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  • Application of the combined bioinspired strategy (the genetic algorithm and the algorithm of bee colonies) for realization of cryptanalysis тне classical codes of shifts

    The cryptanalysis task with use of new model of optimizing strategy – the combined bioinspired algorithm is considered. Application of the combined bioinspired algorithm (a genetic algorithm and an algorithm of ant colonies) for realization the cryptanalysis of shifts codes is described. The description of the combined algorithm is provided, his distinctive features are noted, the demonstration example of realization the cryptanalysis the ciphered text line is described by this algorithm. In relation to this algorithm it is shown that the probability of receiving an optimal variant of the decision at realization of combined cryptanalysis algorithms can't be less probability of obtaining the optimal solution when using of the classical bioinspired algorithms.

    Keywords: Cryptanalysis, the bioinspired algorithms, genetic algorithm, algorithm of bee colonies, a crossingover, a mutation, the code of shifts

  • Resolving power of the rank detector

    An experimental study of the resolving power of the rank detector of single pulses was carried out. Experimental dependences of the probability of detection- resolution of two pulses on the time position from the delay between the pulse fronts-are obtained. It is shown that the probability of correct detection - resolution reaches the value P101 = 0.5 with a signal-to-noise ratio = 2 for a delay between fronts of about 9,7 μs, and for a signal-to-noise ratio of 4 with a delay between fronts of about 9,1 μs.

    Keywords: Rank detector, resolving power, probability of correct detection-resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, experiment

  • Prospects for the use of composite materials in the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

    Based on the analysis of published in the open press the results of a large number of scientific studies on the development of reinforcement methods for strenghtening reinforced concrete structures, the rationale for the need to apply and the prospects for the development of a new method for their enhancement associated with the use of composite materials is given. The actual directions of additional experimental studies are proposed with the aim of improving the regulatory framework in Russia in this area.

    Keywords: steel, concrete, reinforced concrete, composite material, strengthening, strength, reliability

  • On the issue of road safety assessment in case of emergency situations

    An approach to assessing the safety of road traffic in the context of emergencies is developed based on an integral indicator of traffic safety, the use of which allows taking into account various factors affecting safety

    Keywords: traffic safety indicators, emergency situation, traffic safety assessment, road, integrated indicators

  • Creation and investigation of the simulation model of a dynamic voltage distortion compensator

    Background: The quality of electricity is one of the main problems necessary for the normal functioning of responsible technological processes in which a slight distortion of the supply voltage can lead to a violation of the normal operation of enterprises. There are several solutions to this problem: uninterruptible power systems, fast automatic power reserve technology (FAPR), dynamic voltage distortion compensator (DVDC). The most interesting solution is the application of dynamic voltage distortion. Material and methods: The principles of constructing a dynamic voltage distortion compensator with multilevel voltage inverters are investigated. An imitation model constructed under the following assumptions is proposed: an ideal case of the main circuit system (without higher harmonics) is considered, the nonlinearity of the transformer is not taken into account, short-circuit currents are absent, only constant load power is used. Assumptions are justified by the fact that in practice their error is no more than 3-5%, which is permissible. The results are obtained by modeling the system in the MatLab 2016b package. Results: A fundamentally new structural and functional scheme of a dynamic voltage distortion compensator with a multilevel system is developed. The requirements for the dynamic compensator of voltage distortion, load, LC-filters, current-voltage transformers and a converter are determined. Simulation of the simulation model has shown that the system works and corresponds to the expected results. Conclusions: The proposed voltage compensation system will solve the problem of the normal functioning of technological processes. The simulation results showed that the declared functional of the DVDC provides compensation of the voltage level in a given range of voltage dips. The obtained results can be used to stabilize the power supply: in the power supply systems of medical institutions, electric transport, critical energy facilities of a high category.

    Keywords: Dynamic voltage distortion compensator (DVDC), automatic control system, operation modes of DVDC, model of the DVDC system, multilevel voltage inverter, simulation model, voltage distortion, volt-additional transformer, electric power, voltage failure

  • "Development of analytical methods of transformation and their application for space images processing "

    The research that results from the work presented is the means of transforming space imagery. A transformation method based on the use of projective geometry methods is proposed. A completed study of the proposed method for mathematical image and terrain models showed a high degree of accuracy and a number of advantages over traditional image transformations

    Keywords: Photogrammetry, transformations, cosmic images, projective geometry

  • Investigation of the stress-strain state of an eccentrically compressed rod of great flexibility

    The problem of formalizing the elastic line of a thin steel strip of great flexibility arose in the process of creating elastic elements with a nonlinear characteristic for use in various kinds of damping devices. Such elastic rods experience large displacements when the material operates within the elastic range, in particular when axial loading in the supercritical region, when the axial load exceeds the Euler force, but in the subcritical region the movements are not significant enough to obtain a regressive-progressive characteristic.The paper investigates the possibilities of softening the elastic characteristics under axial loading in the initial period by applying a rigid cantilever arm mounted on the end of the elastic rod with a vertical load applied to it. Simultaneously, the influence of the vertical force on the elastic characteristic of the circular trajectory is investigated. To formalize the stress-strain state of a thin steel plate of great flexibility, the method of elliptic parameters is applied. The resulting elastic characteristic actually has a regressive-progressive character. The results obtained using the ANSYS computation complex for a system with given geometric parameters correlate quite well with the theoretical dependences derived. It follows from the diagram that the eccentric compression of the elastic element forms a regressive part of the elastic characteristic, and the circular trajectory of the point of application of the vertical force forms a progressive section.

    Keywords: elastic line, thin strip, greater flexibility, formalization, off-axis loading, elliptical parameters, regressive-progressive characteristic

  • Complex influence of laser visual effects and sound on the functional activity of a human

    The work is devoted to research of influence of laser visual stimuli on the functional activity of man. The analysis of changes in the tempo of psychomotor activities in promoting human dynamic images of laser graphics. Stress is a state of severe and prolonged psychological stress, which occurs in a person when his nervous system gets emotional overload. Stress is an integral and constant companion of our life because the phenomenon of stress is inherent in every organism. The main objective is the minimization reasons, namely the negative impact of stress on the psychophysiology of the person, and therefore his health and functional activity, and the consequence - the effectiveness of his work, and therefore factors as personal performance of the employee and of the organization as a whole. Alternative to conventional drug and non-drug methods of preventing and dealing with stress, is audio-visual stimulation, which is based on the fact that music and color can have a strong influence on the brain.

    Keywords: psychophysiology of visual perception, light therapy, sound therapy, non-drug therapies, stress, health, medicine, optics, lasers, colors, lighting design, sound design

  • Building with a step skeleton in high-rise building

    It is studied problems of building of buildings with a difficult step skeleton. Prospects and economic efficiency of building of buildings of this kind are considered. One of perspective projects of this kind is in detail described. Building merits and demerits come to light.

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • Using of manganese-vanadium concentrate for intensification of vanadium-containing converter slag roasting

    A manganese-vanadium concentrate precipitate containing V2O5 and MnO2 is formed on the stage of wastewater ozone treatment in sodium technology of vanadium-containing converter metallurgical slag processing. Vanadium content of the slag changes between 4 and 15 % wt and manganese content changes between 62 and 75,5 % wt. The article examines influence of concentrate with 14,33 % wt V2O5 and 65,44 MnO2 % addition in slag-with-soda furnace feed to determine positive effect on the result of roasting. Vanadium content of the slag is 22,34 % wt expressed as V2O5. Roasting temperature is 850 °C, Na2O/V2O5 molar ratio is 0,5:1, the concentrate is added as 0,25; 0,5; 1,0 mass ratio on the content of soda in starting furnace feed. Degree of vanadium conversion in water- and acid-soluble compounds is increased. The most effect is provided on the process of interaction between vanadium oxides and spinels with sodium compounds with formation of water-soluble vanadium forms. The optimal addition of concentrate is 0,25-0,5 mass ratio on the content of soda. Increasing of concentrate content is not effective. Both manganese and vanadium contained in concentrate give positive effect. Concentrate addition can be recommended for existing industry regardless of type of alkali addition on the stage of roasting.

    Keywords: vanadium-containing slag, oxidating roasting with sodium, manganese-vanadium concentrate, increasing of vanadium yield, soluble compounds of vanadium and manganese

  • Prospects of a universalisation of architectural projects

    Prospects of a universalisation of civil-engineering designs of modern housing estates are studied. Possibility of erection of the multipurpose universal housing estates having a full infrastructure is considered. Questions of ergonomics, an aesthetics, economy and housing and communal services of ready object are studied

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • Monitoring the thermal efficiency of a regenerative air heater rvp-54

    The article discusses the methodology of assessing the technical condition of the regenerative air heater RVP-54 on power boilers Naberezhnye Chelny CHP on the basis of the results of the monitoring of the thermal efficiency. In article the algorithm of monitoring and evaluation of the thermal efficiency of regenerative air heater, allows in real time to compare actual performance with previous values and to eliminate the revealed violations.

    Keywords: Naberezhnye Chelny CHP, energy boiler, regenerative air heater RVP-54, technical condition assessment, commissioning and configuration, thermal calculation, temperature difference, heating surface, thermal efficiency, heat losses

  • Application of combined steel-concrete frame of high buildings

    The problem of erection of a combined frame in high-rise housing construction is studied. The issues of installation of structures, space-planning scheme of high-rise buildings. Organizational and economic ways of perfection of technology of high-rise housing construction are offered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures

  • A numerical method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations based on the metric algorithm

    The article describes the problems of mathematical modeling of large systems. Scientific novelty of the work consists in the implementation of a new numerical method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations. This method is based on a targeted random search and stochastic calculations whith using of cloud technologies.

    Keywords: system of linear algebraic equations, cloud computing, self-organization, metric

  • Developmentof a new model of thinking in the formation of labor potential

    In the article the problems of formation of labor potential as a factor determining competitive advanage in today s economy/ The authors listed serveral factors that affect the structure, composithion of the workforce and the basic elements of development of labor potential.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, human capital, competence, intellectual potential, labour potential