose efficiency of removal assortments

    A new assortments harvesting technology including trunk base swelling processing to improve truck load is described.

    Keywords: logging technologies, trunk base swelling, logs cylindering, harvester, forwarder, efficient transportation

  • Regional sports complex as to diagnosis

    Despite the improvement in the overall situation in the Russian sport, its position in the subsidized provincial regions remains difficult. The main reasons lie in the absence of a clear, well thought-out sports policy of the local authorities, preferring the development of professional sports to the detriment of the mass, as well as accessible and complete information about available resources and opportunities (potential) regional sports complex. The article deals with the theoretical issues of system diagnosis of a sports complex in the region, the disclosure of the content of the basic concepts and its economic diagnosis.
    Keywords: regional sports complex, resources, opportunities, potential, economic diagnosis.
