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  • An iterative method for solving a system of linear equations using wavelet filters

    The purpose and objectives of this work are the improvement of the quality of the iterative solution of systems of linear equations(SLAE). To achieve this in the method associated with multi-level wavelet decomposition of the vector of residuals. Calculations in Matlab mathematical package, has confirmed the adequacy of the proposed method and its capabilities in solving systems of linear algebraic equations.

    Keywords: the system of linear equations, wavelet transform, wavelet filter, preconditioning algorithm, algorithm, relative error, vector-function, packet decomposition, the norm of the vector, the condition number

  • Application of methods of genetic algorithms for creation of a great number of Pareto in problems of multicriteria optimization

    Article is devoted to consideration of methods of multicriteria optimization across Pareto. The methods using an optimality across Pareto on the basis of genetic algorithms are considered. The description of advantages of the SPEA and SPEA2 method in relation to other the most often applied VEGA, FFGA, NSGA methods is submitted, and also the comparative analysis of the SPEA and SPEA2 methods among themselves is given.

    Keywords: problem of multicriteria optimization, Pareto's great number, genetic algorithm, VEGA, FFGA, NSGA, SPEA

  • Nanostructured Composites Based on Interpenetrated Polymer Networks Nonisocyanate Polyurethanes Based on Cyclic Carbonates and Nanostructured Composites Part II

    Recent advances in chemistry and technology of nonisocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) materials based on cyclic carbonate oligomers are reviewed in this paper. Reaction of the cyclic carbonate and amino groups results in β-hydroxyurethane fragments with specific properties. Primary attention is given to the hybrid materials that contain epoxy and acrylic compounds, especially materials based on renewable raw materials. Hybrid organic composites comprising of silanes are also considered. An overview of the recent publications in this field is provided with a more detailed description of achievements by the authors and their corporate employees. The use of NIPU materials as coatings, adhesives, and foams is described.

    Keywords: nonisocyanate polyurethanes, cyclic carbonate oligomers, hybrid polymers

  • Social-psychological training as a method of optimization of social-psychological climate in group of staff of special divisions of power structures

    The article discusses the influence of socio-psychological climate office staff on success of professional activity of employees, their readiness to actions in extreme situations, on the stability of the personnel division. Based on the analysis of literature, we have highlighted aspects of studying socio-psychological climate, which allowed to develop a programme of training, aimed at optimizing the psychological atmosphere in the team. Analyzes the social-psychological climate of the team before and after training sessions. The results of the study allow us to consider socio-psychological training as a method of optimization of social-psychological climate in the team.

    Keywords: social-psychological climate, social-psychological training, unity, coordination, conflictness, relationship in collective, the relation to the management, satisfaction with professional activity

  • Complex programs and algorithms for the calculation of sediment transport and transport of multicomponent suspensions on a multiprocessor computer system

    The work contains the construction and software implementation of related software systems designed for mathematical modeling of processes occurring in coastal water systems. The space-two-dimensional model of sediment transport in shallow waters allows to forecast the dynamics of bottom topography changes by reason of the movement of water and solid particles, to take into account the porosity of the soil, the critical shear stress at which begins the movement of sediment, turbulent exchange, dynamically changing geometry of the bottom, wind currents and friction on the bottom. The mathematical model of motion of a multicomponent air, takes into account factors such as the transport of pollutants and heat; the effect of vegetation; change in the coefficient of turbulent exchange; water transfer from the liquid to the gaseous state and others.

    Keywords: multiprocessor computer system, grid equations, suspended solids, sediment

  • Subcultural features tattoo practice as a way to diagnose the social health of young people

    The article analyzes the characteristics of the tattoo practice as a way to diagnose the social health of today's youth. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that it can expand the number of non-verbal format manifestations of social health (along with social pathology, ill health).

    Keywords: youth, youth subculture tattoo practices, diagnostics, social health, youth subculture.

  • Zone electrophoresis. Numerical-analytical method for solving of applied problems in partial derivatives of first order

    Numerical-analytical solution of the problem of multicomponent mixture fractionation under action an electric field is constructed. This problem is known as the problem of zonal electrophoresis which extensively used in chemistry, medicine, and biology. Problem is reduced to study of the Cauchy problem for systems of hyperbolic type quasilinear equations in partial derivatives of first order. The proposed method is based on a generalized hodograph method, which allows obtaining an analytical solution of the problem in implicit form. Explicit form of the solution is recovered using the transformation of the Cauchy problem for system of quasilinear hyperbolic equations to the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations that are solved numerically.

    Keywords: electrophoresis, hyperbolic conservation laws, generalized hodograph method

  • Mathematical modeling and research of processes of interaction in a virtual environment. Problems and main topic

    The process of electronic on-Board documentation composition is discussed. Mathematic description of the process of electronic on-Board documentation composition is introduced. Main tasks of electronic on-Board documentation composition is formed. The way of solution of these tasks is suggested. The objective of the research project is formed and relevancy of this research is noted.

    Keywords: electronic on-Board documentation, tasks of electronic on-Board instructions composition, virtual simulators, operation plan, information field of documents, ontologies, mathematical models

  • Features of neural network modeling the inverse problem

    This paper investigates the possibility of applying neural networks to problems of reverse calculation of multi-layered road structure. The paper considers networks with different architecture. To improve the conditions of convergence are applied the back-propagation procedure with automatic selection step, different types of activation functions with varying parameters.

    Keywords: neural networks, inverse problems, polutorospalny predictor, the two-layer perceptron, the approximation of the activation function

  • Task analysis identification of the distribution law of random processes

    In the article the general analysis identification of the problem for the law of the probability distribution of the observed random process (structural-parametric identification and comparative analysis of modern methods of identification of probability distributions showed, that at the present time to solve this problem is widespread method of normalized range (R/S analysis). Use this method when selecting a parametric model of the probability distribution best fits the experimental results, and minimal assumptions about the process under study and sufficient stability analysis of time series describing the investigated process. Information analysis method normalized range allowed us to propose a modified method for identification of the distribution law of random processes based on the normalized range (R/S analysis), for which the expressions for the elasticity and conditionality.

    Keywords: diagnosis of technical systems, the method of normalized amplitude (RS analysis), method of Hirst, information analysis, the conditionality of the problem, the elasticity of the task

  • A mathematical model of load node with equivalent electroreceivers

    As part of the mathematical model of ship electrical loading unit with the equivalent power consumptions and compensating device connected to the non-ideal power source, the issue of identification of its parameters in order to reduce the duration of the voltage change in dynamic modes by generating capacitive reactive power in the load node.

    Keywords: Voltage fluctuations, reactive power, mathematical model, voltage regulation, load node

  • The formation of the fractal model magnetoplasma electrodynamic accelerator

    The article considers the problem of constructing a fractal model magnetoplasma electrodynamic accelerator. Modeling such a complex system is defined as the process of computing a generalized solution of the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation, describing real physical processes in hereditary (hereditarity) systems. The obtained Markov model, which determines the navigation system on multifractal sets of States along the trajectory of dispersal in a magnetoplasma electrodynamic accelerator, according to the research, is determined by the fractal dimension and the mathematical apparatus of generalized fractional derivatives of Riemann-Liouville. We have investigated the solutions of this equation, obtained after synthesis for fractional derivatives of Riemann–Liouville. The transition to fractional order derivative in time allows to take into account the temporal and spatial effects of system memory, processes in which processes are classified as "residual" memory, part of which is preserved, and the other part corresponds to irreversible losses.

    Keywords: magnetoplasma electrodynamic accelerator (ED), hereditary (hereditarity) model of the system, the equation of the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov, fractional derivatives of Riemann–Liouville

  • Construction of a physical model of the process of air pollution for cement plants

    The article analyzes the state of urban air. It proved the impact of cement industry on air quality. The article also analyzed the technological process of cement production. As a result, built carrying circuit material flows. Carrying circuit material flows determined that dust is highly polluting air environment, because the dust is released at each stage of production. Analysis of the cement production process has allowed to identify the main objects that are involved in the process of air pollution, as well as to establish their relationship. The result is a physical model of the process of air pollution. Further, on the basis of a physical model of the process of pollution, it is possible to construct a physical model of the process of reduction of air pollution.

    Keywords: the air of the city environment, the process of cement production, carrying circuit material flows, physical model, process air pollution, cement dust

  • A method of manufacturing ferroelectric ceramic based on lithium metaniobate

    The manuscript presents results of a study ferroelectric ceramic metaniobate lithium (PCR-61) which containing Li2O, Nb2O5 and CaO in the fallowing ratio, mass. % Li2O 10,03-10,10; Nb2O5 89,22-89,87; CaO 0,03-0,75. The most effective was the offset component in alcohol and air environments, which providing sufficiently high rate of sintering, the formation on their base high density ceramic with the most perfect crystal structure and microstructure of the equilibrium. Using the foregoing results the solid phase material was prepared by one-stage synthesis (SPS) for Tsint.1 = 820℃, τ = 5h. with followed by sintering by conventional ceramic technology (CCT) (without pressure) at a temperature Ts. = 1150℃, τ = 2h. After machining, the samples were polarized ("oil" polarization). The promising method SPS + CCT was presented. Material based on piezoelectric ceramics metaniobate lithium (PCR 61) was obtained by the SPS + CCT, close to the parameters of hot-pressed (HP) samples and can be used in electrical devices under the influence of ultra-high temperatures. The effectiveness of heterovalent modification as a method of directional changes in the properties of lithium metaniobate was shown.

    Keywords: ferroelectric ceramics, metaniobates lithium, solid-phase synthesis, conventional ceramic technology, the electrical properties, high temperature technology

  • Increase of technological reliability of preparation of details of mobile equipment for galvanic sedimentation of zinc coverings

    Zinc electrodeposits gained the distribution generally thanks to high protective properties. However it is possible to apply zinc electroplated coatings and at restoration of worn-out surfaces of details of cars. Thus zinc electrodeposits possess the high durability of coupling with a substrate that is pledge of long-term service of the details restored by zinc. Ensuring high durability of coupling of zinc electroplated coating with a basis possibly only at careful observance of technological process of preliminary preparation of a surface for sedimentation and directly the sedimentation. Some researchers suggest to estimate the received durability of coupling of a covering with a basis from the point of view of the theory of reliability. Technological reliability of process of preparation of details for galvanizing is meant as percent of the restored details, with a high durability of coupling. Process of preparation represents technical system in which operations act as elements. Reliability of technical system are defined by quantity and reliability of elements, their functional communication. And reliability of elements, is defined by technology factors and depends on quality of carrying out the previous operation. Refusal of any of elements causes refusal of all technical system. That is communication between elements of system consecutive and it is possible to apply the second theorem of probabilities according to which the probability of joint emergence of several dependent events is equal to work of probability of one of them on conditional probabilities of all others to it. It is necessary to understand change of reliability of an element in time as stability of reliability. For the purpose of improvement of technological process of galvanizing it is possible to perform operation of anode etching directly in galvanizing electrolyte. Thus the block diagram of preparation of a detail can be submitted as follows: machining; degreasing of surfaces of a detail Vienna lime; washing in cold water; anode etching galvanizing electrolyte; removal of products of etching from the covered surfaces and an exit to the mode; galvanizing.

    Keywords: case detail, restoration, repair, defect, resource way of restoration, car repair production