The relationship between "old" and "new" concepts/metrics for quality assensing of statistical detection criteria and binary events classification is considered. Independence and consistency assessments of analyzed metrics relative to initial input data volume/composition are provided. Recommendations for the use of "new" metrics for assessing the quality of detection and binary classification events are clarified.
Keywords: Type I and Type II errors, accuracy, recall, specificity, F-score, ROC curve, AUC integral metric
The transport strategy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specific features of the country's transport system, requires the use of transport modeling when solving problems of carbon neutrality. The transport model solves multifaceted problems, including the forecast and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. The main principles of developing transport models are considered. A comparison is made of the NIIAT and EEA/COPERT methods most often used in calculating greenhouse gas emissions using transport models. The main requirements for the results of calculations using a mathematical model of transport flows are formulated.
Keywords: carbon neutrality, transport modeling, carbon neutrality, greenhouse gases, specific emissions, calculation scenario
The article is dedicated to the development of an automated system aimed at creating a program of works for the maintenance of road surfaces. The system is based on data from the diagnostics and assessment of the technical condition of roads, in particular data on the assessment of the International Roughness Index (IRI). The development of a program of works for the maintenance of road surfaces is carried out based on the analysis of the IRI assessment both in the short term and on the time horizon of the contractor's work under the contract. The system is developed on the principle of modular programming, where one of the modules uses polynomial regression to predict the IRI assessment for several years ahead. The analysis of the deviation of the predicted IRI value from the actual one is the basis for the selection of works included in the program. The financial module allows the system to comply with the budget framework limited by the contract and provides an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of planning by calculating the difference between the cost of road surface maintenance and the contract value. Practical studies demonstrate that the system is capable of effectively and efficiently planning road surface maintenance works in accordance with the established contract deadlines.
Keywords: road surface, automated system, modular programming, machine learning, recurrent neural network, road condition, international roughness index, road diagnostics, road work planning, road work program
One of the key directions in the development of intelligent transport networks (ITS) is the introduction of automated traffic management systems. In the context of these systems, special attention is paid to the effective management of traffic lights, which are an important element of automated traffic management systems. The article is devoted to the development of an automated system aimed at compiling an optimal program of traffic light signals on a certain section of the road network. The Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) traffic modeling package was chosen as a modeling tool, BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) optimization algorithm was used, gradient boosting was used as a machine learning method. The results of practical research show that the developed system is able to quickly and effectively optimize the parameters of phases and duration of traffic light cycles, which significantly improves traffic management on the corresponding section of the road network.
Keywords: intelligent transport network, traffic management, machine learning, traffic jam, traffic light, phase of the traffic light cycle, traffic flow, modeling of the road network, python, simulation of urban mobility
This article discusses several ways to determine the calculated lengths of steel columns in the plane of the frame. By analyzing existing techniques, the most successful method of selecting the calculated lengths for steel columns in a free multi-storey frame was determined. Taking into account the non-standard case of fastening crossbars to the considered section in the frame of the overpass, using the LIRA CAD PC, as well as the Crystal module (implemented in SCAD), the loss of stability of equally loaded elements in the most sensitive area is clearly shown.
Keywords: Euler's formula, loss of stability, coefficient of calculated length, calculated length, coefficient of stability margin, finite elements
This article discusses the automation of metrological ensure at manufacturing enterprises and in metrological laboratories with a special focus on innovative technologies, including the introduction of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems) and the use of calibrator standards. The functioning of automated measuring systems that implement pre-established algorithms for control and testing measuring instruments is considered. An analysis of existing solutions on both the domestic and foreign markets was carried out. In particular, the focus is on a meter designed for testing integrated circuits. The possibility of integrating these measuring systems with software at various levels is discussed, as well as the prospects for their use in mass calibration of measuring instruments. The use of automated measuring systems can significantly speed up the calibration process, eliminating the need for manual voltage regulation and thereby minimizing the influence of the human factor on the accuracy of measurements. The adaptive capabilities of the software are discussed, which allows the system to be used for various types of measuring instruments, such as ammeters and ohmmeters. The findings confirm that automation of calibration processes not only significantly speeds up this operations, but also ensures strict adherence to all procedures, which helps improve the quality and reliability of the resulting measurements.
Keywords: Measuring systems, verification, calibration, measuring instruments, , automation, voltmeter, verification procedure
This article discusses the main factors leading to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the support bases and the possible loss of stability of the offshore platform, which will entail emergency consequences. The impact of free gas in the upper sections of the soil and dynamic external loads on the safety of construction and operation of oil platforms has been assessed. Calculations for the bearing capacity of the pile foundation of the support bases of the SPBU Astra in the Caspian Sea, performed according to existing methods, were analyzed. The determination of the strength of the soil is carried out for the calculated support surface – the section of the column having the maximum area.
Keywords: geodynamic effects, bearing capacity, pile foundation, indentation depth, free gas
The problem of developing the architecture of a dynamic information security management system for an enterprise information system, based on the hierarchical organization of the management system, analysis of the state of the computer system in the information space, analysis of the spread of risk flow, as well as multi-agent organization of the processes of collecting, analyzing data and making decisions is considered.
Keywords: information protection, enterprise information system, security policy, information security management, risk analysis, zero trust architecture, multi-agent technologies, neural network forecasting
The features of designing security systems based on the zero trust model are considered. The problem of developing security policy patterns is considered. The problem of choosing the points of application of the security policy based on the analysis of the risk flow is discussed. An example of a security pattern in the DRAKON language is given.
Keywords: information security, zero trust architecture, enterprise architecture, security policy patterns
This scientific article examines the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the textile industry with an emphasis on the automation of the design of weaving weaves. The article discusses research and approaches using neural networks, genetic algorithms, deep learning methods and computer vision to create, optimize and analyze weaves. The main attention is paid to the comparison of existing software solutions that allow automating the design process and significantly improving its productivity, accuracy and quality. The importance of integrating AI and machine learning into the textile industry is emphasized, as this opens up new opportunities for automating processes, improving product quality and increasing the competitiveness of the textile industry at the global level.
Keywords: automation, modern systems, design technologies, computer-aided design, information systems, software, fabric drawings, computer-aided design of weaving patterns, innovations in the textile industry, process optimization, digitalization
To optimize the life cycle of information systems, the design uses abstract models that describe the main elements of the system architecture. Zero trust architecture is a new concept of information security that takes into account the remote format of employee access to the assets of an enterprise information system. The main features of zero trust architecture are considered.
Keywords: information security, enterprise information system, zero trust architecture, security policy
This article discusses the use of universal adversarial as well as to improve the effectiveness of protection systems against robots and spam. In particular, the key features that need to be taken into account to ensure an optimal level of protection against robots and spam are considered. It is also discussed why modern methods of protection are ineffective, and how the use of universal adversarial attacks can help eliminate existing shortcomings. The purpose of this article is to propose new approaches and methods of protection that can improve the effectiveness and stability of protection systems against robots and spam.
Keywords: machine learning, clustering, data recognition, library Nanonets, library Tesseract
Air pollution in urban areas contributes to the development of various diseases among the population. In this connection, its environmental monitoring is relevant. Goals and objectives. The aim of the study was to study the redox potential of aerosols in the residential area of the village. Kuporosny (Volgograd, Sovetsky district) (experimental area) in comparison with the conditionally clean zone. The objectives of the study were to select aerosol particles in the leaves of apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca L.); preparation of aerosol suspensions from the leaves of apricot trees; study of the ORP of aerosol suspensions when they are infused for 5 minutes in distilled water; discussion of the obtained results. Methods. Leaves of apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca L.) in the amount of 10 pcs. placed in a glass dish, added 100 ml. distilled water, stirred them for several minutes with a glass rod to wash the particles from the surface of the leaves. As a result, aerosol suspensions were obtained, in which the ORP was studied. The ORP value was measured using electrochemical equipment (SevenCompact pH meter S220, manufacturer: Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Switzerland). Results. Established air pollution residential area in the village. Vitriol based on low values of the redox potential (Eh=30.03+0.27 (mV)) compared to the conditionally clean zone (Eh=140.83+0.81 (mV)). Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the predominance of recovery processes in the atmosphere of the residential zone of the village. Vitriol, the deterioration of its oxygen regime and the development of environmental risks for the population living there. In this connection, it is required to establish sources of pollution and develop appropriate environmental measures.
Keywords: aerosols, redox potential, environmental monitoring, residential areas, atmospheric air pollution
Acidic impurities in the atmospheric air pose a certain threat to human health and contribute to the development of various diseases among the population, which is an urgent topic of research. The acidity of aerosols in the residential area of the village was studied . Vitriol (Sovetsky district, Volgograd), located in the zone of operation of industrial enterprises (tannery, production of building materials, etc.) for the spring-summer period of 2022. The selection of aerosol particles was carried out using passive monitors - leaves of apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca L.) in the green infrastructure of the residential area of the village. Vitriolic. The study of the acidity index indicated the absence of acidic impurities in the atmospheric air of the residential zone, which corresponds to the normative values (pH = 5.5-6.5), (according to Svistov P.F., 2010).
Keywords: aerosols, environmental monitoring, residential areas, acidic impurities, pH
"This article describes the application of the ontological approach to the creation of an intelligent system of recommendations in the work of military recruitment committee. A popular and perfectly proven approach to describe and represent knowledge is ontologies. Designing knowledge-based systems is impossible without a thorough systematic study of the subject area in which the problem is to be solved. The result of systems research should be represented by the formalism best adapted for further implementation. Ontology is such a formalism, and this article discusses approaches to the formal representation of ontologies as the most important mechanism of knowledge engineering. Conceptually, ontology design processes are similar to those with multi-agent systems. In this case, nodes or agents connected to each other materialize our knowledge of the problem solution. An agent is comparable to the notion of an entity in an ontology. In both cases, an ontology graph is used. The Protégé software platform was chosen as one of the most popular development tools to implement the ontology ""Military Recruitment Committee"". An important factor is the support of SWRL, which is necessary for the future development of the project. In the process of ontology design, three main branches of entities were identified: questionnaire data; medical data; psychological data. Based on the results of the logical inference, a recommendation (advice) is formed regarding further decisions (actions) on working with a conscript. The SWRL is used to create rules for checking the set of properties for each conscript, on which a verdict is made. If necessary, the system will explain its actions. As a result, a preliminary ontological graph of the investigated domain in the OWL language is made. Implemented some software modules. Conducted a logical inference on the Protégé platform based on the description in SWRL language of the rules reflecting the impact of the set of entities of the ontology on the inferred recommendations."
Keywords: ontology, knowledge management, Protégé, knowledge-based systems, advisory systems, military recruitment committee