The article revealed that the invention is a polymer material of construction is due to address a specific design problem. It is shown that plastics have become almost a basic material in design. Denotes the environmental problem that arose in connection with the widespread use of polymers. One of possible solutions to this problem by means of design.
Keywords: design, polymers, plastics processing and recycling, ecology.
A calculation module for electromagnetic field calculation of an energy stream density in arbitrary points is developed. This module is counting from any quantity emitters. Orientation properties of antennas are taken into account by the emitters. The module is calculated for an orientation diagram of various type antennas. The module is allows counting various types of emitters in horizontal and vertical planes. The module is realized as fully operational program. This application deals with the algorithm counting energy stream density with vector maps. This program is making calculations restriction areas for building and sanitary-protective areas for mobile companies and TV and radio stations.
Keywords: Calculation module, electromagnetic irradiation, energy stream density, aperture sources, emitters, restriction areas for building, sanitary-protective areas
The article deals with human resources in terms of competence-based approach, which includes: organizational capital, capital labor, intellectualization of labor in modern society.
Keywords: Human resources, organizational capital, capital labor, human capital, the intellectualization of labor resources.
In the article the analysis of conflictogenic potential of the North Caucasus as one of the most troubled regions of modern Russia is presented. It is shown that the inertial scenario of its development realized in modern Russia with relief local specifics is distinctly noticeable in social dynamics of the North Caucasus as well.
Keywords: conflictogenic potential, development scenario, social dynamics, troubled region, the North Caucasus.
It is shown that for research of difficult processes of social interaction at the present stage of development of system modeling hierarchical systems of cognitive models, cognitive architecture and the integrated systems of modeling are even more often used. With reference to these processes the system of models should reflect various abstractions of the description of structure, various aspects of her behavior, stages (iterations) of its evolution in the course of functioning and development. It is offered to consider architecture of set of models in a need context for the solution of a task at a concrete investigation phase.
Keywords: process of social interaction, research, modeling, modeling technologies, systems modeling.
The paper disclosed definition "resource potential," "resourcing" and their differences in concepts, the relationship between the security of the enterprise resources and their economic security, proposed a system of indicators forming the economic security of agricultural organizations on the basis of resource supply, defined tools organizational-economic mechanism of formation of effective resource supply system, aimed at improving the safety of the enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy.
Keywords: resources, security, safety, efficiency, agriculture, multifactorial, risks, technical equipment, investment, innovation
The article covers the main elements of environmental monitoring, which are divided into two groups: industrial, household and sanitary epidemilogicheskie, proposed economic-mathematical model of the mechanism of action of the resulting elements of the environment on human health.
Keywords: monitoring, monitoring items, monitoring parameters, environment, health, the mechanism of action.
The structural model of functional mechanisms with stressed closed-loop contour which is used in the mechatronic systems is offered in this article. The problems of loading mechanisms forming are analyzed here. The work of self-regulating loading device is considered on the example of cutting mechanisms. The results of experimental investigations are represented.
Keywords: closed-loop contour, energy saving, reducing machines, loading mechanisms.
Article is devoted studying of design parameters water jet aerator. Water jet aerator it is used for saturation of water by oxygen on purification works. In article research methods are described, in particular, possibility of use of computer modeling by means of program complex ANSYS 11 is considered.
Keywords: Water jet aerator, purification works, computer modeling, and jet aeration.
This article is intended for investors wishing to invest in the Russian agricultural sector, as well as professionals involved in the development of appropriate business plans. Attention is focused on the selection of adequate quantities of basic design parameters used in the development of business plans investments in crop production. The article is written based on real experience of investing in agriculture of the Russian Federation, as well as the analysis of a number of existing business plans.
Keywords: agriculture, crop production, investment, business planning, basic design parameters.
Existing theoretical positions impact of government (regional and municipal) governments on the development of the service sector is expected to maintain an appropriate ratio between the market and state intervention in the economy and the economic life of enterprises and organizations of this sector of the economy of the region. It can be achieved by observing a general principle, the essence of which lies in the presence of competition wherever possible adjustment where necessary.
Keywords: services, forms, methods, state, government regulation, federal programs, organizational and economic transformation.
Cold asfaltobetonny mixes which unlike standard mixes prepare without drying and heating of a mineral component are developed. Advantages of these mixes are that they is better, than standard mixes cooperate with a damp repaired covering and in the course of warehousing don't demand performance of actions for prevention of caking of a mix. Mixes are intended for timely localization of the centers of the destruction appearing on pavings in the early spring and autumn.
Keywords: emergency repair of pavings, hollows and sags, surface-active substances, razzhizhenny bitumen, cold asfaltobetonny mix.
An analysis of the use of pumped storage plants on the territory of the Chechen Republic, in order to load balancing of electricity consumed by the hour of day and seasons. The characteristics of the main rivers of greatest interest in hydropower development of the country.
Keywords: electricity, energy, renewable energy, pumped storage power plant.
The main influence factors on the long-term cracking resistance of asphaltic concrete pavement reviewed in the article. There is offered the indicator of long-term cracking resistance and calculating experimental method of minimum quantity defining of cycles of asphaltic concrete stressing till crack formation in compliance with climatic conditions and traffic load. The results of the comparative analysis of long-term cracking resistance of different asphalt concrete are advised.
Keywords: weather-climatic factors, dynamic influence, indicator of long-term cracking resistance, estimation long-term cracking resistance of different asphalt concrete
Information is brought In article on using electro aerosol generator as humidifier of the air. They are Brought main formulas, allowing calculate the main parameters of the work electro aerosol humidifiers. The Offered design efficient electro aerosol generator, taking into account all particularities of the work electro aerosol generator in to quality of the humidifier.
Keywords: moistening, increasing to moisture of the air, electro aerosol, electro aerosol generator.