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  • Assessment of the influence of the heterogeneity of the bedding ratio of the soil foundation on the VAT of structural elements of the building (when calculating the final draft)

    This article discusses a comparative analysis of the results of calculations of a building erected on an unevenly deformable base. The authors, taking into account the peculiarities of the engineering-geological conditions of the territory of the city of Volgograd, made a verification assessment of the influence of the heterogeneity of the bedding coefficient of the soil foundation on the VAT of the structural elements of the building when calculating the final draft.

    Keywords: bulk soils, foundations, bases, bed ratio, backfilling, compliance, stiffness diaphragm, stress-strain state

  • Reserves for improving the efficiency of organizational and design solutions of residential buildings

    The article provides a systematic review of measures to improve the economic efficiency of construction works. The question of improvement of installation works of building structures is studied. A set of tools for improving the economic efficiency of installation work is proposed

    Keywords: organization of construction, quality management

  • Adaptive models of overcoming the risks of the life world of a young family

    The process of overcoming the risks of destruction of the life world by young spouses is studied. Methods of cognitive modeling are used. The theory of adaptive control is chosen as the basic paradigm. This allowed the study to build on the existing theoretical basis of structural analysis of adaptive systems with models in the adaptation circuit.To use the practical experience of cognitive modeling of systems with the inclusion of a person in the adaptation circuit, for example, training models based on a double feedback loop. It is proposed to use the technology of solving problems, based on the experience of past situations, namely, the technology of output based on precedents (Case-Based Reasoning, or CBR). A generalized adaptive model of reducing the risks of destruction of the life world of a young family on the basis of a double CBR – cycle is developed. The model describes the process of self-development of young spouses through continuous training in complex problem situations

    Keywords: young family, life world, risk, cognitive modeling, model, precedent, adaptation

  • Effective organization of service requests using the example of a unified user support service for JSCo "RZD"

    Describes the process of processing applications single user support services (UPCS), jsco «RZD», presented the objectives of the project. Are the standard time for work performed in the UPS. A model for evaluating the timeliness of processing applications, UPS created users software package. Assess the appropriateness and timeliness of information from UPCS users. The smallest probability of timely information UPS during the day will be observed from 8.00-9.00 am on Monday and from 17.00-19.00 p.m. on Friday. The optimal number of service channels for the stated criteria for timeliness of processing applications is 7

    Keywords: information technology, UPS, ITSM, treatment, timeliness, processing, registration, circulation model UPS, channel services, ITC

  • Destruction of bridges as a result of flood disaster

    The article deals with the problem of the functional state of the bridge park in Russia. The statistics of the number of bridges, newly built bridges. Attention is focused on the inconsistency of old bridges with modern regulatory requirements for safety, carrying capacity, and carrying capacity. Noted on the relevance of flood impact on bridges and roads. The causes of occurrence are described. The problem of flood forecasting is highlighted. Examples of accidents of bridge structures from the effects of water flow are given: sediment, roll of supports and abutments, erosion of the embankment approach. Based on the situation in the city of Chita, the statistics of the frequency of flooding in different years are given, the critical levels of these disasters are indicated, and statistics on the consequences of the impact of the flood is given. The impact of the normative water flow is considered, and it is proposed to analyze the effect of the excess flow arising from the maximum level of bottling. Presents the results of calculations for which comparisons are made of various approaches to determine the depth of erosion of the channel.

    Keywords: bridges, flood impact, safety, bridge destruction, regulatory documents, erosion depth, water flow

  • Calculation of savings in operating costs by increasing the weight of trains on the railway section

    Abstract: the results of the analysis of existing and projected volumes of export cargo transportation in the freight-stressed areas of the Russian railway network to the ports of Azov-the black sea basin are Presented. It is established that the growth of traffic ahead of the development of the transport capacity of the studied railway directions. In this regard, foreign and Russian experience in the development of growing volumes of cargo transportation in terms of infrastructure constraints due to the organization of heavy train traffic has been studied. The measures of development of heavy traffic of trains are offered. The method of calculation of efficiency of the organization of heavy traffic on one of sites of the North Caucasian railroad is given.

    Keywords: Key words: export transportation, perspective volumes, infrastructure restrictions, ways of elimination, efficiency of heavy traffic

  • Assessment of level of horizontal communications of system components of life cycle of a product

    In article the connected hierarchical indicators of horizontal structural integration which define her global and private purposes that allows to solve problems of optimization of decisions at design of systems, planning and to operational management of system taking into account various external influences are formulated.

    Keywords: life cycle, life cycle of a product, model of life cycle, innovative activity, system engineering, entropy, law Eshbi, Shannon's formula, Hartley's formula

  • Solution of the problem of forming a distribution system under conditions of uncertainty

    The distribution center is one of the main elements of the distribution system, which forms the structure of the movement of resources. It is responsible for ensuring the efficient allocation of the flow of resources. The effective location of the distribution center allows you to reduce the cost of allocating resources to 30%. The method of solving the problem of effectively securing demand zones for a particular distribution center is proposed in this article. The uncertainty of the initial parameters is taken into account when solving this problem. The result of solving the problem of determining the effective location of distribution centers is a set of fuzzy intervals. These intervals determine the coordinates of the location depending on the parameters of the task, namely, the demand of consumers, the capacity of distribution centers, the distance between the resource consumers and the center. The location of the distribution center will be determined not by a specific numerical value, but by a fuzzy interval that will determine the region of the best location. A software application is developed that allows you to specify parameters in a fuzzy interval form, on the basis of which the results of solving the problem are formed. The cost of delivering resources to consumers changes significantly with the change in the number and location of distribution centers, so the issue of rational distribution and the number of centers is important. This task becomes especially relevant when a new distribution system is being designed, or the existing system is being modernized.

    Keywords: distribution centers, the demand, the uncertainty of the initial parameters of the fuzzy intervals, potential interactions, grouping

  • Analysis of known theoretical and experimental studies of the stability of the wall of a cylindrical granary

    The well-known theoretical and experimental investigations of the stability of thin-sheeted shells of cylindrical storages are analyzed in the article. It was investigated the following problems concerning the stability of the wall of a spiral-bound granary and a cylindrical granary with a smooth wall, compressed by friction forces of the grain and load from the roof; stability of the wall of the cylindrical shell of containers for liquid and bulk materials when creating a prestress in them.

    Keywords: stability calculation, wall stability, prestressing, internal lateral pressure, elastic rebound, cylindrical granary, grain friction force, load from the roof

  • Mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state of an elastic mass near a spherical cavity taking into account the technological heterogeneity of its mechanical properties

    It is considered a centrally symmetric stress-strain state of the rock mass near the underground spherical cavity taking into account the technological heterogeneity of the rocks of the near-edge region. The mathematical model was developed and analytical solutions were found for this problem. The technological heterogeneity of the elastic properties of the rock mass material was modeled by a radially inhomogeneous coefficient of elasticity at a constant Poisson's ratio. The variable coefficient of elasticity for heterogeneous rocks was approximated by a generalized polynomial with undetermined coefficients. On the basis of experimental data, a numerical calculation of the stress-strain state components for the problem was carried out, and characteristic effects were detected.

    Keywords: stress-strain state, rock mass with technological heterogeneity, underground spherical cavity, mathematical model

  • Increasing the competitiveness of the construction company, taking into account the main and specific factors

    investigated the concept of competition and competitiveness of construction organizations. Analyzed the main and specific factors of competitiveness of construction organizations. The ways to improve the competitiveness of construction organizations, taking into account the main and specific factors, are proposed.

    Keywords: competition, competitiveness, competitiveness improvement, competitiveness factors, construction organization

  • Development of a model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks

    A dynamic model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks is considered. Model include five level: the level of the wall thickness of the pipeline, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from pH, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from temperature, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from the oxygen concentration, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall the pipeline from the carbonate index. The composition of variables includes one level of state, thar characterize the process of thinning the wall of the pipeline due to internal corrosion, and four levels, that characterize the performance of network water. Six rates of changing of the physical indicators, that characterize the growth (dynamics) of the ongoing process, are taken into account. Four dependencies of influence are connect the subsystems of the complex into a single whole. The results of the evaluation of the dynamics of the pipe wall thinning process in the process of internal corrosion for a period of 1 year and 5 years presented. The software implementation in the Mathcad environment is considered.

    Keywords: dynamic model, internal corrosion of pipelines, corrosion of the heat network, corrosion factor

  • Computer simulation of interaction of silicate and phosphate additives by quantum chemical analysis

    This paper presents two methods of computer simulation (quantum chemical analysis and molecular dynamics) of the interaction of additives with the iron surface. Quantum chemical interaction of silicate and phosphate additives with iron surface was carried out. The plate model was used for quantum chemical analysis, calculations were carried out in the DFT approximation. The method of molecular dynamics is based on the calculation of the evolution of the system of interacting particles of atoms and molecules by integrating the equations of their motion. It is shown that the oxidation of the surface leads to a decrease in the adhesion energy of both individual additives and their combinations, allowing to find the influencing factors on the behavior of tribosystems.

    Keywords: lubricant, method, quantum chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Quality assessment and improvement of acoustic environment in a classroom

    Assessment of influence of speech intelligibility and reverberation time on the quality of acoustics Determination by theoretical method and computer simulation method of reverberation time in the modern audience and the audience, built more than 10 years ago. Determination of sound absorption coefficients of surface materials in both classrooms. Modernize of classrooms using wood fiber panels to increase sound absorption and reduce reverberation time. As a result, the reverberation time of the upgraded audiences has become less than one at all frequencies. This ensures good speech quality and efficiency of the educational process.

    Keywords: acoustics, classroom acoustics, reverberation time, speech intelligibility, sound absorption coefficient, computer simulation, wood fiber

  • Software implementation of automated annotation of documents

    The article provides an overview of the methods of automatic abstracting and annotating documents. The description of classification of methods of annotation and abstracting on various criteria is presented. The algorithm of automatic annotation is described in detail, the key step of which is the transformation of all words in the text into lemmas (lemmatization). The developed program sets the upper limit of the output annotation in order to avoid receiving the abstract instead of the annotation.

    Keywords: annotation, abstracting, lemmatization, algorithm, software implementation, database, text analysis