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  • Research of algorithms vibroacoustic diagnostics vehicles

    With the growing fleet's increasingly acute problem arises safety and reliability their exploitation as a result of this increase in productivity and accuracy of their technical diagnostics. Urgent task to further improve diagnosis for vehicles is to develop new methods and algorithms highlight the dominant component of the information in relation to a wide class of vehicles. The methods joint time-frequency and wavelet analysis. To isolate the dominant component of the information proposed to use the method of wavelet decomposition. Using vibro acoustic registration nodes vehicles funds allowed to receive signals carrying information about the defects of individual units of vehicles. The proposed decoding algorithms signals have high reliability, allow technical inspection, subsequent monitoring of the technical state of the vehicle. Using vibroacoustic registration of vehicles allowed nodes receive signals carry-ing information about the defects of individual units of vehicles. The proposed decoding algorithms signals have high reliability, allow technical inspection, subsequent monitoring of the technical state of the vehicle.

    Keywords: vehicle, vibroacoustic diagnostics, dominant information, time-frequency analysis, wavelet analysis

  • Economic aspects of diversification of thermal energy taking into account ecological requirements

    Reviews the basic contents of diversification of thermal power plants, which will contribute to improve environmental and economic performance in the industry.

    Keywords: diversification, enterprises of power industry, enrichment of coal, ash dumps, pollution, species blade, air pollution, ash, slag ash, secondary resources.

  • Synthesis and electrochemical characteristics of the new composite cathode material of LiMn2O4@LiCoO2 for lithium-ion battery

    The composite cathode material of the core@shell type with the LiMn2O4@LiCoO2 formula of has been successfully synthesized using the solid-state reactions in several stages. Its structure has been studied by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and vibrational infrared spectroscopy. Electrochemical investigation in two-electrode cell has been showed improvement of characteristics of the synthesized cathode material than the constituent components. The specific power of LiMn2O4@LiCoO2 is 650 mWh/g, against 450 and 500 mWh/g for LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4, respectively.

    Keywords: lithium-ion batteries, cathode materials, Delafosse, X-ray structural analysis, electron microscopy, electrochemical properties

  • Liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates, as a promising basis for technological processes of new nanocomposite materials

    The properties of the water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems: based on alkali metal polysilicates called liquid glass and chain their transformation from lower to higher oligomers, with the subsequent formation of colloidal solutions - silica sol. The methods of preparation, properties and applications of water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems. The possibilities of their use as a binder and modifying agents for various nanostructured composite materials. The examples of promising areas of application of liquid glass and high modulus of aqueous solutions of silicates in construction and industry. In particular show the possibility of using liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates in the production of nanostructured silicate polymer. In space engineering for manufacturing water-destructed mandrels used in the manufacture of solid rocket motor casings and pressure vessels 'cocoon' of composite materials by winding. The application of the inorganic sol to obtain a nanocomposite ceramics and monolithic blocks of silicon oxide, which can be used in various fields of modern technology. The possibility of using silica sol as a binder for refractory ultra-lightweight shielding materials used to protect equipment from high impacts. The directions of development of the production of new acid-resistant materials and linings for protection of chemical equipment, parts and components operating in corrosive environments.

    Keywords: Keywords: water glass, silicate polymer concrete, additives, silicates organic bases tetrafurfuriloksisilan, furfural alcohol, nanostructure composite materials, water-soluble silicates, silica sol, sol-gel transition, cured xerogel water-destructed mandr

  • Technique of optimization of tree cutting process via integrated machine

    The article suggests technique of optimization of tree cutting and skidding process via felling-skidding machines and felling-skidding-processing machines. The realization of this technique will allow reducing of time costs and raising of machine efficiency taking into account accessibility of stand cutting, relief features and technological working conditions.

    Keywords: integrated machine, cutting, tree, timber harvesting, skidding.

  • Local Atomic and Electronic Structure of the Fe dopants in AlN:Fe Nanorods

    Fe-doped AlN nanorods were studied by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy above the Fe K- and L2,3- edges. Theoretical simulations of the x-ray absorption spectra show that Fe atoms mainly substitute Al. A minor fraction of Fe interstitials or Fe-Al-N ternary alloy can be identified as well. Bader’s AIM analysis predicts that neutral substitutional FeAl defect is in 2+ charge state, though Al in pure AlN is in 3+ charge state.  Fe L2,3 absorption spectra and photoluminescence data indicate the coexistence of Fe2+/Fe3+ in AlN:Fe nanorods so different charge states of substitutional FeAl should co-exist.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Local atomic and electronic structure of nanostructured condensed materials for rechargeable current sources on the basis of V2O5/Fe/LiF nanocomposite within charge-discharge cycle

    In this paper we study of the local atomic and electronic structure of nanostructured condensed material for rechargeable current sources on the basis of 15mas.%V2O5/Fe/LiF nanocomposite within charge-discharge cycle. Principle component analysis (PCA) of the series of Fe K-edge spectra collected during 1 st charge showing the concentrations of the components Fe, FeF2 and V[FeV]O4. We found the changes in the V oxidation state from the analysis of the experimental Fe K- and V K- XANES spectra. Total and partial density of states of components are presented.

    Keywords: nanostructured materials for rechargeable current sources, dynamics of local atomic and electronic structures, XANES, DFT

  • Comparative study of the catalytic activity Pt/C and PtхNi/C materials in the oxygen electroreduction

    The catalytic activity of Pt/C and PtxNi/C electrocatalysts prepared by  borohydride methode was studed. It was established that the specific activity  of fresh prepared Pt3,7Ni/C  catalyst  in oxygen  electroreduction  reaction is higher in compare with Pt/C material. After treatment of Pt3,7Ni/C material in the hot acid  nickel in the surface layers of nanoparticles was dissolved and the composition of nanoparticles was changed to Pt5,6Ni. The electrochemical surface area of the Pt5,6Ni catalyst and specific activity was slightly decreased after corrosion treatment. 

    Keywords: platinum electrocatalysts, corrosion stability of the nanoparticles, fuel cells, X-ray diffraction, borohydride synthesis

  • Development of a universal database structure and properties of chemical compounds to build models "structure-property" based on heuristic algorithms

    The problems of building the architecture and design of the database structure for the storage of the structure of the chemical compounds and their analysis using heuristic algorithms
    Proposed the structure of the database that allows you to store information about the structure of chemical compounds with varying degrees of detail. This approach simplifies forming of the structural descriptors used to build models of "structure-property" based on the genetic algorithms.

    Keywords: database architecture, chemicals, data mining, heuristics

  • UV photodetector based on nanorods and zinc oxide films

    With the use of pulsed laser deposition and carbothermal synthesis а photosensitive structure on the basis of the Schottky barrier Au/ZnO(nanorods)/ZnO(film)/ZnO(nanorods)/Au was obtained. The parameters of the carbothermal method of synthesis of nanorods ZnO were optimized. Under directly applied bias of 7V current sensitivity of luminous flux for this photodetector is observed in the UV and visible regions of the spectrum, and is 0.14 A/W - for 325 nm and 0.18 A/W - to 405 nm, which means that this structure has the ability of potential applications in various fields for the control of UV radiation (for example, for the monitoring of solar UV radiation, control of UV radiation in air and disinfecting water devices).

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods, Schottky barrier, photodetector, photosensitivity

  • Catalyst-free thermal synthesis of ZNO nanocrystals from zinc vapor by low temperature

    ZnO nanorod arrays have been synthesized on silicon wafers by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique with different  temperature modes, without metal catalyst.  With this method   vertically aligned ZnO nanostructures  were grown at the quite low temperatures.  Modification of the method allowed to place silicon substrates in areas with different  ratios of concentrations of the molecules in the vapor phase. Photoluminescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy studies have shown that morphologies and optical properties of nanorods depends on different ratios of concentrations of the molecules in the vapor phase.

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods,chemical vapor deposition (CVD), photoluminescence

  • Pulsed laser deposition of ZnO nanostructures

    The arrays of ZnO nanorods were obtained on the sapphire substrates by means of pulsed laser deposition under the high pressure of argon. The conditions of synthesis were optimized, and their influence on the morphology of  ZnO nanostructures were revealed. It is shown that the concentration of oxygen vacancies in ZnO nanorods can be changed by regulation of the synthesis temperature from 850 to 915 °. This process can be controlled by the ratio of intensities of the photoluminescence emission in the visible and ultraviolet regions. So, it allows to create nanostructures for UV photodetectors or chemosensors depending on the temperature choice.

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods, laser deposition, PLD, photoluminescence

  • Computer simulation of visual grouping mechanisms selective to spatial modulations of contrast

    This paper outlines the implementation of computer model of second-order visual mechanisms that are specific to spatial contrast modulations, and represents the results of testing the model. Computer simulation is based on "Filter-Rectify-Filter" model with some important additions. The inhibitory parts of receptive field of simulated mechanism are non-selective to orientation and spatial frequency of texture elements. Texture modulated by orientation or spatial frequency does not reduce flank inhibition and does not activate the mechanism. Unmodulated texture  also does not cause activation of the filter because the flanking inhibition will be equal to or exceed the excitation. However, increasing the contrast in the center and reduction it on the flanks leads to the activation of the second order mechanism.

    Keywords: Second order visual mechanisms, image filtering, texture, spatial modulation, computer simulation

  • About research of the onboard integrated control system by aircraft with correction of coordinates

    The work is devoted to the study of algorithms of control subsystem as part of the integrated onboard control system of the aircraft and used in the final part of the trajectory. Algorithms of control subsystems are synthesized on the basis of the theory of optimized delta-transformations of the second order using the principle of the inverted pendulum on a cart. The studies based on the simulation using the developed software model, allowed to estimate as the impact dispersion, and the contribution to it of various subsystems.

    Keywords: terminal control, aircraft, on-board integrated control system, optimized delta transformation of the second order, autonomous short range radionavigation system, simulation, software model

  • Term of self-bearing fiber-optical cable electrical conductance. Experimental information

    In the article authors examine specificities of internal components behavior changing in fiber-optical cable under influence of strong variable uniform electromagnetic field. There are some process variations proposed for describing of obtained results.

    Keywords: fiber-optical cable, electrothermal degradation, kevlar, conductivity, open fiber-optical cable, partial discharges, water treeing