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  • Supply of solar and wind energy of the Chechen Republic

    The analysis of resource use solar and wind energy Chechen Republic, with the prospect of their use as renewable energy. Characterized wind potentials and solar radiation, as mountain and plains in the republic in the various seasons. 
    Keywords: renewable energy, electricity, energy, gross potential, technical potential.


  • Method of temperature detection in a custom building’s location in case of incomplete sensor network coverage

    This article gives a survey of the issue of the thermal dynamics identification of the sensor network based systems, such as buildings. Given problems: weaknesses of the modern sensor network based intelligence systems, that mostly limits their potential and increasing calculation costs are overviewed. Article describes a novel approach for intelligence control systems design based on sensor networks, using methods of fuzzy modeling. The key future of the given approach is in saving of high efficiency characteristics of modeling in case of sensor network nodes amount decreasing.  As an example of the approach usage there are presented results of experimental test space thermal dynamics simulation model analyzing. The advantages of the developed solution to other existing commercial solutions are shown. The methodology was tested and its efficiency is shown.

    Keywords: intellectual control systems, sensor network, data analyzing, fuzzy modeling, fuzzy classification, membership function.

  • Technique for restoration of socio-economic data based on fuzzy formalization

    The problem of restoring gaps in socio-economic data. Used konnektivistskie principles describe multilevel relationships between socio-economic targets for restoring missing data. Proposed fuzzy method of filling gaps in the data socio-economic parameters based on the analysis and formalization in terms of fuzzy logic relationships between the parameters of the same type in other network objects. To justify the effectiveness of an example implementation of the method on data from rural areas of the Volgograd region.
    Keywords: socio-economic parameters, gaps in data, fuzzy logic, data recovery.


  • Investigation of the video data on the hydroacoustic communication channel

    The article deals with sonar communication channel, its characteristics, factors affecting the distribution of hydro-acoustic waves in the ocean environment. For video data compression methods are considered digital imaging and design of proposed systems for transmission of digital video signal and a block diagram of the ADC.

    Keywords: sonar, hydroacoustic communication channel, the acoustic wave, high-speed ADC.

  • Formation and development of housing and communal services in the Stavropol Territory

    The article describes the main directions of formation and development of housing and communal services in the Stavropol Territory. 
    Keywords: public utilities, regional and sectoral markets, business structures, the market for housing and communal services.


  • Selective growth of ZnO nanorods arrays by hydrothermal method on silicon

    In the present work we have carried out studies of the processes of growth of zinc oxide nanorods by hydrothermal method on silicon substrates. As sublayer catalyst used growth caused by laser deposition of zinc oxide, various thicknesses. Studied selective growth of nanorods on the microstructure of thin-film sub-layers of zinc oxide obtained by laser deposition. The optimal conditions for the synthesis of: the concentration of Zn (NO3) 2 - 0.4 mol / l, hexamethylenetetramine - 0.4 mol / l, the concentration of NH3 · H2O - 0,01 mol / L -0.01, process time 4:00, the process temperature is 80 ° C. Sublayer thickness of zinc oxide, as shown by experiment, the growth of the rods has no noticeable effect. Oriented arrays of nanorods were obtained up to 500 nm and a diameter of 60-150 nm.
    Keywords: zinc oxide nanorods and micro-oriented arrays of nanorods, hydrothermal synthesis method, selective growth, thin film underlayer.


  • Temperature dependence of reception of an anode powder of copper on a dioxide of lead and a manganese dioxide

    In article the generalized given receptions of an electrolytic copper powder on catalytically active materials are cited at various temperatures.

    Keywords: an electrolytic powder of copper, catalytically an active material, a lead dioxide, a manganese dioxide.

  • Spectral-signature microprocessor diagnostics information management systems of railway automation and remote control

    This article discusses a method for calculating the combined diagnostic feature called spectral signature, based on the use of mathematical apparatus Walsh transformations for logic functions and differential logical calculus. We consider a class of devices which can be implemented in the proposed method. A method for determining the spectral signatures for discrete devices differs from the known methods of diagnosis less computational complexity and allows the implementation of a self-test in the operation of devices.
    Keywords: spectral testing, signature analysis, technical diagnostics, information and control systems.


  • Planning and the organization of freight automobile transportation on a street road network of megalopolises

    The analysis of operating conditions of transport systems shows that constantly increasing needs for freight transportation at existing level of auto mobilization are accompanied by a number of problems. Lack of a route network and information support about traffic conditions for movement of Lorries involves negative influence on social and economic development of the cities and the country as a whole. Owing to growing load of the highways, increasing intensity of freight automobile transportation in the conditions of the modern large cities megalopolises need of planning and regulation of transport streams sharply is felt. For ensuring comfort to participants of traffic and their informing on a condition of a transport network, for decrease in material and financial expenses the control systems of the traffic which have received the name Intellectual Transport Systems were created.

    Keywords: motor transport, cargo transportation, intellectual transport systems, modeling.

  • The level of perception the political order by the population of Rostov-on-Don in December 2011

    The paper presents the results of the pilot study of perception of the political order of Rostov-on-Don on the end of 2011. The questioning method was used. In total 499 respondents were interviewed, and captured the age group from 18 years to 65 years. The purpose of questioning - the definition of the emotional component of the group political installation on the classical method of semantic differential Charles Osgood. A comparative analysis was carried out of the averaged semantic level of emotional portraits and making real political order. It is revealed the existing political order in Russia in general and the city of Rostov-on-Don, respondents were almost equally perceived negatively. It is shown the generalized probability perception of an order in Rostov-on-Don and in Russia will change at change of external conditions: at improvement of a situation will slowly increase, at situation deterioration the probability acceptance of an order will quicker decrease, up to zero and negative value.

    Keywords: A political tension, semantic differential, factor analysis, the affective component, questioning.

  • Comparison of the shift parameter sets the initial distribution and the resulting computational experiment for reliability indices details

    In this paper, a comparative analysis of the shift parameter distribution initial set of calculated analytical method and simulated, obtained by computer simulation using sample data. Error δi shifts between the parameters listed in the table and plotted errors on the scope and volume of the aggregate.
    Thus, increasing the volume of the aggregate error is reduced from 30% to 1% at a constant volume sample m = 50.
    Keywords: sampling, aggregate, volume, range, accuracy, distribution, performance analysis, engineering, reliability.


  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of GPR method in soils with different physical properties

    The work is focuses on the determination of the attenuation factor of electromagnetic radiation when applied in soils with different physical properties as a criterion for assessing the depth of Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) method. The measurements were performed using a tunable coaxial resonator which frequency range coincides with one normally used in the practice of GPR. The attenuation factor of a sample of soil placed in a cavity is determined by the shift and width of the resonance line. Advantage of this method is the preservation of soil structure during the measurement.

    Keywords: ground-penetrating radar, properties of soils, attenuation factor.

  • Features of influence factors on the transport ecological and economic security

    The article reveals the relationship of categories such as economic security of the country, taking into account the environmental component and its economic stability. The development strategy of railway companies should be aimed at increasing economic resilience and the interests of society. Model-scenario approach to the management of railway transport strategy will ensure management decisions aimed at ecological and economic security of the country.
    Keywords: Trains, economic stability, governance, economic security strategy.
