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  • Development of a service for posting a school schedule in a calendar application

    The article discusses the developed software application for synchronizing the class schedule in the Modeus system with other systems and various devices. The experience of creating a service that integrates the class schedule into the calendar application, ensuring the relevance of data and its availability to users is described in detail. The features of interaction with the Modeus platform are analyzed, including disadvantages such as unstable access and the need for manual data entry. Mechanisms for optimizing the schedule update using the iCalendar format are proposed, which allows automating processes and reducing the likelihood of errors. The results of implementing the developed application, its impact on improving the convenience of the educational process for students and teachers are presented, and the prospects for scaling the application to other educational institutions are considered.

    Keywords: curriculum, university, Modeus, SaaS, software agent, calendar, information board, iCalendar, BOOCO, educational process

  • Determination of the lower confidence limit for the hardness of a set of machine parts by the calculation method

    An algorithm for determining the lower confidence limit (NDH) for the minimum value of the hardness of a set of machine parts by calculation is developed. For processing of statistical data of the hardness measurements used a three-parameter Weibull distribution is offered. The transition from sample data to population data is carried out by the graphical method. According to the algorithm, NDH was found for the minimum hardness value with confidence probabilities p=0.9; 0.92;0.93;0.94.

    Keywords: hardness, machine parts, sampling, aggregate, lower confidence limit, graphic method, calculation method

  • Determination dominating set intuitionistic fuzzy graph

    In this paper, the concept of minimal intuitionistic dominating vertex subset of intuitionistic fuzzy graph was considered, and on its basis the notion of a domination set as an invariant of the intuitionistic fuzzy graph was considered. A method and an algorithm for finding all minimal intuitionistic dominating vertex subset and domination set were proposed. This method is the generalization of Maghout’s method for fuzzy graphs. The example of finding the domination set of the intuitionistic fuzzy graph was considered as well. The considered method and algorithm can be used to find other invariants, in particular, externally stable set, intuitionistic base and antibase of the intuitionistic fuzzy graphs.

    Keywords: intuitionistic fuzzy set, degree of belonging, degree of non-belonging, fuzzy relation, intuitionistic fuzzy graph, intuitionistic fuzzy graph of the first kind, domination set, algorithm, disjunctive member, adjacency matrix

  • Methods of accounting of passenger traffic and transport mobility of the population in Rostov-on-don

    The article investigates the process of organization of the public passenger urban transport of the city of Rostov-on-don and regularities of the process of organization of the public passenger urban transport of the city of Rostov-on-don, the relationship of the factors influencing this process.

    Keywords: preferential categories of passengers, passenger traffic, transport mobility, route network, public transport, regular passenger traffic, automated monitoring of passenger traffic

  • Advantages of application of population of final volume instead of selection for Veybull's distribution with three parameters

    The selective method of calculation because of the profitability is successfully applied several centuries. However when calculating non-failure operation in case of fatigue failures (often sudden) when there is a considerable sedate communication of m=10-15 for the supermulti-cycle field of loading between durability (hardness, an endurance limit) and the operating tension, decrease in the minimum resource of details will make 10-100 and more times. It turns out because of an unaccounted main part of population. In our example of 104-50=9950 pieces of such details, i.e. their potential refusals. Therefore for this case a selective method – the intermediate stage of calculations.

    Keywords: selection, fatigue resource, population of final volume, sedate communication

  • Solution of the problem of forming a distribution system under conditions of uncertainty

    The distribution center is one of the main elements of the distribution system, which forms the structure of the movement of resources. It is responsible for ensuring the efficient allocation of the flow of resources. The effective location of the distribution center allows you to reduce the cost of allocating resources to 30%. The method of solving the problem of effectively securing demand zones for a particular distribution center is proposed in this article. The uncertainty of the initial parameters is taken into account when solving this problem. The result of solving the problem of determining the effective location of distribution centers is a set of fuzzy intervals. These intervals determine the coordinates of the location depending on the parameters of the task, namely, the demand of consumers, the capacity of distribution centers, the distance between the resource consumers and the center. The location of the distribution center will be determined not by a specific numerical value, but by a fuzzy interval that will determine the region of the best location. A software application is developed that allows you to specify parameters in a fuzzy interval form, on the basis of which the results of solving the problem are formed. The cost of delivering resources to consumers changes significantly with the change in the number and location of distribution centers, so the issue of rational distribution and the number of centers is important. This task becomes especially relevant when a new distribution system is being designed, or the existing system is being modernized.

    Keywords: distribution centers, the demand, the uncertainty of the initial parameters of the fuzzy intervals, potential interactions, grouping

  • Research of communication of hardness with a flowability limit for reinforcing staly

    dependences of value distribution of hardness of an armature of the class A500C of different diameters are constructed. For determination of the minimum values the method of graphic transition from selective data to set is used. Calculation of the smallest values of hardness using the shift received in the analysis of set is carried out.

    Keywords: selection, armature, population of final volume

  • Industry 4.0 and road transport

    The system analysis of the main directions of the fourth scientific and technological revolution, called "Industry 4.0" in the field of road transport, is conducted in the article. The essence of the industry 4.0 is the development of the digital economy using cyberphysical systems, the Internet of things and large data. Applicable to road transport can be identified three areas: the creation of an unmanned vehicle, the development of technological support for the movement of trucks in the convoy, the development and implementation of "automobile Internet". At the same time, there are a number of technological, legal and ethical problems that hamper the large-scale development of a new generation of transport.

    Keywords: Industry 4.0, unmanned vehicle, Internet of Things, Cyberphysical systems, autonomous transport, cloud technologies

  • On the possibility of using only the extreme members of a sample for the solution of gamma percentage fatigue resource

    The method of calculation gamma percentage fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator. Using this method can most accurately determine the distribution of the extreme members of samples and the corresponding shifts of the Weibull distribution. It was found that to calculate the shifts do not have, you can use only the extreme members of samples.

    Keywords: reliability, probability, resource, sample, excavator

  • Review of ways of welding of elements of bodies of cars

    The review of ways of welding of elements of bodies of cars is carried out. Merits and demerits of spot contact welding and a way of welding with use of the high-concentrated power sources are considered. The processes which are taking place in a zone of a welded seam when using laser welding are in details considered.

    Keywords: metal welding, welded seam, laser welding

  • Research of influence of volumes of selections and populations of durability of details of cars on their resource

    Researches of hardness of various steel grades for the purpose of determination of density of their distribution and distribution of extremes of selections are conducted. Results of the received researches are used for definition of a resource of details with use of a graphic method of transition from selection to set.

    Keywords: selection, fatigue resource, population of final volume

  • Methods for evaluating the operational reliability of cars

    The study on the hardness of samples from steel ST3 and 15G. On the basis of the correlation equations obtained values of ultimate strength of the examined steels. With the application of the law of three-parameter Weibull distribution constructed density distribution and the resulting minimum value of ultimate strength. The obtained results are proposed to use to determine the value of the resource for load-bearing systems of vehicles.

    Keywords: reliability, lifetime, the hardness of steel, strength of steels, the endurance limit of steels, the Weibull law

  • Analysis of methods of resource conservation in the road transport complex

    The analysis of existing methods of water use when applied galvanic coatings in the automobile transport sector. It is established that under the existing schemes of water use in the galvanic production wastewater after cleaning goes into the sewer, keeping the risk of contamination of open reservoirs. In such circumstances, the most effective is the use of system of the closed water cycle, which with the help of automatic control allows to take into account changes in the concentration of substances laundered in the washing baths providing the required quality of washing parts with a minimum consumption of water resources.

    Keywords: water purification, electroplating system, the water cycle in the galvanic system

  • The method of economy of material resources at factories of the construction industry

    In the article the results of studying the experience of factories of the construction industry concluded that the production of products manufactured are loss of original building materials. The proposed method of elimination of losses and method of calculation of the amount of these losses. An algorithm is developed to determine the causes of losses, as well as recommendations on elimination of waste construction materials. The research results are recommended for practical application in the factories of the construction industry

    Keywords: method of saving material resources, factories, construction industry

  • Intelligent motion control of autonomous vehicles based on behavioral approach

    The purpose and objectives of this work is to develop methods for planning the trajectory of moving objects. Achieving the goals and objectives achieved by the development of the motion planner mobile autonomous robot based on fuzzy logic . With the software package Matlab simulation results obtained fuzzy scheduler works in an environment with unknown location of obstacles.

    Keywords: mobile robot, vehicle, planner, fuzzy logic, behavior, coordination, algorithm