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  • Features of the state policy in the sphere of informatization of education in modern Russia

    The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technologies in education, the development of the individual's role in connection with the transformation of modern society, a new type of teacher preparation. Analyzes bearing on the state of higher education and innovation in educational practice. 
    Keywords: information society informatization of education, information technology.


  • Diagnosis evolution meso tier subregional postdepression PEST-based analysis of the development of the local grain-food market of the Eastern Donbass

    Development and improvement of local markets zernoprodovolstvennyh mining areas, as well as regional transaction sector agro-industrial complex of the Eastern Donbass centers contribute to the formation of institutional modernization of the regional economy. To identify the political, economic, social and technological factors in the external macro-environment that may significantly affect the business, structuring and formulation of the organization's strategy is an important analysis of institutional and market coordinates held in accessible form PEST-analysis.
    Keywords: region, local market, the institutional environment, PEST-analysis, macro environment, trade, protectionism, state support.


  • Model optimization solutions to reduce the risk of occupational safety

    The article describes the risk management model of labor protection, which allows to analyze the magnitude and risk management decisions aimed at its reduction to an extent corresponding to an acceptable risk. 
    Mathematical description of the model takes into account the limited resources available for the implementation of labor protection measures, as well as the interests of all stakeholders. 
    Keywords: risk, risk management, health and safety, the mathematical model.


  • Definition of modes of the generator of technological impulses for electro erosive profiling of diamond grinding circles

    Is calculated the mean distance between the diamond grains on grinding wheels by their characteristics. Is carried out of the duration, frequency and form of discharge impulses in electro erosion profiling of diamond grinding wheels.

    Keywords: electro erosion profiling, correction, the distance between the diamond grains, frequency of discharge impulses, the duration of discharge impulses.

  • Role of the subject of higher education informatization in modern Russia

    The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technologies in education, the development of the individual's role in connection with the transformation of modern society, a new type of teacher preparation. Analyzes bearing on the state of higher education and innovation in educational practice. 
    Keywords: information society informatization of education, information technology.


  • Clustering processes of industrial enterprises in the method of their adaptation under the order

    Showing the use of clustering of business processes of industrial enterprise in the mechanism of adaptation processes and identified prototypes for each of obtained clusters. The proposed approach reduces the analysis of the processes and their implementation, which contributes to efficient operation of the mechanism of adaptation process under the order in the information environment.


  • Ecological and socio-economic monitoring of Russian regions

    This article we study the influence of the mutual dependence of economic development due to their degree of human impact on the environment, and welfare of the population of Russia's regions.

    Keywords: ecological and socio-economic system, social and natural systems, monitoring, environmental and socio-economic monitoring.

  • Improving the efficiency of the drive oil switch

    In the article the urgency of increasing the efficiency of the electric oil switch in rural power grids. Revealed the possibility of using as an actuator for oil circuit breakers cylindrical linear induction motor. In mathematical form describes the basics of electric motors of this type. Numerical results that confirm the economic viability of the application presented in this paper findings.
    Keywords: Cylindrical linear induction motor, switch oil, electric, boost efficiency.  


  • Analyses of the status and problems of timber industry of USSR during the period of perestroika (1985-1990)

    In this article is considered the status and problems of timber industry of USSR during the period of perestroika (1985-1990), the period which became a kind of alternative to the Soviet economies development and, in particular, in timber industry. Special attention is paid to the development of forest machinery, as a factor that restrained the realization of potential of native scientists, engineers and producers. The result was realized in ever-increasing backlog of home machinery from abroad. This backlog caused further irreparable blow to the Onezjskji and Altaiskij factories in post-perestroika years, when loggers began to prefer foreign machines for logging operations, created mainly by firms from Scandinavian countries, which pursued an aggressing marketing policy.

    Keywords: historical experience, forest sector, mechanical engineering, perestroika, innovative development.

  • Research of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    In article results of experiences on studying of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate are resulted. The equations for calculation of speeds and concentration of lime carbonate on length of a tube-dryer are received. The obtained data can be used at designing of industrial dryers.

    Keywords: Conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer, aerodynamics.

  • Formation mechanism for improving the quality of information in the construction organization

    The article analyzes the problem of the formation mechanism to improve the quality of information in the construction organization. The possibility to improve product quality and production efficiency through a constructive process control of such a mechanism. The necessity of the use of information systems, methods and techniques for effective information management and quality management system. We propose an information mechanism to control the quality of work at all stages of production.
    Keywords: information quality improvement; efficient information management; quality management system; information systems, methods and technologies; processes of information security, improving the quality of the information system; quality of work performed.


  • Improving the safety of products on the basis of technological radio optimization terms of their maintenance

    In this paper the method of improving safety by optimizing the frequency of maintenance (TO) radio technology products using the simulation model of the process and then consider the functioning of systems. Optimization algorithm based on simulation of embedded Markov chains using the Monte Carlo method. 
    Keywords: security, maintenance, maintenance intervals, semi-Markov process, the simulation model.


  • Monitoring as instrument of regulation sustainable development of the region

    The short analysis of treatments of the concepts "monitoring", «social monitoring», «economic monitoring», "environmental monitoring" is provided in article. Consideration of complex system of ekologo-sotsoi-economic monitoring is offered, making elements of this system, and as its paramount tasks are defined.

    Keywords: monitoring, environmental monitoring, social monitoring, economic monitoring, complex system ekologo-sotsoi-economic monitoring.

  • Automation System Design Rules preventive maintenance of industrial equipment technological radio

    In this paper the mathematical and software design automation systems maintenance program wireless devices used in various industrial processes. Mathematical Software CAD presented analysis algorithms process operation and maintenance (MOT) wireless devices, and also includes methods of optimization theory to determine the primary regulated parameters, frequency THAT. Software automation system has a modular structure and contains a package of applications and graphical user interface. Software package implements the project procedures of analysis and synthesis. CAD allows in automatic mode to simulate the process of operation and the device and evaluate the recommended value of rational frequency of maintenance.
    Keywords: algorithm design automation, maintenance intervals, a wireless device, optimization.


  • The intensity of heat flow as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the refrigeration cycle

    This paper proposes a method for studying the intensity of inflow and heat extraction subsystem refrigeration unit as the criterion of efficiency of the refrigeration cycle at different stages of the life cycle of the chiller. As an example, adopted Appliance compression refrigerator. 
    Keywords: efficiency criteria, the intensity of heat flow, the chiller, and the influx of heat removal, the evaporator.
